Therefore, through the video, everyone on the aerospace aircraft carrier clearly saw the two giant beasts, one was Muto that appeared in Japan, and the other was a giant monster that looked very much like a dinosaur. Slah!

With the ultra-long-distance ultra-clear camera, Fury can clearly see the appearance of these two monsters. Under the light of the airport that is gradually recovering, and the camera is powerful enough, he can even see Godzilla, the big guy with a well-developed chest. The pectoral muscles, that strong and sturdy body, looks like a hill!

"The ancient predator, the former master of the earth."

There are two monsters fighting in the sea of ​​fire on the screen. One has the upper hand in the air and keeps circling. Although it has such a huge body, it is unexpectedly flexible, while the other is firmly occupying the ground by virtue of its size advantage. It looks like a huge fortress on the ground, not stable, behind them is the burning airport building, and the ground is full of aircraft debris.

On the bridge, everyone, like Fury, watched the battle between these two huge monsters, and then froze. This is the first time they have seen the battle between monsters, and this is also the first time, monsters Invading human cities, an alien beast died on the seabed next to New York and was fished up, and then the second one was cut in half by Arthur, which resulted in a large monster, but it did not bring them much. Horror image, now the real horror image has come out, the good Hawaii, the good Honolulu, has now turned into a sea of ​​flames, and it is not as prosperous as it used to be. The millions of people on the island are now experiencing a hellish crisis. Experienced, pitiful, weak, and helpless.

Because even if the military wants to go in, it can't affect the two monsters. Even Muto will launch an EMP attack from time to time, destroying all the surrounding electronic equipment. If you are unprepared, there is no way to stop the PK between these two monsters. Even if it is S.H.I.E.L.D., if you see these two monsters from afar, you can only watch them. Even if the F35 carrier-based aircraft flies over , It was also to deliver food, and the plane crashed directly when it was close. Happy is not good. Although the US Navy has a lot of money, they can't send money like this.

Therefore, only the marines without human rights are struggling on the ground, obviously unable to cause damage to the two monsters, but they still have to risk their lives, constantly using rocket launchers and large-caliber sniper rifles to attack the two monsters. A monster scratches an itch, that's how it is without human rights, life is bitter.

"Father Amakusa, can we really only watch like this?"

Fury came out of the bridge and walked to Amakusa on the deck of the aircraft carrier, watching the burning Oahu Island with him in the distance.

"Fury, do you want to intervene?"

"Yeah, I don't want Hawaii to be ruined by them."

"But unfortunately, Hawaii has been destroyed."

"Then protect the millions of people in Hawaii from being destroyed by them."

"Then what are you going to do? Launch an attack on them. Originally, only the two of them were fighting. If you want to intervene, you must launch a large-scale attack, because the aircraft carrier cannot pass by at all, and a large-scale attack will cause a larger area. loss, the millions of people on Oahu will be hurt even more, are you sure you want to intervene?"

Amakusa's question made Fu Rui hesitate, because what Amakusa said was completely correct, the monsters are now on Oahu Island, if he wants to attack them, even if the monsters are attacked, the residents of the island will also be threatened.

The most important thing is that Oahu is an island. If it is an inland city, then the residents can escape by themselves, or the army used to help guide the escape, but it is an island, and when the ships are not available, They want to go there, the residents of the island can't leave at all, there is no way to be trapped on the island!

"So as I said before, what we have to do is contain them."

Naturally, it is impossible for Amakusa to really watch the people on the island suffer, so he still has to help. Although there are no stones, even if he participates in this way, the system will not refresh the script, but Amakusa has already summoned it through a yellow hair. The old sword is gone, this is a super combat power, Amakusa is already very satisfied.

"Remember when I said there were three monsters?"

Amakusa's words made Fury's eyes shine.

"You mean let me start with the third monster that hasn't appeared yet?"

"It can be said so, and the speed must be fast. If there is no accident, the third monster should be in the north of Las Vegas, where the US military stores nuclear waste. It is the warehouse where the Emperor Organization cooperates with the US military, so you guys You only need to contain the third monster."

"How to say?"

Although Amakusa said it directly, Fury didn't understand the principle of this. If the third monster can be restrained, the first two monsters can be controlled. What is the reason for this? Could it be that they still have a love triangle? The reason for the fight was because the third monster failed.

"Because the third monster is a female."

Fury immediately widened his only eyeball, are you kidding, is it really two male monsters fighting over a female?I guessed blindly and guessed right!

"Male monsters need to find females to mate. During mating, they will definitely gather together. At this time, as long as the place where they gather is controlled in an uninhabited area, the loss can be kept to a minimum. Then Just look at it."

Fury finally understood what Amakusa meant. As long as he controlled the position of the female monster, the two males would definitely pass by. At that time, they just had to wait for them to finish fighting. Keep the loss to the minimum and the range of damage to the maximum!

Fury, who understood, immediately looked at Amakusa again, and Amakusa also understood what Fury meant.

"Their food is atomic energy, so using a nuclear bomb as bait to seduce them is the best choice. I don't think I need to say what to do next."

"Well, you don't need to say any more."

