All of this is naturally because of Spider-Man. The general situation can be imagined by Amakusa. It is estimated that this brother wanted to rob the old man, and then met Stan Lee, and after scolding Stan Lee away, a Spider-Man came. He was so scared that he had to hijack the old man to protect himself.

"Hey man you know what, I was just about to deliver a pizza, the time limit is 30 minutes, I have to deliver it eleven blocks from here, do you know how far that is, but now the time is 20 blocks away. There are [-] minutes left, buddy, do you know, if I don’t deliver it on time, I will be wasted, not only wasted, but my salary will be deducted!”

"Shut up! That's none of my business!"

The robber couldn't bear Spider-Man's actions as if he was talking to himself, so he yelled.

However, the little spider didn't pay attention to him, and still spoke there, and seemed to be aggrieved.

"Dude, I'm the one who's going to have my wages deducted now, don't you even give me the right to complain? Oh man, you can't do this, it's not fair to me like this."

"Shut up quickly! Or I'll kill this old man with one shot!" The robber couldn't stand Spider-Man's chatter, and angrily pressed his gun on the old man's temple, and the old man screamed in pain.

"Okay, okay, I will stop talking, you must not shoot, you must be careful, it is a gun, if you are not careful, it will go off, I don't want this one to be killed by a fire, that would be too disrespectful to him To be fair, you know, he looks really pathetic right now."

"Ah!! Shut up!!"

The robber was in such a terrible mood, he obviously stopped talking, but he still said a lot, which made him even more nervous because of the arrival of Spider-Man, his hands were shaking so much that he was almost overclocked.

"Mr. Spider-Man, I think you'd better not say a word, if you don't want that gentleman to go off and kill another gentleman because of your anger."

Amakusa, who was watching and listening, felt a little annoying, couldn't help but came out, he really felt that Spider-Man was super annoying.

As for the worry Amakusa said, it is possible under normal circumstances, but it is estimated to be difficult to achieve in front of Spider-Man. Super Annoying Spider-Man is best at attacking the opponent with words, making the opponent become angry and then attack him. At this time, he is powerful. The reaction force will allow him to use the spider web to restrain the opponent before the opponent attacks. For example, when the robber brother is generally angry, the robber will not hurt the hostage, but will open fire on the person who angered him. The muzzle of the gun is removed from the head of the hostage, Brother Chaofan will definitely shoot.

But then Amakusa would have missed the criminal mission for nothing, so he wouldn't let Spider-Man do it.

The sudden appearance of a third party surprised both Spider-Man and the robber, especially the robber who was already in a state of tension. The appearance of the third party made him even more nervous.

" are...the priest?"

Spider-Man took a look at Amakusa's clothes, and probably confirmed Amakusa's identity, because Amakusa is now wearing an obvious priest's costume, a black suit with a red holy cloth, and a cross pendant hanging on his chest , was short of holding a Bible in his hand.

Amakusa nodded slightly to admit his identity.

"Mr. Spider-Man, please leave it to me. In order to ensure the safety of the old gentleman, please don't say a word now."

Spider-Man obviously wanted to say something else, but Amakusa raised his hand to signal him not to speak, and then looked at the robber.

It may be that the identity of the priest made the robbers feel better. After all, most of this country believes in God. Missionaries like priests have a natural affinity for ordinary people.

"There is such a saying in the Bible, whoever uses the sword will surely die by the sword. In the same way, the person who uses the gun will surely die by the sword. Sir, if you use the gun in your hand to gain benefits for you, sooner or later A little will die at someone else's gun or even your own."

"So I suggest this gentleman that if you have anything to do, you'd better put down the gun in your hand and discuss it carefully. Don't worry, Mr. Spider-Man won't do anything to you, because forgiving others' mistakes is also your own glory, Spider. Mr. Xia understands this truth."

Amakusa's words made Spider-Man stunned for a moment, and then he immediately became verbose.

"Ah... Mr. priest, I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Is that the word in the Bible? But I haven't read the Bible."

The robber, who was still a little relaxed, became nervous again because of Spiderman's words.

"You actually want to lie to me!"

There was a black line on Amakusa's forehead and he looked at Spider-Man. Spider-Man knew that he had said something wrong, so he just shut up and didn't speak.

There is no other way, it is probably impossible to get the robber to put down the gun through words, Amakusa can only do it himself.

Raising his right hand, he gently shook it under the puzzled eyes of the robber and Spider-Man, a black sphere appeared on the robber's pistol, and directly swallowed his gun.

Right Wrist · Evil Rebellion Predator!


