Whether it was Batman's kick on the calf or the knee hitting the ground, it was very painful. Most people would scream crazily after being kicked like this.

But Deadpool just yelled, and immediately turned to look at Batman.

"That's it?"


Batman's reaction to Deadpool was a little dazed, what is this, don't you think this is not enough?

"I don't think you are working hard enough, Baiteman, you can use a little more force, it's okay, don't pity me, use it to pamper me!"

Originally, Batman wanted to continue kicking Deadpool, but after Deadpool said this, he didn't want to kick him anymore, because he felt that Deadpool was too disgusting, and if he continued to kick him, he would be disgusted too.

"Arthur, come on."

Batman The Bachelor handed the matter over to Aquaman.

"No, I refuse, you should come."

However, Aquaman also refused.


Deadpool forcibly used his disgusting mouth to make the Justice League not want to attack him.

Chapter 101. Why don't we put him in the Arkham Asylum

In order to teach Deadpool a lesson, Batman finally chose to seal Deadpool's mouth and beat him up!

That's right, I just wanted to beat Deadpool up, and didn't consider other possibilities. As for getting usable information from Deadpool's mouth, I'm sorry, I don't have that plan anymore, unless Deadpool himself is willing to grow old. To be honest, anyway, Batman wouldn't take the initiative to ask, he just beat him up, no matter what he wanted to say, he beat him up first.

Beat Deadpool, make sure that Deadpool is attacked by an attack that even Batman needs to rest for a long time before he has the strength to speak, and then stop. In this way, Deadpool should not have the strength to speak, and then tear up The seal on Deadpool's mouth was opened, but the result is that Deadpool can still be crazy about BB.

Batman began to suspect that it was a mistake for him to bring Deadpool back. He originally wanted to bring him back so he could learn something, but now, let alone getting some news, this guy is simply a shit-stirring stick, and no one wants to touch him. , Whoever touches it smells bad.

But now, Batman has touched it. As the saying goes, it is easier to invite God than to give it up, but now it is really difficult for him to give it up.

Looking at Deadpool, whose hands and feet were tied and his mouth sealed, but still pushing back and forth like a maggot, he felt a headache.

"What does this guy do now?"

"Kill him, he is too annoying."

Aquaman didn't hesitate, he clenched his trident tightly, as long as Batman agreed to this, he would strike directly without saying a word.

"No, don't kill him, hand him over to the police station and let Chief Gordon come to him."

Although it is said that Deadpool killed some gangsters during this period, the police station also has to control the life and death of gangsters. After all, people who can kill gangsters are definitely not ordinary people. If such ruthless people have been wandering outside Gotham , it’s definitely not good, so hand it over to the police and arrest it,

"I'll advise Gordon to put him in Arkham Asylum."

"Arkham Asylum, where is that?"

Neptune is a little puzzled, that place sounds like a mental hospital, can it pay attention to criminals?However, there seems to be no problem with Deadpool being locked up as a lunatic in a lunatic asylum, just whether it can be locked up.

"Arkham Asylum can also be called a prison. It's a special prison. It's okay to pay attention to him. He doesn't have any special abilities. It's much easier to lock him up than other criminals."

"Okay, listen to you, just get him away quickly, or I can't help poking him to death."

Don't doubt, although Neptune is generally a gentle person, he really can't help stabbing Deadpool with his trident. Although in his opinion, this is stabbing to death, Deadpool will not be killed. Simply poke to death.

"I'm going to get the car ready."

Batman didn't say much. He turned and left to prepare the Batmobile. He wanted to deliver Deadpool to Director Gordon and let Gordon judge him.

And Aquaman was not idle, taking advantage of Batman going out to prepare the Batmobile, Aquaman walked to the side of Deadpool who was arching like a maggot, and hit Deadpool's head, knocking Deadpool unconscious past.

When he came, Deadpool was knocked out, and when he left, he would naturally walk away, otherwise he would be in trouble if he knew the location of the Batcave, which is now the base of the Justice League.