Fury turned around and returned to the bridge. There is no other way here in Hawaii, and the sand sculptures of the US military don't count on it anymore. Now he has to take S.H.I.E.L.D. Talk about a few monsters!

Chapter 28. Fishing monsters with nuclear bombs

Three monsters have all appeared, two officially debuted in Hawaii, and appeared in the eyes of humans all over the world, while the other appeared in Las Vegas, jumping out of the place where the nuclear waste was piled up .

The U.S. military didn't even react at first. When the two in Hawaii evacuated from Hawaii and started running to the west coast of the United States, they began to think about why the two monsters were running there. has come out.

Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D., because of Amakusa's reminder, made preparations early. After the magnetic Muto appeared, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Quinjet fighters started fishing.

What is the EMP position?You always have a range, right, as long as I'm outside your range, it's fine.

The Quinjet fighter uses a long hook lock, hangs a nuclear bomb, and flies in front of Muto, at a very high altitude, so high that it is completely unaffected by the EMP position, because the magnetic Muto cannot fly, so it is completely unaffected. You need to worry about the opponent's pursuit.

Just like fishing, the Quin-jet fighter hooked the nuclear bomb and flew forward slowly, while the huge female Muto was attracted by the nuclear bomb after the nuclear bomb appeared, and then followed directly behind the Quin-jet fighter , started to go off track.

The residents in the bustling city not far away have no idea that they have avoided a nightmare, and they are still going on with their lives, playing what they should play, and having fun.

The huge female monster, because it can't fly, is relatively slow, and because it can only walk on the ground, the entire Las Vegas area feels like it is experiencing small earthquakes, one after another, it seems It was very rhythmic, but because it was not so obvious, no one noticed that this huge monster was heading towards the no-man's land in the western United States.

In the west of the United States, there are many U.S. military bases used for weapons testing. After all, the United States is so large, but the population is not so large. They are basically concentrated in a few big cities, such as a few weeks on the east coast. Several states on the west coast, the middle states have relatively small populations, so there is no problem at all in using some uninhabited areas in the west as weapons tests, and they can even be used to test nuclear weapons.

SHIELD chose a nuclear weapons test area this time, and it happened to be full of nuclear radiation because of nuclear weapons tests. It must be a deadly area for humans, but for these monsters, it is simply the best place. up.

After the Quinjet fighter flew over the nuclear test area with the nuclear warhead hanging, Muto also followed here. After arriving here, he immediately screamed happily, because the environment here really made him feel comfortable.

Originally, the female Muto was still thinking about why this "food" always failed to catch up, but now she didn't complain at all, because she hadn't caught up all the time, so it was great to finally catch up here.

This huge female Muto is ready to lay eggs, and now it has a pile of small Muto eggs under its body. It came out of the nuclear waste storage place, in order to absorb all the nuclear energy of the nuclear waste. After the radiation, look for new nuclear radiation to provide energy for the little muto eggs in your body. Of course, the male muto will also bring nuclear bombs to the magnetic muto. Before that, it captured a nuclear submarine in the Pacific Ocean. It's not just for himself to eat, but also for this female Muto and the little Muto in her stomach, which are all her sons!

The Hydra pilot on the Quinjet received Fury's order after attracting Muto to the nuclear weapons testing area.

"Okay, let's launch now."

The Kun-type fighter hooked the nuclear warhead directly to the top of a huge explosion crater, and dropped the nuclear bomb directly at the crater.

The nuclear bomb that lost the traction of the hook fell directly and hit the big pit below. Because the shell was hard enough, it didn't matter if it fell into the big pit. Even after falling into the big pit, it bounced a few times before stopping .

"The release has been confirmed, and now we are ready to leave."

"Allowed to leave."

After receiving the message from the aircraft carrier, the Hydra pilot controlled the Quinjet fighter to leave. He wanted to return to the aircraft carrier and then accept the next order arrangement.

After seeing that the nuclear bomb was finally dropped by the Quinjet fighter jet, Big Muto immediately ran over happily, shouted and ran over, directly hooked up the nuclear bomb in the big pit with his small claws, and then picked it up with his mouth carefully. It smells like a junkie finally getting his hands on a drug after a long hiatus.

After carefully inhaling for a while, Muto decided that it was a good thing, and then started to act directly. There was a big hole here, and Big Muto immediately started digging a hole, digging a little deeper in the big hole.

It just so happens that this hole is also full of radiation left over from previous nuclear tests, so it is the most suitable for nesting.

After a simple excavation, a hole suitable for nesting was dug, and Muto placed the nuclear bomb in the middle, and roared towards the sky.

As a female, she has already done all the things she should do, and the next thing to do is to wait for her other half, the male, to join her.

On the space carrier, Fury used satellites to clearly observe this huge monster roaring at the sky, with a confident smile on his face, his plan is currently perfect.

The monster was attracted, and the other two were also running here. They would all pass through a no man's land, and then come to this nuclear bomb test site, fight here, and then be directly killed by the nuclear bomb.

