"What about the specific changes?"

"It is to transform into a vampire, a zombie with a physical body. Of course, the premise is that your spirit is not polluted by a lot of negative forces and you can still maintain yourself."

"To put it bluntly, it is too weak."


Zheng Yichen nodded, and put away the killing stone. It doesn't matter if it takes twenty minutes. Under normal circumstances, a battle can be resolved quickly. If you really use this thing in a fight, the daily time will definitely not exceed Twenty minutes, if it takes longer, it must be a big deal, who cares if there will be any problems in such a situation?

"There is also this kind of bullet. Although it is very lethal to evil beings, but for human beings, even if I add the fire attribute, the damage to human beings will be slightly hit and warmed."

Zheng Yichen was surprised at this, took out a pale pink bullet and looked at it, the texture of the metal is correct, if it is shot out, it will definitely end in a dick, not to mention the enchantment attribute, physical damage can also kill people : "Can it still be like this??"

"You can try."

He refused without hesitation: "I will try to find volunteers."

It is impossible to let him try it. You can only try it with other irrelevant people. The rest... there is nothing to say about the rest. The hamster was raised by Dimia and came to this There were no problems after the world, let alone the situation that carrying bacteria from another world caused additional problems in this world.

Bacteria is also researched here in Dimia. Even after discovering Zheng Yichen's identity, he quietly gave him a test. There were also related tests for people from other worlds before, and there were no problems. So carrying things like bacteria from another world will not cause trouble to the other world.

If there is any trouble, it has already appeared before, so this hamster is still alive and well, the next thing is to learn some courses that Dimiya can get here, and then wait for her to process the second killing stone , to see if I can give myself some kind of surprise, and to see if I can find a mouse when I go back.

Zheng Yichen told Dimiya about this idea. Dimiya's initial proposal was to find a felon for testing, and after the person was brought there, he would be executed on the spot. This idea is very good, as for the source of the felon. It's hard to find, there are serious criminals in the magic city, if Zheng Yichen is willing to spend a lot of money, he can buy it.

"Compared to buying felons, I think it's okay to take your disciples on a seven-day trip to another world." Zheng Yichen didn't say to bring Dimia, mainly because this woman is an invincible existence with him now, space Whether magic can be used in other worlds is still unknown, but if it can be used, can he still be expected to learn a magic countermeasure like dimensional blockade on the spot?

Dimiya can't handle it, her disciple is not a big problem.

"That's my well-behaved disciple, you actually said such a thing."

"Do you need to add money?"

"Let's see what you can bring next time. This time, I will make arrangements for this matter." Dimiya looked at Zheng Yichen and said, although Zheng Yichen seemed a little careless when he said these things, in fact he Very concerned.

After all, if you bring living creatures, you can naturally bring other living creatures back, and there will be a biological invasion or something. Although the number and other restrictions are unknown, it is already a unique key.

In the last time, she handed over the processed second killing stone to Zheng Yichen. This killing stone is not used to enhance personal combat power, but to enhance the power of weapons. When using weapons, you only need to carry this killing stone Stone, the corresponding magic channel will extend from it, and touch the weapon along Zheng Yichen's body, thus endowing the weapon with energy to bless and attack.

The source of that kind of energy-boosting attack is the negative power of the killing stone. As for the attack of shooting out spiritual bullets, it is too much thinking, unless his weapon itself comes with a tool that transforms special power into spiritual bullets. Effect, otherwise live ammunition is live ammunition. After it is missing, even if the weapon is blessed with the power of the killing stone, it will not be able to shoot anything.

It is said that some people can use ordinary weapons to shoot out energy bullets, unless there is something that makes knights not die with bare hands, and the nature of the weapon is forcibly changed. If it cannot be changed, then follow the normal rules honestly. When it's all gone, change the magazine.

Otherwise, the other party is fooling people, using an ordinary pistol to shoot out energy bullets, believe it or not, that kind of person throws away the pistol in his hand, and makes a shooting biubiubiu gesture to still shoot out the so-called spiritual bullets.

Magic is not omnipotent. The use of special powers can achieve many unique effects, but before the corresponding operation methods are developed, some things really cannot be done under certain conditions.