After a short operation, Deadpool was dragged by Batman to the door of the police station in the Batmobile, and then thrown directly. The people inside the police station immediately noticed the movement outside the door, and brought people down to drag Deadpool away. Going up, I haven't seen Batman come forward for a long time, and the policemen in the police station were a little dazed for the first time.

"Batman hasn't appeared for so long, but now he suddenly appeared. What do you think he has been doing during this time?"

"I don't know, maybe he's gone on vacation?"

"Why wasn't it defeated by the Thunder Gods as in the legend."

"But didn't the Thunder Gods say that they kill without batting an eyelid? The gangsters killed by the Thunder Gods either disbanded and ran away, or they were killed directly. There was no one alive. If they defeated Batman, Batman should have been killed by now."

"Could it be that Batman really went on vacation? Thor has become the biggest gangster in Gotham, gangsters are fighting everywhere, there are even aliens invading, and there is a person who can shine with his eyes in Gotham, So many weird things going on in Gotham, but Batman is out on vacation?"

After the police officers analyzed it, they found that they did not believe that Batman would go on vacation.

"If you say that, it is indeed the case."

"Forget it, whatever happened to Batman, we just have to follow along anyway."

Ordinary cops in the police department are just regular people, they don't even come to work, Gotham cops, what do you tell them about police duties, sorry, that doesn't exist, they just want to take a good gun and then I can go home safely at night, rest, drink and sleep.

Therefore, they are satisfied if they can take it easy and not affect their lives.

Bring the stunned Deadpool into the police station. Chief Gordon is not in the police station at this time, so the police officers called Gordon, and then the next thing to do is to wait.

During the waiting period, the police officers had nothing to do, and when they had nothing to do, they began to think about whether they should see what Deadpool looked like.

Because Deadpool, who was lowered by Batman, had a hood on his head, and his hands and feet were tied up again, so he couldn't move at all. Even if he wanted to move, he could only move around like a maggot. What's more, he was still knocked out now, and he didn't wake up.

Best way to deal with Deadpool, just got it, knock him out!In this way, you don't have to worry about being annoyed to death by the other party's mouth.

"Shall we see what this guy looks like?"

"You want to see it?"

"Don't you want to see it? Like Batman, always wearing a mask, no one knows what he looks like."

"If you say that, I really want to see what Batman looks like. As for this person, I'm not interested."

"Okay, if you don't look at it, I'll look at it."

"Okay, I'll come too."

The two police officers who were responsible for dragging Deadpool in and guarding them couldn't help turning Deadpool who was lying on the ground over because of curiosity, and then pulled him up and put him on a chair. One of them reached out and pulled Deadpool's headgear They took it off because they were curious what this guy that Batman threw at him looked like.

It's just that when they took off Deadpool's hood and saw Deadpool's face, their expressions immediately changed.

"Oh my God, how can this man's face be so ugly."

"Yes, it's like a rotten avocado, my God, I almost vomited up my dinner tonight."

Clearly, they've been taken aback.

Chapter 102. Deadpool: Let me tell you, Batman is Bruce Wayne

"Actually, Betterman caught the wrong person. I'm just an ordinary citizen. I usually like to listen to music, yes, Justin's rock music, and then eat some high-calorie food. After all, I can't eat anything more expensive. From now on, you can only live on hamburgers and pizza."

"Oh, you said that this dress is actually made by myself. I used it to imitate my cousin Death Knell, Death Knell, he is my cousin, he is a very powerful killer, and he was targeted by him I have never missed a single goal, isn't it so cool!"

"You haven't heard of it? It seems that my cousin has never been to Gotham before. Could it be that my time is wrong? No, maybe it's a version problem. After all, this is the Justice League, just like the Avengers. It’s the same as joining a superstar like me, they are a small exclusive group, and the Justice League is also, if you let a superstar like me join, they will have no chance to play, because I will take away all their brilliance.”

