Luo Feng also shook his head.

Babata shouted: "Zhou Hao, I'll go with you. I'll remind you if there is something good."

"That's right, third brother, Babata has a lot of experience, and you can take it with you when you go to the auction." Luo Feng said hastily.

Zhou Hao didn't refuse. He really didn't know many rare treasures at the auction, and he knew the skins of the Yan Shenbing and the Demon Killing Clan, as well as some items such as the Lanke fruit, and among them the skins of the Yan Shenbing and the Demon Killing Clan It will appear in the next auction.


The next day.

Virtual universe, Jiuxingwan Community, Black Dragon Mountain Island.

After Zhou Hao and Luo Feng, Hong and Leishen parted ways, they took Babata on a Pegasus and arrived at the teleportation point.

Standing at the teleportation point, holding the invitation letter for the dry witch auction, he shouted: "Teleport."


Zhou Hao disappeared on the island of Black Dragon Mountain immediately, and came to a hanging city above Ganwu Continent. The invitation letter emitted light spots, which automatically opened the defense of the hanging city.

Walking into the Hanging City, he soon came to the auction hall.

at the entrance.

When Zhou Hao approached, he saw lines like long dragons queuing up.

The people in line were calm, cold, hot, or sharp. Stars like Zhou Hao were almost pitifully few.

Babata's consciousness conveyed: "Tsk tsk, this is the grand event held every three years in the Ganwu Kingdom. Most of the participants are world masters. Zhou Hao, you must learn more."

Zhou Hao curled his lips and ignored it.

After queuing for over an hour, it was his turn.

"Hello, sir. Welcome to this Ganwu Auction. This is your seat number." The service staff at the entrance smiled and handed over a token.

Zhou Hao took the token, which showed: Hnd76355.

Enter the auction hall.

Rao was mentally prepared, seeing the incomparably wide hall, he also showed shock on his face.

Babata clicked his tongue and said: "Boy, you must be shocked. Let me tell you that this is a relatively low auction. If it is a higher auction, all the participants are immortal and powerful, and the hall will be more luxurious."

Zhou Hao walked to his seat while listening to Babata showing off.

The seats are six meters wide and ten meters high.

sit on it.

Zhou Hao looked very thin.

He is surrounded by world masters, all of whom are six or seven meters tall, and some of them are more than ten meters tall like giants, but these people deliberately restrain their breath.

About three hours later.

The densely packed seats in the hall are basically full.

In the center of the hall, a bald old man with a black turtle shell slowly appeared from the lifting platform below.

At the same time, above the entire auction hall, a three-dimensional phantom of the old man nearly a kilometer appeared.

"Thank you for participating in this auction...I believe that many people know me, Barto. Hot round!"

Chapter 083 The suitable magic weapon

The turtle shell old Barto said and pointed to the side.

A large screen suddenly appeared next to it, and a planet soon appeared on the screen, and the lens zoomed out, showing the vast universe around the planet.

There were some noisy discussions in the auction hall.

Zhou Hao was stunned for a moment, "The auction scene is so important, why is there only one planet?"

A living planet, even if it is top-notch like the earth, only has 3 trillion black dragon coins, and those who can sit here are at least three-star customers of the Universe Galaxy Bank, with assets of at least 10 trillion universe coins.

A world lord next to him smiled and said: "Little brother, this is not a life planet in an ordinary galaxy, but a life planet found in a special secret realm in the universe, and its value is higher than a star field."

Zhou Hao was stunned.

It turned out to be a living planet in the secret realm of the universe.

No wonder it will be placed in hot auction.

Babata laughed and said: "Boy, I'm lacking in knowledge. The universe is vast and full of all kinds of magic. It is definitely not ordinary items that can be auctioned in the hot market."

At this time.

The voice of the old man with the turtle shell sounded: "This planet is a living planet conceived in a developed cosmic secret. It has just been discovered. It has no name for the time being, but everyone can rest assured that this cosmic secret is extremely safe and is located in our human universe. It can definitely be used as a core planet for cultivating a family."

"The starting price is 500 mixed yuan units!"

This kind of life planet is generally shrouded by the origin of the universe. Whether it is cultivation or life on the planet, it has great benefits, especially the babies born on it are bound to be affected by the origin of the universe, and their future growth potential is extremely high.

In the human universe, planets like Manka and Augustus are all planets of this type.

Of course, since it has just been discovered, no one knows the specific potential of this planet.

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