If that's the case, I'm afraid S.H.I.E.L.D. will stand on Tony's side and fight Thor, especially since S.H.I.E.L.D. now knows that there are magicians and servants on the earth, I'm afraid it will need Amakusa to stand in line, but Amakusa has no intention of being an enemy of Asgard, so forget it.

"We have to find a way so that they can open the portal."

Opening the portal does not mean summoning aliens and letting aliens invade the earth. Amakusa will make it impossible for aliens to enter the earth. He has already prepared for it. For example, he drew five Zhang Dayingxiong, this time the plot has exactly five stages, which is simply hinting at him crazily.

Therefore, the opening hero has been prepared by Amakusa until the end. Anyway, it is expendable, and drawing the hero means that the hero is prepared for the next rhythm. Since it is prepared for the rhythm, Then there is no problem at all when Amakusa is used, isn't it?

Seeing the group of people from Hawkeye surrounded by three people from Tony's side, Amakusa began to think about what to do next.

"Master, we are all here, and Saber is already here with you."

In Amakusa's ear, Chez's papa's voice suddenly sounded.

"Assassin, is everyone here?"

"Yes, everyone has arrived."

The timely appearance of Chez's papa made Amakusa laugh. He was still thinking about how to act, especially when he was alone, and he couldn't do it by himself. If he did, it would be against the earth and against humanity, so He couldn't do it himself, and it happened that Papa Chez brought someone back, so there would be someone to do it.

"Is Archer here?"

"Yes, master."

Magic is staying by Amakusa's side, Red A is about to show up, but Amakusa stops him.

"Wait a minute, don't show up, go to a building some distance away, and use your treasure to attack Lancelot and the three of them."


Red A, who was about to solidify, stopped showing up, and then asked questions.

"You heard me right, go and create a distance, and then attack Lancelot and the three of them, so that they can't manage those people, so that those people can act, understand?"


Red A confirmed the situation, then the magic power dissipated and disappeared, and he went to find a good angle.

Amakusa felt that the red A disappeared, and looked at the few people with a smile on her face, and then just waited.

After Red A left, he moved quickly, directly rushing to the roof of a building on the edge of Manhattan a few kilometers away, and then appeared in the shadows.

"Although I don't know what the master is going to do, but since the master has ordered, then Saber, I'm sorry to let you exit again."

In the Holy Grail War, it was the Red A sneak attack that made Lancelot exit. Although it was said to be fake, it was also a sneak attack. Now it is going to make Lancelot exit again, and it is him again.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly, a black bow appeared in Red A's hand, and in his right hand, a strangely shaped arrow appeared in Red A's hand, and he put it on the bow.

"Akahara Hound!!"

As Red A read the name of the Noble Phantasm, light lit up on the arrow, and then it was shot out by Red A with the light, turning into a red light and flying past the Stark Tower in the central area of ​​Manhattan.

The surge of magic power made Lancelot, who was standing on the top of the Stark Building, frowned, turned his head to look in the direction of the magic induction, and was taken aback.

"Tony! Watch your back!"

Tony was standing in the middle with his back facing that direction, so Lancelot shouted immediately.


Tony turned his head suspiciously, and saw a spot of light approaching quickly in the distance.

"what is that?"

Tony didn't leave at the first moment, but looked at the rapidly approaching light spot with doubts on his face.


But soon he understood what it was, it was an attack!

The propellers started immediately, allowing him to lift into the air to avoid the attack, and Rhodes also started to lift into the air immediately. Although the speed was slower, at least he was lifted into the air. Only Lancelot waved the big sword, as if preparing to meet the attack. It terrified everyone in Hawkeye, they didn't want to be killed, that thing looked like a missile!

But when everyone in Hawkeye thought they were going to be killed by the bomb, the red spot of light suddenly turned and left, chasing after Tony.

"Sir, an object suspected of being a missile is flying towards you in a diverted direction."


That's right, the target this time is not Saber, but Tony!

Tony, who flew into the air, was instantly dumbfounded when he heard Jarvis' report.

Chapter 145. Opening with a Shooting Star!

The Akahara Hound is a sword in Norse mythology. It comes from the poem "Beowulf (Beowulf)". Unferth lent it to Beowulf, and Beowulf used it to kill the water demon.But when fighting against him, not only was it completely useless, but the blade was melted away by the water demon's blood, leaving only the golden hilt.

But for Red A, he made some modifications to the Noble Phantasm he projected, transforming it into a rear-end Noble Phantasm.After smelling the scent, as long as the shooter survives, no matter how many times he is shot down, he will continue to chase the target. This is a tracking attack treasure that is smarter than the Sidewinder missile.

"What the hell is this!"

However, modern people don't know much about ancient legends, and even if they do, they don't know the effect of the Red A modified Akahara Hound, but he can still feel the chasing effect so far.

"Jarvis, what is this thing?"

While flying to avoid the Akahara Hound, Tony was still asking Jarvis about the situation.

"Sir, according to the scan, this should be an arrow."

"An arrow?"

"Yes, although it looks a bit strange, it really looks like an arrow, because this thing has an arrow tip and an arrow tail. Although it looks strange, judging from the situation, it is 80% likely to be an arrow."