In this regard, Zheng Yichen said that it is strange that the knowledge has not increased, but the knowledge has increased, although it is not very useful...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

He never envied those who could shoot energy bullets with pistols. After all, no matter what kind of bullets they fired could hit the target and cause damage, or even kill the target directly, it didn't matter what kind of bullet it was.

The two life-killing stones have been processed, and he will not stay in this world for much time this time. In terms of harvest, a few firearms assembled from sundry parts, we will see if they can be used in the future, and a shoulder bag after the appearance has been changed, although it is still It's black, but the feminine gorgeous patterns on it are gone, and the shape has changed slightly. Generally speaking, it can't be seen that it is a style for women.

The interior space of 50 cubic meters is spacious and grand, and all the things that Zheng Yichen brought over were thrown in, so that it only occupied a small amount of space. It can be said that the problem that has been the most concerned has been solved, although it is only a shoulder bag rather than a space-level bag. More high-end things like rings.

Well, Dimiya made it very clear that Zheng Yichen really has a production method for that kind of thing that she can bring over, and she will give Zheng Yichen a high reward. This kind of space satchel also has corresponding anti-theft measures, and a kind of magic blessing can To solve problems, without blessing that kind of magic, everyone can use it.

Needless to say, the processing of other killing stones, one enhances the self and the other strengthens the foreign object, but the self-enhancement can also be manipulated, that is, the flesh and blood is not as resistant as the weapon of the foreign object, strengthening one's own fist may leave residue pollution, the body is eroded, etc. After all, the second killing stone is not considered purification.

As for his own strength, the physical strength is still the same as before, the skills have improved, and the spiritual power has been improved a lot because of the strengthening of the soul, and the spiritual power is also improved. Simply put, it is the spiritual power magic that he can release. Stronger, although... According to his fighting style, the actual effect in the short term is not that great.

The rest is the corresponding knowledge, which is all magic knowledge. There are only simple instructions on how to use Dimiya. Whether it can be transformed into something that Zheng Yichen can use depends entirely on him. After all, his use of magic depends on spiritual power. Driven by spiritual power instead of magic power, it can't be solved like a gourd painting.

The nature of the power is different, and the effect achieved by the same method is different. One is effective and the other is invalid, and even the most common explosion phenomenon will appear. If you want to really use that part of knowledge, even if you have Dimia's spiritual magic theory operation With the support of knowledge, Zheng Yichen himself had to spend a lot of effort.

Dimiya didn't give him too much guidance. The knowledge Zheng Yichen came into contact with was more related to the production of props, not legitimate magic. So those who rely on magic power, some need the assistance of special power, and they can find ways to solve it in other ways.

It seems to Dimiya that the difficulty is really not that difficult, but it is difficult for Zheng Yichen, but the problem is not to be solved, just like a primary school student learning math problems and doing homework. If you want to improve yourself, you must do more difficult problems.

These are almost the gains of Zheng Yichen's arrival this time. The improvement is not small, and it can make him cope with more situations. What's more important is the gain brought by the external strengthening plug-in made by Dimiya with the killing stone, which means Afterwards, among the hot weapons that Zheng Yichen opened with the black box, it wasn't a black-tech weapon like the Red Lotus Balrog that could exert sufficient lethality.

"...Are you kidding me?" In a secret basement, Zheng Yichen took a look at the equipment here, and he saw that it was a secret place mainly for fun. Now there are more than a dozen felony prisoners under control. , are the kind that need to be executed, and all of them are professionals.

In this world, civilians rarely have the opportunity to commit crimes, and those who can make things happen are basically professionals.

"Severe criminals whose value has not been squeezed out are more expensive. The price of felony prisoners whose value has been squeezed out is cheap. They are all executed anyway. As long as they are guaranteed to die, it doesn't matter where they are executed." Dimi Ya lightly smiled and said to Zheng Yichen that all these felony prisoners had their senses blocked, and the communication between them did not make these people have much reaction.

"It doesn't matter if you think it's troublesome to deal with. When you get to the place, you can use this magic scroll to evaporate them all at once."

