Zheng Yichen smiled and said nothing, his age is indeed not too young, not in terms of physical age, but the time he has experienced, there is no need to say this, a young body means a young mind: "Come on, help me put these things in order. "

He lifted a large box from his feet, and put it on the counter with a sound of Duang. Leonai glanced at it, and saw that it was all small props and equipment made by Zheng Yichen. There were many of the same style, but the sizes seemed different. Someone came Just choose the right one directly, and the shelf life of this kind of thing will not be like that of ingredients, and the storage time is limited.

At the same time, she also saw some things that were not handmade...

"What is this?" Leonai took out a white box and asked a little puzzled.

"Contact lenses, the things I made out of dangerous corneas, can adjust vision, and are immature works." Zheng Yichen said, alchemy, although it takes the normal way, it also requires some imagination, he Among the materials collected last night, there are quite a few eyes. The dangerous corneas and contact lenses are treated with each other through alchemy, and they become this kind of three-no product. It must be usable, but Zheng Yichen himself is sure It's useless.

"...Can it still be like this??" Leonai was startled. It's okay to make some handmade products normally, but this stuff obviously can't be processed by normal means, right?

"Why not?"

"But this is an immature work, isn't it good to sell it?"

Zheng Yichen shook his head: "Only someone who uses it can appear more mature. This thing can make people blind. At most, the shelf life is a little short, and the adjustment range of eyesight is limited. I don't know how to do it without actual testing. Why don't you give it a try? ?”

"Uh...forget it." Leonai grinned slightly, and immediately shook her head and said, although she is not afraid of such weird things, she doesn't want to expose anything on Zheng Yichen's side. Now she just It was just an ordinary clerk. After putting this thing in an inconspicuous place, she continued to ask curiously, "Why is it called a hidden eye?"

"There are so many reasons why, of course it's because others can't see it after wearing it, it's just two transparent patches." Zheng Yichen waved his hand and yawned: "I worked all night last night, looking at the store. I leave the matter to you, and I will go to sleep."

"Boss, are you not afraid that I will run away with my things?"

Zheng Yichen waved his hand indifferently: "If you dare to run away, I will issue a warrant, and if I catch you, I will pay you."

"..." The corners of Leonai's eyes couldn't help but twitch. With Zheng Yichen's current conditions, it's really no problem to issue a warrant. The money given is enough, and she won't even want to come to the imperial capital for activities in the future. Gathering information will be bad in the future. Can't this bastard really be like a simple countryman?

"By the way, don't forget what I said before. Find me two more reliable employees. If you find them, you will get a bonus. It's too slow to process those materials by yourself!"

Leonai really wanted to say that he could help out, but the intention was too obvious. Pay more attention to the employees, night raiders are definitely not allowed, and if something happens here, it will definitely People from the imperial capital are not suitable for being caught in the pot. It is best to find a pure outsider who does not know much about the situation in the imperial capital. This is not difficult. Just sit at the entrance of the imperial capital for a while. people.

There are also these things that Zheng Yichen wants to sell, Leo Nai also found some people to come here to look at the goods, the quality is really good, those people will definitely buy some, the price Zheng Yichen ordered is still reasonable.

Then the store ushered in the first batch of customers. Seeing Leonai at work, Ma Yin slightly raised her eyebrows and wanted to smile, but Leonai waved her hand unhappily, indicating that the two of them are now It's a state of not knowing, don't mess with those moths.

"...Are you the boss here?" Ma Yin asked sullenly.

Leonai shook his head: "The boss has gone to sleep, you can go and see what you want to see."

"Is there such an irresponsible boss?" Ma Yin was startled.

"In order to replenish the products, it's a good boss, right?" Leonai quietly glanced at the room where Zheng Yichen was resting. She didn't know if Zheng Yichen was really asleep, so she said something nice at this time No harm.

"Hmph, I'm just being big-hearted. Let me see what's good here." Ma Yin walked over to the place Leone was looking at, saw the white box with nothing written on it, and took it down. After that, she didn't speak and continued to look at other things. Leonai's eyes had a very clear meaning. What she got was something special, and she could get it. As for other things, they seemed normal, whatever she wanted Just pick a little at a time.

It's just that she didn't really have much interest in looking at it. Even though Zheng Yichen made good things, many of them were rough processed, which didn't matter to gentlemen, but was too ugly to girls. Picking and picking, she In the end, I chose a box of food attractants, and took this thing back as a gift for Chitong, so that she would be free to catch dangerous species as rations.

Then she picked up a dangerous tooth carved into an angel. According to the description on the shelf, this thing has the function of protecting against evil... She has reservations about this, but it looks good as a work of art, so she brought it back to Xi Er, and then there is a dagger ornament carved from claws, which is also a work of art. According to the description, this thing is the master of killing, but it is unknown. She also has reservations and returns it to Brand.

