"The farmers, of course."

"Then, are they the ones who know the state of Qin like this, or do you tell them that the state of Qin is like this?"

"Does it make any difference?"

"It makes a huge difference."

The Black Man with Six Fingers looked at Yan Dan in front of him, and remembered himself being ridiculed by Amakusa, he couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in his heart. He didn't know what this feeling was, but he felt that when he was looking at Yan Dan, there was something in his heart. There is an indescribable sense of joy.

He didn't know what was going on, but this feeling made him feel a little strange and at the same time a little happy, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

With this feeling, Six Fingers Heixia began to analyze Yan Dan.

"Whether it is the farmers of the Yan Kingdom or the farmers of the other six countries, there are very few of them who can read, and even fewer understand the truth. They cannot master knowledge. No one wants them to master knowledge. They have no power, let alone People let them hold power. The meaning of their existence is to provide food and labor for the nobles. They are needed during corvee and war, and when they finally share the fruits of victory, they have nothing to do. The highest ratio of people, but enjoy the least resources of each country."

"And you, as nobles and rulers of the country, what you care more about is the power in your own hands and the resources you enjoy."

"For you, the country and the land belong to you, not to the hard-working people who work on those lands every day."

"In order for you to master those poor people, you not only don't want them to master knowledge, you even restrict their thinking. Everything they know is deliberately done by you. They can only know what you want them to know. Just like the current state of Qin."

"The farmers don't even know the words. The Qin State they know is all the Qin State you told them about, and the Qin State in your eyes is a country that may threaten your own interests at any time and may cause you to lose power in your hands. Enemy, so in your eyes, no matter what Qin is like, it is cruel."

As soon as the call was over, Yan Dan on the opposite side was stunned and speechless, but looking at Yan Dan's six-fingered black man, he felt that his whole body became more comfortable, and it was the same feeling as before, very Weird, but also very comfortable!

Seeing that Yan Dan was speechless, Yan Dan struck while the iron was hot.

"Besides, you said that the state of Qin is harsh and the king of Qin is tyrannical, so do you really understand the state of Qin? I don't think I have fully understood the state of Qin, but at least I know nothing about the state of Qin than you do. It’s better to belittle one’s enemies with righteous words.”

After speaking, the Black Man with Six Fingers pushed Qin Wuyang forward.

"Qin Wuyang, I brought you back. He belongs to you. I let him come back from Qin State intact. In addition, I helped you get out of Qin State before, which can be regarded as repaying your favor. Next, you Both were expelled from the Mo family."


Yan Dan was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that the Black Man with Six Fingers would expel him from the Mo family after such a phone call, which meant that he and Yan Guo would lose the help of the Mo family.

"That's right, from now on, you will be expelled from the Mo family, and I will give up the development of the Mo family in Yan."

Six Fingers Heixia has a cold expression on his face, but his heart is unusually comfortable.

"My Mo family will not be an enemy of Qin!"

Not only did not become an enemy, but even joined the other party!

Chapter 73. Gao Jianli and Xuenv are going to Qin

The situation of Yan State changed suddenly. Since Crown Prince Dan of Yan fled from Qin State to join the Mohists, Yan State has really improved a little bit with the help of the Mohist Family and under the leadership of Yan Dan.

But this improvement can only be said to be limited, and the messy things that should be there still exist, because Yan Dan is only a prince after all. There is no chance to become King Yan.

Yan Dan, who has no military power, can't do it even if he plots to usurp the throne.

Before, I could rely on the help of the Mo family to do some things in the rear, but now I have been kicked out of the Mo family, not to mention the reform, even the original status is almost lost.

Six Fingers Heixia is very courageous, just like when he placed his bet on Yandan back then, he wanted to rely on Yan to develop the Mohism, but now he chooses to place his bet on Qin, or in other words, Amakusa and Ying Zheng's body, especially the immortal Amakusa.

With the help of the immortals, Yingzheng will definitely be able to do something, and Yingzheng's deeds are Qin's deeds, so what the Mohists have to do now is to follow the steps of Yingzheng and Amakusa, and devote themselves wholeheartedly Work for Daqin.

I, the Mo family, will be a dog of Daqin from today on!Yan Guo is in this kind of rubbish place, so don't worry about it!

The layout of the Mo family in the country of Yan was directly reset, as if they had never been there. Those strongholds of the Mo family that Yan Dan knew were all evacuated by the six-fingered black man. Not only that, those who were brought into the Mo family by Yan Dan, Six Fingers Heixia also carried out a wave of cleansing.