Looking at the woman with a good figure and a smile beside him, the corners of Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched slightly, and he said such terrifying words in a sweet tone, okay, he didn't have much emotion, as for the group of people in front of him, he didn't know what to say. Knowing what crimes these people have committed, but in this loose world, how can there be any sympathy for felons who can also be executed to the standard of execution?

"Give me something, you won't observe this time?"

"That kind of observation is meaningless." Dimiya shook his head. The last observation did not yield any substantial gains, and this time there may not be any gains. There is a corresponding feedback magic circle nearby, but there is no arrangement like the one above. Like the last time, it was so dense that he was almost submerged in the magic circle.

"That's okay... Let me check the time, there are still about ten minutes." Zheng Yichen looked at the reflection in the mirror and said, he had already shown Dimiya in the mirror, and she could see the whirlpool door observation ability.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Yichen, holding a rope connecting all the felons, returned to the original world in the blink of an eye. He was carrying everything on his body, and the rope was not broken for no reason. The only felons who came together were... ...four, the extension of the rope is empty, and still retains the form of binding people, which means that it is indeed possible to lead people.

But it seems that you can't take people without limit. These four people are all within reach of Zheng Yichen's body. No, in order to ensure the effect, there were at least eight people who were in the state of directly touching him, but only this was brought back. point.

Oh, by the way, there is still a space satchel. Zheng Yichen shook it, and shook out the several felons contained in it. Obviously, he brought it here normally. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or a normal situation. The space satchel can It's normal for Cypriots, after all, the space inside is just expanded and not an independent space.

So some food and other things put in are similar to the outside world, and they will be broken after a long time. In terms of temperature, they are similar to the outside world. After opening the opening, the internal space will be synchronized with the external space to a certain extent. Yes, the temperature air can go in.

Of course, the internal temperature has an upper and lower limit, and it will not exceed the upper and lower limits. This is to ensure that the contents inside maintain a certain degree of stability. If you want to break this stability, unless the external abnormal temperature exceeds the limit of this space satchel Accept the upper limit, otherwise the temperature will always hover in this upper and lower limit.

Therefore, it is actually possible to put people in this space, but the air inside is limited, and people will die after a long time. Of course, putting people in is not unlimited, mainly because the space inside is abnormal compared to the outside space. A space with a strength limit, if the creature stuffed into it is too strong, it will crush the space satchel.

This crushing is not a crushing in terms of volume, but the reason why the individual strength is too high and the space in the space bag can't bear it. This is also the reason why some space transfer magic can't take effect on those strong people who are in a state of resistance.

With stronger strength, the outer space of the body is still normal, but there is an inherent "space" inside the body. A simpler description is the individual's force field protection, so Dimiya additionally told Zheng Yichen, don't even think about it. Just messing around with nothing to do, stuffing everything into the shoulder bag in this space, and Zheng Yichen figured out a way to take care of it when something happened, and she didn't care about the after-sales service.

Even space props have a limit, you should pay attention to anything that is unstable, people are also within the range of instability, non-professionals need to be cautious when using it, and now I am waiting for these operations to be personally guided by Dimiya, to ensure that there is no problem This is done without any prerequisites.

Now that everyone has taken it out, there is nothing to say, Zheng Yichen tore open the magic scroll in his hand without hesitation, and a fine air flow swept past, except for him, all living things in the passage turned into fly ash .

After being clean, he clapped his hands, and Zheng Yichen walked back. It's not his concern that the rest of Dimiya's side is full of serious criminals, they have to be dealt with anyway.

Just take care of your own side. For the others, wouldn't it be better to pay more attention to the reasons why you didn't bring everyone back?

In Zheng Yichen's view, this is the most necessary thing to figure out, not everyone is as "easy to talk" like Dimiya, and not everyone he meets is as easy to deal with as Isayama and Huangquan.

In the future, we will inevitably encounter some particularly troublesome existences. Among the existences that we will definitely encounter in the future, there will be more ambitious people, rather than those who have ideas and pursuits but can cooperate with each other like Dimiya. At that time, how to get along depends on fists up.

