
Looking at Thor who was aggrieved and bowed his head silently in front of him, Loki was very happy. This was the first time he said that Thor could not speak. This feeling is so good. Now he finally understands that Odin What it feels like to scold Thor, this feeling is really great, and he even feels that if he does it a few more times, he may become addicted.

Thor, who was said to be speechless by Loki, now looks like an aggrieved fat man who is about to cry 200 pounds, because after being beaten up, he looks swollen a lot, and he looks like a fat man , coupled with the lowered head that Loki said, looks like a fat man who is about to cry because of aggrieved.

"No! Loki, why do you speak to me in such a tone!"

But even Fatty, Thor was always Thor, he was still a Thor, and he knew it quickly, grabbing Loki's clothes with his swollen arms, and hoisting him to his face.

"Thor, you have to know, I'm advising you, what you told me before, and what's going on now, don't you understand?"

Recalling the feeling just now, Loki spoke to Thor again in a questioning tone.

Clearly, this kind of remark works because it reminds Thor of Odin.


Thor looked at Loki suspiciously, a little in disbelief.

"Thor, let go of your hand, you should understand what you should do now."

As soon as Loki said it, Thor's swollen hand really let go, and the corners of Loki's mouth rose slightly, but he still maintained a serious expression. This feeling was so refreshing.

"It seems that you are very clear."

After tidying up his clothes, Loki sat back in his seat, and Thor also sat back in his seat and began to reflect on himself. After all, after the last Mexican incident, he was obviously no longer as impulsive as before. I will think a little bit before doing things, and understand that I should reflect on myself when I make a mistake. In short, I am much better-behaved than before.

Loki saw that he succeeded again, and now the joy in his heart was almost overflowing, but because he was sitting next to Thor, he had to maintain his image, yes, he couldn't laugh, and Thor would be suspicious if he laughed.

But even so, the corners of Loki's mouth still rose uncontrollably.

"You two, do you still need beer?"

As the master, Amakusa came out from the back hall, appeared in front of the two brothers and asked kindly.

"No, I'm not in the mood."

"I think I can have a glass, of course, the small one."

Thor, who had been drinking before, didn't want to drink, but Loki was in a good mood and wanted to have a drink, which was completely the opposite of before.

"OK, just a second."

Like the bartender, Amakusa turned around and poured the wine.

This battle ended with the victory of Tesla and Hercules on Amakusa's side. Although Thor is very strong, even if he is still a hammer god, he is indeed strong, but he still cannot defeat Hercules. His lightning beam will be offset by Tesla's beam of light, or directly avoided by Hercules, and the attack is the same. Although his hammer is very powerful, it is a pity that it can't reach Hercules at once. , Hercules' dodge is almost full, he can resist the attack directly, and he feels that he can't resist, he will never carry it, and he will dodge directly, which makes Thor very uncomfortable throughout the battle.

No matter how good your skill is, the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to beat people makes Thor very annoyed, as if he has chosen a fighting lineup, but the opponent will not join you, it is the 41 operation that leads you to the line, especially if you are in a group When he couldn't catch anyone, but was stolen by four other people!Thor couldn't hit others, but others could hit him, and he even beat himself into a fat man after a meal!

Soon, Amakusa returned from the back hall with twice the wine, one for Rocky and one for himself.

"Thank you."

Loki nodded politely to Amakusa, and then reached out to pick up the wine glass, but Thor snatched it away first, picked up the wine glass directly and drank it with his head up.

"Hey, that's mine."

Loki looked at Thor with a little ignorance and drank the small glass of beer in a few sips. Didn't you say you were not in the mood before!Why are you drinking so boldly now?

After drinking one cup, Thor didn't seem to be enough. He picked up another double and drank tons and tons. The time was so short that Loki didn't have time to pick up the second cup, and then he looked confused.

"Didn't you say you're not in the mood?"

"Isn't it okay to drink when you're in a bad mood?"

"Yes, that's right."

Rocky was very helpless, so he could only give up drinking. Anyway, he just wanted to have a drink because he was in a good mood, and he didn't have to drink.

"Since both of you are fine, it's time for me to ask."

Amakusa lowered his hands and looked at the two with a smile.

"His Highness Thor, His Highness Loki, can you tell me why the two of you suddenly appeared in my church? I remember that something happened in Asgard not long ago, why did you two come together so soon? Earth, did you come to Earth to conclude an alliance agreement with us? Just like His Royal Highness Thor said last time?"

Loki didn't speak, but just looked at Thor, because Thor brought him here, and he still had a strong bad feeling before he came. Although he was poked three times at the door, nothing happened after that. So he still doesn't know what Thor is doing here, come to fight, and was beaten?


Asked by Amakusa, Thor remembered the purpose of bringing Loki here.

He came here to call that Tesla electric Rocky, so that Rocky can tell the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube!

Because although he really wanted to electrify Loki, he was told by Loki before that he was ashamed to electrify himself, so he let Tesla electrify, but now...it seems to be impossible. That big black guy rubbed on the ground, even though he didn't have much to do with Tesla, he was still rubbed on the ground by his partner.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to say that Tesla should be charged now?

"I just happened to pass by, and then I came in to sit and see if I could find those two guys. It's okay now, we should go."

Thor replied with a swollen face, got up after speaking, and carried out Loki who was still in a daze beside him, and Loki looked at Thor in a daze again.