Chapter 13. Brother Chaoan is going to make friends today

As a heroic spirit, Amakusa Shiro may not be particularly powerful in combat, his strength is not outstanding, his speed is not fast enough, and his magic power is not even enough, but he has a very powerful Noble Phantasm, two wrists, zero-time clustering, the operation of this Noble Phantasm relies on his hands.

The two wrists are connected to the spiritual veins, and the magic circuit of the two wrists is loaded with excess magic power and goes berserk, refining the simulated dark matter, eroding and engulfing all the surrounding existences, and the ruined Noble Phantasm, which can almost be regarded as a small black hole.

Due to the need for too much magic power, the conditions for using it as a treasure were too harsh, until Shiro Amakusa possessed the Holy Grail, and the magic power of the Holy Grail allowed Shiro Amakusa to finally throw away the treasure at will.

But to deal with a robber, he wouldn't be able to throw such a terrifying treasure. Shiro Amakusa's wrists will produce a treasure effect when used together, but they have different effects when used separately.

The right wrist · evil predation, the left wrist · Tianhui base plate, are the abilities possessed by Amakusa Shiro's hands.

In order to give hope to the believers who are walking on the difficult road, the treasures formed by the wrists that have repeatedly aroused miracles can be connected to any magic base, so that any magic master key can be used.

At the same time, the right wrist and left wrist will activate abilities similar to the "Eye of the Mind (True)" and "Eye of the Mind (False)" respectively, strengthening the chant of baptism.The right wrist is mainly responsible for future perspective and other auxiliary work in combat, while the left wrist is responsible for strengthening itself and has the effect of not aging.

And the black ball that engulfed the robber's gun was a trace amount of dark matter produced by Amakusa using his right wrist, evil predation, which was just right for eroding and engulfing the gun.

The most threatening gun suddenly disappeared, which made the robber panic suddenly. At the same time, Spider-Man, who had shut up for a while, also reacted, raised his hand and shot the robber in the face, and a spider web passed over, covering his body. The old hostage was released from the ground immediately after holding his hand, thanked Amakusa and Spider-Man, and then ran away without a trace.

"Put me down! Put me down!"

The robber who was hung up struggled desperately, but he couldn't get away. After struggling for a while, he could only give up struggling in despair.

Seeing that the robber gave up struggling, Spider-Man also jumped off the wall, looking at Amakusa very curiously.

"Amazing! How did you do it just now? What is that black ball that can make the gun disappear directly? Could it be that you are actually a superpower, is that a black hole? Or is it some high-tech, that is a portal , Teleport that gun to a different dimension? Or just turn the gun into powder? Or something else."

After the matter was settled, Spider-Man started BBing, which made Amakusa a little speechless. Although he liked this extraordinary Spider-Man when he watched the movie before, but now that he really met him, he can only say that he is an annoying Spider-Man. It's funny to see others being annoyed by him, but it's really not funny to be annoyed by him.

Speechless, Amakusa raised his right hand to face Spider-Man, and Spider-Man quickly raised his hands in fright.

"Oh! No! Don't do this, don't do this, I am not malicious, I just want to know, you have to know, people will be curious when facing novel things, I am a human being, so I naturally have curiosity , I’ve never seen that kind of thing, so of course I want to know, if I want to know, I’ll come to ask you if you’re right, so I just want to know what you did just now, maybe even the two of us are the same kind!”

As a superhero, Spider-Man has not found his kind in New York so far, so after seeing the abilities displayed by Amakusa, he is in a state of extreme curiosity and excitement. As he said, he may have found his kind , so that they can even become companions.

"That's magic."

Amakusa could only answer very simply.

"Magic? The kind shown on TV or on Broadway? No way, isn't that fake? If it's really magic, where did you get that gun? Can you show me? You need to know , it is a gun after all, and it is a very dangerous thing. Oh, by the way, I know you magicians have your own secrets, and you can’t tell them to the outside world. I’m sorry I forgot this, but I didn’t mean it, I Just wondering how you just did it."

Well, this super annoying brother is really annoying. Every time he speaks, he will say a long paragraph without stopping in the middle.

"That's not the magic you know, it's the magic that represents mystery, the kind in the movie, understand?"

"The one in the movie, is it magic?"

"Almost, but mine is called magic, we have different names."

Amakusa's explanation surprised Spider-Man.

"Amazing! I didn't expect there to be magic in this world! You know, I like to watch Harry Potter, and the magic there is very charming. Do you know those magics? Oh, no, you call them magic, what's the problem? Yes! The title question, can you do magic tricks like that? Although I have great strength and can climb walls very well, I always think that magic tricks like that are the most handsome. You just need to stand on the spot and say some spells, and then Just be able to take down the bad guys, so cool!"

