In this case, the space carrier is almost invincible, as long as there are enough defenses on the space carrier, then those people are not a problem!

"The huge steel hull can carry tens of thousands of people. These tens of thousands of people can be civilians or the army. These people can attack from top to bottom."

"With such a huge amount of iron, I'm afraid that all the iron in Qin State combined would not have so much."

"Indeed, judging from Qin's current iron ore production, the materials needed for this [-]-ton space carrier are indeed beyond Qin's ability to provide, but it doesn't matter."

Amakusa also had a wave of Minazuki possession.

"This is the Australia on the map that I once showed the king. There is a large amount of iron ore here, which can fully afford such a huge war machine."

"It's all thanks to the national teacher."

Ying Zheng looked at the huge space carrier that was quickly built and welded below, with fiery eyes. Sure enough, his choice was right. This national teacher who showed magical abilities, and learned the order to withdraw from the attack on South Korea after learning this portal, All this is true.

If it is a normal attack on South Korea, it may be defeated, but the loss will definitely be huge, but it will be different after learning the portal with the national teacher here, and now the national teacher suddenly built a huge war weapon. up.

In war, the quality of equipment is extremely important. The reason why Qin State was weak back then was not because of the remote location, no money, and no mines. When the war was fought, there was not even standard equipment. They even had hoes and sickles, so Qin State was bullied by Wei State back then.

Although there is iron now, and the army has also changed their equipment, the output is limited after all. I don’t think here, the factory opened by Amakusa, the [-]-ton space carrier, what a terrifying big guy, Ying Zheng is so big, the first This is the first time I have seen such a large piece of iron lump. If this piece of iron lump is made into a weapon, how many weapons can be made.

No, no, it's useless to make more weapons, and weapons can't fly, but the national teacher said that this thing can fly, and it can carry tens of thousands of people!At that time, it will be more convenient to use this thing to recruit soldiers or send things.

And the national teacher also said that many weapons will be arranged on it in the future, so that the army of Qin State can start from Qin State to attack Yan State. From Qin State to Yan State, that is a distance of thousands of miles. No matter what kind of weapon it is, Ying Zheng will say: Awesome!

That weapon is of course a Quinjet fighter jet. That thing can cross the ocean. It’s not easy to use. Its battery life, firepower, and aerial combat are all very strong.

"The portal is indeed very good, but the size of the portal is limited. There are some places or some things that the portal is not suitable for passing through."

Amakusa still needs some explanations, why did he create this space carrier after having the portal.

"However, it is impossible for a powerful spell like a portal to be in the hands of too many people."

"Yes, the portal cannot be mastered by too many people."

If Yingzheng is very consistent with Amakusa, the powerful magic of the portal can turn the tide of the battle. Qin can kill others by mastering the portal, and others can kill Qin by mastering the portal. Because he knew how to do it, but others were different. When the Seven Kingdoms were in a melee, such things as betrayal or treason for their own interests happened many times.

Maybe today Yingzheng let one of his trusted people learn the portal, and the other person was indeed trustworthy at the beginning, but after a while, his credit is high enough, what will you do after the credit is high?He will feel that his status should be even higher, and even in the end, he may even overpower the Lord with his merits, and he can't be sealed.

Do not underestimate the greed of people, especially those addicted to power.

As for Amakusa, Yingzheng feels that Amakusa, the national teacher, is not greedy for power, because this guy is not human, he doesn't care about power at all, what's the use of gods caring about the power of mortals, isn't it better for him to be a god than a king?

"The manufacturing speed of these equipment is very fast, because there is no fatigue here, and there is no need to worry about time. All that needs to be done is to maintain the working efficiency of the machinery, so the production efficiency here can reach its peak."

Human factories, no matter how efficient they are, are useless, because humans need to control those machines, but here is different. Amakusa directly blesses these machines with his will, and all operations are done by the machines themselves. You don't get tired, you don't need to rest, you just keep working.

"In about five days, the space carrier will be completed. After that, we only need to build some Quin-type fighter jets, and configure some secondary guns and ammunition. This space carrier can be put into combat use."

"In other words, after about five days, this weapon of war will be ready for use?"

Yingzheng was very excited. He couldn't wait anymore. He withdrew the attack order against South Korea in order to reduce losses and consumption. At the same time, learning the portal can catch the six kingdoms of Shandong by surprise.

