What's the situation?What's the matter?

The aliens were all confused, they didn't know what was going on at all, such a big monster didn't meet any enemies, and they died all of a sudden before they even got out of the sea, faster than a heart attack!

This situation makes them very embarrassed. I said before Thanos that their monsters have already started to act. The Chitarians failed, and they immediately took action, but now the action has begun, but it has only just begun The action monster died suddenly, how could they explain it to Thanos!

So they immediately produced Monster No. [-]. After cultivating Monster No. [-], they directly let Monster No. [-] pass through the gate, go to the earth and start operations, and prepare to start operations again to regain the Soul Stone.

Monster No. [-] gave them face very much. Under their orders, it moved much faster than the ax head. As soon as it went out, it started to accelerate crazily and headed west. The huge body crawled quickly on the seabed, even The ocean currents on the bottom of the sea were stirred up, which stirred up the originally calm bottom of the sea, causing the waters to become turbid.

The ruins of the original submarine prison, after being impacted by the monster No. [-], changed from a relatively complete ruin to a scattered ruin, and began to drift around.

This movement was seen by Coulson in the Quinjet fighter above. The huge black object under the sea charged towards the west, knocking away the ruins exposed from the sea. For a while, the whole ruined area was splashed with wolves. It looks like a group of whales are constantly jumping out of the sea.

"This is much more terrifying than seeing the corpse of a monster in New York. Such a guy must be stopped!"

Coulson frowned, clenched his fists, and looked at Amakusa who had already walked back to his seat.

"Father Amakusa, what should we do now?"

Coulson, who didn't know how to deal with a big underwater guy, put his hope on Amakusa.

"Don't ask me, to be honest, I don't know what to do next, because he is underwater, and according to the current situation, we don't have a unit with strong underwater combat capabilities, and it is impossible to block the door now live, so all we can do now is hope that nothing bad happens."

However, bad things must happen, because Amakusa himself has seen it.

"Quickly, turn on the international channel and broadcast to the nearby waters, especially on the east coast of the United States. We don't know what the purpose of this big guy is, so we have to prevent it from doing anything big in the sea before it gets close to the coast. Get out of trouble."

"Good sir."

Following Coulson's order, the Hydra pilot seriously started broadcasting the international channel, but Coulson did not let down his vigilance because the big guy was moving at a speed of more than 40 knots per hour. Moving in the direction of New York State, this speed is already the speed of Shimakaze!

Although this speed is not very fast for an aircraft, it is already very fast for a huge unit operating underwater.

"Notify the air carrier, let the air carrier send out fighter jets to attack, the bomb uses depth charges, we must stop him, and also notify the US military, so that the military is ready to cooperate, although they may not believe it, but we must Notified in advance, how they respond afterwards is their business, we must do everything we can!"

"Good sir."

So, the Hydra pilot seriously started to inform the air carrier again, telling Fury what happened here, and then turned on the communication channel to report to the US military. He was very busy. Fortunately, the Quin-jet fighter can hover and drive automatically. Otherwise, he might be too busy to fly the plane.

And below them, there was a huge shadow that had already passed through the ruins. Without the obstruction of the ruins, the speed of the monster went further, and it directly started to move towards 50 knots, and then accelerated towards the west again.

"Sir, our radar shows a cruise ship heading here."

The busy Hydra driver even has to look at the display on the radar!After seeing a ship, he competently reported to Coulson.

"What, didn't you broadcast it on the international channel just now?"

"It was notified, but the cruise ship didn't have any intention of turning, and came directly to this side."

"damn it!"

Coulson was in a hurry, because in this situation, the cruise ship was simply trying to die.

"Colson, speed up, speed up and fly to that cruise ship, and then put me down."

Amakusa stood up bravely at this time.

"Let me see if I can stop that big guy."

"Father Amakusa, do you want to copy the death method of that monster before? But didn't you say that you don't know how that monster died?"

"Yeah, so I don't intend to copy the death method of that big guy before, I plan to use a new method to stop it."

Amakusa smiled, holding a shiny yellow hair in his left hand.

Chapter 15. Wind of Gold!

When the second monster appeared, the yellow hair had already started to flicker wildly, which made Amakusa understand that this was the dangerous moment in the yellow hair description.

In the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean, there is nothing that can stop the second monster from advancing. The monster is underwater, and Amakusa currently has no powerful servants to fight underwater. Although it is possible to let Cu Chulainn come over to reproduce him The previous Noble Phantasm was a one-hit kill, but in that case, the yellow hair in his hand would be useless. This is an opportunity to summon a new servant, so it can't just be wasted like this.

Therefore, Amakusa decided to give it a go.

The Quinjet fighter put away the exploration sonar, accelerated directly towards the cruise ship in the distance, and soon flew directly above the cruise ship, hovered in the same direction as the cruise ship, and then the rear hatch opened.

Amakusa, holding the yellow hair in his hand, stood at the hatch door, and Adrian stood beside him.

"Adrian, you should already be familiar with enhanced magic."

"Yes, I am already very familiar with strengthening magic, and I usually have a good way to strengthen my body to act and practice."

"That's good, use it now."

When Amakusa spoke, he had already used strengthening magic to strengthen his body, and then jumped directly.

Adrian followed Amakusa, used strengthening magic to strengthen his body, and then jumped down.

The two of them jumped down in front of Coulson's crowd, at a height of at least [-] meters. After jumping, their feet landed unscathed. They even bent their knees a little, and then stood up again. Nothing at all.

