"But I'm not the leader either."

"You were not the leader before, but from now on, you are the leader."

Six Fingers Heixia has spoken, and Amakusa's words have reached this point, how can he not understand?Li Ji is a beauty of Weiguo, so it is understandable to be brought back as a trophy. It is definitely possible for Amakusa to come back, but there needs to be a reason to help Jing Ke to come back. It cannot be said that Jing Ke is just an ordinary Mo Xia.

An ordinary Mo Xia can ask for someone from the King of Qin, so that's fine. In Liu Zhi Hei Xia's view, even if Qin's current situation makes him very fond of it, this order of dignity and order still needs to be maintained. It is a feudal society!

"Since it is the leader of the Mo family, it will be easy to handle."

After Six Fingers Heixia finished speaking, Amakusa took up the conversation.

"The sergeants under him accidentally arrested the family members of the leader of the Mo family. Now I'm going to help them get them back. There's nothing wrong with that, isn't it?"

"Thank you, Mr. National Teacher."

Six Fingers Heixia bowed his head slightly to Amakusa to express his gratitude.

"It doesn't matter, we just need to make sure that it's not the Mohists who are planning to assassinate the King of Qin. It's just a misunderstanding, and it's fine to solve the misunderstanding."

"Yes, this is just a misunderstanding, all of this is not the Mohist's claim."

Six Fingers Heixia doesn't want the Mo family to take the blame.

"All of this is the attention of Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom. He used Jing Ke's weakness to confuse Jing Ke. As for Jing Ke, please forgive me, Master Guoshi."

"If I don't forgive the crime, I won't go to get his family back for Commander Jing, will I?"

Amakusa replied with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. National Teacher."

The Black Man with Six Fingers nodded to Tiancao again, and it was basically confirmed that the one who wanted to assassinate King Qin was Yan Taizidan, which had nothing to do with the Mo family. There is no need to take the blame, the one who takes the blame is Prince Yan Dan.

"In that case, let's pick up Commander Jing's family first, and let the coachman turn around and go to the palace."

"I'll tell the coachman."

Six Fingers Heixia took the initiative to say hello to the coachman, and told the coachman to turn around and go to Qin Palace. Those beauties were kept in a guest house outside the palace. Well, that is a place specially for this kind of beauties for rewards. From Amakusa's point of view, it is guest house.

After Amakusa came here, he directly took out his identity as the national teacher and reported it. The soldiers in charge of guarding immediately invited Amakusa in. There was no need to report. One person led Amakusa, while the other flew in. Run, inform the person in charge inside that Master Guoshi is here.

The king of Qin began to issue orders. Seeing the national teacher is like seeing the king of Qin. All the orders of the national teacher will be obeyed first, even if the order is contrary to the order of the king of Qin. What kind of treatment is this? National teacher!He Amakusa is the ruler of Qin.

But Amakusa doesn't plan to be the ruler, because it will be very annoying, there are too many things, it's good to be a grandpa behind the scenes.

Soon, Amakusa left the guest house respectfully by the steward, and also took away Li Ji, a person from the Wei Kingdom.

This girl still looks a little young now, she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. If you look at it from a modern perspective, she is about the same age as Amakusa, and belongs to the stage of high school students.

So, Jing Ke even sleeps with high school students?

But in this era, people get married and have babies at the age of fifteen or sixteen, so it doesn't really work.

He brought Li Ji into the carriage, turned around again, and headed towards the Mo family's residence in Xianyang. This time, the car became much more lively, and the blame was also given to Yan Dan, and the misunderstanding was resolved. No matter whether it was Qin Wuyang or Jing Ke, There is no need to die, Jing Ke even got a promotion and a salary increase, and is about to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life, together they are so beautiful.

There is only one person who is not so good, and that is Yan Dan who is waiting for news from the country of Yan. Because the Black Man with Six Fingers chooses to pin the pot on his head, Amicao is going to let Ying Zheng attack the country of Yan first!

Chapter 69. The Mohist giant cleans up the door himself

In Xianyang, the compound assigned to the Mo family as the chief helm of Xianyang, Six Fingers Heixia has already arranged Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang here. At present, in such a large courtyard, there is only one Six Fingers Heixia in the Mohist family. Now there is a Jing Ke, It was much better, there were more people, and there was Li Ji brought back by Jing Ke by Tiancao, and Qin Wuyang was also temporarily kept by the Black Man with Six Fingers, so there were four more people in this huge courtyard.

