Confused, Clark used X-rays on the church and wanted to take a picture of the church, but found that the X-rays were impenetrable and could not be photographed!This surprised Clark very much. At present, the only thing that can block X-rays is lead, but all the houses in this slum area can be made of lead, and no one knows that he can't see through lead, so he specially cast a house with lead. house.

Then there is only one truth!Someone in this house blocked his see-through eyes, and someone managed to block his own eyes!

Thinking of this, Clark became excited. In his opinion, people with such superpowers must know their own backgrounds, and even belong to their own tribe.

With excitement, Clark followed Thor and walked into the church together.

It was night at this time, there was no one else in the church, only Amakusa, and all the other servants went out to play. In a place like a big city, the nightlife is more abundant than during the day, and the servants are not saints, so they all go out to play at night Oh, and Amakusa will never restrict them, they can play wherever they like, as long as they are safe and don’t take the initiative to cause trouble, it’s OK, just like the three Gorgon sisters, since they were summoned, they have been playing, never Have done any serious business, Achilles is also, go out for a walk with Atta at night, especially Atta, the favorite place to go is the orphanage, she will buy a lot of things to the orphanage for those children, as for buying Amakusa gave part of the money for the things, and the bigger part came from some gangsters or criminals who committed crimes in Gotham City. They are much more efficient as vigilantes than Batman. The criminals who are caught basically have no possibility of committing a second crime in person.

Therefore, at night, the servants who don't need to sleep will run around, and Amakusa will guard the house alone.

"Father Amakusa, I brought someone here."

Entering the church, seeing Thor of Amakusa with a happy face, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Your Highness Thor, there is no need to make such a loud voice, I can hear it."

Amakusa turned around slowly, with helplessness on his face.

"Father Amakusa, I'll bring you back a man who, like Karna, can shine with his eyes!"

Um? ?

Amakusa hadn't looked at the people behind Thor, but when she heard Thor say this, she was stunned for a moment, what the hell was the glowing eyes, that's called eye cannon!A high-end form that emits magic power!

However, Thor actually found a person in Gotham City who can emit light from his eyes. This is a bit interesting. How many people in the DC world can emit light from their eyes?

Amakusa looked at the man behind Thor with curiosity, and then he was stunned.

Although Amakusa doesn't remember Clark's face very clearly, he can recognize it at a glance. If you want to ask why, it is naturally the particularly recognizable hairstyle and buttocks and chin!

Superman's iconic hairstyle, as well as the iconic butt and chin, are so symbolic that it's hard to forget. You may forget the details of Superman's face, but his discovery and chin can't be mistaken.

Therefore, Amakusa immediately confirmed Clark's identity, but the question is, why is this Superman wearing armor and a cloak behind him, which looks like...

Wait, hammer?

Amakusa saw that Clark was holding a hammer in his right hand, and that hammer was Thor's Hammer of Thor!

Amakusa immediately understood what was going on, Thor's Hammer was picked up by Superman, so, now Clark is Thor Superman?

Amakusa also took this to understand why Thor came to him in such a hurry, because his hammer was taken away.

Chapter 95. Fooling the Young Superman

"Welcome, Son of Krypton."

Facing the superman who turned into Thor at this time, Amakusa was very polite, anyway, he is usually like this, and he treats everyone the same.

"You know my identity?"

Clark was a little surprised when he heard Amakusa's words, because Amakusa said something about the son of Krypton, not a young man like others, a tramp or something, which is an obvious identity designation.

"Yes, I know your identity."

Looking at this immature appearance, it should be a young superman who has not yet discovered his identity, and has not even fully developed his own abilities. Very good!This timing is very good!

Clark's performance made Amakusa understand that this young superman can be fooled!

Batman made a Justice League. There are six people in the movie, but in fact, all of them are Superman alone in C. Superman has five legs and fights an Apocalypse. Superman is all alone, although Wonder Woman is also half A C, but Wonder Woman always has a limit, that is, the earth circle is powerful, and it is a bit difficult to leave the earth circle.

If you fool Superman to your side now, then the Justice League will be interesting at that time. Without the main C, the combat power of the Justice League will plummet. As for how much it will drop, the frontal combat power will drop by at least half!

"Are you my family? Is that Karna also my family?"

Clark was very excited. He finally found someone who knew his background. He passed Thor directly and came to Amakusa.

"I am not of your race. As for Karna, although Karna can also attack with his eyes, he uses magic power, which is different from yours, so he is not of your race either."


Clark was a little disappointed. He originally thought he had found a fellow-clan, but it turned out not to be, but after thinking about it, Amakusa said just now that he knew his background.