Those who joined the Mohists in Yan State, Six Fingers Heixia conducted a series of investigations and cleared out many descendants of Yan State officials and those who had contact with Yan Dan, regardless of whether they were Yan Dan’s staff or not. As long as they have something to do with the nobles of the Yan Kingdom, all of them are not wanted. The Mo family will definitely be able to develop in the future, and there is no shortage of such people.

As for those who had nothing to do with the nobles, even those who joined the Mohist family because of the oppression of the nobles, Six Fingers Heixia kept them and prepared to inspect them. For example, there were two of them, one named Xue Nu and the other named Gao Jianli.

There is still a connection between this snow girl and Gao Jianli, and this Gao Jianli is also connected with Jing Ke, well, these two can stay and observe.

Moreover, in order to observe these people who joined the country of Yan, Six Fingers Heixia also chose to keep them away from the country of Yan.

That's right, these people are also from the country of Yan, and they have more or less connections with the country of Yan, and because they joined from the country of Yan, they must be known by Yan Dan, at least the list is known by Yan Dan, so in order to prevent Yan Dan used the people on this list, and Six Fingers Heixia transferred them all out.

Anyway, you are all members of the Mohist family, and going to other Mohist strongholds is also a contribution to the Mohist.

Therefore, Six Fingers Heixia transferred these people to Qin.

Abandon Yan State and deploy Qin State, especially if these people don't have a good impression of the country or the nobles, then there is no difference between Yan State, Qi State or Qin State.

"Qin State?"

On the carriage, Xue Nu and Gao Jianli were very surprised when they heard where they were going next. Although they were from the country of Yan, they had never been to the country of Qin, but they had heard a lot about the country of Qin. After hitting that, especially when South Korea was destroyed not long ago, Yan Dan had to use the technique of assassination.

As a result, the six-fingered black man, the Mohist tycoon, suddenly appeared, kicked Yan Dan out of the country of Yan, and even abolished all the Mohist strongholds in the country of Yan. Now he even told them that the place they were going to go next was Qin!

"Isn't Qin State planning to attack the remaining five countries? Why are we going to Qin State?"

Gao Jianli expressed doubts that his eldest brother is even preparing to assassinate King Qin now.

"No, Qin Wuyang has already returned with Juzi, so my elder brother..."

"Jing Ke is fine. They were planning to assassinate King Qin, but they were stopped. He is fine just like Qin Wuyang."

"All the eldest brothers are in Qin?"

"That's right, Jing Ke is in Xianyang now, and is in charge of all the affairs of the Mo family in Xianyang."

"Responsible for all the affairs of the Mohist family in Xianyang, but isn't that what a commander should be responsible for? Why would the elder brother be in charge of what a commander should do in Xianyang?"

Gao Jianli still knows a lot about the affairs of the Mohist family. He will also become a leader of the Mohist family in the future. He has a more careful and serious personality. After confirming that his eldest brother is still alive and comfortable, his focus is on started to deviate.

"That's right, Jing Ke has now become a leader of the Mohist family, and is in charge of all the affairs of the Mohist family in Xianyang, Qin."

"What? Why did the Mohists establish a stronghold in Xianyang, isn't it afraid that Qin will find out?"

"We don't need to hide, because the Qin State knows that the Mohists have established a stronghold in Xianyang, and the King of Qin also knows."


This time, both Gao Jianli and Xuenv were shocked. They didn't expect that after Jing Ke came to Qin State, not only did he not assassinate the King of Qin, he even became the commander, and the Mo family also cooperated with Qin State. This change is too great.

"That's right, Jing Ke has become the leader of the Mohist family, but he has no one under him, so you go over and help him manage the affairs of the Mohist family in Qin."

Six Fingers Black Man looked at Gao Jianli, he was quite satisfied with Gao Jianli.

"Jing Ke already has Li Ji by his side, and with your words, Jing Ke has another person he knows."

"I don't know much about your affairs, but after understanding those simple things, I can be sure that you are a serious person. That guy Jing Ke is very bad at things, basically can't do anything, except for fighting, He basically won't accomplish anything, and after he becomes the commander, he needs some people to assist him, and you are the best choice."

"It just so happens that you both know each other, so I don't have to worry about extra trouble."

Pointing at Gao Jianli, the Black Man with Six Fingers showed a smile on his face.

"Of course, if you want to leave the Mo family, then I won't make things difficult for you, you can leave."

Heixia Six Fingers decided to hand over the choice to Gao Jianli and Xuenv. This was also part of the test. If they were willing to leave, it would be fine to leave. In that case, Heixia Six Fingers would have one less test to pass.

