Neptune is wearing a suit, he is not used to the suit, it feels tight, uncomfortable all over, twisting constantly, trying to make himself more comfortable.

Moreover, because he wanted to come to the church, he felt very uncomfortable. If he could, he would definitely not come to this church, because there was a man who beat him violently and made him into a pig's head. Aka Lucy's long gun, even if he saw it through the screen, he would tremble all over. He was so nervous that he had lost weight recently.

"Are you going to keep hiding and let the other party see our jokes?"

Batman asked back, Aquaman shut up and stopped talking, but he kept complaining in his heart, your words are beautiful, and you have never been beaten into a pig's head before!

Oh no, Batman was really beaten before, one time when his waist was smashed, and another time when his leg was broken directly. This was worse than himself. Aquaman's own recovery ability is very strong. Ordinary people are not the same at all, even if they are beaten into a pig's head and soaked in water for a day, nothing will happen. Batman's broken leg has been recuperating for many days.

"Judging from the other party's current behavior, knowing our information, but not killing us, then he must have a certain purpose, and may even want to use us. That is to say, for them, we is useful."

Wonder Woman got out of the car from the other side, wearing a gorgeous long skirt, and all the equipment was hidden under the skirt. This time, they looked like they came to visit in costumes, but the place they visited was a bit strange. The church, wearing gorgeous clothes, should attend a reception or banquet, but came to the church, but no one held a wedding in the church, so the scene was quite delicate.

However, all this is to cover up his identity. After all, it is not impossible for Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham, to do some strange things. He can do such things as getting drunk and burning down his luxurious manor. Why do he do it? Can't come out and go to church in a gorgeous outfit?

In fact, this was intentional by Bruce Wayne. Once something happens, everyone knows that Bruce Wayne has been to Amakusa’s church, and then people have gone in and never come out. Although Gordon and others cannot be completely counted on, at least stay The next clue, in case someone can fight against Amakusa and the others, and then know this clue, so, what if...

Of course, there is also a great possibility that it is directly useless. After all, the other party even controls the top of the US military. Controlling the top of the US military is almost equivalent to controlling the United States. Naturally, it is impossible in reality, but at least in the movie It looks like this inside.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a good chat with that wicked priest."

Batman, oh no, it should be Bruce Wayne now. Although his legs are healed, he can't use much force yet, so he can only walk slowly towards the church.

Aquaman, as a meat shield, followed Bruce Wayne. When Bruce Wayne walked to the door, he took the lead to push the door open, and then walked in.

The church is very empty and there are no people. This is a slum area. It is strange to have a church in itself, especially this church is decorated very high-end, and then the big bosses of the Thunder God come and go here, and ordinary people dare not come in at all. .

At the center of the church, under the cross, Amakusa turned his back to the direction of the gate, looked up at the cross, and his back fell into the eyes of the Justice League. It looked very mysterious, giving them a feeling that this priest was waiting for them .

"You are here."

Sure enough, he was waiting for them!

Sea King's heart was pounding, he was a little nervous, although he said that his trident was on the limousine outside, but he was nervous because he was beaten too hard last time.

Bruce was equally nervous, but compared to Aquaman, he at least had the guts to speak.

Stand up from behind Neptune and face Amakusa.

"Yes, here we are."

Since the other party is waiting for them, he can't let the other party down. From the moment Deadpool disappears in front of them, the other party should know that the news has been leaked, and the Justice League has already known the situation on the church side. Either come here, or run away.

Bruce Wayne is not one to run away, so here he is.

"Welcome, Mr. Wayne."

Amakusa turned around slowly, folded his hands and looked at the members of the Justice League with a smile on his face. Although he was smiling and looked very gentle, in the eyes of the Justice League, this smile was simply weird and dangerous.

"Father Amakusa, I think we can talk about it directly. After all, you rescued Deadpool in front of us yesterday."

"Yes, Wade ran to your place and was caught by you. I had to use space teleportation to transfer him here."

Amakusa nodded with a smile, and then pointed to the pillar next to him with his right hand. Everyone in the Justice League turned their heads and looked over, and saw Deadpool hanging in mid-air, um, floating in mid-air very strangely, but there was nothing around The rope or silk thread looks like it is floating in mid-air, but its head is drooping, and it is not known whether it is dead or asleep.

"Wade has one bad thing, that is, he talks a lot. Of course, this time, part of the reason for his talking a lot is the lasso of truth in Wonder Woman's hand. No matter how few people talk, they can't help it when they encounter the lasso of truth. Speak up, or you will collapse from the pain of the noose."

