King Qin knew very well that if Amakusa asked this question, he would definitely not be able to answer it with ordinary understanding, because Amakusa's behavior was not an ordinary person at all, but a god.

"That's right, the world is much more than that."

Amakusa turned around and began to walk slowly.

"Your Majesty, do you think the world is square or round?"

"The world... is naturally square."

This is a problem of cognition. Although Ying Zheng can accept that the scope of the world is not limited to the seven countries and the small countries around them, he still insists on the matter of the roundness of the sky.

"No, the world is round."

With a wave of Amakusa's right hand, a map was projected directly into the air in the hall out of thin air. From the perspective of Ying Zheng and Zhang Han, they happened to be facing each other head-on, and they could be seen very clearly. This map was yellow, green and green. In some blue parts, the map is divided into several areas, with Qin, Qi, Chu, Wei, Han, Zhaoyan written on it, which is clearly the map of the Seven Kingdoms.

"The map is so clear, it actually includes all the areas of the Seven Kingdoms, and even the terrain!"

As the leader of Luo Wang, Zhao Gao is the most familiar with the map, because Luo Wang under him is responsible for going to the six countries to inquire about the information. Naturally, the information on the map is also inquired, but the information they inquired back has nothing to do with this topographic map. No comparison.

This topographic map is very large, and it also clearly depicts the topography of the Seven Kingdoms. If it is used in military affairs, it is like knowing all the terrain of the opponent.

"This is the range covered by the Seven Kingdoms, and it is also the map that Your Majesty is most familiar with and has seen the most."

As Amakusa spoke, she raised her right hand and pulled it back, the map began to shrink, to be precise, the perspective was zoomed out, and green and yellow patterns began to appear around the Seven Kingdoms area to complement it.

"In the north of the Seven Kingdoms is the Xiongnu, which is very troublesome to lead all countries, and in the west of Qin is Yiqu, and in the south is Baiyue."

After the map appeared, Amakusa paused for a while, and asked Ying Zheng to take a good look at the map of Xiongnu, Yiqu, and Baiyue. He didn't know the situation there before, but now, this map is very clear.

"This map is really exquisite."

After watching for a while, Yingzheng sighed again. Hearing Yingzheng's sigh, Amakusa could be raised again, and raised his right hand again.

This time, many white and blue areas began to appear on the map, which were the sea and mountains.

"To the west of Yiqu, there is a desert lined with small countries, and to the south of the desert is a plateau, which has the highest mountain in the world, with a height of several thousand feet."

Amakusa didn't know how many meters a zhang was in Qin State, anyway, it must be no problem for Mount Everest to be thousands of zhang.

In order for Yingzheng to have a clearer understanding, Amakusa purposely zoomed in on Mount Everest and zoomed in on the entire palace, making Yingzheng and the others open their mouths.

"In the east, there is a sea that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. There are countless islands in the sea, and tribes with different names from ours live on many islands. The area where the Seven Kingdoms are located is the westernmost part of this sea. "

The map of the Pacific Ocean was pulled out. At this time, the area of ​​the Seven Kingdoms had shrunk to only one-tenth of its original size. Ying Zheng watched the world he knew with his own eyes, and it became less than one-tenth the size of the entire map. A small piece of land, I was stunned for a moment.

"And in the south of this sea, there is a huge island. The size of that island can even be comparable to that of the Seven Kingdoms."

Then came Australia, the American continent, and then came back to extend the Asian continent, the European continent, and then derived the Indian Ocean, the African continent to the west of the Indian Ocean, and then the Antarctic continent.

In this way, a huge projection of the earth appeared above the palace, turning slowly, allowing Ying Zheng and the others to see every corner of the entire earth.

"A ball? Are we living on a ball?"

The idea of ​​a round sky and a round earth has lasted for thousands of years, and Ying Zheng really couldn't accept that they lived on the same ball.

"Won't the people under the ball fall?"

"This involves a powerful force under the ground where we are. It is this force that pulls us, allowing us to feel the weight of objects and have to stand on the ground."

"I didn't expect that the land we are standing on has such power."