"No, no need, we will not leave the Mo family."

Gao Jianli and Xuenv looked at each other, and gave their answer to Six Fingers Heixia.

"We are willing to go to Qin State. It just so happens that I haven't seen my elder brother for many days. I don't know how he is doing in Qin State."

Chapter 74. Mr. Jing Ke, Deputy Captain of the Urban Management Brigade

Qin State Xianyang, just like Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang back then, they spent nearly ten days in a horse-drawn carriage from Yan State to Xianyang, and this is actually quite fast in this era, because this era can There is no highway, and all kinds of river crossings can only rely on ferries, and there are no bridges.

So it takes a lot of time for the carriage to travel from Yan to Qin, especially since there will be censorship between countries, and there will always be various troubles.

Fortunately, South Korea has now become the territory of the Qin State, so the route chosen by the Black Man with Six Fingers is the same as that of Jing Ke, passing through South Korea, then Hangu Pass, and all the way to Xianyang.

Although Amakusa can open the portal, Amakusa did not leave the contact information of the six-fingered black man, nor did he leave a way to find the six-fingered black man. Black cloak, and then running around, you never know where the Mohist giant will appear.

Especially after the Mohists developed the very unscientific mechanism beast Suzaku, Mohist giants can ride Suzaku around at any time. In this era, if you have an air force and are powerful, then you are a rogue!No one can take the kind that you can't do anything about.

Therefore, they could only come to Xianyang by horse-drawn carriage. After spending nearly ten days, Six Fingers Heixia brought Xue Nu, Gao Jianli, and a group of newcomers from Yan Kingdom into Xianyang.

After entering Xianyang City, the Black Man with Six Fingers got out of the carriage and came to the driver's seat. He was the only one who knew the way here, so he had to lead the carriage to the main rudder of Xianyang of the Mo family.

"I'll send you to the main rudder first, and then you stay with Jing Ke in the main rudder, and let him take you to get familiar with it."

"What about you, giant?"

Gao Jianli poked his head out of the carriage to inquire.

"I will go out after I send you to the main helm, and I will go to Qin Palace."

Although he really wanted to know what Juzi was going to do in Qin Palace, but as an ordinary Mo Xia, Gao Jianli was not qualified to ask, so he could only nod his head, and then retracted his head.

"Now let's go find Jing..."

"The guy in front, stop for me."

The Black Man with Six Fingers just said to go to Jing Ke first, and he heard Jing Ke's voice, um, the voice was not far away, it was very loud, obviously he was yelling at something, it was so loud that even Gao Jianli could hear it with his head in the carriage It was here, so Gao Jianli poked his head out again, and looked in the direction of the voice together with Six Fingers Black Man.

"What about you, I won't be polite if you don't stop!"

Across a row of pedestrians, on the opposite side of the street, Jing Ke was pointing at a man carrying a sword not far in front of him. The first reprimand just now made him completely unresponsive, but the second reprimand finally made him respond. , stopped, and turned his head to look at Jing Ke with a cold expression.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I was talking to you."

Jing Ke withdrew the hand pointing at the man and crossed his arms.

"Gao Yao, a native of Xinzheng, is a wandering killer. Because he has no skills, he has basically never completed any assassination missions. Instead, he has done a lot of things like stealing ordinary people's money. He was hunted down in Xinzheng before, but unexpectedly The qinggong is good, so I escaped by luck."

"who are you?"

The man who was exposed by Jing Ke, that is, the killer named Gao Yao, had a dark complexion. In the Mingyue World of the Qing Dynasty, killers were very common, but it was not common for people to reveal their black material in public. , especially this black material also shows that he is a good killer!

"Listen well, my uncle's name is Jing Ke, and he is here to arrest you!"

"Are you Korean?"

Hearing that Jing Ke wanted to arrest him, Gao Yao was immediately puzzled, this person must be crazy, he is a killer, he came to arrest him, who is this guy, is he from Korea?But now that South Korea has been destroyed, he is catching loneliness.

Jing Ke grinned when Gao Yao questioned his identity.

"No, I'm not Korean, I'm the deputy captain of the Urban Management Brigade of the Great Qin Empire!"


Gao Yao was very surprised.

The Great Qin Empire Urban Management Brigade, this organization has been very popular recently, because it is an independent army of the Qin State, established by Qin Wang Yingzheng himself, and Qin State's Luowang, Shadow Secret Guard, and called Qin State of three swords.

The net is invading from the outside world, the shadow secret guards are closely protecting Qin Wangzheng, and the urban management brigade is monitoring everything inside!

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