Knowing that there is a powerful helper here, the captain immediately raised his head and yelled at the Hulk.

The Hulk also heard the captain's call, and immediately broke away from the work of demolishing the big fish, and jumped to the top of the Stark Building in twos and threes.

Seeing the big guy who suddenly jumped in front of him, the captain who watched from a close distance was still a little nervous, but Hulk didn't attack, which made the captain calm down.

"Hulk, did you see those two people fighting together? Go and catch them! Remember, it's about catching them, not killing them!"


Hulk saw the same entangled Tony Thor rainbow monster, grinned with his teeth wide open, and then directly launched a savage collision, rushing towards the two of them.

Because Hulk's movement was too loud, it was difficult for Tony and Thor not to notice him, so the two of them stopped the rainbow entanglement tacitly, and opened the distance directly, allowing Hulk to rush into nothing.

"Oh, what is this?"

Tony looked at the Hulk puzzled, but Jarvis reminded him immediately.

"Sir, this is Dr. Banner, the test subject of General Ross' experiment, the one who was defeated by Berserker in the Holy Grail War on the streets of New York some time ago."

"Oh, I remembered, the one who was roughly beaten up by Hei Da."

"Black and thick?"

On the other side, Thor also heard Tony's words. When it came to black and thick, Thor immediately thought of Berserker, the big guy who had beaten him twice.

Looking up at the Hulk, hey, these two guys are quite alike, about the same height, and about the same strength, are they the same kind?

"It's just right, that black guy hit me, I'll hit you, just let me vent my anger! Asgard's Thor will not be defeated by the same move three times!"

"Three times? That means you have lost twice?"

Tony couldn't help but interjected, making Thor's face darken.

"Shut up, you mortal, I will deal with you after I deal with this big guy!"

"That's no need, I'm not afraid of this big guy, I will not only deal with him, but I will even deal with you together!"

From the point of view of Tony, who has fought several times with Berserker in the Holy Grail War while driving Triple Red, the Hulk's current expression really won't make him afraid of anything. If he is the same as Berserker, then Tony is confident that he can defeat him !Although it was said that the berserker at that time was sloppy, Tony didn't know that he was confident!


The Hulk understands what Tony and Thor are saying, and is angry at being underestimated.

"Then, let's get started!"

Tony held the double swords in his hands, and several reactors behind him lit up together.


"Okay sir, start overloading, and the BGM will also be played synchronously."

Rock music blared on the roof of Stark Tower, accompanied by the appearance of a red comet.


Chapter 156. Please Illya!

"Hit him! Yes! Hit him! Hit him there, harder!"

As a crowd of spectators, Rocky is definitely very competent. On the middle battlefield, several people formed a group to fight there, and Rocky was there to help and cheer happily. No matter who had the upper hand, he was very happy.

He will be happy when his brother Thor beats the Earthlings, he will be happy when the Hulk beats his brother, and he is still happy when Iron Man beats the Hulk. Everyone will be very happy. Although Thor is not a human being on Earth, Loki is happy!These guys who are fighting in front of me are all my enemies, and they are all guys who hinder me from ruling the earth. It's good to fight, let's fight, fight for a while!

Although he said he was watching happily, Loki still cared more about Amakusa, because although Amakusa was holding a knife there, he didn't make any nervous movements. Still smiling and not looking worried at all.

This situation made Loki feel a little worried. Although Amakusa has never made a move, it seems that he has no fighting ability. Even if he did, he did not show any ability when he fought the Destroyer, but Amakusa has always The smiling and calm attitude made Loki feel very bad, even if he was like this before, but seeing others like this, he really felt very bad.

Especially those people behind Amakusa, none of them have appeared until now, the black man who made Loki fear the most.

As if feeling that Loki was looking at him, Amakusa turned his head to look at Loki who was some distance away, and when he saw that the other party was staring at him nervously, he nodded with a smile.

With this nod, Loki's whole body is in a bad mood. Just now, he plotted against him. Although he didn't succeed, do you want to be so calm and polite.

Then Loki saw a black-haired man holding a red longbow beside Amakusa.

"It's the guy who died just now!"

Loki recognized Arash at a glance, the terrifying man who had just shot an arrow and then died contentedly and disappeared into a spot of light.

If you say what type of person Loki is most afraid of, it's probably the kind of guy who wants to fuck with you desperately, and who also possesses terrifying power. This kind of guy can't be stopped at all, and Arash is obviously this type.

In front of Loki, Arash slowly drew his longbow, squatted down and raised his hand to aim at the space gate above.

Because of the previous four bombings, not many people wanted to come out of Space Gate at this time. After all, they were bombed back before they came out. It was too painful. Four waves of people were lost in vain. It is acceptable to have losses in war, but such unexplained losses are unacceptable even to the group of aliens.

So, under Loki's horrified eyes, Arash pulled the bowstring, and then all the muscles began to burst and bleed, and the arrow flashed red light until it turned into a shooting star when it was released.


The last great hero, witnessed by Loki, shot his last arrow, and the meteor rushed towards the space gate in the sky with an indomitable momentum.


The fifth impact came back, and the burst of flames appeared in the gate of space again, but this time there were not many big fish compared to before, they were all small things, and they couldn't hit too many things when they fell kind of.

Once again, under Loki's horrified eyes, Arash fell back with a satisfied smile, turned into light spots and dissipated. At this point, Amakusa used up all the five heroes in his hand, and he therefore Got five stones, five stones in exchange for five great heroes.