Ying Zheng couldn't help stepping on the floor, as if he knew the ground for the first time.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the sun and the moon I mentioned earlier?"

Seeing Ying Zheng acting like a child, Amakusa couldn't help but want to laugh, but no, now he has to continue to suppress IQ.

"Yes, the sun and the moon."

"Why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and why there are springs, summers, autumns and winters in a year, it is because the ball we live in is rotating."

The angle of view was raised again, and the originally huge earth was shrunk down to the size of a basketball floating above the palace. At the same time, Amakusa raised his left hand, and a gray moon appeared beside the earth. At the same time as the moon, there was There is a huge fireball in the distance. The light of the fireball shines on the earth, half of it lights up, and the other half turns into darkness. The same is true for the moon next to it.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Under the control of Amakusa, the earth began to autobiography. Yingzheng carefully stared at the area where the seven kingdoms are located on the earth, and then found that where the seven kingdoms are located, it first lit up from Qi, then to Yan, Chu, Zhao Guo, South Korea, Wei Guo, and finally Qin Guo, the same is true for the process of darkness. These areas darken in sequence, and the moon that revolves around the earth is also from the perspective of the earth, from only a little brighter From the crescent, to the half moon, to the full moon, to the half moon, to the crescent, and finally to the complete disappearance, everything is exactly the same as what I usually see.

"This is the sunrise and sunset, and this is the waxing and waning of cloudy weather."

After a lot of basic knowledge of astronomy, Ying Zheng and the others completely believed it.

This world is really a ball!

Chapter 7. Great Qin's Tiancao National Teacher

If you want to reform Daqin, the best way is to reform Yingzheng first, because in Daqin, Yingzheng alone has the final say. It really is that kind of thing. If you say a word above, the bottom will break your leg. Yingzheng has the absolute right to speak. That's why he was so tired, because he had to do all the big and small things himself to be able to have such a high voice.

The purpose of Amakusa's coming to Daqin is to reform Yingzheng, and by the way, reform Daqin.

Therefore, first of all, we must expand Yingzheng's worldview, and let Yingzheng stop focusing on the one-acre three-point land all day long. The six countries will be destroyed, but after the six countries are destroyed, they will conquer the whole world. And conquer the sea of ​​stars!

Therefore, regardless of the final result, it must be right to start with Ying Zheng.

The basic geography knowledge thrown out by Amakusa is nothing but fantasy and the truth of the world to Yingzheng and others. Although this can indeed be said to be the truth, the asymmetry of information makes Yingzheng and others The impact was too great, especially when Amakusa still used 3D projection, which is a messy expression method that is mysterious and unreal to Ying Zheng, the impact was amplified even more.

After Amakusa finished this simple geography class, he didn't say anything else. He had to let Ying Zheng digest and absorb it. A good student would consolidate the knowledge he had learned after class. Therefore, after Amakusa finished speaking, Ying Zheng Zheng couldn't wait to open the gate of the palace, took Zhang Han and Zhao Gao outside the gate, looked up at the moon, watched the moon move slowly in the sky, watched it for a long time before returning to the palace, and then He began to meditate, and he meditated for a whole night. The next morning, he ran to the tallest building in the palace and looked towards the east. He watched the sun rise slowly, and then meditated again. .

Naturally, these strange actions of Yingzheng cannot be concealed. Although the Palace of Qin said that because of the existence of the Shadow Secret Guards, it is not as sieved like the palaces of other countries, some basic news can still be spread, but the target of conveying is not outsiders. Those spies or assassins are the courtiers of Qin.

For example, Prime Minister Li Si, for example, the yin and yang family who belonged to Qin State, for example, the public loser who belonged to Qin State.

Although the public losers are interested in this newly worshiped national teacher, they are not that big, because their public losers are helping Daqin with military equipment, and they don't care much about other aspects. He doesn't know that Amakusa will let Daqin in the future. Become a technological giant, otherwise you will definitely scold people directly now.