"Then my background."

"No problem, I can tell you."

Amakusa smiled and nodded in response.

"You really know?"

"Yes, I have some special abilities, and I can know many things, such as your affairs."

"Then, please wait a moment."

Amakusa raised his hand and shook, the door of the church was closed, and the lights of the whole church were dimmed.

Switch hands, shake again, and the church begins to light up.

Marvel's magic is really easy to use. It can be used not only to fight and open doors, but also to perform illusions.

With the shaking of Amakusa's hand, a star map in the universe appeared above the church, and one after another nebula projection appeared.

"In this universe, the place where human beings live is called the Earth, which is located in the solar system in the Milky Way."

As long as people on Earth know the basics of geography, if Amakusa says it, they will understand it.

"In the universe, there is an organization that divides the universe into more than [-] sectors, and each sector is assigned a manager. The cosmic monsters that appeared above Gotham City before were monsters attracted by the managers. Then He was wiped out by us."

"Correspondingly, almost on the other side of the diagonal of the universe, there is a planet called Krypton. The people living on this planet are Kryptonians. They have very advanced technology and very powerful force. They It can even be called a fighting nation, with powerful technology combined with powerful force, making them invincible in the universe, establishing many colonies and outposts, and developing many planets."

With Amakusa's explanation, a green planet was enlarged in front of Clark and Thor.

"But after experiencing a series of expansions, one day they suddenly began to shrink their positions, abandoning all the colonies and outposts outside, and shrinking all of them to Krypton to maintain their own peace and prosperity."

"But the good times don't last long."

Under the control of Amakusa, the green Krypton began to turn red, as red as magma.

"Krypton's energy has been over-exploited, the core of the planet began to decay rapidly, and the planet became unstable. Someone discovered this situation, and they began to try to change it. One of them was a scientist, and the other was a general. A coup d’état to change, and scientists want to take the hope of Krypton away from Krypton, so that the last hope of the planet can live on.”

The red Kryptonian split and exploded under the control of Amakusa, and the entire church was filled with red light.

"The general failed. He didn't have time to save it. Krypton was destroyed, but the general and his men escaped and became exiles. The scientist succeeded. He made Krypton's last hope, his son, just A baby child, left the planet before the planet exploded, took a small spaceship, and flew towards the depths of the universe."

At this point, Amakusa waved his hand, put away all the special effects, and looked at Clark with a smile.

"So, I'm the scientist's son, right?"

Having said that, Clark would be a fool if he didn’t understand. His adoptive father told him that he fell from the sky in a spaceship, so the scientist’s son who left in a spaceship was him!

"Clark Kent, this is your name on Earth, and you, the son of Krypton, are called Kal-El."

After the story was finished, the lights in the church were turned on again, and the illusion created by the magic quickly disappeared, and the previous situation was restored.

"So, I'm a Kryptonian sent to Earth for refuge by my own parents?"

Clark was a little bit lost. Although he knew his identity, he was disappointed that he ended up with such an identity after living on the earth for so many years. Even though he had some thoughts in his heart, he was still very disappointed when he really knew. .

The corners of Amakusa's mouth raised slightly. This is when Superman doubts himself, and it is also the best time to fool and guide.

"You are not a pure Kryptonian, you are a child of Krypton and a child of the earth, you have the blood of Krypton, but you grew up on the earth, and you have the concept of good and evil of the people of the earth, so you are Kryptonians are also Earthlings."

"Am I considered an Earthling?"

"That's right, you count."

Facing the somewhat dazed Clark, Amakusa stretched out his right hand.

"You, me, us, and everyone else in this city outside the church are considered Earthlings, because you grew up on Earth and lived on Earth, and you have long been a part of Earth."

"Your biological father, Jo Al, sent you to the earth, and also hoped that you would take the last of Krypton and live happily on the earth, and at the same time use your power to guide the earth and prevent the earth from committing crimes. Same mistake as Krypton, you are the hope of your father and Krypton, as well as the hope of our planet."

"Thank you!"

Amakusa's words enlightened Clark. Clark put down the hammer in his hand, stretched out his right hand, and held Amakusa's right hand together.

"You're welcome. As a priest, it's what I should do to enlighten a confused person. If you don't know what to do next, you can stay with me. I will provide you with some help and maybe accept you. The choice to come down has helped, and there are some people living here who are like you, although they are not Kryptonians, but they also have great power, for example, this Thor next to you."

Looking at Thor, whose face turned black, Clark nodded.

"Then excuse me, I just haven't found a place to live yet."

Having said that, Clark finally smiled.