She looked again and saw that there was nothing else suitable, so she checked out and left. She came here just to find out what the store was doing. From the current point of view, if this is the case, it is impossible to expand the store. But making ends meet shouldn't be a problem.

The things she bought here did not make people suspicious. After all, they bought some trinkets and other things. It's normal. It's a new store. After some customers came, this place can be regarded as known to a certain extent. Yes, Leo Nai also moved out the bulletin board that Zheng Yichen had made in advance.

In addition to purchasing those rare dangerous species of materials, the materials produced by dangerous species can be processed accordingly. They are divided into several grades. The higher the grade, the better it is, and some practical gifts can also be attached.

Looking at the bulletin board, Leonai sighed helplessly: "So this is not a dangerous business at all, is it?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Let’s not talk about the business of dangerous species, let alone the fact that Zheng Yichen’s products are quite popular, and they are practical and affordable, so they spread in the small circle that day... No, the skin of dangerous species is not good. Got it, hunting dangerous species is itself a dangerous job. Now that you have cheap and useful things, you have to hurry up no matter how you find them, isn't it good?Find a professional tailor to do some fine finishing.

There is no need for other processing, anyone who knows the goods can see that the leather armor made by Zheng Yichen is quite perfect in terms of material matching, where it should be hard and where it should be soft, and there are even weaving details in some places. It can produce considerable protection against stabbing, not to mention that it can only protect such an extra area, just such an area is a life.

The first day went like this.

"Is it selling well?"

"Yeah..." Leonai's smile was a little out of shape. She found the first people, either with good relationships, or those hunters who could talk to them, but after they came, they really fell in love with some of them. After I thought it was good, I talked about it in the small circle, and it became like this. Although I didn't sell too many things, I did have initial customers.

After that, the people from the Revolutionary Army also came over to step on the spot, and after finding out that it was really good, they planned to bring back a batch. Although the amount of equipment here is not much now, it can be accumulated for a period of time to pack and take away. But at the moment, you can’t die, you can only do it bit by bit, if you buy too much at one time, something will happen, the shopping is not important, the important thing is the gift that Zheng Yichen said...

"It seems that there are quite a few discerning people." Zheng Yichen nodded, looked outside the door, showing a pityful expression, originally he wanted to make some firecrackers, but when he was about to set off the cannons, people from the security team came Talking about disturbing the people, this matter will be left alone, which is a pity, otherwise, because people like to watch the excitement, no matter how you say it, it will attract some initial popularity.

His eyes fell on a certain place on the shelf, and he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh, there are also people who buy small items? I hope they are people who know the goods."

Leonai immediately thought of the two trinkets that Ma Yin bought. Those things were perfunctory. What can a girl buy here?Trinkets are the best way to disguise, and they are made of dangerous materials, which can be used to show off in front of peers, but Zheng Yichen said that, she thinks it is not simple?

"What's wrong with those things?"

"Well, of course there is, it's very spiritual." Zheng Yichen said with a light smile. He doesn't know much about alchemy, and he doesn't have magic power, but spiritual power is enough as a driving force. Nuclear reactors or dams are all electricity. , The same is true for spiritual power, it is nothing more than the initial factors of the output are somewhat different, and the subsequent parts can be the same.

Of course, don’t expect him to make any powerful props. For example, different versions of explosive bombs are also made with the help of materials. The teeth and claws of dangerous species have been tested by Zheng Yichen, which are different from the materials produced by normal beasts. , It is true that there are some alienated characteristics. These alienated characteristics cannot meet the standard for the manifestation of special powers, but they can also be regarded as special characteristics. They can be additionally stimulated through alchemy...he is not doing that right now.

Materials that exceed ordinary quality can be regarded as sophisticated things, and they can be made into magic props with simple processing, but the effect is relatively weak.

"It sounds like something a liar would say."

"I can punch liars on their knees and beg me not to beat them to death." Zheng Yichen buttoned his ears: "Is the score settled?"

Leonai handed today's bill to Zheng Yichen with a little head: "Forget it."

She found another reason to quickly find a new clerk for Zheng Yichen. Settling accounts was too troublesome, and she became a little annoyed after doing it once. Who made the money not belong to her?Thinking about it, she couldn't help thinking about making a fortune. Considering what the BOSS left behind when she left, she was a little annoyed and endured it, and hurriedly found a new clerk, she didn't want to do this.

"Not bad." Zheng Yichen glanced at the bill, stretched out his hand and scratched it: "These are your wages for today. Of course, you can also pay monthly. Which one do you choose?"

"Let's end the day, I can still buy some wine at night when the day is over."