But the space carrier is not bad either, Ying Zheng is not a kid, he definitely wants them all.

This space carrier that can't pass through the portal, but can fly in Amakusa's description, made him feel that he could launch an asymmetric war against South Korea in advance. Even if I haven't learned the portal, I can directly drop South Korea. Dimensional strike!

Just ask if you are afraid of justice from heaven!

"Yes, it will be put into use after five days, but it will be put into use in five days, not in Qin State. It is thousands of miles away from Qin State, and it will take two days to fly back to Qin State from here. So Qin will be able to use it after two days."

"Thousands of miles away, can you fly there in two days?"

Ying Zheng didn't care about waiting two more days, even ten days would be fine. He was even more surprised that this thing could fly so fast, thousands of miles away, and it could be reached in two days, which is too fast!

"Yes, it takes two days. Considering that it is summer in the Pacific Ocean and there are tropical storms, it may take a detour. Otherwise, it should be able to arrive in one day and one night."

Although the space carrier cannot go supersonic, its speed is still quite fast. It is no problem to fly from northern Australia to Shaanxi Province in one day and one night.

"That couldn't be better!"

Ying Zheng grinned happily. He didn't care about the fatigue from practicing swords with Ge Nie before. He didn't care about it. Now he only knows that he will get an extremely powerful war weapon in a few days.

A few days after my Daqin, I want to make shit out of South Korea!

Chapter 22. Gai Nie, Captain of the Urban Management Team

Qin Palace, in a small courtyard that was carved out separately, Gai Nie sat kneeling on a stone bed in the middle of the yard. This is a stone bed used for kneeling while drinking tea. Moon, and then think about life.

That's right, Gai Nie is thinking about life, he is thinking, what is his life?

When he was very young, Gai Nie was brought to Guigu by Guiguzi, and then he started to learn the thoughts of Zonghengjia and Zonghengjian from there, but Gai Nie's personality was relatively melancholy since he was a child, which led to his current situation. It runs counter to the thoughts of the strategists, not only the strategists, but also the thoughts of other schools of thought.

But even so, Ge Nie at least felt that his life was fine, but after experiencing what he saw during the day, Ge Nie began to doubt whether he didn't know enough about the world?

Gai Nie is a person with a skeptical spirit. He will be skeptical about many things in this world, especially things that he doesn't understand. He never feels that he has fully understood the world, but well, he is a political strategist. , After learning so many things from Guiguzi, at least he knows something, so it's not like he doesn't know anything.

But now, Ge Nie felt that he didn't understand the world at all.

A portal that can reach thousands of miles away just by lifting a leg, an extremely heavy war beast that is made of [-] tons of steel but can fly, and the most amazing priest Amakusa who can make so many things .

In this world, are there really immortals and immortal arts?Because those things, if it weren't for immortals and fairy arts, they couldn't be explained at all.

In fact, it’s okay to want to explain, but the premise is that Ge Nie can accept the huge scientific knowledge of the Marvel world, so that he can understand that it is not fairy art or immortals at all, everything is science.

Oh no, the portal and the automated factory still can't be explained, those things are more magical.

While Gai Nie was thinking about life, a human voice came from beside him.

"It seems that you are very confused, Mr. Gai Nie."

Ge Nie turned around and looked up behind him, only to find Amakusa looking at him with a smile on the roof behind him.

"It turned out to be the Amakusa national teacher."

Gai Nie greeted Amakusa with both hands.

"Master Amakusa, haven't you rested at this late hour?"

Facing Amakusa, the miraculous national teacher, Ge Nie didn't know how to respond for a while, so he could only throw out such an ordinary greeting and question first.

"For people like us, rest is only needed when you want to rest, otherwise you don't need it very much."

As Amakusa replied, he walked down from the roof. Yes, he walked down suddenly. One moment he was still on the roof, and the next moment he came to Ge Nie’s side. Even in the first sentence, Amakusa It's still up there, but in the next two paragraphs, Amakusa has already come down.

Gai Nie looked at Amakusa in shock, he didn't feel the way Amakusa came down just now, light work?No, no matter how fast the qinggong is, there are traces to be found, but just now it really appeared very suddenly, without any warning, it appeared beside me.

If this is an assassin, Ge Nie's head is already dead!

Amakusa was very satisfied with Ge Nie's shock. This kind of space use trick is the space trick that Doctor Strange used to pretend to show Thor. It is really pretend.