Chapter 96. Deadpool is Targeted

What Clark is worried about is that he has very powerful power, but the people around him don't. This makes it easy for him to expose his ability and hurt others while exposing his ability, especially the people around him. Fear yourself.

Since he was a child, his adoptive father told him to hide his abilities instead of showing them. For this reason, he even watched his adoptive father being taken away by the tornado, and could not save him.

But now, he doesn't need to worry, because in Amakusa's church, there are many people who also have special powers. Although they are not the Kryptonians in Amakusa's mouth, they all have various abilities, which gives Clark the feeling that , although they are not clansmen, they are of the same kind.

Therefore, at the invitation of Amakusa, Clark chose to stay in Gotham City, and stayed in Amakusa's church. On that night, Amakusa introduced Clark to the servants in the church, together with Thor who was transformed into a servant. , Everyone is a character related to mythology, which makes Clark very interested. After all, he has read a lot of extracurricular books and knows some related mythological stories.

I originally thought that only I was special, but now I suddenly realized that although I am an alien, there are also a bunch of magical characters on the earth, which is very interesting.

Under Amakusa's flickering and the attraction of a group of servants, Clark not only stayed, but even joined the Thunder God Clan and became a member of the Thor Clan. Everyone was very happy, except for Thor, who felt that his status Falling down again, he was too hard.

For the Superman of the DC movie universe, Amakusa feels different from other supermen. Although they are all great supermen on the earth, the superman linked by DC is not the same as the previous superman admired by the whole world. The taste of superman here are different.

As the son of the scientist Jo Al, Jo Al looks down on the Earthlings, because he feels that the Earthlings are relatively backward and need human guidance, and his son Karl Al is the most suitable choice to guide the Earthlings , he hoped that Karl-El could guide the people on Earth, and that Karl-El, who possesses superpowers, would become the god of the people on Earth.

It's just that in the end, Kal-El, that is, Clark, chose to live with humans and lend a helping hand when humans were in trouble, instead of being a god of trouble.

Now, Amakusa has fooled Clark into his church, so further work needs to be done, for example, to erase Clark's old father, Joe Al. He doesn't want Joe Al, that lazy scientist, to Clark said that there are some things that you don't have, spiritual mentor, one is enough for yourself.

Amakusa remembers that in the plot, there was a spaceship staying at the North Pole. It was a spaceship sent by Krypton [-] years ago on earth time. But because the earth’s environment was not good at that time and it was relatively remote, the earth was abandoned. That The spaceship was also left here. Anyway, Krypton was rich at the time. From the plot, it can be seen that General Zod was exiled and they all used high-end spaceships.

Amakusa needs to find this spaceship first, and then get rid of this spaceship. Let Clark keep the key of the Al family as a necklace.

It's just that Amakusa is not good at finding things, and it is impossible for Amakusa to stay in the North Pole all the time, but it doesn't matter, because someone under Amakusa can help find the spaceship.

The high-level military was controlled by Amakusa, and the high-level military was notified directly through the Soul Stone, so the US military satellites began to scan continuously in the Arctic region. It is believed that relevant information will be found soon, and in order to prevent information Leaked, this time, there will be no soldiers running out to chat in the bar, once they are found, they will be charged with treason.

The U.S. military immediately mobilized, and because it was a secret mobilization, no one knew this time, not even Clark's future wife, Louise, who had only entered the Daily Planet at this time.

But someone still knows, Justice League!

When Superman entered the church, Batman focused his attention there for the first time, and then he clearly saw the whole process of Amakusa's demonstration to Superman through the hidden camera. The magic projection screen made Batman's eyes see Straightforwardly, especially with Amakusa's commentary, the destruction of a planet is truly presented in front of Batman and the rest of the Justice League.

They didn't expect that in their own world, it doesn't matter if there are mythical characters, and aliens came, oh no, aliens have appeared before, that huge monster that fell from the sky, fortunately, it was solved by Karna Lost.

After knowing that Amakusa controlled the military, the Justice League has been staring at the military, especially Batman's hacking ability is very good, so when there is news of the super encrypted network inside the military, they immediately paid attention, there is no way , the so-called military encryption, for some protagonists, is like a folder of their own computer, which can be entered and exited at will.

After the military's actions were discovered, Batman immediately felt that Amakusa asked the military to do it. There must be some ulterior secret behind this incident, especially in the Arctic region. There must be something hidden. It's a pity Now that the Bat fighter is broken, it is not easy to pass, so we can only wait in secret, waiting for the military to find out, and then they will get information from the military.

However, there is another guy who makes the Justice League equally nervous, and that is Deadpool.

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