The reaction furnace began to light up.

"Hey Tony, are you serious? Fighting Captain America?"

Rhodes looked at the tense scene at the side and wanted to persuade him.

"Oh, of course, I want to let the old man know that he should pay attention to his attitude when he speaks."

The captain looked at Tony, frowned, and turned his head slightly to the earphones in a low voice.

"What do you think?"

"It's 90% likely to be Hydra. He doesn't even bother to prove it. Obviously he knows that his identity has been discovered. After all, in this case, it doesn't matter to cover up. Captain, catch him Then take back the Rubik's Cube."


After responding to Fury's words, the captain knew what he should do.

"Stark, to be honest, I don't really want to be in this state with you, because you are Stark, and your father is even my friend, but now I have to do something to my friend's children."

"Oh, don't, I call you old man, do you still want to suppress my seniority, do you still want me to call you uncle? Sorry, I don't have that hobby!"

While speaking, Tony rushed over directly, swung his double swords, and slashed directly at the captain.

The speed was very fast, but the captain's reaction was very fast, or it was very simple. He retreated with his left leg, turned his body sideways and pressed down in a lunge, so that the shield of his right hand was directly in front of him.


The sword slashed against the shield, making a crisp sound, but it didn't make the captain take a step back.

"If you would call me uncle, I would be more than happy, Stark."

Behind the shield, the captain tilted his head slightly, and rarely said a joke, then quickly retracted the shield with his right hand, cut across Tony's chest, and the battle began.

On the top of a building not far away, two figures, one fat and one thin, appeared on the edge of the roof. They looked at the situation on the roof of the Stark Building together, and also looked at the burning flames above the space door. The situation, this somewhat inexplicable situation made them a little confused.

"Rocky, didn't you say your people were there? What about your people? Why did I see a group of weirdly dressed guys fighting?"

"Uh... I don't know either."

Chapter 152. Comedian from Asgard

Thor and Loki were very confused at this time, very confused, because they didn't know what the situation was now.

From the moment they met Hawkeye in New York, they felt that everything had become chaotic. First, Hawkeye fought with a group of people shouting long live Hydra, and even Thor and Loki, and then they suddenly Withdrew again, leaving Loki and Thor alone.

Although Loki knew the reason for Hawkeye's retreat at that time, he didn't quite know the situation of the group who fought with Hawkeye at that time, especially the inexplicable words that guy shouted at that time, what kind of hydra.

Later, in order to facilitate Hawkeye's actions, Loki has been by Thor's side all the time, in order to hold Thor back, so that Hawkeye and the others can use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the passage, so that the alien army can come and help him rule the earth.

But after procrastinating, he still couldn't hold it any longer, there was such a big hole in the sky, unless Thor was from Great Britain, he couldn't have known about it.

It's just that after the big hole appeared, there was no alien army as imagined. Instead, meteors shot towards the big hole, followed by constant explosions and flames.

At that scene, Thor, who was about to stop him, was stunned, not only Thor, but Loki was also stunned, completely unaware of what was going on, and for a while, both of them froze in place.

It wasn't until the third meteor shot into the sky that they finally remembered to stop the space gate. Although they didn't know what happened to the meteor and why it had such terrifying power, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube still wanted to stop it, didn't it? .

But when they stood on the roof of a building and looked in the direction of Stark Tower, they found that a group of people they didn't know were fighting next to the Rubik's Cube.

What kind of situation is this?

"Loki, where are your people?"

"I don't know...none of them are mine."

Thor is very puzzled, he feels that after coming to the earth this time, everything is very strange, and Loki is also very puzzled, because he also feels that everything is strange after coming to the earth this time, and the people on earth are getting more and more strange , Fight suddenly at every turn, and the reason for the fight is also very strange, I feel that I don’t know why they fight, sometimes they fight with a word, and sometimes they fight without saying a word, with a group of people Like neuropathy.

"But the priest is here, too."

Although I don't really care why those strangely dressed earthlings suddenly fought there, Thor's attention was on Amakusa, the priest who was very polite to him.

"I think the priest should know what's going on, let's go there."

The swollen Thor began to turn the hammer in his hand, picked up Loki with the other hand, and flew directly to Stark Tower.

On the roof of Stark Tower, the battle is still going on. Tony in armor is wielding double swords and the captain holding a shield is engaged in close combat.

And Amakusa, Lancelot, and even Rhodes are watching from the sidelines. It is impossible for Amakusa to participate in their battle, and Rhodes respects Captain America very much as a soldier. As for Lancelot, he doesn't even know Captain America. Well, it's not easy for him to intervene in this situation, so they can only watch the show.

But the situation in the theater has changed a bit with the arrival of Thor and Loki.

"Stop your foolishness, Van... ah! What did you hit me for?"

"Loki, how many times have I said, don't use such a condescending tone to people on Earth."

Loki, who likes to pretend, was ready to pretend to be a god when he appeared on the stage, but he was warned by Thor.

But Loki's act of making Tony and the captain stop fighting was effective. The two slashed and blocked crazily and kept doing exercises. Various poses, which made Tony very speechless.

The arrival of Loki and Thor just allowed Tony to distance himself and stop.