The public losers don't care, but the Yinyang family cares very much, because the position of the national teacher was reserved by the Yinyang family, but they just joined Daqin now, and they haven't done anything yet, so it's not easy to take the position of the national teacher. But it is not good to be taken by others first.

"Which family is this national teacher?"

"According to King Qin's decree, the name of this national teacher is Amakusa."

"Amaicao? Take Tian as your surname, this is not a simple surname."

No, it's a very simple surname, but it's not the surname of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Grass in the sky? What's the name?"

For the Yin Yang family, each person's name has a special meaning, they even watch the stars, see each person's star, and then infer the fate of the other person, in short, they are very magical.

The person who is very concerned about the name of Amakusa is the leader of the Onmyo Family, Donghuang Taiyi. As the highest leader of the Onmyo Family, his research on Onmyoji can be said to be the ultimate, and even many Onmyoji that were lost a hundred years ago have been recreated by him It was researched.

This Donghuang Taiyi, who has studied the meaning of the name in depth, fell into deep thought after hearing the name of Amakusa. He has never heard of it. This surname is a bit big, so he can't think of it.

Forget it, if you can't think of it for the time being, don't think about it, and listen to other information first.

"Is there any other news about this national teacher?"

"No, the identity of this national teacher is a mystery. We only know that last night, an assassin appeared in Xianyang City and broke into Qin Palace. Luo Wang and Yingmiwei were dispatched, but after that, Qin King issued an order, I worship this man named Amakusa as the national teacher."

In other words, this Amakusa is actually an assassin?

"In addition, King Qin's actions last night were also very strange. He kept coming out of the hall to look at the moon. He watched it several times. After sunrise, I have been lost in thought since I came back, without resting or reading the memorial.”

Donghuang Taiyi's eyebrows were frowned under the mask, and there was too little information in his hand. It was difficult for him to judge what kind of identity this Amakusa was. An assassin entered Qin Palace, and then became a national teacher?

Is this the arrangement of the King of Qin, or the scheme of other families? If it is the intentional arrangement of the King of Qin, what is the purpose of the King of Qin's arrangement of Tiancao?If it was not arranged by the King of Qin, but by another family's scheme, then which family arranged it, and what is their purpose?

For a while, Donghuang Taiyi fell into a conspiracy theory, he didn't quite understand it, because Amakusa appeared too suddenly, as the leader of the Onmyo family who could watch the stars, Donghuang Taiyi's every step was observed in advance, but He didn't observe Amakusa, he liked Donghuang Taiyi who held everything in his hands, and felt a little irritable, but years of self-cultivation allowed him to maintain his elegant posture.

"No matter what the status of this national teacher is, our plan must not fail. As long as this national teacher does not affect our plan, give him his due status. If he affects our plan, then we will not sit still .”

Although the Onmyo family said that they are good at stargazing and divination on the surface, they are also very good at assassination, and it is the kind of silent assassination, curse you.

The Yin-Yang family joined Daqin not because they were overwhelmed by Yingzheng's tiger body. They had their own purpose. Through watching the stars, the Yin-Yang family understood that Daqin is the only country that can unify the six countries, and only the seven countries have been unified. , their yin and yang family can take advantage of the opportunity to find what they want.

"In short, no matter whether this national teacher was created by the king of Qin, or it is the plan of other families, it can't stop our plan."


The public loser doesn't care, the Yin Yang family is caught in conspiracy theory, Prime Minister Li Si is confused, because he is the prime minister, it can be said that one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, and now suddenly a national teacher is parachuted down, and there is an extra person directly on his head , and he also heard the information known by the Yin Yang family above, and after knowing this information, especially after King Qin's strange actions, Li Si was puzzled, what happened, Your Majesty?

Chapter 8. Supreme Mage Yingzheng?

The State of Qin suddenly had an additional national teacher. The news was spread by Ying Zheng on the second day after Amakusa appeared in front of Ying Zheng. On the third day, the news was sent out of the State of Qin. Afterwards, the Six Kingdoms of Shandong received it one after another. information.

Turning to the country of Qin, all the ministers in the country have also received the news, knowing that there is an additional national teacher beside the king, but the problem is, apart from knowing the strange name of this national teacher, Amakusa, they don’t know anything else , who is the person, which country they come from, which school of thought they learned from, all ask three questions, what is this all about?