If the fist is hard enough, everything is negotiable. If it is not hard enough, then everything is up to him. It is not his habit to be passive all the time, a little fluke?Forget it, there is a Dimiya nearby who can see his origin, although it is the reason for the unlucky and lucky seniors who are reluctant to miss Shu.

You can't underestimate all the powerful existences in the world behind the door because of this.

"Hello? I'm back." Zheng Yichen called Yotsuya Miko and looked at the sky approaching evening outside. Although he entered the door and the world had a seven-day guarantee, the specific events were not synchronized with the original world.

It may be night or afternoon when the day passes, and the same is true when you come back. Zheng Yichen has almost filled a notebook with detailed records, and he can add a few pages after he comes back this time. Speaking of which, if he is short of money someday Yes, selling this little book can also earn a lot of information fees.

It is more likely that it will be dug up by someone.

"How about coming out for dinner?"

Yotsuya Miko, who was at home, looked at the younger brother's guarded eyes, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and nodded in agreement under the frustrated gaze of the younger brother.

The boss who is the bread and butter parent is the biggest!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

For dinner, there is no need to bring a younger brother, or even a good girlfriend. Looking at Zheng Yichen who is alone, Yotsuya Jianzi is slightly relieved. It is good to be alone, and there is only one person here. There were no other light bulbs, and what made her curious was that this time Zheng Yichen did not carry a big backpack like before, but replaced it with a small black satchel.

It looks lighter, and it also looks more... temperamental than before. After all, carrying such a big backpack everywhere is a bit of a thing. Now that it is gone, it looks different.

"Thinking about what?"

"Uh...no, nothing, where are we going?" Yotsuya asked with his head down.

"I'm not very familiar with the catering here, so tell me." Zheng Yichen said calmly. He is indeed not very familiar with it. Except for grocery shopping, he doesn't need to do anything for the rest of the day. Just open the box. Get enough food or ingredients, and you can live tenaciously without going out.

While walking on the road, Zheng Yichen took out a book: "There are enlightenment books about magic power, if you are interested, read more."

This book is a book that contains magic power, which can make the reader in a special state of concentration, be guided by the magic power of the book to learn, and thus become a novice magician more quickly, provided that he has the corresponding magic talent Well, people like Zheng Yichen don't have other opportunities, and they can't succeed even at the age of thirty.

Zheng Yichen doesn't know if Yotsuya Jianzi has this talent, but all he can get is this type of book, related to spiritual power, Dimiya's research on spiritual power has achieved results, but it is not like magic, which can be done casually Zheng Yichen also asked about the special version of the book and the situation of Baihe Chuanhua.

Dimiya didn't explain anything, and directly threw a book about life force to Zheng Yichen. After reading it, he knew what happened to Baihe Chuanhua.

She is born with superhuman life force, and can even quickly convert extra life force through the intake of nutrients. In the state of ordinary people, it will be difficult to get sick for a lifetime. As long as you eat enough, you will be a vitality girl. Zheng Yichen can do this. The conclusion is that the information recorded in that book is quite comprehensive and can be compared and summarized according to the actual situation.

wrong?If you make a mistake, read the book again and reconfirm it. Even if there is a mistake, there will not be much difference. An existence like Baihe Chuanhua is like a special alchemy furnace, stuffed with normal food , to produce a sufficient amount of life force, the conversion rate is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Such a person is also an extremely precious existence in Dimia's world. If there is one, although they cannot be snatched away by special means, they can be dug up with a lot of money. Simply put, she is the legendary "Extreme Tripod With an existence like Furnace', if someone caught her eye, she would be in great trouble.

"...So she is very dangerous now?" Hearing what Zheng Yichen said, Yotsuya Miko, who was eating with him, felt that the food in the world between the two of them was not good, so it was someone else, talking about another girl in front of a girl. A girl is likely to have an accident, but Zheng Yichen has taken the initiative since he met them until now, and Yotsuya Miko involuntarily entered the proper state when talking about business.

"It's not a big problem now, just take precautions. I have a way to prevent it. Just wait for a test tomorrow." Zheng Yichen said, it is not difficult to solve Baihe Chuanhua's problem. What should I say about her situation? After practicing the cultivation methods of power and magic power, a certain switch is activated, and the next step is to judge whether it is the method of spiritual power or the method of magic power...