"This is the main rudder of the Mo family in Xianyang. You should stay here for now. Without my order, you are not allowed to leave Xianyang, and you are not even allowed to leave here if you have nothing to do!"

Bring them here, the Black Man with Six Fingers is not just chatting with them, he is going to lock Jing Ke here, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang, both of them are locked up, and there is a Li Ji watching them, let them rest in peace share.

"Ah? You are not allowed to leave here? Wouldn't that be boring?"

"Why, do you still want to go out now?"

"Ah... no, I don't want to."

Although Jing Ke wanted to go out, but under the death stare of the Six Fingers Heixia, he chose Congxin and chose not to go out.

Moreover, in fact, it doesn’t matter if Jing Ke doesn’t go out, because now there is not only him here, but also a beautiful girl named Li Ji. What's the need to go out?

It would be perfect with a little wine.

"Don't even think about drinking, you are forbidden to drink during this time!"

The Black Man with Six Fingers seemed to know what Jing Ke was thinking, so he directly stopped him.

"If you let me know that you went to drink privately, I will lock you up and stop Li Ji from approaching you. Do you want to stay here peacefully, or stay more peacefully locked up by me?" ?”

"Uh...I'd like to stay here peacefully."

Although Jing Ke likes to drink, but between wine and Li Ji, he chooses Li Ji, this is a good man who can give up games for his wife!

"Then obey what you said, stay here well, and be with your Li Ji!"


"Listen, from now on, you are the new leader of the Mohist family, responsible for everything in the headquarter of the Mohist family in Xianyang, Qin. I know you want to say that you can't do anything, but it's useless. If you don't know how to do it, then Go and learn from me! During the time here, I will teach you how to be a leader!"

After the Black Man with Six Fingers finished speaking, he looked at Li Ji next to him. Li Ji, a little girl, had been very happy after being brought back to Jing Ke by Amakusa, but because of the Black Man with Six Fingers, she was afraid to speak all the time and was getting angry The six-fingered black man in the movie is terrifying.

"Li Ji, you are in charge of supervising him during this time, not allowing him to go out, and teaching him what to do."


Suddenly being mentioned by the Black Man with Six Fingers, Li Ji was a little dazed, asking her to look at Jing Ke, isn't that okay.

"But Mr. Juzi, I don't know anything."

"You don't need to know anything, you are a very well-behaved child, so what I want you to do is very simple, watch him, let him obey a little rule! Can this be done?"

Although it was said to be a question, the tone was basically a statement.

"Can, can do it."

Being stared at by the Black Man with Six Fingers, Li Ji nodded quickly, not daring to say no.

"It's good if you can do it. From today onwards, Li Ji, you supervise Jing Ke. At the same time, both of you must obey the orders of the Master of the State Teacher. This is my order. In my absence, the order of the State Teacher is equivalent." Do you understand my order?"


"I see."

After confirming that the little girl in front of him and Jing Ke were too frightened to disobey his orders, the Black Man with Six Fingers nodded affirmatively, and then looked at Qin Wuyang, who was always beside him.

Qin Wuyang, this guy is also from the Mo family, and in terms of strength, he can be regarded as a master. In fact, he and Jing Ke have not known each other for a long time, because he is from the country of Yan, the grandson of the prime minister of the country of Yan, and it was Yan Dan who joined the Mo family. The Yan people who were pulled in later.

Although Six Fingers Heixia said he knew such a person, he was not particularly familiar with him. After all, he was a newcomer just like Yan Dan.

Because of Yan Dan's identity, Black Man Six Fingers knew him relatively well, and even gave him a commanding position, but now it seems that Black Man Six Fingers still doesn't know Yan Dan that well.

This Qin Wuyang was recruited by Yan Dan to the Mo family, but in the view of the Black Man with Six Fingers, this Qin Wuyang was used by Yan Dan just like Jing Ke, but this Qin Wuyang was more like a dead man than he was used. , accompany Jing Ke, and supervise Jing Ke at the same time, to ensure that Jing Ke can assassinate the King of Qin. As for whether Jing Ke can kill, that is Jing Ke's business.

"What do you want to say?"

Staring at Qin Wuyang, Six Fingers Heixia asked in a low voice, but Qin Wuyang was straightforward, and answered calmly after being asked.

"I have nothing to say."

"very good."

