"Master, we are ready."

National Division?

Speaking of the national teacher of the Qin State, people in the six countries know that the Qin State suddenly had a national teacher named Amakusa more than a month ago, but no one knows who this person named Amakusa is and what he looks like so far. This person is so mysterious to the extreme, it feels like he is not a national teacher at all, but some kind of hidden killer.

Now the king of Qin suddenly said the national teacher to the air, what do you mean, is the national teacher outside?Or is it on the beam like Zhang Han before?

Gai Nie couldn't help but look up to see if there was anyone on the beam, but this time he still didn't find anyone.

Just when Gai Nie was trying to find where else to hide people, some sparks suddenly appeared in the air in front of him. After a small group of sparks appeared and disappeared, suddenly with the sound of clattering, a large piece of sparks appeared, A round door with sparks flying around appeared in front of several people.


Even a Buddhist like Gai Nie was shocked the first time he saw the portal.

Seeing Gai Nie's stunned expression, Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel a little happy and comfortable. Finally, he was no longer the bumpkin who saw the portal for the first time.

Zhao Gao was relatively restrained, while Zhang Han was very straightforward, and the only eyes that were exposed to the outside glanced at Gai Nie with disdain, leaving Gai Nie speechless.

Normally, relying on his identity as the descendant of Guigu, it would be impossible for him to be seen like this, but now he has to admit that he has never seen this thing before.

"Your Majesty, please come here."

Opposite the portal, Amakusa's voice came, and along with Amakusa's voice, there was also the astonishing cold air, Ge Nie was suddenly disturbed by the cold air, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

At this time, Gai Nie could clearly see the white snow field opposite the portal.

At the foot is the main hall of the Qin Palace, but the opposite of this door is actually a snow field, which is completely unheard of. As a descendant of Guigu, Gai Nie can be sure that he did not see hallucinations, and I swear on the head of his junior brother!

"Let's go, Mr. Ge Nie, the national teacher is already waiting for us."

Ying Zheng took the sword that Zhang Han had prepared for him, and walked through the portal first with a calm face, and stepped onto the snow field. Zhang Han glanced at Gai Nie and followed him. Finally, Zhao Gao He just nodded to Gai Nie before going over, it seems to be more polite, but in Gai Nie's view, Ying Zheng is nothing more than that, the rest of Zhang Han and Zhao Gao, when looking at him, all revealed a trace of contempt .

He Ge Nie, indeed, was despised.

Chapter 17. Preparing to Fool Ge Nie

On the snowfield of the Himalayas, Gai Nie looked at the tall Himalayas in the distance, full of emotion.

Not far behind Gai Nie, Amakusa and Ying Zheng also stood side by side, looking at Gai Nie's back.

"This king used to think that the members of the Zongheng family, or those of the big family, should have knowledge far beyond the king. They traveled from the seven countries and have seen everything in each country. They should be very knowledgeable, but now it seems that they are actually very knowledgeable. There is not much difference between Shang and this king, although they may have seen a little more than this king, but in fact, they know very little about the world and this world."

In the past, Ying Zheng was eager to seek talents from those people, but now he feels that those talents are, that's it, he is a good tool person.

That's right, just as Li Si thought, the current Yingzheng has regarded all the ministers under him as tool people. Of course, high-level tool people like Li Si are still more useful than those low-level tool people. After all, Ying Zheng doesn't want to What thing is only by myself, and then I am exhausted to death.

"However, this strategist, Gai Nie, is really different from the strategists this king knows."

"Indeed, Gai Nie can be said to be a heretic from the Zongheng family."

Amakusa also affirmed Ying Zheng's evaluation of Gai Nie.

"But because Gai Nie is a heretic in the Zongheng family, he is easier to subdue than other Zongheng families. I think the emperor should appreciate him."

"That's right, I chatted with him the day before yesterday and found that he is a good tool man."

Yes, the concept of tool man was instilled in Yingzheng by Amakusa. In order to achieve a certain purpose, a certain number of people are needed to act. After Tiancao's explanation, Yingzheng immediately felt that the word "tool man" was really good. The current operation of Daqin is under the collective operation of many tool people. Yingzheng is the leader, and Li Si and other high-level officials are among the administrators. And the remaining officials are very pure tool people.

But now, Gai Nie is also a tool in front of Yingzheng. First of all, he was called by Yingzheng to cooperate with Amakusa's exercise plan. It is not that Yingzheng really needs him, so he is just used to satisfy Amakusa's exercise. A tool man.

It's just that Ying Zheng originally planned to use Gai Nie for training, but now Ying Zheng has some new ideas after learning about Gai Nie. This tool man should have other uses.

"With the help of the national teacher, it is inevitable for the Great Qin to unify the world, but after this is inevitable, it will face new problems. There will definitely be some remnants that still refuse to accept, and those remnants need someone to deal with them. The power Qin now possesses It's Luo Wang and Shadow Secret Guards, but when the Six Kingdoms unify the Great Qin to use force against the six foreign regions, those who stayed behind from the Six Kingdoms will definitely find ways to create chaos."

