"So you quickly become stronger. Even if I have a problem, you can solve it. I also have examples for reference here. Those big people with harmful ideas identified by the generals are the first level. I can think so. Most of them can be regarded as the second floor, if the problem you have discovered now is correct, then you can be regarded as the third or even fifth floor..."

"It's just that the things you see on each level are different, and you will feel that people in other levels are stupid, just like what I think when I look at you now...don't hit me, it's just like this." Bai said here Ying sighed a little melancholy: "If you are really right, it's good to have two paths. As for your problem? Anyway, I won't die, so I will find a way to make a comeback, but at that time you will be treated as Brushed as a BOSS."

"..." Zheng Yichen put away his gun, and changed the subject: "The next thing is heaven coins, which seem to be the things that angels can get after solving some powerful evil spirits. They can be used in heaven. I don't know what they can buy. It’s clear, and it’s unknown whether you can get Heaven Coins by killing evil spirits in other places, that’s all we know so far.”

"It's amazing. You learned the inside story that humans don't know in one night. You didn't work hard, did you? Can you get Paradise Coin?"

"I will contact you in the future." After finishing what he needed to say, Zheng Yichen sent Bai Ying away directly, and then went to the clothing store yesterday. The robber group was like clocking in regularly. He was not interested after just one glance. , The female manager of the clothing store I saw yesterday knew that Zheng Yichen was here, and immediately took the initiative to welcome her. During Zheng Yichen's new shopping spree, she said that if you don't like the larger fitting room, there are smaller ones in the store, which are more crowded. be in closer contact.

Zheng Yichen's answer was to come back another day.

Now?That bitch... Uh, the angel is the Juicing Girl. His body has been strengthened by magic, and he has not really turned into a superman with endless physical strength. Bai Ying can tell that his mental state is not good. Don't know your status yet?It was originally a matter of relaxing the body and mind, and being full of energy the next day, but in such a situation...he had to take it easy.

After buying the clothes, Zheng Yichen made a phone call, asked for the address, and then explained to the female manager that he would be notified as soon as the items were delivered, and there would be a tip.

The female manager greeted her with a smiling face. Although Zheng Yichen didn't plan to squeeze into the fitting room today, he was good-looking or in good shape, and the most important thing was to spend enough money!

"As long as you can come again, it's a small thing."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Phew~ I'm really enthusiastic." After leaving the clothing store, Zheng Yichen randomly found a dessert shop and ordered some snacks, and then opened the black box silently. Creating a black box requires physical strength, but his current physical strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people. In comparison, as long as it's not at the level of ten times a second, his consumption won't accumulate.

Of course, if you really toss about it, the black box is not affected by the passive ability, and the interior is in a state of quantum uncertainty, so it is of no use. Now it is not the quantity of black boxes that restricts Zheng Yichen, but the quality, so let him take it for a short time. It is unrealistic to open thousands of black boxes in an instant.

Thirty-six black boxes that can be used during the battle, plus black boxes that continue to generate cycles during the battle, just like the battle that lasted nearly ten minutes when dealing with those evil spirits and monsters. He summed it up and found that he could The number of black boxes opened is probably less than fifty, mainly because the subsequent cycle cannot keep up, and it is not that the blessing of uncertainty can be obtained immediately after generating a black box.

It may be a few minutes or ten minutes later, making more black boxes at once only increases the chance of this trigger.

In short, let him fight for a long time, and his advantage will only grow bigger and bigger like a snowball. If it is a normal encounter, or a battle that won't last long, then his advantage will be accumulated at the beginning Black box.

Generally speaking, Zheng Yichen is suitable for short-duration battles and long-term battles. Some short- and medium-term battles are not very suitable for him. How, generally speaking, those who can fight him for a long time are mostly those who are chased by a group of people and he is unwilling to fight head-on.

Those who solve the battle in a short period of time are mostly those with average strength. To deal with average strength, there is no need to use all the reserve black boxes. Only the really troublesome enemies will let him use up all the black boxes in a short time. Otherwise, does he have a chance to use it?The black box can guarantee that Zheng Yichen will not lack supplies such as weapons and ammunition during the battle.

But he also prepares a lot of equipment in his daily life, and he has a very good skill in making props. He doesn't need a black box, as long as he has enough resources, he can also make a lot of homemade weapons.

Besides, he is very good at fighting now... Zheng Yichen, who was distracted, was brought back to his thoughts by a strange smell. After his fingers sank into the black box he was rubbing, the things he touched were quite familiar, as if It's a gas mask! !