Qin Wuyang's directness won the respect of Six Fingers Heixia, because it represented Qin Wuyang's acknowledgment of his identity, the person Yan Dan sent to the Mo family, and he was also Jing Ke's dead waiter.

"Since you haven't said anything, come with me. There are some things we need to go back and solve."

"Follow the orders of the giant."

Qin Wuyang cupped his hands to Six Fingers Heixia, expressing his obedience to the order.

Six Fingers Heixia took a deep look at Qin Wuyang, then turned to look at Amakusa.

"My lord, do you think it's okay to deal with this?"

"Mr. Juzi's handling is no problem, I agree."

Amakusa witnessed the whole process of Juzi's handling of these three people, and there was nothing dissatisfied.

"Then Master Shishi, please help us. I'm going to take Qin Wuyang back to the Mo family. I need to go back to the Mo family to deal with these matters myself."

"No problem, where does Mr. Juzi want to go?"

Amakusa raised his right hand, and sparks began to appear in Amakusa's hand.

"Just go to the Qiguo Inn where I came here before."

There are many strongholds of the Mo family, but last time the inn in the Qi State was the closest stronghold to the Yan State. Although Yan Dan has joined the Yan State and established a stronghold in the Yan State, the Black Man with Six Fingers has not been there yet. Even if I have a map in my hand, I haven't seen the real thing, so it's better to start from Qi, and the Black Man with Six Fingers disappeared from there before, so it's just right to go back from there.

"Then I'll open the door for you now."

Amakusa recalled what it looked like inside the inn, and when he raised his right hand, a portal with sparks flying everywhere appeared.

Opposite the portal is the stronghold of the Mohist inn located in Qi.

Although he had seen it once before, he was a little taken aback when he saw this portal that could span thousands of miles again.

"Thank you."

After bowing his hands to Amakusa and nodding his thanks, Six Fingers Heixia dragged the bewildered Qin Wuyang through the portal, leaving Jing Ke and Li Ji together bewildered.

Chapter 70. Matching Jing Ke and Gai Nie

As a young man, Jing Ke has traveled to many places even though he is not very old. Before, he had been in the four countries of Shandong. This time, because of the mission entrusted by Yan Dan to assassinate Qin, he also went to South Korea and Qin. Only the Chu country in the south has never been to the country, so he can be regarded as a young man who has traveled all over the world. Others at his age have no chance to visit six countries. After all, if you want to travel around, you need Very strong financial support, or your reputation is so good that when you go to any country, someone will take the initiative to receive you.

But this matter is a bit difficult. Confucius did not fully achieve this level back then. Confucius also relied on the funding of his students to travel around the world.

And Jing Ke can't do it, he belongs to the poor traveler, and usually relies on his own legs to travel, and the Mo family doesn't have much money for him to squander, so it is not easy for Jing Ke.

But Jing Ke, who has experienced so much at a young age, said that he has never seen the scene in front of him.

Usually, Amakusa would not do any troublesome things, at most he would throw away some troublesome things, but this time, he had never seen a portal.

Obviously it looks like a circle of fire, but on the opposite side of the circle of fire, there is a completely different architectural style. From the conversation between Liuzhi Heixia and Amakusa just now, he also understands that Liuzhi Heixia refers to a Mohist family in Qi State The stronghold, Jing Ke lived there for a few days, so he has an impression of it, but it is Qi State, this is Qin State, this is Xianyang, and a circle of fire directly leads to Qi State?

Jing Ke couldn't believe it, but the Black Man with Six Fingers dragged Qin Wuyang and disappeared in front of him, which made him believe it, because no matter how strong his lightness kung fu was, it was impossible to do this, and it was still in broad daylight. As for illusion, Jing Ke thought that he was not so easy to fall into illusion.

So, this circle of fire can really make people travel thousands of miles or even thousands of miles?The young Jing Ke said that he was hit and needed a hug from Li Ji's sister to recover.It's a pity that Li Ji was also affected, so she couldn't hug him.

As Amakusa's right hand fell, the spark-splashing portal quickly shrank until it finally turned into a fire point and disappeared from the low sky. The portal ended. Six Fingers Heixia and Qin Wuyang returned to Qi State. The entire Mohist Xianyang rudder, Only Amakusa, Jing Ke and Li Ji were left.

"Okay, Mr. Juzi has left, the next thing is your business."

"Ah... oh."

Jing Ke reacted from the shock and looked nervously at Amakusa, the legendary mysterious national teacher.

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