Not only Coulson and the others, but also Thor and the others. The group of five opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the thunder light, and even began to wonder whether the human named Tesla was Thor or their Thor. It's Thor.

Amakusa, who was squatting on the ground, Mash, who was standing opposite with a shield on his shoulders, and Tesla, who was still maintaining the posture of releasing the treasure with both hands, looked at the huge ravine in front of them together.

The Noble Phantasm that Tesla just erupted had a direct range that covered the Destroyer's entire body, including the ground where the Destroyer was standing, so now the entire ground is a huge gully, and it's all scorched black. There are still many places that are scorched red and transparent, that is, the underground sand is melted by high-temperature lightning and then directly vitrified, and some smoke caused by high temperature is floating.

Seeing this situation, Amakusa stood up with a smile, and it seemed that he was defeated. Such a large thunder beam can penetrate several mountains. It is impossible for the Destroyer to hold it. In the movie, Thor just used a hammer Hit it directly on the head and block the output port to make the Destroyer explode. It's not easy.

"Did you defeat it?"

However, Mash's sudden words stunned Amakusa.

"Wait, Matthew, you can't say such things here, if you say such things..."

call out--

A beam of flame light bombarded directly from a distance, and directly hit the standing Tesla. Tesla was directly blasted tens of meters away and fell to the ground.

"I will be killed by the boss..."

Only halfway through Amakusa's words, the attack had already arrived, directly blasting Tesla standing in the middle.

Tesla's output is powerful, but he is not a Camelot knight. He has been bombarded by the flame beam once before, and this time the bombing is even harder than the last time. He was directly bombarded on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Matthew, protect Tesla!"

Amakusa immediately gave an order to Mash, then drew his sword and rushed forward, standing in the center of the ravine.

In the ravine, as the diffuse smoke gradually disappeared, a tall figure reappeared in Amakusa's field of vision.

"I'm sure now that the Destroyer that was blown up by Thor with a hammer to his head was absolutely fake. It doesn't feel hurt at all, as if the attack just now was a joke."

Looking at the unscathed Destroyer in front of him, at most with a dark body, Amakusa smiled wryly.

Such a large lightning technique just makes the metal of the Destroyer's body burn black and red, and then cool down now. The inside of the Destroyer is driven by eternal fire. The thing he is most afraid of is high temperature, so Tesla's The treasure, on the contrary, is of no use to him.

"I don't want to go straight up and block his launch port like Thor, and then let him explode, but that looks like a fake no matter how you look at it."

Now Amakusa feels that he has been overshadowed by the movie. The reason why Brother Hammer was able to easily defeat the Destroyer must be the plot kill!Even if he blocked the face of the Destroyer, he would definitely not let him explode, because the material of the thing itself can withstand the pressure of the eruption of the high temperature of the Eternal Fire, so simply blocked, he can stop the explosion directly, But he still broke out, and then his head exploded, isn't this a joke.

"Mortal, I have to say that you have shown me a very good scene, but unfortunately, your performance has come to an end."

Loki, who was far away in Asgard, looked at his Destroyer unscathed, with a happy expression on his face. He would not say that when Tesla opened the treasure just now, his mouth was so scared that he opened his mouth wide open. Yes, now seeing the Destroyer kill Tesla directly and instantly, I am so happy.

"I gave you a chance before, and I allowed you to survive, but now you don't seem to cherish this opportunity, and you don't want to cherish this opportunity. In this case, you should pay your own life for it!"

After Loki finished speaking, the Destroyer took action and rushed directly to Amakusa who was standing in front of him.

Amakusa swung his sword and rushed up to avoid the attack of the Destroyer through the enlightenment, and was about to fight back, but he was surprised to find that the Destroyer didn't attack him again, but just swung it to avoid the attack, and then rushed directly to the rear Tesla and Matthew.

This situation came too fast, and Amakusa couldn't stop it at all. The Destroyer rushed up so fast that Amakusa couldn't react at all.


Amakusa quickly threw three black keys, and the black keys turned into giant swords and nailed at the Destroyer, trying to stop him, but the leg that just passed through the Destroyer was broken directly, this time it didn't melt, but directly It was broken by a powerful force.

Amakusa who followed behind could only smile wryly.

"Is that why this Destroyer is a high difficulty..."

Amakusa, who was originally confident, can be said to be completely helpless at this time.

Amakusa, who owns the FGO system and has summoned many powerful followers, felt for the first time the power that the Marvel world is so powerful that he cannot resist.

Chapter 102. On Illya Squad!

Facts have proved that what Amakusa knows about the hammer Gotor killing the Destroyer with a hammer is completely releasing water, and Odin is releasing water.

The Destroyer is Odin's weapon, and it is also blessed by Odin's power. The controller is actually Odin, but in terms of control, the Odin's Spear is considered a privileged equipment. Loki holding the Odin's Spear , it can be said that he has obtained part of the authority of the Destroyer, so the actual controller is still Odin. Odin said that he fell into a deep sleep, but his mind is very clear.

If the opponent of the Destroyer is Thor, the Destroyer controlled by Odin can definitely defeat the Destroyer easily. He just let Thor go through the test, and it doesn't mean that he will really be killed, but facing Amakusa It's different.

As the god-king of Asgard and the guardian of the nine worlds, would Odin want to let people know that his strongest armored weapon in Asgard was destroyed by the earthlings? Old face, just kidding!Doesn't he, Odin, lose face?

So when facing Tesla and Amakusa, Odin, who actually controls the Destroyer secretly, blesses the Destroyer with his own power so that he can withstand the attack of Tesla's Noble Phantasm.