"Wait, I saw your spellcasting, so I won't be cleared by you with that spell, right? Do you really have a rule that you can't be seen by Muggles? No, I shouldn't be a Muggle, I am anyway A New York City superhero!"

"Don't worry, your memory won't be erased."

Amakusa's head was full of black lines, feeling a little annoyed, and couldn't help but change the subject.

"But Mr. Spider-Man, aren't you going to deliver pizza? You said before that there are only twenty minutes left, but now there are only ten minutes left. If you don't go out, you will be really late."

"God! I forgot about this, thank you buddy for reminding me, I have to go now, this guy will be handed over to you, please call the police, I'll go first, I'll contact you when I'm free! I want to talk to You make a friend!"

As soon as the call was over, Spider-Man directly raised his hand and pulled him away with a spider web, leaving behind Amakusa and the robber who was hung up by the spider web.

Amakusa is very satisfied with this situation, and it is time for him to complete the task.

Slowly approaching the robber brother who was hung up, Amakusa Shiro folded his hands with a smile on his face, and spoke gently.

"You know, I've always believed in one thing. Poor people must be hateful, and hateful people must be pitiful. I think it's the first time you have done this kind of thing. Can you tell me what it is? Will it lead you to take risks?"

Amakusa Shiro will be a life mentor today!

Chapter 14. The Birth of Mark 1

"what is this?"

"Small ark reactor, I have a big one at home."

"What is the use?"

"Provide energy for our armor. You won't use my strength to pull that armor because I don't have that much strength."

In the dark cave, Tony and Ethan were staring at the round object emitting soft white light on the table together.

"In this way, the energy is there, and we can assemble it?"

"It's not enough to assemble. You must know that they have cameras. If we assemble it rashly, they will find out. At that time, we really have no way to go out."

Ethan, a doctor kidnapped by terrorists, because he is a genius like Stark, but Stark is a genius in physics, and this doctor named Ethan is a genius in language, he is good at Many languages, so after being kidnapped by terrorists, he became an interpreter, and at the same time was forced to help terrorists treat the wounded.

Let him watch Tony because he can speak English and understand these things at the same time. There are not many people who understand fine work among those terrorists.

"So what do we do next? The time they gave us is running out. It's only seven days. Now four days have passed."

"No problem, time is enough. If we speed up, we can build all the parts in one night tonight, and then we just need to assemble them. But before assembling, we need to make an assembly frame. That assembly frame is needed to cover the monitor."

As Tony spoke, he indicated the direction of the monitoring with his eyes, and Ethan nodded slightly in agreement.

After staying here for a few days, it will be fine for them to drum up anything, because those terrorists don't understand, so when they build equipment, they can build it aboveboard, but when assembling it, they can't assemble it aboveboard. This is aboveboard It's really not good after the terrorists see the gap.

So they have to build an assembly frame, and put the assembly frame back to the camera, so that they can do nothing in the assembly frame, because the surveillance cannot see it, and then take advantage of the time when they can’t see it, directly assemble the armor Get up, it's OK.

Of course, some accidents need to be prevented before that, so Tony is going to install a bomb on the door for the first defense.

Just as Tony and Ethan were installing an improvised explosive device on the door, Lancelot quietly appeared behind them.

"Actually, you don't need to do that."

"Oh my god!!"

The sudden sound behind them made Tony and Ethan, who were carefully installing the explosive device, jump up directly, and the explosive device in their hands fell directly to the ground.

"Damn it, why is it you again!"

Turning around, Tony recognized Lancelot who was speaking at a glance, and then cursed.

"I told you, don't speak suddenly behind someone's back, it will scare people to death! And do you know that I am planting a bomb, if I accidentally make a mistake, I will blow myself up first!"

"Tony, he's..."

Although Ethan was taken aback, he also understood that Tony knew the person who appeared out of nowhere after hearing Tony's words.

"A guy who doesn't know whether he is a human or a ghost will always suddenly appear by my side, and he always likes to be behind me, because of him, I feel like my heart is about to have a heart attack!"

Pointing at Lancelot, Tony spoke viciously.

"Hello, Mr. Ethan, I am an upright knight, you can call me Saber."

Lancelot followed up with an introduction, but he didn't say his name because he felt that he was performing a mission.

However, Ethan obviously did not believe the upright knight Lancelot said, but because of the current scene, he did not say it.

"Don't listen to his bullshit, this guy has no integrity other than dressing like a medieval knight, the reason I'm here is because this guy pushed me in front of the guys outside, and I could have escaped. "

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