Let’s see whether it’s life aura or life magic power on her side. No matter which one it is, as long as the nature is confirmed, there will be a solution. Zheng Yichen has both methods here, and Dimiya didn’t prescribe any conditions in this regard. , It’s nothing more than solving the problem, next time I go to her there to bring some extra specialties about Lily Chuanhua, such as blood, it doesn’t matter if Zheng Yichen can be ruthless.

"I will protect her well!" Yotsuya Miko was very serious.

Zheng Yichen nodded, all the time he let the girls exercise their physical strength, the strength-related training is not too much, the main reason is that training them in a short period of time will not achieve much, and women's strength is inherently weak In many cases, it is better to follow the flow of strength than to follow the flow of skills. When you are both flesh and blood, as long as you can break the defense, your strength can almost kill people.

"It's good to have such determination, and I will work harder in the future."

"..." Yoshitani blinked her eyes, and looked at Zheng Yichen a little strangely. She hasn't officially entered the society yet, so she doesn't know the dangers of people's hearts, but Zheng Yichen's rhetoric is always like that of a black-hearted boss on the Internet. , Is it an illusion?

There was nothing to talk about at night, Zheng Yichen sent her home after dinner, and was met with a blank stare from the younger brother after returning home, but Yotsuya Miko had already seen the strangeness, let the younger brother see it whatever he wanted, and he was not going to do something Bad things are just contact with spirits. Sometimes after school, I can take some special commissions and solve some supernatural events that are not too troublesome.

Although she just started working recently, she has already gotten used to it, and she has nothing to say. After dismissing her younger brother, she went to rest, and she has to go to school tomorrow!

The next day, she and Baihe Chuanhua sat and looked at Zheng Yichen, and Zheng Yichen took out some small props, still the same operation as before.

He looked at a red and blue crystal in his hand: "This thing can test the nature of your power, whether it is biased towards spiritual power or magical power."

The red part represents the spiritual power, the blue part is the magic power, the color is not important, anyway, it is just to distinguish the nature of things, as long as Dimiya wants to do it, the color can be painted into black and white, a simple test For a moment, Lily Chuanhua's power is not the kind of magical power, but rather spiritual power, which belongs to the spiritual power of life that Dimiya said, but for the specific effect, don't expect it to be a legitimate spiritual power.

If it was the spiritual power of the Eight Classics, Zheng Yichen could have checked it out when he helped to check it. If it couldn't be detected at the beginning, it meant that this power was different from the traditional spiritual power, and belonged to a special power related to her physique. , but it is easy to say that it is biased towards the nature of spiritual power. Magic power has a magical solution, and spiritual power has a spiritual solution.

Zheng Yichen took out a tattoo sticker, something made by Dimiya, I don’t know if it’s her bad taste or hobby, this tattoo sticker is in the shape of an eye, there are two things, one is suitable for magical nature, One is suitable for those who are biased towards the nature of spiritual power.

Zheng Yichen will use what can be used, and if he can’t use it, then he will take it back to Dimiya, or keep it for himself as a collection, so be prepared, although the result is that Zheng Yichen’s bill has an extra sum, but Compared with the long-term development, he doesn't care if there are so many more. The main thing is to solve the problems around him first, and focus more attention on the world behind the door. If there are fewer real disputes, there will be fewer disputes.

Let Bai Ying solve the inevitable, Zheng Yichen is too lazy to pay too much attention to the reality.

"Tattoo stickers that can suppress the emission of life aura can store your overflowing life aura in a concentrated place. Choose a place." Zheng Yichen explained the function of this thing, and explained her physical problems to Baihe Chuanhua , Tell her that those problems are not bad things, but that she has a talent that ordinary people don't have, but if this talent is not strong enough, it will be a great tonic in the eyes of some inhuman beings.

Thinking about her not having encountered similar troubles before, she is also lucky. Well, it may also be that this special physique was not obvious at that time, and it was not noticed. Later, it was because of the cultivation method of special power. After trying Thoroughly stimulated this physique.

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