A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family, in this era of feudal society, the family is stronger than the country, and its influence is also greater. The establishment of each country has the shadow of the family behind it, because those families control the resources. The land controls the population, there are many gates in their hands, and they control the public opinion in a certain area. In their hands, ordinary people are just tools for farming for them and then going to the battlefield when needed.

Just like the state of Chu, is the state of Chu important to the royal family of the state of Chu?No, it doesn't matter!The most important thing is the capital of the Xiang family in the Chu state. There are so many cities on the land of the Chu state, and I don’t know how many times they have been bought and sold. They are imprisoned. The common people in this era are the real farts. Without the guidance of teachers, they can only plant the land for a lifetime, and they will be conscripted to fight for logistics at every turn.

Therefore, even if the King of Qin unified the six kingdoms, according to the etiquette and laws of this era, he would not be able to kill all those nobles. Next, they will definitely think about making trouble.

At that time, it will take a lot of energy to solve the things caused by these garbage.

"Gai Nie is indeed suitable, but if you want Gai Nie to unify your plan, you need certain conditions."

"It does require certain conditions. I don't know what I like about Gai Nie for the time being. Does the national teacher have any opinions?"

Yingzheng thinks that Gai Nie is a good tool, and he can stay and use it for a while, but retaining people also requires a certain amount of temptation, right? He has only known Gai Nie for a few days, and he doesn't know much about the heresy from this political strategist, so he thought Ask Amakusa who seems to know something about this heresy.

"In terms of opinions, I have a little bit."

Who is Amakusa? His profession is a priest. What is a priest best at?Naturally, it is fooling, so Amakusa fooling Gai Nie, it can be said that it is simple not to not.

"I'll go and talk to Gai Nie later, please remember to help me, you don't need to say anything, as long as Gai Nie looks at you seriously, if Gai Nie looks at you with doubtful eyes Your Majesty, you just need to nod, you don’t need to say anything, as for what to say in the end, I think your Majesty will understand when the time comes.”

Amakusa's unpredictable words to Yingzheng made Yingzheng a little stunned, but he has been with Amakusa for more than a month, and he still knows what he should know. For example, Amakusa, the national teacher, can always come up with something The opinion that made him suddenly enlightened taught him some very interesting words and sentences.

This tool man is very good.

"Then there will be Teacher Lao."

Ying Zheng bowed his hands to Amakusa, and Amakusa bowed slightly and nodded in response, sorry, he is really not used to bowing his hands, and from the very beginning when he appeared in front of Ying Zheng, he has never followed the ancient habits, even standing , he is also unwilling to sit on his knees, the reason is very simple, his legs will become sore after a long time!

The two had already discussed it, so Amakusa took Ying Zheng to find Gai Nie.

At this time, Gai Nie was still digesting what he saw before and what he experienced now. After all, the impact was too great, really too big. He suddenly came to the snow field thousands of miles away and felt the bone-chilling pain firsthand. If he is thrown here now, even if he is a descendant of Guigu, he will be frozen to death. If he hadn't relied on his internal strength to resist the cold, he has already Turned into a popsicle.

"Mr. Ge Nie, is the scenery here good enough?"

While Gai Nie was thinking, Amakusa's voice appeared, bringing his thoughts back to reality, he quickly turned around and handed over to Amakusa, this is a ruthless person, a ruthless person who can bring people to the snow-capped mountains, he should not be provoked.

"Mr. Guoshi, the scenery here is the most beautiful snow scenery Gai Nie has ever seen."

"Yes, the snow scene here is very beautiful, but for ordinary people in the world, this place is not beautiful at all, but it is a fatal natural disaster."

Amakusa started his flickering with a single sentence.

"Mr. Ge Nie, what do you think of the world?"

Chapter 18. The laws of Qin State are greatly improved!

As a modern person who has watched countless novels, movies and animations, it is very easy for Amakusa to fool the ancients. As long as he maintains his own mystery, and then throws out some insights that span the era and are connected with the era of the ancients from time to time, then You'll be able to be known as a famous everyone in ancient times!

But it must be related to the era you live in, because if your stride is too big, the ancient people will only think you are crazy and whimsical, and they don’t understand what you say, so how can you expect them to worship you.

Therefore, Amakusa intends to take advantage of this to fool Gai Nie, and at the same time to fool him to win the government. The Great Qin is not easy. The first unified empire was killed and wiped out. Definitely come and give me a hand.

"For us, snowfields may be beautiful scenery, the sea may be beautiful scenery, and mountain danger may be beautiful scenery, but for ordinary people, these are not beautiful scenery. They don't have time to appreciate the background, nor do they have the ability to appreciate the beautiful scenery."

"They have to work, they have to cultivate, above them is the master of the land, above their master is the king of the country, these people are watching them, when the master or the king needs them, they will turn into soldiers and go to the battlefield , to fight for their lord."

"A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family, all ordinary people are just pawns played by these dynasties or aristocratic families, and they cannot live a peaceful life."

"It's not a big deal. If the resistance and the king are a big mountain on their heads, then the other big mountain is those people from various schools and families."


