"Welcome, Commissioner Fury."

Amakusa greeted Fury directly the moment Fury entered the church, although he was standing at the cross, still some distance away from Fury.

"We meet again, Father Amakusa."

"Yes, we meet again."

Amakusa smiled, folded his hands in front of him, and looked at Fury who was walking slowly.

"This time Coulson didn't actually come."

"He can't come because of something."

"Is it something about cosmic magic?"

As soon as Fu Rui answered, Amakusa asked directly, causing Fu Rui, who had not yet walked in front of Amakusa, to stop in an instant, and looked at Amakusa with a confused face. Hill behind him also opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

Soon, Fury reacted and touched the gun at his waist for the first time, but he didn't pull it out, because Amakusa raised his hand and pressed down to make a calm gesture to him.

"Father Amakusa, tell me how you know, you asked me to come here this time just to talk about it."

Fury was really smart, and instantly understood that Amakusa was talking about things and not fighting, and slowly let go of the pistol on his waist, Fury questioned Amakusa.

"That's right, as expected of Director Fury, he understood the purpose of this trip so quickly."

Amakusa was still smiling.

"Maybe Director Fury thinks that your secrecy measures are very good, but in fact, there is not much difficulty in inquiring about the news in the SHIELD. For example, the Vulcan SHIELD recently discovered a certain World War II hero and began to investigate the Rubik's Cube. With new research, this kind of thing is actually not that hard to know."

"Do you have anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Fury stared at Amakusa coldly, and asked again, Amakusa nodded slightly, affirming Fury's question.

"Yes, our Holy Church, as an ancient organization all over the world, has spread members all over the world a long time ago, so as to grasp information from all over the world. Naturally, in order to obtain information, we cannot always hide in the church and actively infiltrate into people's In life, we can learn information more proactively, especially when we join some well-developed intelligence organizations and use other intelligence organizations to obtain information for us. Isn’t this kind of thing more convenient?”

"Our organization was established 2000 years ago, and they are more or less able to use some magical powers, possessing more powerful or useful powers than ordinary people. It’s easy for us to infiltrate a large intelligence organization that recruits people, isn’t it?”

Amakusa's words made Fury frowned.

You know, not long ago, he was still discussing with the former director Alexander Pierce how to infiltrate the Holy Church, but now he was personally informed by the other party that someone had infiltrated their S.H.I.E.L.D.Maybe the person he sent over had been discovered before he took any action.

"Don't be so nervous, Director Fury, we are just collecting information, and it will not affect the daily operations of your S.H.I.E.L.D., so don't worry about what we will do."

Although Amakusa explained it this way, Fury naturally wouldn't believe it.

"Do you think I will believe what you say so easily?"

"I didn't expect you to believe what I said right away, but today I asked Director Ferry to come here not to talk about this matter. I came here today to talk about something else, something more important than that."

Fury didn't speak, but just looked at Amakusa silently, which meant that he acquiesced in what Amakusa said, and didn't say anything about it for the time being. Now, he wanted to hear what Amakusa wanted to say when he called him over.

Seeing that Fury didn't speak, Amakusa spoke again.

"Then, let's talk about cosmic magic. Of course, you call it the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and we call it the Space Gem!"

Chapter 119. Alexander Pierce: Right here!

The Infinity Stones are six gems in the Marvel universe that control power, time, space, soul, reality, and mind.They're pretty much the oldest thing in the universe, and they're pretty much the most powerful thing in the universe.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the one among the Infinity Gems called the Space Gem. Just like its name, the Space Gem possesses powerful space power and can break through the limitations of space, but it is so powerful. The premise is to be able to control such a powerful force.

S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously doesn't have this ability. They've even just started their research, and if they continue to study like this, they will even develop a Loki.

