Of course he is dead or not. Zheng Yichen said that he doesn’t know much about magic, so he can’t be sure whether he is dead or not, but he is probably dead. If he is not dead, he will go back to find the after-sales service and get more brutal magic to solve the problem. The ferocious face is like the second week of some games, inheriting all the advanced equipment, and it is almost like saying that labor and capital rely on the resources in their hands to crush the enemy.

Okay, Zheng Yichen has such a condition, he would be a fool not to use it.

"I thought you would be so moved that you stayed overnight last night." Zheng Yichen looked at Isayama Mei who came, and beeped softly.

She shook her head slightly: "I lost my temper last night, it's not appropriate."

The injuries on her body were cured directly with Zheng Yichen's magic potion. After all, they were minor injuries, but her mentality couldn't be cured with a bottle of magic potion. At that time, she really thought that Zheng Yichen would connect her with Santuhe and Hong Killed together, it turns out that she thought too much, which also made her feel a little more guilty.

This guilt did not cause them to have anything happened last night, but made her think about it seriously after going back. From the perspective of many details, what Zheng Yichen said was unreliable, but what he actually did was always the same. They are all reliable, and his long-range support has never been in place during the battle.

When confronting Yamahiko with the killing stone, even though she was in a panic, his support still arrived immediately at the most important moment and helped her complete the counter-kill. In Zheng Yichen's plan, if he really didn't have a special backup, he could just act alone and let her assist in the dark, wouldn't it be enough?

There is no need for the two of them to jump to the bright side and act, and think about the details that can be thought of, but at that time she still had fear and extra thoughts, and she wanted to push those factors to the evil power of the killing stone. The killing stone caused those unnecessary emotions, but thinking about it this way... I can't lie to myself.

In addition, Isayama Huangquan had a lot of things to ask last night, so nothing happened, and Zheng Yichen was looking forward to certain plots in vain, during the day?There are many problems during the day, and the new killing stone has attracted the attention of many families. For those who don't know, this is the first time they have a relationship with Zheng Yichen. For those who know.

So how is it related to this guy again? ?Generally speaking, the problem is not big or small. On the small side, Zheng Yichen doesn’t intend to keep this thing for himself, so there is nothing wrong with it. On the big side, this thing involves some secrets of a killing stone. Xin, things are quite big.

Time will hide a lot of things, but after some things resurface due to certain things, the impact will be very great. The killing stones jump out one by one, and there are three killing stones that appear now. Yes, the Tugong family and other families have conducted a detailed investigation on it, and it has only been one night and there is no result.

But after a period of time, it is more or less certain that something will be found out.

As for Santuhe and Hiroshi, the countermeasure room is confirming whether he is dead or not, and it doesn't have much impact for the time being. Even if he is really not dead, he will not want to have normal activities in Japan. The magic circle will target each other.

died?If you die, forget it.

Zheng Yichen, on the other hand, was completely idle. He looked at some black boxes in his backpack, and went to them repeatedly. Unless it was a pure spirit, something that was close to a different kind, as long as the speed of preservation, it would still be The corresponding materials can be saved quickly, and these black boxes are things that save some materials.

People who study magic must have enough interest in this thing, and then...then he will face the old fathers.

This time I was able to run away, but this time the things involved are not small, and I really can’t get around it. They played tricks and launched a sneak attack. Before Isayama Mei left, the two old fathers came to block him. People without her father.

She expressed...understand this, she has come to the position of the Isayama family, but her father's problem is a matter of the previous generation, it has nothing to do with her generation, but the current behavior of blocking the door, as a younger generation, she is very Wisely chose to run away.

It is impossible for Xingshi to question the crime. If Xingshi really asked the crime, the expressions of the two old fathers would not be the forced smiles they are now.

What happened last night was not a small one, and Zheng Yichen's current encounter is unavoidable. It basically doesn't make sense for her to stay here or not to stay here. After leaving, she saw her father waiting in the living room.

Isayama Yu looked at Isayama Mei, who was hesitant to speak, saying that it was impossible to say no emotion. Isayama Mei’s recent series of performances made him completely give up some ideas. His children are already good enough. It's enough for such an old guy to watch from the sidelines.

There is no need to add extra trouble to the children.

On Zheng Yichen's side, he looked at the two old fathers who were staring at him, and immediately maintained the professional mode that he could easily maintain, resisting the pressure brought by the two old fathers without changing his face.

It's just that he just wanted to know whether these two came here for business or private affairs.

"Business first?" Passive waiting is not suitable for Zheng Yichen, he took the initiative to speak, and he will know after a little probing, why wait for these two to make the first move?

"Then let's talk about the killing stone first." Tumiya Kagura's father, Tumiya Gagaku said.

Damn... It's really both official and private!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zheng Yichen does not reject or fear being approached by the fathers of female friends, but it does not mean that he wants to encounter such a thing casually.