Therefore, Amakusa is now facing such a somewhat hopeless situation.

The Destroyer, who was attacked by Tesla's Noble Phantasm, went mad like a lion enraged by a hound.


The thick arm made of all metal swung over and directly knocked Amakusa back, no, it was knocked into the air. Amakusa's light body could not resist the powerful force at all, and was knocked into the sky in an instant.

Then a beam of flame radiated over.


Amakusa, who was still in mid-air, directly threw three black keys, forming a triangle shape in the sky, and then enlarged and stacked together to form a huge shield, trying to block the pillar of fire in this way, so that he could land safely.

But it's a pity that the black key couldn't resist at all, and was directly scattered and exploded. The impact of the explosion blasted Amakusa, who was still in the low air, again for a distance and fell to the ground.

The enhanced magic made Amakusa able to withstand this attack, and after landing and rolling a few times, he squatted on the ground and stopped.

But before he could stabilize completely, the second attack rushed over.

"Double Wrists Zero Convergence!"

Amakusa gave up using the black key to resist, and he couldn't dodge quickly without stabilizing his body. Mash was also covering Tesla, so he directly chose to use his treasure again.

A black sphere appeared directly in front of Amakusa, expanded rapidly, blocked the attack, and the pillar of fire was swallowed by the black hole and disappeared.

Seeing the appearance of the black ball, the Destroyer immediately stopped attacking, and instantly accelerated towards Matthew on the other side without the slightest hesitation.

This situation is the last thing Amakusa wants to see. He can predict the attacking action of the Destroyer through revelation, and then improve his physical ability through strengthening magic to avoid the attack and fight with the Destroyer. Although he cannot hurt the Destroyer, But the Destroyer can also be held back, but the current Destroyer has no interest in him at all, and every time he repels him, he rushes towards Tesla without hesitation, as nimble as a rabbit without inertia at all!

This made Amakusa very uncomfortable, because in this case, if he wanted to hold the Destroyer, he had to bear the Destroyer's attack instead of avoiding harassment and fighting, but with Amakusa's small body to withstand the attack head-on, he just flew out It's the standard ending.

But in order for Matthew to protect Tesla, Amakusa had to do this again, so the current situation is that Destroyer is showing off casually, while Amakusa is being beaten crazily, without the most meaty equipment, but next to the most poisonous beat.

Looking at the Destroyer striding forward towards Mash, Amakusa really wanted to summon a powerful helper to help fight, but now Amakusa seems to be the only one who can confront the Destroyer head-on. However, although Uncle B is strong, he is disobedient. He follows Ilya in spirit form all day long.

Wait a minute, should I call Ilya over?Then let Illya ask Hercules to help her?

You can try!

"Matthew, please hold on for a while."

Thinking of this, Amakusa immediately raised his right hand, revealing the Command Seal hidden on the back of his hand.

"Illya, come to me!"


With a question, Illya appeared in front of Amakusa holding a mobile phone in both hands.

The sudden sunlight made Ilya close her eyes quickly, and covered her forehead with her mobile phone. Obviously, she should have stayed at home and played with her mobile phone before.

"what happened?"

"Sorry Ilya, I called you here temporarily because I have something to do."

Amakusa helped Illya block the sun with her body while explaining.

"Matthew and I have encountered a powerful enemy, and we need your help, Illya, to deal with it."

"Brother Amakusa?"

Listening to the familiar voice and seeing the familiar face, Ilya probably understood what was going on in the current situation.

"Okay, no problem, brother Amakusa, do you need my help in fighting, Ruby!"

"Hi hi~~ I'm here~~"

Ruby instantly appeared beside Illya.

"No, no, no, Illya, you don't need to fight, because this time the enemy is very dangerous and not suitable for you to deal with."

"Hey? Brother Cao asked me to come and help that day?"

"Well, he should be here."

Amakusa did not answer Illya's question, but looked behind Illya. In an instant, three figures appeared behind Illya.

"Ah, it's Archer, Assassin, and Berserker!"

Seeing her good friends appear, Illya smiled happily.

"It seems that this is more useful than expected..."

Amakusa was very surprised, because he originally thought that Hercules would follow when the Command Spell called Illya. After all, Uncle B is an existence that would teleport as long as Illya called out, but he didn't expect this time Uncle B came over, and the other two followed.

A command spell called Illya, and then the other three people who had been following Illya followed directly. Although I don't know how they did it, but they did, within a few seconds Chased from New York without knowing where Illya was.

Red A, who was worried about Illya's situation, saw Amakusa and asked in doubt.

"Master? What's the situation."

"Sorry, I called Illya over. I actually needed Hercules' help, but I didn't expect the two of you to come here too, but it happened just right! Just happened to help us together."

He Amakusa Shiro is about to start the second round!With three new teammates!

Chapter 103. Berserker is the strongest!

"Things look a little bad..."

"No, it's not bad anymore, it's quite bad, even such a big beam of lightning didn't kill that guy, that guy is too monster!"

"Wait, sir, didn't you say it was a gas explosion!?"

"That's what you heard wrong, Agent Patton."

In the spectator seats of S.H.I.E.L.D., Barton looked at Coulson, who was a little anxious beside him, with a dazed expression.

"In short, that Mr. Tesla does not seem to be the opponent of the fire-breathing giant, and his attack has no effect at all."

"Is this the power of the gods... We may need to think of a way...Everyone, get ready to retreat!"

Next to Coulson and the others, Thor and the others also became worried. Before, they were not optimistic about Amakusa and the others, but now it is really as they thought, Amakusa and the others directly bombed.

"Wait, sir, a new character has appeared."

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