"In other words, I'm being chased by an arrow and running around? God, am I hallucinating?"

"Sir, since Mr. Lancelot appeared, nothing normal has happened in your life. You should get used to it, sir."

In the face of Tony's complaints, Jarvis calmed down with good reason.

"Oh... Jarvis, what you said is really okay..."

Tony expressed that he was persuaded by Jarvis. Since Lancelot appeared in his life to support him, he has not experienced any normal things anymore. One strange thing happened after another, and they were all things that he would not have experienced before. What happened, Lancelot really changed his life a lot. Is this fate?Like Jarvis said, they should probably get used to it too.

"Shit, I don't want to get used to such weird things."

Cursing, Tony twirled his twin swords, brought them together and spun.

"Any arrow that doesn't shoot, let me cut it straight!"

Tony, who has been chased for a while, even using induced ammunition is useless, intends to face this thing that is chasing him head-on. Sometimes, melee combat is a very scary thing.

"Hey, Tony, what are you doing!"

Rhodes who was also following along, trying to use Gatling to knock down the Akahara Hound saw Tony rushing back suddenly with a sword. He was stunned for a moment and had to stop attacking.

"Cut this guy off! Don't worry, my armor is not as thick as yours, but it's not as brittle as yours!"

Confident Tony turned on the overload directly and rushed towards the Akahara Hound.

This surprised Lancelot who was running below on his motorcycle.

At the beginning, Lancelot didn't know what was going on, but soon he saw clearly what was chasing Tony. As a servant, that kind of thing was the existence he was most familiar with.

"Tony, don't go there, that one is!"

"Dude, don't worry, my speed is faster than it, I will cut it straight!"

Tony didn't care about this kind of thing, but rushed forward with excitement.

"Don't, that's treasure..."


Before Lancelot finished speaking, Tony's sword had already slashed on the Akahara Hound, but the moment he touched it, the Akahara Hound suddenly exploded.

The energy impact of the explosion directly turned into a huge ball of light, covering Tony, not only Tony, but also Rhodes who was worried that Tony would rush up together, both of them were enveloped by the ball of light.


Lancelot sat on the motorcycle, looked up at the light ball in the sky, and said the last words, but his tone became a little helpless.

Yes, very helpless, because it was too late, Tony had already cut it.

"Fantasy collapsed."

Red A, far away, slowly spoke his own liberation language. Although it is not as terrifying as the pseudo-spiral sword, the pseudo-spiral sword is not as flexible as the Chiyuan Hound, which can directly track the enemy. The Akahara Hound can ensure that it can chase the enemy all the way, and then explode close to it, but the spiral sword can only explode at a fixed point.

"An explosion of this level should be able to do what the master requires. It only hurts but not kills."

In order for Hawkeye and the others to operate successfully, Amakusa has worked hard.

Tony and Rhodes blasted to the ground together, and it was impossible for Lancelot to take care of Hawkeye and them, but directly drove his motorcycle all the way to the bottom, ready to catch them.

So Hawkeye and the others are completely free at this time.

Although Amakusa has been watching them from the top of the building, Amakusa has always looked at them with a smile on his face, and has no intention of stopping or intimidating them.

Hawkeye knew Amakusa and was very wary of Amakusa. Because he knew the power of Amakusa, he never attacked Amakusa. But he also felt very strange about Amakusa, because Amakusa just looked at them with a smile, and even said to them: Please do your work, I'm just here to take a look.

So in front of Amakusa, Hawkeye has been guarding Amakusa with a bow and arrow, and the people behind him have been installing machines all the time, just in front of Amakusa, but they have never taken out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube , seems to be testing Amakusa's attitude.

"Father Amakusa, what are you here for?"

"Me? I'm just passing by. Don't worry, I won't disturb you whatever you do. Rather than disturbing you, it's better to say that I even look forward to what you will do next, so please continue your work with confidence. "

Facing Hawkeye's questioning, Amakusa still smiled and said something that he thought would reassure them, but they would never be reassured.

Hawkeye didn't answer, just looked at Amakusa with a frown, because unlike Coulson, he was very familiar with Amakusa. He only met Amakusa a few times in New Mexico, and then read some paper materials. The specific situation is not familiar.

After staring at Amakusa for a long time, Hawkeye signaled to the people behind him with the hand behind his back that it was okay, and those people took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from the innermost box and began to install it on the machine.

During the entire movement, Hawkeye kept aiming at Amakusa with his bow full. As long as Amakusa moved forward a little, he would immediately shoot his own arrow.

But Amakusa did not move, but watched the group of people put the Rubik's Cube away with a smile on their faces, and then started the machine. The blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, and a space door was opened. Opposite the door was the dark universe. The air began to infuse towards the opposite side crazily.

The moment the space door opened, Amakusa's eyes froze, and the corners of his mouth rose again.

"Has it finally started? Then I will leave the opening to you, Your Excellency Arash."

"Ah, I'll show them the meteor!"

Green upper body armor, white linen trousers, red gauntlets and longbow, jet black hair, and firm eyes.

The legendary hero appeared directly beside Amakusa, which surprised Hawkeye.

The first act of the storybook, the opening, has already begun!

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