Zheng Yichen clicked his tongue twice: "Be careful to drink too much and be picked up by other men, why don't you come to my place to drink?"

"You underestimate me too much. Don't you have any other work today? If you don't have me, you'll leave first." Leo Nai looked at the energetic Zheng Yichen. Maybe this guy will start hunting again at night?

"Walk slowly~"

Zheng Yichen waved to him, sent the person away and closed the store, packed up his things and left the store by himself. The people staring at Zheng Yichen tonight are not all the people from last night, night raiders also have jobs, In addition to some targets, he also accepts those commissions, commissions to assassinate the most heinous people.

The laws of the empire can no longer sanction those people, so they sanction them by assassination.

So there are only three people here tonight, Leonai, Chitong, and Maine. Brand is not there because he is more suitable for what to do tonight, and Lubbock can prevent the target from running away, which is not a big deal. It is enough for two people.

"Ah! It looks the same as last night. Don't waste time. I'll go back first." After watching for a while, Ma Yin waved her hands with a bored face, ready to go back to sleep. Zheng Yichen made a quick move, but with What I saw last night was almost the same. It is enough to read it once, and the rest is not considered appreciation.

It's not my own person, who also uses guns, feels a bit repellent.

"Then I'll take you back." Leonai said, Ma Yin is a sniper, and she is weak in close combat. If she encounters something unexpected in the middle of the night, she will have nothing to do.

For Zheng Yichen, as fewer and fewer people pay attention to him, the things he can do are becoming more and more casual. The more research records on dangerous species, the more useful they will be. Dimiya will be interested in this kind of thing , anatomical records, plus some corresponding materials, which type she is interested in later, Zheng Yichen will be able to target the corresponding dangerous species when he comes next time.

However, according to the plan, there will be at least a month's interval between his next visit here, and he will go to many worlds behind the door.

The next day, Zheng Yichen's shop was open as usual, and there were more people coming here, but it is impossible to say prosperity, the things sold now are just normal commodities, and the real big deal is the follow-up processing and production business, otherwise it will only be a matter of time. God knows how long it will take for the purchase of materials to become so big that some people will take the initiative to send those rare and dangerous materials over?

Even if there is, it will be cut off by those big businessmen. He can only start from other aspects and create a unique, uh, small circle with exquisite craftsmanship, so as to obtain truly rare materials and craftsmanship?Find someone with a bit of tailoring talent to design, and Zheng Yichen will handle the rest by himself. How can the things they make be attractive?

Damn, can't use magic to do those who don't know magic?

That's too embarrassing, Zheng Yichen doesn't know the principle of Tegu, but he can really make something with special power with his existing resources, raw materials?He really has no shortage of things. The things you get from opening the black box every day, put the daily items aside, like those special things, like some special bullets, and dismantling can also recycle some materials. Of course, raw materials are better. .

Zheng Yichen never waited for a 'big order', but the clerk did.

"The honored guest didn't come over, it's good to have found a suitable employee." Zheng Yichen looked at the person Leonai brought over, and nodded slightly: "Do you need to register first?"

"This is the store manager? You look so young." The young man brought by Leonai looked at Zheng Yichen who was talking, and was very surprised. Leonai said a lot about Zheng Yichen along the way, so two young people from the countryside People were fooled to come here, after all, they should make money if they manage food and housing, so I must come and take a look at such a good thing.

Leo Nai patted the young man on the shoulder, with a bold smile: "Young and promising, this boss is very generous!"

By the way, he was quite cruel at night. Except for the holidays, he never stopped bullying those dangerous animals. Although except for the first night, he was very restrained in the rest of the time and did not hunt extensively. , but the night raider knew something, and he seemed to hold a grudge.

The dangerous species with a very hard carapace on the first night has now become the material reserve in Zheng Yichen's store. He spent a few days making a batch of special armor-piercing bullets, and found them that night after completion. Only the dangerous species made that thing's head into a sieve.

Afterwards, Leonai took a look at the dangerous material taken away by Zheng Yichen for the reason of counting the reserves. The wound on the head of the dangerous species did not seem to be purely physical damage, but also had some special power, like It's like the kind of bullet that can roast their heads against dangerous species in the first place.

The high temperature is okay, chemical reaction or other things can be done, but the abnormal penetration trace looks like a round hole from the outside, but the chaotic scratches can be seen inside the carapace, just like It's like the blast left scratch marks on the ground.

Can normal bullets achieve this effect?

The result of their meeting again was that Zheng Yichen might have mastered some kind of secret technique or alchemy. Yes, this world also has alchemy and other unique forging techniques. Otherwise, how did Teigu make it?

"I'm a very generous boss, let me tell you what you are good at first." Zheng Yichen looked at the two young girls who were fooled by Leonai and said, the imperial capital is indeed not a good place, stay here for a week , and many problems were found.