As for avoiding?Life in Disaster World is used to being undisciplined, no matter how he lived there, the events of his life there were only half of the time he lived before Dream Piercing.

It has been a long time, so although his current personality has not changed much in essence, it has mixed in too many factors that ordinary people did not have before.

There is nothing to talk about, there are business and private matters, so let's come together.

The official business is the life-killing stone, there is nothing to explain, this thing involves a lot of problems, and now the Tugong family has three life-killing stones, this is not confidential news.

Right now, those legitimate Tumo families will have no problem, at least the status of the Tugong family is there, but people in another circle will not be so easy to talk to.

As for the people in the other circle... Simply put, they are not good people.

One piece of life-killing stone can hold the Tugong family down, and two pieces is not a big problem, after all, he is still alive, and three pieces... Well, although it can be solved in other ways, it is a matter of face.

Can't be soft, if it is soft, it will give others a signal, a signal that the Tugong family can't control the situation, then some forces on the dark side will definitely be moved by the wind. Think about it, you can get three killing stones by overturning the Tugong family. Who is not excited?

He can barely suppress those problems now, but in the future he won't be able to. Relying on the young Tumiya Kagura may not be able to stabilize the situation, even with the help of the Isayama family, some problems cannot be avoided.

So let's talk about this matter carefully, mainly... the old man has an intuition that the mere three killing stones are definitely not the limit. The one in Zheng Yichen's hand was taken out, and the one from Santuhe and Hong was also taken out.

Although it was not taken into his hands, the unaccounted-for killing stone might have jumped out of Zheng Yichen's hand, and then there was nothing to talk about. The Tugong family really couldn't bear the four killing stones.

Those descendants of the Tuomong family will not be so stable. The four killing stones are too easy to lead people to degenerate. Whether the Tugong family can hold it is also a question.

"So if there is a fourth life-killing stone, you don't want it?" Zheng Yichen's eyes widened slightly, he really has the fourth life-killing stone, not the one from Santuhe and Hong.

The location of the killing stone left by the killed white-haired kid was unknown, and Zheng Yichen didn't bother to find the drop point after the kill.

It doesn't matter who picked it up, as long as it's not him.

"Yes, killing stones can't be gathered in one place." Tumiya Gagaku nodded with a serious face, feeling a little ashamed in her heart. Hearing the meaning of the words, there really is a fourth killing stone, and Zheng Yichen also seemed to give it away. That stuff is addictive.

This is not right, the killing stone is an evil thing, although it contains huge power, but before something happens, it is more likely to cause disasters, and ordinary families can't control it at all.

So don't treat it like a betrothal gift, just give it to Tu Gong's house all the time, okay? , that's enough for now.

I can't stand it.

"Who will you give it to?" Zheng Yichen asked with a click of his tongue. He didn't want to keep the killing stone, let alone bring it to his original world when he was idle.

"I think you have the ability to handle that thing well." Tumiya Masara said, not to mention anything else, judging from Zheng Yichen's attitude towards the killing stone, this young man can really resist the temptation of the killing stone.

As for other issues, now the Tugong family already has three life-killing stones, one of which has been purified. As long as there are no other accidents, it will be very stable, provided that there are no more stones of that kind.

If there is more, I really want to come up with an operation to seal it to various places. After all, those things are put together, even if they are sealed, they will resonate with each other.

It may explode at any time.So it doesn't matter what to do with that thing, it's best not to appear in Tokyo again, some things about the killing stone are still under investigation.

Some things have been found out now, for example... Well, if the killing stones gather together, it will cause a special situation, and there are not many records about the specifics.

It is not very clear how many killing stones there are, so it is best not to increase the killing stones in Tokyo.

"Okay then, the countermeasure room will be interested too?"

"...Actually, it would be better as long as that thing doesn't show up in Japan." The two old fathers were silent for a while, and Masara Tsumiya said, saying that he believed in Zheng Yichen, let alone the power behind him.

As long as the killing stones cannot be assembled, it will be difficult for a bad situation to happen. If possible, it is best to say that this thing is scattered all over the world, and there are still people who are capable of handling this thing.

"...Let's continue to discuss private matters, and I need to know additional information about the killing stone, everything." Zheng Yichen knows about the killing stone, and has also known a lot about related legends. Anyway, it has something to do with a fox. What kind of fox, what kind of legend, don't expect the same in different worlds.

"These things will be sent to you later by Kagura, including some sealing methods of the killing stone." Tsuchimiya Gagaku nodded, and after that, it will be a private matter. Private matters, of course, are the things that old fathers care about the most.

If Zheng Yichen is a girl, the relationship between them can be maintained in any way they want, even when they are blossoming, they can temporarily turn a blind eye because of Zheng Yichen's situation. Young people, it's normal to like to play tricks.