What the hell did you bring me here for!Just let me be poked three times, and then you get a fat beating yourself!Are you here to be funny!

Chapter 135. Avengers failed to gather.jpg

In the night sky on the Atlantic Ocean, a huge space carrier is stealthily flying. This is an aircraft carrier that can fly, yes, it can fly!This is the essence of all the high-end technology of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Although many of the techniques actually used here are Stark's techniques.

The current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury, is standing on the bridge, listening to the various agents below sending him reports. There are many reports, all kinds of reports, and even traffic accidents. For example, there is a white man in New York. When the old man drove out at night, he bumped into two strangely dressed men, one fat and one thin.

In short, none of them had anything to do with the Rubik's Cube and Hawkeye, which annoyed Fury. The only eyeball was reddened, and his adjutant Hill was so scared that he sent someone to the infirmary to ask if there was any. eyedrops.

"Until now, no relevant news has been found? Is this why our eyeliners all over the world are so useless?"

Not getting any news made Fury very anxious. When he was anxious, he was easy to get angry, and he would yell when he got angry, so his yelling was always heard in Cambridge.

"Director, Hawkeye is one of the top executive agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. .”

"Then find someone who is familiar with him. He can be familiar with our way of doing things, and we will be familiar with his way of doing things!"

"Where's Agent Romanov?"

"She has already landed, and she is waiting with Dr. Banner to be summoned by you, Director. In addition, Captain America has also arrived."

"Let them come in together!"

Not long after Fury's order was issued, the four of them entered the bridge, and a huge round table and several chairs on the bridge were also raised to give them a place to sit.

No longer paying attention to what useful news his men could send, Fury looked at the four people who had arrived.

"Why are you sitting here, Coulson, Stark?"

In Fury's view, the four people who came should be Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Captain America, and Hulk Banner.

But the current situation is not the case, Tony Stark is not here, but Coulson acts as the number.

"Director, I have notified Stark very early, even before looking for the captain, hasn't he come here yet?"

"This question is because I asked you, how did you tell him?"

Ferry asked Coulson, twisting his neck.

"I told him that you want to find him, director, and then sent him the coordinates."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

Fury stared at his one eye, trying to rub Coulson against the table, and now he is on fire, although there is nothing wrong with Coulson's approach, but in the eyes of Fury, who is so angry, it is stupid, Tony What kind of character is Stark? That guy is a super rebellious rich second generation and a genius. If you say someone is looking for you, he will beat you up?joke!

But considering that Coulson is the only person he can trust outside, and all his contacts, Fury didn't do anything, but took out his cell phone tremblingly, and dialed Tony Stark's number. cell phone.

"Hi, this is Stark, if you have something to ask me, please leave a message, I will judge whether I should return your call according to whether you are beautiful or not, and the importance of what you said, beep—— "

There was a voice message on the phone, and Tony didn't answer his call. Fury's head got bigger. He was sure that Tony could answer it, but he deliberately didn't answer it.

"Tony, I'm Fury. I have something very important for you. Remember, it's very important. This matter is related to your father and your father's lifelong dream, so you must come here. It’s not clear on the phone, but you’ll know when you come over.”

After finishing speaking, Fury hung up the phone, and the only thing he could do now was to wait for Tony's reply.

Putting away the phone, Fury looked at the three people who were already sitting in their seats waiting for him, and heaved a long sigh.

"Okay, now let's talk about the current situation."

"That's right, Director Fury, I want to know what is going on with the Hydra you mentioned. The Hydra was destroyed by me. There shouldn't be any Hydra."

Captain America, as a hero of the United States during World War II, he can be said to be the person who knew Hydra best at that time.

"Captain, I am honored to tell you that you did destroy Hydra at that time, and even sacrificed yourself for it. Although we have found it now, now we find that Hydra has reappeared, and they even I got the Cosmic Rubik's Cube again."

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, something Captain America is very familiar with, because he crashed the plane just to chase the Red Skull and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"We discovered the Cosmic Rubik's Cube not far from the place where you were discovered, Captain, so you were salvaged together with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Captain. Hydra, who has been lurking in our S.H.I.E.L.D. But now we discovered the Rubik's Cube, and I discovered a Hydra leader by coincidence, which led them to act now and took away the Rubik's Cube. I'm afraid they have already started to hide it and don't know where to study it. .”

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the hydra could be revived."

The captain is worthy of being the captain, as long as he talks about Hydra, he immediately gets excited.

"Then what do you need me to do? Although I already felt that I have done everything I can, but against Hydra, an enemy that threatens the world, I am still willing to continue fighting."

As a person with high ideological awareness, the captain is willing to continue fighting.

"Then please, captain, become a soldier again, pick up your shield, and fight for the peace of this world."

"no problem."

Cap agrees to fight, and Fury gains an Avenger.

"And Dr. Banner, what about you?"

"To be honest, I don't really know what Hydra is. I'm a bit at a loss when you say it. I just know that you seem to need my help with something. That's why I came here. What should I do now?"

Dr. Banner looked at Fury in confusion.

"Dr. Banner, I know that what you are good at is the research on gamma rays, so I want you to help us find the Rubik's Cube, because that thing may lack everything, but it does not lack gamma rays."

"If that's the case, no problem."

Well, the second Avenger has been harvested, and with Natasha, he already has three Avengers.

"Director, Stark has returned a message."

Adjutant Hill came over suddenly.

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