It's obvious that someone is blocking it, but it's crazy if it's in the dark. Do you really think that he didn't collect materials according to the plan at night to give himself a holiday?So if this kind of silly, white and sweet, is really capable, then he will be a regular salesperson.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Can read and write, can hunt directly, can directly fight against dangerous species, can handle simple materials and tailor, can bear hardships and stand hard work? Not bad, I like this kind of simple and practical people." Zheng Yichen looked at the resumes written by the two on the spot. Well, the words are not important, he can understand anyway, but getting him to write it... is difficult.

The boy’s name is Iyeyas, and the girl’s name is Shayou. At a young age, he has the courage to come all the way from the countryside to the big city. Needless to say, in terms of ability, wow... At this age, I still watch movies online and play games at home: "The house here is big enough. Did you buy two as staff bedrooms or one?"

"Eh? Can I have one??" Iyeas' eyes widened.

"Two rooms." The girl next to him stepped on his feet fiercely, said angrily, and then looked at the young boss in front of him. Although Zheng Yichen was young and clean, she was a careful girl. I still saw dangerous factors from this young boss, contaminated with factors related to dangerous species.

But she didn't think too much about it. When she came here, she was limped by the blonde girl next to her. It was great to be able to find a job that seemed to be quite easy to make a living when she first arrived in the capital. Oh Nai said how depressed the imperial capital is right now.

Even if there is a good job, it is generally not the turn of the country people, and the city people still have to queue up. How can these country people have any competitiveness?Those who are generally easy to talk to basically want to pull them into black labor and so on.

The two young people felt that the emperor was blaming the darkness, but at that time they were also a little strange to what Leone said. If that was the case, why was she so kind?

So they went around to Zheng Yichen's side, and the two fooled young people came here with the idea of ​​seeing it first and not losing money, and then they joined the job like this?Salary can also choose monthly and daily settlement, is there such a good thing?

"By the way, we don't care about food here. You can cook what you want to eat yourself. When shopping, go to a regular store. Don't eat things from strangers." Zheng Yichen put away the resumes of the two, and took out a pen and a dictionary. , said without any change in expression: "Now you have three... two hours to adapt, go and write down this employee handbook, Leonai will take them to find a room."

Zheng Yichen's work arrangement is not difficult. Iyeyas is responsible for handling the dangerous materials that have not been processed, and Shayou is responsible for fine-tuning them. In the rest of the time, the two are clerks in the store, responsible for the sale of goods, If a special guest comes, he will be notified, and at the same time, there will be delivery work at night.

As for Leonai, it was okay a few days ago, but in the last two days, I have become a little impatient and started paddling, Zheng Yichen?Zheng Yichen couldn't wait for a special big order, and he was thinking about how to paddle. The two simple and durable shop assistants came at just the right time. After two days of observation, when there was no problem, he was ready to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Sister Leonai, we have another partner who got separated, can you keep an eye out for us?" Iyeas and Shayou couldn't help but say when they were choosing a room.

"Huh? A new partner? No problem!" Leonai raised her brows slightly, indicating that it was nothing serious. Anyway, she couldn't help but start paddling. With a new clerk on top, her time That's too much, um, just like what Zheng Yichen said before, if she really can't stay idle, after she finds a suitable shop assistant, she can go outside to attract customers.

The best ones are those who are new to the imperial capital and look easy to deceive... Cough, the things in Zheng Yichen's shop are not too deceiving.

So there is nothing wrong with helping me to pay attention to it. After writing down the appearance information they said, Leone smiled heartily: "Leave it to me. If you find it, remember to buy me a drink later."

"Well, can you tell us about the boss here?" Shayou asked from the side.

"Boss..." Leonai rubbed his chin, and gave a simple and specific answer: "He is very rich and powerful, he is quite a powerful person, have you seen the products in the store? They are all He made it by hunting dangerous species with his own hands."

The two young men were shocked, so powerful?If they are good at fighting, they also think they are good at fighting, but those things are all made by Zheng Yichen, which is a bit strong. The things I saw just now are not only armors, but also some sculptures. The accessories, weapons or other things are all made by Zheng Yichen, so it is really amazing.

"Okay, let's tidy up the room as soon as we've picked it out. He has strict working hours." Leonai said with a smile. Zheng Yichen was quite serious when he was doing serious things. Even paddling can be discovered, and I have encountered a lot of calm reprimands...referred to as deducting wages.

It's better to point at her and swear at her, don't deduct your salary.

The two young men packed up and wrote down the employee handbook that Zheng Yichen had written now. When they came out again, they saw that Zheng Yichen was carving a small ornament, and there was an album next to it. Do you know if it is an illusion, the two young men seem to be shining faintly from the carved statue?

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