As long as they reach the age of taking responsibility in the future, they can properly inherit the family business, but Zheng Yichen happens to be a man, and all their descendants are daughters.

This sums up a point of view.

Although they are old and even very dedicated, as men who came here, they can also see some of Zheng Yichen's thoughts, and the young boy's thoughts are also very single and pure.

I want it all!

There is nothing to say about this. The old fathers must have a good talk with him. As for Isayama Mei's father, Isayama Yu doesn't need to participate in this conversation.

Isayama Mei is not the candidate for the successor of the head of the Isayama family. Although he has become an important existence in the Isayama family, he is not as important as the head of the family. No matter how you say it, the second in command is a bit different from the first in command.

From the perspective of the family, they are happy to have a closer relationship with her, even a negative distance, but he is not the only one who wants to engage in negative distance contact!



"What are you looking at me for? What did your father say to you?" Zheng Yichen looked at the three pairs of eyes staring at him, clicked his tongue slightly, and put away the things that Kagura brought.

I haven't had time to look at the data records and sealing methods of the Killing Stone, but the value of this thing is justified. Although the continued use of the Killing Stone after purification will bring a burden to the holder, it will not erode the body and soul.

The premise is that the purification is strong enough and the seal is strong enough.

Well, if he can really do that, keeping one is actually within his acceptable range, just find a professional Dimiya to do a wave.

"We want to know more about what you said at that time."

Zheng Yichen frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "For example, beauty is only for the strong?"

Isayama Huangquan had a headache: "So they will beat you to death?"

"That means you are all my wings."

"speak politely!"

"There is no troublesome process, I will say whatever they ask." Zheng Yichen said, why did he answer nothing when the two old fathers asked about personal matters.

No matter how much gaudy things are said, it is not for a theme. It has already been discovered and paid attention to. There is no need to talk about what is there or what is not.

The two old fathers mentioned almost beat someone, but in the end they chose to maintain self-restraint. Being irritable is not good. For Zheng Yichen, he is not from this world. It is not a problem to come here occasionally for vacation, but if he hangs around here for a long time I just have nothing to do to find trouble for myself, so why make so many false bells and whistles, just explain the situation clearly.

Although their old fathers would be very upset by this, Zheng Yichen was quite upright.

"So what was said to you?"

"I didn't say anything, just pay attention when getting along with you, and think about some issues carefully."

"Then what's the rush, you're still young, who can tell what's going to happen in the future?" Zheng Yichen smiled slightly, ready to change the subject.

"Oh...you are so embarrassing."

"The problem is that I am such a person now, and I have to leave for a while to do some important things. Please pay more attention to the matter of Santuhe and Hong."

Isayama Mei nodded: "Okay."

Santuhe and Hong were killed by Zheng Yichen with a curse scroll, but there was no real confirmation of whether the other party was dead or not. It is best to pay more attention later, and at the same time, they should be careful when they move, so as not to be plotted against Well, if there are still some traces of the other party, after Zheng Yichen comes here again, tell him directly, and he will go to the after-sales service immediately to get a more powerful magic scroll to solve the problem.

Right now, after he seems to have dealt with the troublesome opponent, Zheng Yichen feels that he has a clear mind and is very happy. The rest of the time is the daily life here. He doesn't have much contact with the handling of the evil spirits, and the speed of the vortex expansion rebounds quickly. However, before the time of repatriation came, there was no news about Santuhe and Hong.

This investigation has mobilized most of the power of the dynamic and static anti-demonic circle, but the result is still nothing, then the other party is probably gone, there is nothing to say, maybe the other party is very special, and it looks extraordinary in this world, but in other worlds Here, when facing a more powerful force, it is a kind of "what is this" status.

It's not wrong to be killed. Half an hour before the repatriation time, Zheng Yichen re-checked the things he brought, books, and a new hamster that he bought by the way. After taking this hamster back, he can directly Go to the world of the monster girl to see the situation, if it works, then try to see if it can work with humans.

The battle in the water park, the battle between me and the sun... lost, sunburned (*  ̄︿ ̄)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Well... something easy to keep." Zheng Yichen looked at the hamster in the cage who was not very peaceful. He found it troublesome to keep pets or something, but hamsters generally have water and food ready, so they should be placed in the cage. It seems that nothing will happen for a few days, so that's fine. Anyway, it doesn't need to eat or drink for a few days, and Gaiming will be taken away by him in a wave.

Putting down the hamster that might not live for long, he began to sort out the things he brought back, which was another wave of harvest. At the same time, the world of eating spirits has been filled with some things. In the future, in addition to being used as a training ground, It is a reasonable vacation area.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to use the after-sales service that might be useful, so he died quickly, and he didn't want to jump out and do something crazy.

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