One morning during the high-level meeting of the Qin State, a group of ministers came to the gate of the Qin Palace one after another, and then entered the palace together. Prime Minister Li Si walked in the front, followed by other ministers. So naturally, each of them has a yellow face with a question mark. Obviously, they are very concerned about the matter of the national teacher, but they suffer from no source of information, so they are now in a state of confusion.

"Master Prime Minister, do you know the identity of this Celestial Master?"

A minister couldn't bear it anymore, so he walked to Li Si's side and asked Li Si in a low voice. As the prime minister, Li Si was deeply trusted by Ying Zheng. From the minister's point of view, Ying Zheng would consult Li Si for anything, so Li Si should know The identity of this national teacher.

The other ministers watched the minister ask Li Si actively, and all of them pricked up their ears and waited for Li Si's answer, but Li Si shook his head lightly when they waited.

"No, I don't know either. Your Majesty has never told me about the national teacher."

"Ah? Even the prime minister doesn't know the identity of this national teacher? Doesn't your lord always consult with the prime minister when you have something to do? Is he the one who trusts the prime minister the most?"

It was as if he had fallen out of favor, and he said it unintentionally, but if it reached King Qin, the impact would be bad.

"Your Majesty has always had our own considerations when doing things. As Chengzi, what we have to do is to solve his doubts when he needs it, instead of being by your side at all times. For the affairs of the national teacher, Your Majesty will There must be a reason for the emperor to do so, we just need to wait for the emperor to tell us."

As the prime minister, Li Si had to behave well and not talk nonsense, especially in a country with strict laws like Qin, Li Si himself was a member of the Legalist family and knew best how to be a courtier.

A group of ministers entered the hall, which is the hall where Amakusa showed Ying Zheng the moon and the sun last night. This is where Ying Zheng usually goes to work, and it is also where the ministers clock in for work.

Today's ministers are also led by Li Si, continue to clock in and go to work, and under the leadership of Li Si, after heading towards Yingzheng's luggage who is already sitting on the throne, they are divided into two groups, sitting on one side and sitting in another group. During the Warring States period, everyone discussed together Kneeling is still the main thing, even in the Han Dynasty.

A group of people began to discuss some things that need to be discussed today. Although the ministers were very curious, Li Si didn't say anything, so they could only suppress their inner doubts and began to discuss some daily affairs with Ying Zheng, especially Regarding the army and food, the Qin State is about to start a war, and the army and food are the top priorities.

After finishing talking about some miscellaneous matters, the ministers were all ready to move, but they didn't dare to say it first, so all the ministers set their eyes on Prime Minister Li Si.

Li Si couldn't help being looked at by these ministers, and he was also very curious. Although he kept calm on the surface, he was really curious about the matter of the national teacher, especially after such a long time, King Qin didn't even take the initiative to mention it. This is not right, this is not King Qin!

Therefore, Li Si, who couldn't help being curious, chose to speak up.

"Your Majesty, I received an order early this morning. I, Daqin, have an extra Celestial Master. Why didn't I see the Master during the court meeting today?"

Up to now, I only know the other party's name, and I don't even know what he looks like. I'm really curious. Let's meet each other anyway so that I can know what he looks like.

Ying Zheng seemed to have been waiting for Li Si's question for a long time, looked at Li Si and smiled.

"The national teacher does not need to participate in the court meeting. The national teacher has a special position. He does not need to participate in Qin's political affairs."

"Doesn't the national teacher participate in the court meeting?"

Although I don't know what the national teacher is used for, but it was the decree issued by King Qin himself, and he, the prime minister, did not discuss it. The position of the national teacher is very high. A country that has risen, directly parachuted into the national division, and didn't even participate in court meetings and political affairs?Is this possible?

But the king of Qin said that he would not participate in the court meeting or participate in political affairs, that is, he would not participate in the court meeting or participate in politics, because this is the state of Qin, and the king of Qin has the final say on everything.

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