"??" Although the things he gets from his passive ability are very mobile, usually what he gets is helpful to him. For example, if one day he prescribes a special medicine for cancer, then I have to go to the hospital to check my body or if there is an urgent need for such a thing near the scene where the special medicine is prescribed, I can get extra benefits as long as I take this thing to the past.

After all, it is something that is beneficial to him. It is not impossible for him to open a black box to produce something that can attract some unusual things around him.

Now a gas mask was opened, and with the indispellable smell in the air, he took it to his head without any hesitation. As for eating, forget it, even if the dessert tastes sweet. Yes, but the sweetness in the toilet is not as good as expected.

"Raincoat? What the hell is this..." Zheng Yichen looked at the things he took out from the second black box the size of a basketball. It is said that the situation that may be encountered is that one will be in a kind of resistance that cannot be added.

The smell of the air, gas masks, raincoats... Will it rain with feces and urine soon? ?With such worries, Zheng Yichen didn't plan to go out, but the toilet in the dessert shop exploded!The moment he realized something was wrong, Zheng Yichen put on the raincoat in his hand and ran out, and the whole street became a mess!

Fuck! !If he really encountered this kind of surprise attack accidentally, he would definitely leave some shadow. If it was to solve some goal, it would be an exception if he had to do this, but right now this is really unacceptable.

"what's going on……"

"Ahhh!!" Zheng Yichen, who had just run out of the dessert shop, heard the scream of the female shop assistant. The other party also noticed Zheng Yichen, and rushed towards him with a speed that was not suitable for a petite girl. The reason was that he was wearing Raincoat, quite a big raincoat, if it weren't for the fact that she was still clean, Zheng Yichen would probably have flashed people at this time, or just had a jio.

It doesn't matter if she is protected by the old bird's wings like a baby bird now, Zheng Yichen wrapped her in the raincoat very calmly, as for the scene of flying all over the sky, he hurt people's eyes, he didn't want to give too many adjectives, he just knew The sewers in this city must have completely burst, and even the toilets in every household were unavoidable. In a city like this, what the hell!

"Hello? I'm going to get down to business. I'll come back after a week."

"Okay... vomit! Puff - hang up!" Bai Ying's painful voice from the other end of the phone made him give up thinking about what happened to him, and Bai Ying beeped I didn't really die by jumping over the crater by myself, and I didn't have a constant cycle of resurrection and burning to death.

So it doesn't seem so painful to drown in this flying land, right?

Now?Zheng Yichen is going back!Quickly stay away from Fallen City, a place of right and wrong. Through the external things he saw through the gas mask, he saw that a considerable part of the flying objects erupted from the city's sewers gathered and condensed into a huge monster. That huge monster is a pooping evil spirit ...

"What are you doing?" Zheng Yichen held down the two dishonest hands on his body. He was wearing a gas mask, but he couldn't tell what his appearance was, but his figure was preserved. The female shop assistant felt it immediately after being in close contact with him. Seeing that Zheng Yichen wasn't paying attention to himself, he couldn't help but move his hands.

"I'm still afraid."

"Don't be afraid to be honest, don't step on anything dirty, or I'll throw you out." Zheng Yichen said with a straight face. Without any emotional basis, only appearance and temperament can attract the opposite sex. If these two If there is something on the factor, I'm sorry...

Zheng Yichen is such a realistic person most of the time, not to mention being in such a crushing environment, two black cubes appeared at his feet, and he walked quickly in this flying city, on the road Dense police cars swarmed in, and the impressive number of police forces were immediately wiped out by the surging smell when the pooping evil spirit spread the flying objects.

As for the output of the bullets fired in the first round, their behavior is the same as that of a child who exploded a cesspit. The defense of this evil spirit is not strong. Zheng Yichen really didn't want to describe the situation any more. One more word would hurt his eyes deeply.

Damn why did you come back today!

By the way, since this thing was sprayed out of the sewer, it means that there is no normal way to go back later?With the current situation, he can't be allowed to swim back, can he?Stepping on the black box under his feet, in a bad state of mind, the passive speed of the black box is also surprisingly fast, the two he stepped on have already attached his passive ability, quantum indeterminate state!

Air freshener X1, the mouth contains nine super powerful mint pills on the top, this thing has a hairy use!

Stuffing the peppermint pill into his mouth, Zheng Yichen felt that the whole world slowed down. His mind was as clear as if he had soaked it in essential oil. He shivered, and said bluntly, the so-called idle state is weak compared to him.