Gai Nie originally listened to Amakusa complaining about ordinary people, and thought there was nothing wrong with it, so why did he suddenly turn the finger on the various schools of thought? Not only Gai Nie, but Ying Zheng was a little confused.

"Hundred schools of thought, each has its own unique skills, and each of them has its own fighting skills. It can be said that anyone who comes from a hundred schools of thought will be very capable, but not all of them Focus on doing something useful."

"In this world, the nobles think that their status is higher than that of the common people, and the people of various schools also think that their status is higher than that of the common people, so in the end, they worked hard to support these nobles and the common people of various schools. But I have to bear the anger from the nobles and those great people for no reason, and be implicated by them."

"As the saying goes, chivalry is forbidden by martial arts. Although Mr. Gai Nie may not want to admit it, it is a person with power like Mr. Gai Nie who often causes troubles everywhere in the world."

This time Gai Nie disagreed. What do you mean people like me always make things happen?Brother, what do you mean, although I understand that you are a ruthless person who cannot be provoked, but there is no need to belittle me like this, right?

Also confused is Ying Zheng, he is also confused, because Amakusa's words don't seem to be wooing at all, but seem to be criticizing, this is wrong, boss, didn't you say to help me win this tool man ?

Gai Nie didn't understand what Amakusa meant, and he didn't dare to offend Amakusa so much that he would be thrown on the ice and snow, so Gai Nie looked at Ying Zheng who was next to him in confusion. He said he didn't know, but when he thought of Amakusa's order before, and upholding the principle of believing in Amakusa, his expression became serious, and he nodded slightly, without speaking.

Ge Nie was stunned again, and Ying Zheng agreed with Amakusa's point of view, so what are you recruiting me for?

Puzzled Gai Nie turned his gaze to Amakusa again, hoping to get an explanation from Amakusa, but Amakusa changed the subject.

"So we need someone to protect those civilians."

Although Gai Nie came from a Zongheng family and was educated to use the world as a chessboard, he is actually a heretic. He behaves very Buddhistly about Zongheng, and at the same time he cares about the people around him, even strangers, such as civilians.

"In the other six countries, they care more about whether their own country is prosperous, and the prosperity of those countries depends on the status of their nobles, and whether the lives of those people from various schools and families under them are rich. They don't care about themselves. Let’s talk about whether ordinary people can live satisfactorily.”

"I don't think Mr. Ge Nie usually pays much attention to it."


Gai Nie was asked such a question, unable to refute for a while, he could only nod silently.

"But the state of Qin is different, and the monarch is also different from the monarchs of other countries."

As Amakusa said, he turned his gaze to Ying Zheng next to him, and Ge Nie also looked at Ying Zheng next to him suspiciously. Ying Zheng himself was puzzled by Amakusa's words, but when Ge Nie looked over, he still looked serious, even Bring a certain smile, then don't speak, nod.


"I think Mr. Gai Nie should know that Qin State is famous for its strict laws. As long as the six countries talk about Qin State, they will immediately tyranny Qin, right?"

"That's true. The Six Kingdoms' description of Qin has always been Tyranny."

"Since the reform of the Shang Dynasty, the Qin State has always respected the legalists, so it was declared to be a tyrant of the Qin Dynasty. Mr. Gai Nie, do you know why?"

"Of course it's because Qin's laws are very strict."

"It is true that the laws of Qin State are very strict, but Mr. Gai Nie has seen ordinary people in Qin State think that Qin State's laws are strict."

"This... I haven't seen it before."

"It is the people of the six countries who say that Qin's laws are strict, and those who say that Qin is tyrannical are also from the six countries, but none of the six Shandong countries is stronger than Qin, and the only one that can compete with Qin is Zhao. This point Mr. Ge Nie should be sure."

Gai Nie was asked by Amakusa, thought for a moment, looked at Ying Zheng next to him, Ying Zheng still smiled and nodded seriously, very tool man.

"Indeed, Qin has become the most powerful country since Lord Shang reformed."

"So, why does a law that can make a country strong become harsh when it comes to the mouths of the Six Nations?"

While speaking, Amakusa raised his hand and began to unfold the 3D projection.

"Because this law touched the interests of those nobles."

A projection of peasants kneeling at the feet of nobles was released, making Ge Nie's eyes widen again.

"The laws of the Qin State are indeed very harsh, but this law restricts the crimes of the common people and the nobles. As long as you obey the Qin laws, no matter who you are, you can survive in the Qin State, but in the Six Kingdoms , Nobility is the law, if you are not a noble, then your life does not belong to you, but to those nobles, if the nobles want you to die, you must die, if the nobles let you live, you can live."

"So, in the Six Kingdoms, those who speak out about the tyranny of the Qin State are precisely those nobles who control the land and food, and hold great power!"

Regardless of whether history is like this or not, anyway, here in Amakusa, let's fool around like this first!

And obviously, Gai Nie, the heretic of the strategist, was fooled, not only Gai Nie, but even Ying Zheng next to him thought it made sense, he believed it!

Amakusa didn't look at Ying Zheng, he didn't know what Ying Zheng's expression was now, all he knew was that Ge Nie was about to get his hands.

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