While Amakusa was explaining, she looked at Wonder Woman behind her. Although Wonder Woman is now wearing gorgeous costumes like evening gowns, Amakusa knew that there was a set of equipment hidden under this woman's skirt, ready to fight at any time, with silver guards on her arms. The bracelet was not taken off either.

"Then, Father Amakusa."

Wonder Woman stepped forward. As the thickest thigh in the Justice League, she needs to express her attitude.

"Are we enemies or friends?"

Chapter 119. Those were all done by Thor, it has nothing to do with us

"We, of course, are friends!"

Amakusa replied with a smile.

"It was just some misunderstandings before, and those misunderstandings led to some fights between us, but I told our people from the beginning, you are not the enemy, so from the beginning, our people did not play hard hand."

"Are you sure you didn't play hard?"

Aquaman couldn't help but popped up and asked, Bruce Wayne next to him also wanted to ask, his legs were broken, did he say that he didn't do anything cruel?you sure?

"That's right, because if you hit hard, everyone would be dead by now."

As soon as Amakusa finished speaking, all the servants appeared in the church, forming a direct siege to the members of the Justice League, especially Karna, who stood on the cross, holding a huge golden gun, watching coldly watching them.

Aquaman and Bruce Wayne swallowed at the same time. As for Wonder Woman, her breathing was obviously a little short, and the pressure was a bit high. They had heard a lot about the setting of servants from Deadpool before, but when it comes to facing servants, They still don't have much experience. After all, it's the experience from playing, so it's not credible. Who can believe in a setting that they know about playing games, but now, they are beginning to believe it a little bit.

All the servants Amakusa summoned in the DC world are here, but Thor is not there, and the fool Thor is still wandering outside.

"It seems that he has indeed shown mercy to us."

Bruce Wayne has one hand out and the other in his pocket. The hand in the pocket is already holding the communicator tightly. As long as the opponent has a little momentum to make a move, Bruce Wayne will activate it immediately, and then Flash will catch up immediately. to start rescue work.

As for whether she can escape, it depends on whether Wonder Woman can resist the first wave. I hope she can resist. As long as she can resist, there is room for manipulation. Once she can't bear it, she can't play.

"Then, let's talk about it. I don't think the reason why you show mercy to us is not simply because you think we are friends."

Bruce Wayne tries to take control of the discourse.

"of course can."

Amakusa understands what he thinks, and doesn't care, because Amakusa is from the perspective of information monopoly. As a cheater, he knows the script behind it. Amakusa has ten thousand ways to fool Bruce Wayne. Of course, just kidding , If you really let him say it, he can't say ten thousand ways.

Lifting his left hand, the door of the church creaked shut, which sounded scary. As the door closed, the light of the entire church dimmed, and the atmosphere became more depressing. This scene seemed to be closing the door to let the dogs out. Let Neptune's heart rate rise again. Here, he is the most nervous right now. He even started to sweat on his forehead, because once the gate is closed, he can't get out of the car to get his trident, no more Trident, although Aquaman's body is still very strong, but the attack power will drop significantly. Of these servants standing here, which one is not holding a weapon? Oh, the eldest sister of the Gorgon does not have one. She kills people with her eyes of.

"Mr. Wayne, through the camera you installed in my church, you should already know a lot about this universe."


Bruce Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, and Amakusa started to speak, which meant that he was not going to do it, at least not right now.

"Then, let me explain again."

Withdrawing the left hand used to close the door, Amakusa raised his right hand, and the whole church was darkened again, and at the same time, light spots appeared in the church, um, it was another 3D projection magic used to pretend.

"The matter of the Green Lantern Corps and the fact that the universe is divided into more than [-] sectors, I think you already know Mr. Wayne, and everyone in the Justice League knows it too, so I will talk about some things that you don't know Bar."

Amakusa picked up the script and started spoiling it.

"The monster that attacked Gotham City last time is called Jet Lag Monster. It is the oldest intelligent life form in the universe. They have eternal life. Unless they are killed, they will not die naturally. The oldest one does not know how many billions survived. years."


The relaxed Neptune couldn't help but sighed, which attracted everyone's attention, and then immediately fell down.

"Sorry, you continue."

"The last parallax monster was vaporized by Karna's treasure, but there are still many monsters in the universe, and many are not monsters, but are enemies of the earth."

Amakusa pinched his right hand, and a green week and a yellow planet appeared in midair.

"Although the Green Lantern Corps thinks they are the defenders of the justice of the universe, in fact they have many things they can't manage, and not all Green Lanterns are righteous. The condition for using the Green Lantern is to have a tenacious will. Power, so some evil guys can also become Green Lantern, for example, the current leader of the Green Lantern Corps, on the surface he is a very competent Green Lantern, but in fact on his home planet, he is a very strict dictator Otherwise, all those who offend him will be executed."