Even if there are five Dimiya... no, ten Dimiya standing in front of her naked, Zheng Yichen will not have any unnecessary reaction. In this state, she glanced at the flying objects around: "Hmph !That's it?"

The remaining super powerful mint pills were put away, and the air freshener was used. The mint-flavored air permeated the surroundings, causing the female shop assistant who was about to show a suffocated expression to take a deep breath of the fresh air, and let the surrounding people The smell of mint gathered around him.

Wanting to avoid the smell of the surroundings from remaining on him for a long time, the love of beauty shows his existence everywhere, let alone her, Zheng Yichen even took the air freshener and sprayed it on himself as a perfume, so that I became a clean stream in this hell map, but clean streams are the easiest to target in a place full of filth, and that evil spirit of poop targeted him.

Wearing a gas mask, Zheng Yichen's complexion changed, and his skills were displayed at a super level. A large amount of spiritual power gathered on his arms, flowing crazily in the blood vessels corresponding to the spiritual power magic circle. Pushing his hands forward suddenly, a spiral gust of wind erupted It went out, and rolled back all the flying objects that were pressed down.

This kind of operation is like turning an umbrella on a rainy day. When turning the umbrella, it is very beautiful to see the raindrops flying around the umbrella... Of course, it is for rain, and there is no comparable beauty compared with this flying object. Scenery, but the same thing is that it is absolutely unfriendly to passers-by other than umbrellas. The passers-by are covered in water by the flying water droplets, while the passers-by here are thrown by the spiral wind and covered in mosaics. Solidify the goo.

In addition, some people were still in the posture of opening their mouths in shock, their brains were soaked in essential oils, and Zheng Yichen saw a few cases with extraordinarily good eyesight, and the feeling of nausea spontaneously arose.

The power of hell drawing can be seen!

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight

"Uhhhhhhh!!" A group of people screamed, Zheng Yichen withdrew his hands unnaturally, covered by a gas mask, the expression he used at this time was not a professional mode for the outside world, but for self-entertainment In Le's daily mode, many emotions that really belong to his heart will not be overly concealed. Now he is quite embarrassed, and he has done such immoral things in a whirlwind.

It's not that he doesn't want to use fire or something else, it's just that fire is a kind of semi-solid sticky flying object, even if it is dried, it will become a hard block. For ice, ice, thunder, etc. It is not easy for Zheng Yichen to use the spiritual power magic of different attributes, mainly because there is no suitable medium.

For example, the wind is better. The wind element caused by the airflow driven by waving your arms can change the nature of the released spiritual power. If there is no ice around, it is not worth using a freezing grenade. Water... Think about it Think of the horrible scene of the turbulent flow of this viscous substance after it is thinned by water, wind!Just blow him with the wind!

"You seem to have angered it..." The female shop assistant who hugged Zheng Yichen's waist tremblingly said, she was afraid that the poop evil spirit would lie on the ground and roll around, and they would be hard to escape when the time came. It takes two big mouthfuls, no, it's only her, Zheng Yichen is wearing a gas mask!

"I know, but he moved first." Zheng Yichen was silent, and with a slight movement of his fingers, a black cube wrapped in a magic scroll in his backpack popped out and fell into his hand. There was nothing to say, this is A super-powerful spell, the Skyfire Forbidden Curse, can definitely make this evil spirit return to ashes. Even if it is a concentrated attack, several nearby streets will have to be rebuilt.

As for people... It seems that the zero-point refresh of the residents of Fallen City is not a problem that needs to be cared about.

A little heartless, in order not to appear so heartless, Zheng Yichen decided to run away first, at least leave Fallen City to take refuge. Looking at the current situation, the entire sewer facilities in Fallen City have suffered, and if he continues to stay in this place, he will have to deal with this It's just fighting evil spirits, he doesn't want to confront this kind of flying thing.

Even if this is an evil spirit, belonging to the spirit category, the soul hunter ring can play a role, but when he thinks about the source of soul power, forget it, his spirit can't bear it.

Swinging his arms, a strong whirlwind rolled up around him, stepping on the black cube that was moving with him, blinking and running away, during which a woman covered in unknown objects took the lead and glanced at the sky: "strange ...I felt the cutie I just met fly over."

Another girl in a gothic dress next to her glanced at Pandey: "The 'little cutie' that you can remember? He will spit it out right away when he sees the shit you look like now."