In the small cell in the police station, Deadpool continued to explain, while outside the cell, two guarding police officers, each holding a cup of coffee, chatted with Deadpool while drinking coffee with a smile.

Super fun!

For the police officers, this guy whose face is as ugly as a rotten avocado is more interesting than imagined. Originally, they thought it was a heinous criminal who would stare at them and want to attack them when he opened his eyes. Yes, their guns are ready.

As a result, after Deadpool woke up, he looked around curiously for the first time, and after realizing that he had been sent to the police station, he began to make whining noises, signaling the police to tear off the seal on his mouth Drop it so he can talk.

The police officers saw that Deadpool's small arms and legs weighed no more than two hundred catties at most, which was still too tender compared to their police officers who weighed more than two hundred catties, so they simply tore the seal on his mouth.

Then the current picture appeared, the relationship between the policeman and the prisoner was extremely harmonious!

Deadpool's mouth cannon is very annoying to those troublesome guys, but it's not for small people like police officers, especially if Deadpool doesn't target these police officers with BB, then these police officers are very big Chances are that because of Deadpool's mouth, he will become his friend, not an enemy, because they are the kind of people who like to gossip, and Deadpool is a master of gossip.

"You don't know how long it took me to make this dress. The first time I made a headgear, I chose leather for the sake of coolness. Guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"The leather ones are airtight! I nearly smothered myself with the hood on!"


The police officers were amused by Deadpool's words.

"Really, don't laugh, you don't want to know that feeling, that feeling of being unable to breathe, if it wasn't for my fast hands at that time, I would have been suffocated to death, that suffocating feeling It feels really uncomfortable, even if I am shot to death, I don't want to suffocate to death!"

"Hahaha, it sounds like you were shot to death."

The police officer smiled and said nonchalantly, he thought Deadpool was too funny, who would want to be shot to death.

"OK, you don't understand, I can understand, anyway, that feeling is really uncomfortable, so I spent a long time looking for a new fabric, and finally found a breathable fabric, but soon new problems appeared , that is, I forgot to leave holes for the eyes on the mask, so even with the mask on, I can breathe freely, but I can't see clearly what is in front of me!"

"Hahahahaha! Man, you are so funny."

"Yes, I can even imagine that you can't see what is in front of you and can only reach out and touch it."

Although he was laughed at, Deadpool didn't care at all, instead he spread his hands.

"No way, superhero clothes generally take a long time to complete. Not everyone has their own equipment like Superman and Wonder Woman. The Iron Man next door even gave his armor to him with a hammer and a hammer. Knock it out, that is much more tiring than sitting next to the sewing machine, and to be honest, I was very curious at the time where he got so much strength to forge the iron all day long."

"You guys are so free. You said you sewed your clothes yourself, so how did Batman get his clothes? Could it be that he made them himself?"

"Of course, do you know the identity of Batman?"

Deadpool threw a question out of the blue.

"The identity of Batman? Who knows about this kind of thing."

"But that's what you want to know?"

"Isn't this nonsense? No one knows the true identity of Batman, but I think everyone in Gotham City wants to know who Batman is. That's Batman, especially our new director. He and Batman has always been a partner, but he's always wanted to know what Batman's true identity is."

"What if I told you that I know Batman's true identity?"

The two police officers became interested, and each of them stood up from their seats and approached the cell.

"Yes, I know."

Deadpool crossed his arms, leaned against the wall nervously, and raised his eyebrows at the two police officers.

The two police officers looked at each other, then left the cell together, and soon they came back from the outside, but when they came back, they had some snacks and a cup of coffee in their hands.

"Oh, it's just in time, my mouth is almost dry."

Deadpool stretched out his hands unceremoniously, took the snacks and coffee from the police officer, and then sat down on the ground, eating happily, while the two police officers continued to sit with coffee until In the chair, get ready to watch the show seriously.

"The identity of Batman is actually easy to guess, haven't you guys thought about it carefully?"

Deadpool ate a few mouthfuls of potato chips and drank a can of coffee before starting his own spoiler.

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