Looking at the 5 stones displayed on the system, the smile on Amakusa's face became even wider, but this smile made Loki's hair stand on end, as if he saw the evil god, let him Loki, the god of trajectory, at the same time The real Asgardian god who also bears the name of the evil god trembled.

At the door of space, the flames began to gradually dissipate, and together with the dissipation of the flames, there was also the shrinking of the door of space.

That's right, the door of space has shrunk!In front of Loki, the gate of space began to shrink!

The power of the fifth impact was the same as before, but the loud sound and the flames of the explosion still made the fighting rainbow monsters stop and look up at the sky together, and then everyone, like Loki, saw They were stunned by the shrinking of the space gate!

Withdraw!The alien army has retreated!

After being bombed four times in a row, the aliens no longer wanted to rush through the space gate to trouble the earthlings. When the last small group of people went to test it, they were bombed again. This made the alien army completely give up the idea of ​​​​invading the earth.

They firmly believed that it was Loki who was cheating them, cheating them away of their scepter, and then cheating them to lose so many warships and manpower. In order to make a timely remedy, they must stop the invasion.

The space gate of the Rubik's Cube needs to be located by the other party. The alien army has withdrawn. In order to prevent the earthlings from chasing and blowing them up, they remotely controlled the mind gem scepter in Loki's hand, using their bodies as infinite The same energy as the gem stops the output of the Rubik's Cube, thus closing the door of space.

Fury on the Quinjet fighter breathed a sigh of relief when the space gate stopped. Although he didn't know what happened on the other side, the crisis seemed to be resolved now, so the next step was to clean up Hydra!

"Captain, quickly arrest Stark, and the two Asgardians, please come back together."

After getting Fury's order, the captain turned his head and gave the order to Hulk.

When Thor, who was paying attention to the Rubik's Cube, didn't react at all, Hulk grabbed Thor's right leg directly. Thor lowered his head, looking at the big green hand grabbing his right leg, with a horrified expression on his face.


He immediately thought of the big black guy who was grabbing him and shaking him around, and he wanted to teach this big green guy who was similar to the big black guy a lesson.


Then he was picked up and thrown back and forth on the roof, and the roof of Stark Tower was smashed into seven or eight big holes.


After the fall, he threw it on the ground, and then yelled at Thor, who was full of despair, announcing the end of the battle.

"Oh, why do I think this set of moves looks so familiar!"

The onlookers watched the whole process of Thor being thrown, and couldn't help complaining.

"That's because Mr. Lancelot fell over you in the same way."

" that so..."

"Sir, I think it's better for you to dodge for a while. According to my analysis, Hulk Hulk's next target is you."

Jarvis' reminder made Tony understand that Hulk was staring at him.

"Then hurry up and take off!"

The red comet reappears, only this time to avoid an attack from the Hulk.

Amakusa looked at the Hulk chasing the red comet, couldn't help but smiled, then took out a mobile phone from under his clothes, and dialed a number.

"Hey, Illya, I need Berserker to help me with something, can I let him come over?"

"Alright Brother Amakusa."

Ilya's voice came from the opposite side of the phone, and soon there was another sentence.


The black giant appeared behind Amakusa in an instant, and Amakusa could feel him without turning his head, pointing at the Hulk who was chasing Tony.

"The fight is over, berserker, go make him stop."

Chapter 1. Mr. Stark, We Are Ourselves

"Tony Stark, you are Hydra!"

"You are the Hydra! Your whole family is Hydra!"

I am indeed a Hydra, and my whole family is indeed a Hydra, but what I want to know now is whether you are a Hydra!

Stark Tower, the Hydra interrogator in charge of interrogating Tony looked sad.

The crisis of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has passed, because of the five heroes used by Amakusa, basically nothing happened in the whole of New York. The general situation is that the door of space opened, aliens were about to invade, and then meteors happened , then the meteor happened, then the meteor happened, then the meteor happened, then the meteor happened, and finally the alien dropped a bunch of falling things and ran away.

The Thor brothers were severely thrown by the Hulk, and then the Hulk was severely thrown by the Berserker, and then with the friendly help of a third party, Amakusa, the captain and Tony finished sitting down and having a good talk Agreement, as for Loki, after seeing Thor being thrown, and then the Hulk who fell Thor was thrown by Berserker, he was very single. He originally expected the Hulk to defeat Berserker, but now he feels that the two This is not the same grade, so the hopeless Rocky was persuaded on the spot.

In order to avoid trouble, Fury directly let the Quinjet fighter land on the roof of Stark Tower, and then began to interrogate Stark.

Although it was an interrogation, Tony's character made it impossible for this interrogation to continue seriously. From the beginning, Tony did not cooperate, because S.H.I.E.L.D. asked him if he was Hydra, which he had never even heard of. Especially when the person in charge of interrogating Tony is actually a Hydra.

"Stark, it's useless if you don't cooperate like this. Let me just say it directly. If you are not Hydra, why is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube here with you? It was stolen by Hydra's eagle eye. Can you Does that prove that you have nothing to do with Hawkeye?"

"Why should I be positive? I have nothing to do with Hawkeye, and most importantly, who is Hawkeye!"

The Hydra agent still doesn't know that his upper echelon knows that Hawkeye is not a member of their Hydra. After all, it will take a while for the above to notify, so before the above is notified, he hopes that Stark It belongs to them, there is an eagle eye in Hydra, and there is a Stark, what a wonderful thing!

In the reception room of Stark Tower, Dr. Banner, who had recovered to a normal person, was sitting with the captain. He was beaten again by Berserker, and he was clutching his head. He felt a little dizzy.

"Oh, this feeling is really bad, I feel like my brain is about to be thrown out."

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