Following Amakusa's explanation, a man with red skin and black hair appeared in front of everyone, well, this guy brought out the Yellow Lantern Corps.

"Especially the green light messenger in the sector where the earth is located is an unreliable guy like Wade."

With that said, all eyes were on Deadpool, well, he was still hanging in mid-air, sleeping.

"Therefore, we need to protect the security of the Earth from enemies in outer space."

Amakusa waved his hand again, and the yellow planet was enlarged. Although it was said to be a yellow planet, after zooming in, what he saw was countless magma. It looked like this planet was hell.

"Apocalypse, the most terrifying planet in the universe, there is a very powerful race living on this planet, they are called the new Protoss."

"The dictator who ruled this race is called Darkseid, and he is called the Dark Lord in the universe. His dark elves conquered the universe and destroyed many planets, especially the general Steppenwolf under the Dark Lord. I even came to the earth, but there were many gods on the earth at that time."

Amakusa looked at Wonder Woman.

"I think Wonder Woman from Paradise Island should know about it."

"Yes, I've heard about the Steppenwolf since I was a child. Paradise Island still keeps the mother box brought by the Steppenwolf."

Wonder Woman affirmed Amakusa's words.

"That's right, these are all potential enemies of the earth in the universe, especially Steppenwolf. He poses a great threat to the earth, because the mother box is on the earth, and he has always wanted to bring the mother box back."

What Amakusa said was well-founded, and Wonder Woman agreed very much, and her wariness towards Amakusa also dropped again.

"We, in order to deal with these threats from the universe, gathered together to protect the safety of the earth, and soon there will be enemies arriving on the earth."

In mid-air, a spaceship like an octopus appeared. It was a Kryptonian spaceship, the spaceship that General Zod was on.

"I can understand that you protect the earth, but why are you killing so many people in Gotham?"

Bruce Wayne probably understands what people like Amakusa do, but he doesn't fully believe it. As a senior patient with persecution delusions, he won't trust anyone easily.

"That's Thor's request, it has nothing to do with us."

And Amakusa, also very straightforward, sold Thor.

Chapter 120. What I do is none of your business as Batman

You can't understand the Thunder God crowd, you can't understand Thor's actions, it has nothing to do with me, Amakusa Shiro!

People are brought up by Thor, gangs are also established by Thor, expanding the territory is also what Thor wants to do, and killing those gangsters is also done by Thor. I, Shiro Amakusa, did not even step out of the door of this church.

You said that Achilles and Atalanta under my command helped the Thunder Gods to fight. That was a commission. Do you understand that it was a commission? It wasn’t that they went in charge, but Thor commissioned them to go. Don’t you believe me? Ask Thor, as long as Raytheon says that they don't need to do it, they will never do it!

As for killing those gangsters or criminals, don't do it so righteously, as if you are standing on the commanding heights of morality.

"Every time Batman appears, criminals will be arrested, but Mr. Wayne, have you ever thought that what you do will only have a short-term effect on Gotham City."

Amakusa has a lot of truths in his hands, and it’s okay to hate a Batman. In superhero movies, basically everyone has a brain problem, or a problem with their thinking. It must be no problem to attack them from the moral high ground. , the point is, whether you can convince him of his content.

After all, the most difficult thing is to convince others to believe in your own theory. If you can convince others so easily, there will not be so many bullying incidents on the Internet. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's hearts, and a thousand Hamlets will There are a thousand ways to fight, not to mention the billions of people in this world, billions of Hamlets, how terrible it is.

Therefore, in order to achieve the effect of persuasion, Amakusa needs to put the knife on Batman's neck first, so that it can have a very good effect.

"At present, in Gotham City, no matter how many people are killed by criminals, they are locked up at most, put in prison or locked up in Arkham Asylum. At this time, there will be a problem. Those who have been killed have nowhere to seek justice. But the murderer is still alive and well, at most he will be beaten up by Batman."

"That is..."

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Wayne, you want to say that all crimes should be punished by law, so what kind of capacity do you use to fight criminals? When you fight criminals, you compensate those People who suffered losses due to criminals? A few days ago, some people even came to Gotham City specifically to deal with Batman, and they even planned to hijack the nuclear bomb in order to deal with you, a hero, not a group of gangsters like Thor."

"If you don't believe me, you can go and investigate. I'll give you a hint. That person's name is Bane."

Bruce Wayne wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Amakusa.

"If you think the actions of the Thunder Gods are illegal, then your own actions are also illegal. If you say that your actions can be legalized because you cooperate with the police department, then the actions of the Thors can also cooperate with other departments. Come legalize, trust me."

Of course Bruce Wayne believes that because the military is under control, whether it is legal or not is just an excuse.

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