Of course, it is impossible for Amakusa to tell them that this kind of research will lead to Loki, because that will cause the Avengers to not appear, Loki will not appear, and his plot will not appear. You know, the plot of the New York War, Obviously, even if Shiro Amakusa doesn’t bring anyone, he can beat him. The current Iron Man can directly open Wushuang. The alien army is not enough for him to cut, so for the story of the stone, Amakusa will certainly not prevent Loki from coming.

So what Amakusa said to Fury was the horror and power of space gems. Every infinite gem is infinite energy, and they are extremely terrifying and unstable. In Amakusa's view, this kind of thing is uncontrollable In the hands of the person controlled by power, it is a black cup that can explode at any time, but the black cup is also the holy grail, infinite gems, the power of space, and infinite energy. But very interested.

When he left the Amakusa Church, Fury had already started to think about the direction of the next space gem research, because Amakusa didn't say anything to ask him to hand over the space gem, but just warned him and told him to pay attention when researching The temperature develops, do not rush.

This made Fury feel that Amakusa was teaching him how to study the space gem.

However, apart from thinking about the research direction of the space gem, Fury still thinks about one thing, that is, the leak of the research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

He felt very strange about this matter. Even if Amakusa told him that there were people in S.H.I.E.L.D., he arranged for Coulson to do it. Even Coulson, a senior agent, didn't know it was What to do, because the only ones who know the Rubik's Cube are the most senior agents, that is, level 10 agents, for example, Nick Fury, and Alexander Pierce.

Wait...don't tell me!

Sitting in the back seat of the SUV, Fury thought of a possibility.

"How long has it been since S.H.I.E.L.D. was established? We are only a department established after World War II, but the Church of the Holy Church and the Association of Magicians have been established for thousands of years, and one of them is even 2000 years old. It is impossible to find out all about sex, unless our people can mix in and become the leader."

"However, we have only recently learned about magic, and this kind of thing is almost impossible."

"It's not impossible. It's not difficult to mix into an organization and then master that organization, but it will consume a lot of time, a very, very large amount of time."

This conversation appeared in Fury's mind, and at the same time, there was a weird smile on Alexander Pierce's face at the time.

Is that so!

Fury felt like he understood!

"Alexander Pierce...didn't expect this to happen."

Fury, he understands!The more senior the agent, the more he knows, so the most convenient position for the Holy Church to know the news is the most senior position, the position where Nick Fury sits, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Alexander Pierce.

No wonder he said that he would not report to the Security Council, no wonder he said that as long as he infiltrated, it would be fine, no wonder he laughed like that, all because he was actually the one who infiltrated early!

What he said at the time was just showing Fury his ability to infiltrate, but Fury didn't know anything about it!That's why he smiled so proudly.

"Since you have reminded me so directly, it means that there is nothing wrong with me doing anything."

While thinking about Amakusa reminding him that he was the one to do it, Fury took out his mobile phone and dialed Alexander's number.

"Alexander, it's me, yes, come to my office later, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Amakusa didn't expect at all that he just wanted to fool Fury and enjoy his mouth, but inadvertently made Fury suspect that he fell in love with the old fox Alexander.

Soon, Fury returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. He took Hill and waited for Alexander's arrival in the office. Alexander was still the same as before. look.

"Let's talk, there is something in trouble again, and you have to discuss it with me again, so that I, an old guy, can't take a break even after retiring."

He hadn't realized how serious the situation was.

Seeing Alexander's leisurely look, Fury got a little annoyed, blackened his already dark face, and questioned him.

"Are you going to keep pretending like this?"

"Pretend? Pretend what?"

Alexander was a little puzzled.

"Looks like you don't know yet, Alexander Pierce, or that it's not even your name, you've been exposed!"

Fury turned up the volume a little.

"I already know about your infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D., especially you. I already know your details. You infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. and used S.H.I.E.L.D.'s resources to collect information for you to achieve your goals. On the surface, you have stepped back from the position of director general, but you are still lurking secretly to obtain information for your organization, do you want me to continue?"

Alexander was stunned by Fury's sudden call. He stared at Fury dumbfounded and didn't react for a while.