"There are two more, what kind of guys are these two? A fat man and a thin man, why isn't one tall and the other short? And they are still wearing such retro clothes. Are they here to perform a drama?"

Tony, who stopped, immediately played his true colors and began to complain about Thor and Loki.

"What? What do you say about us?"

Tony spoke so fast that Thor couldn't hear what he was saying for a while.

"Did I say you are here to be funny? Just like him."

Pointing at the captain with his sword, Tony asked.

"Stark, pay attention to your attitude, I'm not a funny person, I'm here to catch you!"

"Oh? You are really brave enough to catch me, so are these two comedians your helpers?"

"Hey, mortal, watch your tone of voice, you are facing a god from Asgard!"

Tony's words angered Thor, and he raised his hammer to warn Tony, which made Loki's mouth twitch.

"Thor, you just said it yourself, don't use such a superior tone."


"Look, these two are comedy characters, and they're here to be funny."

Seeing Thor and Loki's face-slapping interaction, Tony spread his hands, seemingly helpless.

"I don't care where you two are from, but now I need you to drop your weapons and surrender."

The captain was a little speechless, but out of his own standpoint, especially because he was not familiar with the other party, the captain made a very official speech.

"What? You say it again, you let me put down my hammer? Mortal, you have the guts to say it again!"

Thor was irritated again, and Loki laughed directly.

"I suggest you don't do that, he loves his hammer so much, you are going to kill him for letting him do that, not long ago he was sad because of his hammer for a long time...Ah!!"

Halfway through the speech, Loki was stabbed in the chest by Thor's elbow, and then fell down clutching his chest.

"Mortal, it seems that you don't know who you are facing. Let me tell you, what you are facing is the son of Odin, the god of thunder in Asgard!"

Thor turned the hammer and rushed directly towards the captain. The captain reluctantly raised his shield, and Tony also raised his swords again and rushed forward. The battle changed from 2 people to a 3-person melee.

Loki clutched his chest and slowly got up, ignoring the sparks from the spotlight, and walked slowly to Amakusa's side, standing side by side with Amakusa and looking at the battlefield together.

"Father Amakusa, we meet again."

"Yes, Your Highness Loki, we meet again."

"How long have you been watching a play here?"

"About tens of minutes, do you want to watch it together? I can tell you what happened before."

"Oh, I'd love to."

Standing with Amakusa, Loki's mood improved a lot.

"But before that, I have to solve the problem in the sky. It's time for the fourth shot."

It's just that Amakusa's words made Loki a little confused, but soon he understood what Amakusa meant, because a man holding a red longbow appeared beside Amakusa.

Chapter 153. Loki: Earth is Terrible


For the fourth time, with the shout of the last strength, the red meteor rose into the sky again, directly rushed into the calm space gate, and then exploded again on the opposite side of the space gate, and the flame shot up into the sky again.

This time, there were more things falling on the opposite side of the space gate than before. For example, there were several large spaceships that looked like big fish, and they fell down crazily one by one.

Loki, who was standing beside Amakusa, watched Arash die contentedly on the other side of Amakusa, and then the flames falling from the space gate, and the indifferent smile on Amakusa's face, he felt that the whole god was not good.

Earthlings are terrible!It was okay to watch a group of earthlings fighting by themselves before, but now it becomes such a terrifying person who directly sacrifices his life to attack, and the people next to him are still laughing!Is this man's heart made of ice?Is his blood cold?He Loki is the Frost Giant, and his blood is cold!Don't mistake your identity!

"What's the matter, Your Highness Loki, you seem surprised... oh no, it's panic."

Looking at Loki with a terrified expression on his face, Amakusa still smiled and even narrowed his eyes.

"What the hell are you?"

"What do you mean by that? I'm just an ordinary earth priest."

"Do you think I'm a fool? An ordinary mortal would have such a powerful subordinate? An ordinary mortal would send him to death with such a powerful subordinate? An ordinary mortal would have a body so big that it could hold a The basement of the palace, and then there are those terrible warriors? Do you think I will believe it?"

Well, this god from Asgard who has always looked down on the earth has been frightened by the terrible earthlings.

"You people on earth must be pretending, right? You have always pretended to be weak, but in fact you hide a very powerful power. You don't need Asgard's protection at all!"

I have to say that Loki's brain power is also good, Amakusa didn't expect so much, but Loki directly brainstormed the plot of the big boss.

The earth is not a weak planet that needs Asgard's protection, nor is it a place where he can easily occupy and dominate with his cosmic army. This is simply that he brought a group of weak people to attack the BOSS planet!He is not an intruder, he is a challenger!

Even his elder brother has fallen twice under the hands of these earthlings!


Listening to Loki's description, Amakusa could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. He felt that even if he refuted, Loki would not believe it. Now in Loki's eyes, the earth is so dangerous.

"Is that really the case...Then the guy who died just now should be the same person as the big black guy before."

Amakusa's ambiguity was equivalent to confirmation in Loki's ears, so he began to ask Amakusa about Arash.

"What are you talking about? Indeed, he exists similarly to Uncle B, but the way of existence is somewhat different."

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