"People like us?"

Although Gai Nie cares about how Amakusa got down, he cares more about "we" in Amakusa's mouth.

"Mr. Gai Nie, you should understand that I am not an ordinary person. I am fundamentally different from you or even King Qin."

"I see."

Ordinary people can take people thousands of miles away in an instant?Ordinary people can control a mountain of steel with one hand?Ordinary people can create war behemoths that can fly in the sky?

No, that's not an ordinary person at all!No matter how stupid Gai Nie is, it is impossible for Amakusa to be regarded as an ordinary person.

So, this Amakusa national teacher is not human?No, it should be said that it is not an ordinary person, but an immortal. Gai Nie doesn't know how an immortal usually lives, so he can only think that this is the ability of an immortal, and he doesn't need to rest much.

"Mr. Gai Nie, why don't you tell me, what are you wondering about?"

"It's a doubt, but it's not really a doubt. I just don't quite understand what I saw today."

"It's certain that you can't understand it in a short time, because even King Qin can't understand it, but for King Qin, temporary incomprehension is not important. He is a king, and he doesn't need to understand everything. What he needs to do , It is simply to understand and then decide where this thing should be used, if everything must be understood, then the monarch will have no time to think about other things.”


"So, Mr. Ge Nie doesn't need to know everything now, you just need to do what you think you should do at this time."

After listening to Amakusa's words, Gai Nie felt that it made sense.

"What I have to do now is to practice swords with King Qin and complete your training plan for King Qin, the national teacher, right?"

"That's right, King Qin's spirit needs to be tempered, and after tempering his spirit, what Mr. Gai Nie needs to do is to be your urban management team leader."

"City management team leader, this name sounds very powerful."

The ancient people were simple and did not understand what the captain of the urban management team represented. Gai Nie only knew that in ancient times, the word "big" was generally very powerful, especially in the martial arts industry. Those who know the same level, the general is almost at the commanding level.

And Amakusa also said that he will be in charge of the entire urban management brigade. This command is basically affirmative. This can almost be said to be in charge of a special army.

Obviously I am a Buddhist, and I don't plan to get too involved in politics and the military, but I didn't expect to be involved in the military now.

However, compared to the kind of forced to join military operations, this special unit called the Urban Management Brigade has a good impression on Gai Nie. It is very suitable for Gai Nie to protect the people and protect ordinary people under the hands of those rangers and domineering scholars. One thing on Nie Xin's mind.

"By the way, I came to see you for something."

"Master, please tell me."

Amakusa came to find Gai Nie, but he didn't really come to chat, he had something to do.

"Before I was in Australia, I was busy introducing the matter of the space carrier to King Qin, and I forgot to bring you clothes."


Ge Nie looked at Amakusa with some doubts, he is not short of clothes, why bring clothes here.

"That's right, I forgot to bring you the clothes I gave you."

While talking, Amakusa opened a small portal, reached in and took out a stack of clothes.

"Come on, this is customized for you, the exclusive uniform of the urban management team leader. In the future, you will not only be a palace swordsman, but also the city management team leader. This dress represents your identity."

Gai Nie took the stack of clothes from Amakusa's hand. It was made of a material he had never seen before, and it felt like leather.

"Try it on a boat?"

Seeing Gai Nie constantly touching his clothes, Amakusa urged him from the side.

"Then let's try it out."

Chapter 23. Kanputeng Yingzheng: Times Have Changed!

In the main hall of King Qin’s Palace, it’s time for the morning meeting again. Li Si and other ministers have all arrived and are preparing for the meeting. However, these waiting ministers are not focused on discussing with King Qin at the moment. , They are all staring at one person at this time.

This person is Qin Guo's new officer, Gai Nie, captain of the Urban Management Brigade.

On the left side of the desk that King Qin usually used, Gai Nie in a black windbreaker was wearing a hat and standing with his head bowed, looking very cold.

That's right, Gai Nie is wearing a windbreaker!

Amakusa gave Gai Nie a special uniform for the captain of the urban management team. In fact, it was made according to the clothes of the sheriff or the army in other animations. The inside is a white underwear and white straight-leg pants, with a black tie and black The military boots look very pointed, and the outside is a windbreaker with black background and gold trim. On his head, he wears a hat with the same black background and gold trim. He wears a pair of white silk gloves when he is injured, and a pair of white silk gloves is pinned to his waist. The long sword looks cool.

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