Apart from her clothes, this girl has long dark blue hair, and the inside of her long hair is pink. She has a serious expression, and she is not moved by Pandey, who was attacked by this evil spirit around her, causing her body to be stained with unknown objects... ...and you will get used to it if you vomit too much.

"Hmph~ You just envy me that I can get heaven coins when I sleep with a man." Pan Di snorted softly, staring at the raging evil spirit with anger in his eyes: "I want this scum to pay the price, kill it, heaven The coin is for you!"

Originally, she wanted to offer to help buy desserts that were hard to get for ten days, but thinking of queuing up every day, and adding that she just got a heaven coin for nothing, she could simply be generous once, mainly because queuing was too troublesome.

Then the two angels really transformed like angels...Well, from a higher dimension, it is a change in painting style. The unknown object was purified in an instant, and the underclothes that had been taken off became weapons. A headshot shot left the evil spirit in a daze state, and then it was cut into pieces, and the entire evil spirit exploded on the spot.

Missed the scene where Zheng Yichen used his panties and stockings to transform into weapons, but felt a gust of wind behind him, and the scene of flying all over the sky appeared again. This time, the thing that needed to be mosaic was obviously bigger Yes, while Zheng Yichen was terrified by this, he threw out a magic scroll, and the explosive wind blew away the approaching mosaics, and at the same time, the blocking black cube helped absorb the remaining small mosaics.

"No... are you okay?" The female shop assistant hugged Zheng Yichen tightly, looking at the direction of the explosion in shock. She didn't care about the black cube Zheng Yichen used, but still cared about whether she could fly in that kind of space. was implicated in the outbreak of the animal.

"It's okay, can you go down?"

"I don't want it!" The female shop assistant yelled very bluntly. It is too much to think about going down at this time. Obviously there are a lot of sticky and smelly things that have not been cleaned up. At this time, I stepped on it and went back. I can't have this leg: "And you saved me, can you take me to your house? I can't help but want to take a bath..."

Zheng Yichen came all the way to the outside of the city, and after putting the female shop assistant down, he sprayed the air freshener in his hand back and forth on both sides of her: "Okay, there is no need to take a shower now."

If it were yesterday, he would have agreed directly after looking at the female salesperson's figure, but today she couldn't do what she wanted, and with the brain-soaked oily feeling brought by the powerful peppermint pill, the female salesperson had nothing in his eyes at this moment. Temptation, facing her crappy temptation, not only did she have no reaction, she even wanted to sneer.

After rushing, it is so tough!

The stunned female shop assistant was left behind. Zheng Yichen stepped on the black cube and left. He wanted to find a suitable place and find a way to leave Fallen City. As for the way of leaving, he was going to test it in another way and returned to Fallen City. City, and then thinking about where to go, after running outside Fallen Sky City, failed as expected.

After the people from Fallen Sky City drove people away from the city limits of Fallen Sky City, they would enter a section of the road to the target city, but Zheng Yichen left from the road but failed. He endured some dirt on the road and covered his feet. Wearing a black cube, Bajing tried to walk out of Fallen Sky City but failed. It seems that people inside Fallen Sky City must help to take people out.

For outsiders, the only way for outsiders to leave is to leave, but Zheng Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly when he thought of what the sewers here have become now, people, there is always a way, just like now, it’s okay to toss After failing to leave smoothly for a while, he stopped a passerby who was driving a car. The other person saw that he was planning to go out to seek refuge, and he didn't want to stay longer in this stinking city.

But when he met Zheng Yichen, after nodding and shaking their heads, the two of them looked at the black muzzle of their car, and the owner of the car enthusiastically said that it was just a matter of bringing more people. It doesn't matter where it is, what era it is, it is enough to open a navigation map, Zheng Yichen took a look at the navigation map by the way, and was very fascinated.

According to the navigation map of the mobile phone of the residents of Fallen City, it is enough to sprint in a straight line with the accelerator pedal on the current road section. The navigation line changed in a tortuous way, and the screen of the entire map also switched. Zheng Yichen looked full of hell, but the resident of Fallen City seemed normal.

"It's fine here, and you can wash the car yourself with the money." The money Zheng Yichen took out made the driver successfully dispel the idea of ​​calling the police as soon as the man left. He had already forgotten about being threatened for the money, and all he knew was that he was going to wash the car, but he accidentally brought a rich fellow traveler along the way.

What else?What else can there be? ?The residents of Fallen Sky City are so simple and honest!