After being stared at by Fu Rui for a long time, Alexander suddenly laughed, smiling very brightly.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to laugh, and I'm a little confused, I always thought my disguise was perfect, I did a lot of things for S.H.I.E.L.D., and I did it exactly according to S.H.I.E.L.D. rules, what makes you Doubt me?"

Alexander didn't seem to care at all that he was discovered. Instead, he looked like a curious baby staring at Fury with a smile on his face.

"It was your associate who betrayed you."

Fury thought of Amakusa's words before, and even began to think about the reason why Amakusa betrayed Alexander so directly.

But Fury's reasons, Alexander did not accept.

"Impossible, we Hydra will never betray our own people!"

Um! ! ! ? ? ?

This time, it was Nick Fury's turn to widen his eyes.

Chapter 120. How many people are there in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Hydra, a very large organization, is very old, but the very old Hydra is not mentioned here for the time being, only the Hydra known to S.H.I.E.L.D. is mentioned here.

It was an organization in Germany during World War II, led by a man named Red Skull, who was Captain America's sworn enemy.

During World War II, Captain America took the Roaring Commando and worked hard to kill the Red Skull. The Strategic Science Corps, the predecessor of SHIELD, eradicated the Hydra, but there were many in the Hydra at that time. Scientists, many powerful people, the Strategic Science Corps felt that it was too wasteful to lock them up like that, so they recruited them to join and established the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. thought they had all been fully naturalized and became members of S.H.I.E.L.D., those people gathered together again to revive Hydra. Over time, they even used the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. to grow stronger, Infiltrating into all aspects, government members, Congress, police department, military department, and even let their members become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., that is, Alexander Pierce,

Although Alexander has resigned now, when he resigned, some plans were still proceeding in an orderly manner, and Nick Fury, the new director, did not know the situation at all.

But now, Nick Fury finally knows who the senior he has always respected is.

"You... are Hydra!"

Impossible, Hydra has been wiped out during World War II!In his opinion, Alexander should be a member of the Church of the Holy Church, but he blew himself up and said he was a Hydra!

Ferry's Lenby made Alexander Lenby too.

"Wait, you don't know I'm Hydra!?"

Then what did you pretend to do before that you found out what I was doing!Are you fucking kidding me!

"I thought you were from the Church of the Holy Church!"

"I don't even know what the Holy Church is. I know the Holy Church because you told me, but you told me how I became a member of the Holy Church! I don't even believe in God!"

Alexander is very angry, very angry, he feels that his IQ has been insulted, Fury, the idiot, said it as if he really found out his identity, he understands the idiot, understands that the idiot basically doesn't say jokes Alexander really thought that his identity was exposed, so as a hydra, he showed his identity directly, so what if you know it, the hydra cuts off one head and grows two heads!There are so many Hydra members in S.H.I.E.L.D., the tasks he failed to complete will be completed by others, is he still afraid?At most, I was sprayed in the organization for revealing my identity!

But Nick Fury wasn’t talking about Hydra. Instead, he thought he was a member of the Templar Church. Just kidding, he is the head of the Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D. branch. How dare you say that I am the Templar Church? people!Hydra's faith cannot be trampled on!

But just because Nick Fury asked him about the Church of the Holy Church, he himself revealed that he was a Hydra. This was not discovered, but blew himself up!This is so simple, he feels that his IQ has been crazily insulted.

"Damn it! You bastard!"

He was found to be Hydra, he has nothing to say, Hydra will not blame him, at most it just sprayed him for being careless, but exposed himself, or even took the initiative to expose, this is too embarrassing, the organization will spray him to death of.

The angry Alexander took out a pistol directly from his waist.


Hill, who had been by the side all the time, rushed up, raised his leg and kicked the pistol in Alexander's hand, and then grabbed Alexander and pressed him on the sofa.

"Nick Fury! Don't think you can do anything if you catch me. Let me tell you, we Hydra, if one head is cut off, two heads will grow. You can never catch it!"

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