The people on the cruise ship looked at Amakusa and Adrian, and they were all sculpted, because these two guys jumped from the plane hovering tens of meters in front of them, just kidding, then But tens of meters high, are they superhuman?

"It seems that everyone welcomes our arrival."

Amakusa looked at the surprised passengers with a smile.

"I don't think we're welcome, it should be a surprise."

Although Adrian was also smiling, he was only imitating Amakusa's superficial smile, and he didn't have the same psychology as Amakusa.

"You have to learn to adapt to this process, and after you adapt to it, you will find that we are actually very popular."

"Okay, now let's get ready."

"Okay, Father Amakusa."

In front of everyone, Amakusa took Adrian and began to come down from the top floor. They wanted to go to the bow, so as to face the big guy who would face it later.

The speed of the cruise ship is not fast, it doesn't look like 30 knots at full speed, but the monster moves very fast. Within half an hour, they will definitely meet. Before the meeting, they have to make preparations. The yellow hair was no longer just shining, but started to shine directly.

Standing at the bow, Amakusa was holding the glowing yellow hair in his hand, which made Adrian next to him even wonder if Amakusa was going to raise his hand suddenly, and then shouted: I want to become light!

"Father Amakusa, what are you holding in your hand?"

Because of the light, Adrian can see it clearly, so he is very puzzled, not only him, but also Coulson and the people in the Avengers team in the Quinjet fighter suspended above. Very puzzled.

"Colson, do you need me to go down and have a look?"

Captain America didn't go down with him, but he still has curiosity about Amakusa's actions.

"No need, Captain, you can take a look at it above. If it can be solved, let's go down and take a look. If it can't be stopped, we will retreat immediately to find a solution."

"So, we have to lose and prepare to retreat."

"Then if they can't stop it, what about the ship below?"


Facing the captain's question, Coulson remained silent.

"Notify the boat below and let them leave at a faster pace. If they don't want to, we have nothing to do."

"Good sir."

Hydra is still earnestly carrying out the orders given by Coulson. Unfortunately, in the captain's room below, the captain does not seem to be there, nor does he listen to the international channel, so unfortunately, there is no change of mind.

"Everything depends on Father Amakusa."

Coulson and Captain America huddled together in the wheelhouse, looking at Amakusa and Adrian standing on the bow below. Because Amakusa used the enchantment to drive away idlers, no one came over now, and the two of them were alone like this Standing at the bow, even the driver of the boat ignored them.

As time went by, the yellow hair in Amakusa's hand became brighter and brighter, almost becoming a light source. It was so bright that Adrian, who was standing beside him, had to close his eyes or turn his head to look away, otherwise he would Your eyes will be completely overwhelmed.


Amakusa, who had been holding the yellow hair all the time, looked at the relatively calm sea ahead, and suddenly opened his mouth, making Adrian, who had averted his eyes, immediately turn his eyes back.

However, when Adrian saw the calm sea, he couldn't see anything.

"Adrian, today, I will not only bring you out to appear in front of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also tell you about the power that our Templar Church has been monitoring."

Slowly raising the hand holding the yellow hair, the yellow hair is like a searchlight, illuminating everything on the bow of the ship.

"You already know before that what our Holy Church supervises is the anomaly on this earth, so what anomaly is the most powerful? That is the power from legends. Remember my assistant Matthew? She just has A member of the legendary power."

Of course, Amakusa himself is also, but this naturally cannot be said.

"And this time, when we face this creature that threatens the earth and the survival of mankind, we must use the legendary power that we have been monitoring!"

The sea surface not far away suddenly began to surge, forming a "hillside" directly on the sea surface, and the hillside continued to rise until the sea water finally dissipated, revealing the true face of the hillside, a huge monster.


The monster stopped in front of the cruise ship, opened its two forelimbs, and roared at the cruise ship.

The helmsman and captain of the cruise ship finally panicked at this moment, and quickly ordered to turn the rudder.

But like a famous shipwreck, a huge cruise ship can be tricky to turn quickly, especially at full speed.

Before they could turn, they were bound to hit the monster.

So Amakusa acted, he let go of the yellow hair that he had been holding all the time, and the yellow hair directly released a strong light, this time the bright light made the monster still want to close its eyes.

In this light, Amakusa and Adrian only heard one sentence.

"Wind King Hammer!!"


Chapter 16. The Holy Sword of Light

The gust of wind suddenly appeared, and the air swelled up instantly as if it had been ignited suddenly, squeezing everything close to the center point away, turning it into a hammer of wind, and directly bombarded the monster's chest.

The huge wind hammer, after bombarding the monster's chest, directly blows the huge monster up, causing the monster's body, which was not very safe to stand up from the sea to stand on its legs, to start to lean back.

The violent wind's bombardment did not stop, but increased its output again, directly taking advantage of the monster's body leaning back, pushing the monster to the side and falling backwards.

The strong wind blew the sea surface, and even blew out a huge depression in the sea surface.

And this gust of wind gradually dissipated the original light, revealing the master who drove the gust of wind, the shining silver-white armor, the slightly raised short golden hair, the resolute green eyes, and the sword with the scabbard. The platinum giant sword fully demonstrated the identity of this master.

The legendary king of Great Britain, Arthur Pendoragon, who holds many titles of the Holy Sword Maker King Arthur and the King of Knights!The Red Dragon of Great Britain!

Having the setting of saving the world makes this powerful existence a servant who responds to this call.

As the gust of wind knocked the monster over, the cruise ship also deviated from its track, because while the gust of wind was bombarding the monster, it was also bombarding the bow of the ship, which was even slightly bent due to the sudden strong impact.

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