Back in Tokyo, Zheng Yichen heaved a long sigh of relief, and quickly dealt with the raincoat and gas mask on his body. The way to deal with it was very simple. He punched the inside of the black cube where these things were stored. The flames that exploded inside simply wiped out the contents inside.

The rest of the residual garbage can be thrown into the trash can, and there is a better way to deal with it... Shrinking the black box for super compression is fine, but the strength of the black box has not reached that level, compressing a large number of objects into a small The operation method of the block will be discussed later, pure physical strength will not make a qualitative change in the superpower obtained through the fish of light.

"Hello? Are you okay?" After returning to Tokyo, Zheng Yichen called Bai Ying's cell phone again, and this time he heard the sound of water rushing across the street.

"Ahem, it's okay. I may not go back for a few days. You should do your work first. If you have other things, you can use the special line I left for you." Inside Fallen City, Bai Ying had a gloomy face, It would be fine if it was a simple tsunami, he didn't care about the cricket tsunami, but the situation that happened not long ago has already left an indelible shadow in people's hearts.

Fallen Sky City is quickly cleaning up the dirt in the streets, alleys, and sewers, but the pollution caused by that evil spirit is too great. Don't think that Fallen Sky City can return to normal in the short term. No matter how special the situation here is, the residents No matter how big your heart is, it won't be like an anime where everything returns to normal as soon as the screen changes or the next episode.

The cleaning needs to be done slowly. During this period of time, the secret channel of the sewer is obviously unusable. The people who are going to be dispatched... well, a few have already been recruited, and they are currently in a coma of shame and indignation. It's terrible, since Zheng Yichen wants to do something else at this terrible time, let them do it, the current situation in Fallen Sky City, no matter how hard it is, it will be ten days and a half months away.

What an evil spirit!It's fine to kill a thousand or eight hundred people directly, but such a disgusting disaster has been brought about!

Bai Ying was full of shit.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If he had known that this place was so powerful, Bai Ying would have prepared a chemical protective suit for himself before coming here. At that time, regardless of the flood outside, he could close his eyes and experience the feeling of swimming freely. Now he Just want to die.

Of course, the initial thought was like this, and then he felt it didn’t matter. After all, he has been a transparent person in this world, and it is difficult to live normally without a big heart, so after washing himself clean, Although there are still some residual smells on the body, but those don't matter.

Anyway, it's all in the past, what else is there to care about?Bai Ying said that everything was normal, and he could calmly express that it was all just floating clouds, and it would not be a big deal if it happened again... Turning his head and glanced at the unknown mosaic object standing on the window, Bai Ying turned back expressionlessly. Head, okay, it's the same as last time, this is not something that you can get used to by just soaking in it.

In short, if Zheng Yichen wants to leave here, just leave here. Bai Ying still cares about what he said before. In order to avoid some possibilities, Zheng Yichen should become stronger. Bai Ying does not think that she is absolutely Accurate, but he can be sure that he and Zheng Yichen are the same kind of people, both of which have special 'factors'.

Bai Ying's erasure of information made him a special transparent person in the world. Although Zheng Yichen does not have special abilities like him, he definitely has unique talents. Those various things that he does not know where he got , If you want to say what was stuffed into his side quietly... It's fine once or twice this time, can it be like this every time?

Therefore, Bai Ying thinks that Zheng Yichen is also a person with a certain unique ability. Those around him who always have sufficient supplies are related to Zheng Yichen's ability. You can see this, but there is no need to say it. Anyway, it is tacit understanding Also, Zheng Yichen's ability is not like all the superpowers Bai Ying has seen.

There must be demons out of abnormality. Baiying's own abilities are very unique, and Zheng Yichen's is also unique. He thinks that the two are the same kind of people. I'm looking for them, but many times looking for these people is like looking for a needle in a haystack, plus the confusion caused by those legitimate superpowers.

It is even more difficult to accurately find the target, like Zheng Yichen, to be honest, it is not because I have been with him for a long time, and I have been in contact with him for a long time, it is really difficult to realize the corresponding problem, after all, Zheng Yichen does not show up If so, no one else will know the inside story.

Since they belong to the same category, when there are some cognitive differences, Bai Ying will not try to deny the other party, just like when he reads some things in the intelligence database of those in power, there are obviously some who can I felt something was wrong directly, but the information was still added to the intelligence library.

Some intelligence history can be traced back to a few years ago. Are those who manage the intelligence database mentally retarded?One or two of them could be called a coincidence, but Bai Ying became numb after encountering them too many times, and even doubted whether there was something wrong with her common sense.

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