That's right, the nuclear bomb will explode. Amakusa directly told Fury that the way to deal with Muto is to explode the nuclear bomb. Although these monsters are powered by nuclear energy, it does not mean that they are completely immune to the nuclear bomb. The radiation produced is of no use to them, but the high temperature at that moment is completely lethal, at least it is no problem to melt them. Muto is not immune to high temperature, and Godzilla is not immune to high temperature, right? .

The U.S. military failed to bomb Godzilla with nuclear bombs in the last century, but that time it was in the sea, and the explosion in seawater would greatly reduce the power of the explosion to the outside world. This time it was the arid western United States, a naked nuclear bomb test field!And the equivalent has also been greatly improved!Even if they weren't killed by the bombing, it wouldn't have any effect. Anyway, it was originally a place for nuclear tests, and there weren't any bugs, so what if it was bombed.

So the nuclear bomb is now running silently through the old-fashioned mechanical timekeeping, waiting for the arrival of the monsters.


Muto stood in the pit, continuously roaring towards the sky, roaring, sending a message to the male Muto flying in the Pacific Ocean, and at the same time guiding Godzilla who was chasing Muto.

However, what everyone, including Amakusa, did not expect was that Muto's cry was also transmitted to the fourth monster.

Chapter 29. The Steel Trio Reappears!

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan was very successful. The flying male Muto had a PK with Godzilla in Hawaii, but after less than a minute of PK, he found that he couldn't beat Godzilla at all, although he would Fly, but it seems useless at all. A volume as large as Godzilla squats on the ground, and then turns its head against its body. From the front, Muto has nothing to do with Godzilla at all. The difference in size was really too big, and Muto flew over head-on, only to be caught by Godzilla and then fell left and right.

So after Muto heard his wife's call, he decisively flashed away. With a few nuclear warheads in his mouth, he flew directly to the east of the Pacific Ocean, heading towards the west coast of the United States, and Godzilla did not give up, although he could not fly. But I can swim by myself!So he went straight into the sea and chased Muto from underwater to the west coast of the United States.

The U.S. Pacific Third Fleet is very helpless. The aircraft carrier formation centered on the aircraft carrier can only follow behind these two monsters, or behind Godzilla, like an escort formation, escorting Godzilla. Pull all the way east, heading towards the west coast of the United States.

The marines were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. They stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier one by one, watching Godzilla's huge dorsal fin protruding from the water not far away, shaking their heads again and again, surprised that they were fighting such a big guy just now. And it was a miracle that he survived.

But the fact is that, Godzilla didn't know how many bullets were fired by the marines from the beginning to the end, but nothing happened, but Godzilla didn't kill them, even if the rocket bombed in Godzilla's crotch Next, it didn't even have a bird marine, it was chasing Muto from beginning to end, and now it was swimming towards the west coast of the United States in pursuit of Muto.

The U.S. military is also very helpless, and the Emperor Organization is even more helpless, putting all their hopes on Godzilla.

But before they reached the nuclear test site on the west coast of the United States, another group arrived first.

you women who want a man of the street

But you don't know which way you wanna turn

Just keep a coming and put your hand out to me

Accompanied by the passionate music, two comets with long tails appeared in the sky, and below them, there was a blue light spot with a tail on the ground that was also moving rapidly. It was Stark from New York. The steel trio of industry.

"Hey guys, do you know where we're going this time?"

"This is what you should tell us. You suddenly called us over and asked us to run this way with you. How could we know where you are going to take us?"

"Guess, come and guess, Lancelot, guess."

"I don't know where you want to go, Tony, but if we look at it from our direction, it should be going to Las Vegas."

"Oh, Las Vegas, Tony, are you going to take us to the casino in Las Vegas? If so, tell me earlier, the wine there is really good, but I didn't bring much money, if you If you want us to play with you, you have to pay us to buy chips."

"Hmm... I remember there were a lot of beautiful waitresses in the casino."

Listening to Lancelot and Rhodes' guesses in the channel, Tony couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. Of these two guys, one wants to drink, the other wants to pick up girls, why doesn't one of them think about business.

"No, no, no, although the wine in the Las Vegas casino is delicious and the waiters are also very sexy, but I'm sorry, we're not going to the casino this time."

"What? Not going to the casino?"

"What, didn't you go to Miss?"

Obviously, after hearing that they were not going to the casino, the other two were obviously depressed.

"Hey, don't you two only have wine and misses in your mind? There's nothing else normal?"

"Isn't it normal for Jiu and Miss?"

"That's right, Tony, isn't it normal for wine and ladies? You heard Rhodes say that you liked these the most before. All the stewardesses on your private jet have slept with you."

"Shit! Rhodes, why are you talking about everything!"

"No, no, Tony, Lancelot is not an outsider."

"Yeah yeah."

Listening to the two singing together in the channel, Tony felt speechless.

"Forget it, you will know after watching this video."

While talking, Tony asked Jarvis to send the video to the two of them. For the convenience of communication, Tony installed the system in Lancelot's helmet, but after the installation, it was directly used by Lancelot. Lot used the knight not to die with his bare hands to hack, and Jarvis completely lost control, but fortunately he can still use it.

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