With a flick of his finger, the field of flames shrouded it.

Suddenly the tea boiled.

Lei Shen picked up a cup of tea very bluntly, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Cool!" He praised, "Good tea."

Hong and Luo Feng sat on the side with their eyes closed and savored slowly.


When they opened their eyes just now, Hong smiled and said, "This tea has the artistic conception of a flame, it is indeed a good tea."

Luo Feng nodded again and again, "Only the third brother can make this kind of tea casually."

Zhou Hao sat up straight, and said speechlessly: "It's all right, flattering won't make me forgive you for letting the pigeons go all day."

"Third son, you have to understand, we are under a lot of pressure, and it is not easy to make it to this meeting." Lei Shen smiled wryly, "Recently, I was trained by that perverted old man so I wanted to die."

Luo Feng nodded sympathetically, Babata stared at him, every day was a lot of training, and there was very little rest time.

Although Hong didn't have a teacher to teach and train, he also studied the field non-stop.

The number of geniuses in the killing field made them realize that the genius battle was coming.

"It seems that you have been working hard during this period. It just so happens that I am in a good mood today, so I don't care about your behavior of releasing pigeons. Come on, let's enter the killing field together, and let me see your progress during this period." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

Luo Fenghong and Leishen's eyes lit up.

Zhou Hao seldom competed with them, so they didn't say anything about it. After all, they all knew that Zhou Hao was very strong, and competing with each other was purely abused.

But now that the genius battle is coming, they also want to see the strength of the genius of the law.

Brush brush.

The four of them immediately became conscious and entered the virtual universe.

Killing field space.

Set up an environment, and four people enter together.

In the drizzle on the prairie.

Zhou Haoluo Feng Hong Leishen suddenly appeared in a huge black ring in the center.

This is the free mode of the killing field, you can invite friends to compete together.

"Third sons, come one by one, or together?" Thunder God shouted.

Hong and Luo Feng looked at Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course it's together, you come one by one, isn't that looking for abuse, tsk tsk."

Thunder God immediately feigned anger, "Well, you third son... remember to be gentle later."

Zhou Hao laughed, "Don't worry, second brother, I will definitely take care of you."

huh huh.

As soon as he spoke, the dark golden stick on Luo Feng's back was instantly shrouded in a string of golden light, transforming into 9 small swords as thin as cicada's wings, and these small swords were surrounded by golden threads.

"Ning!" He shouted in a low voice.

Spiritual power surged out, and the golden threads quickly converged, condensing the 9 small golden swords into a golden phantom sword.

Lei Shen's movements were also not slow. With a sword in his hand, thunder and lightning flashed out, and then he moved quickly, rushing towards Zhou Hao with a step of hundreds of meters.

But Hong was even faster, the spear in his hand seemed to be integrated with his body, with a dazzling light like a sharp arrow, stabbing towards Zhou Hao with lightning.

The three of them exploded as soon as they came up!

Zhou Hao stood at the same place with a smile on his face, "Not bad, not bad, the improvement is obvious in terms of momentum alone, fourth brother, you are so proficient in the first form of Yan Shenbing, very good."

The sound rang.

The drizzle within a hundred meters around him evaporated directly, and a large amount of fog and steam filled the air.

The field of flames spread out, as if turning the entire arena into a molten purgatory.

Hong and Thunder God, who had just rushed to Zhou Hao's side, immediately felt their speed slow down.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'll open the way!!" Luo Feng shouted loudly, his face extremely serious, his stellar-level mental power surged wildly.

With a sharp and domineering golden phantom sword, like a steel knife piercing the flame field, golden rays of light flickered one after another.

Hong and Leishen suddenly felt less physical pressure, and their delivery speed skyrocketed again.

Seeing this, Zhou Hao glanced involuntarily at the corner of his mouth, and the curved blades of the Duntian Shuo quickly condensed into a lifelike flaming peacock.

go with.

With a light drink.

The flame peacock opened its tail in an instant.

The golden rain of shining flames fell, and the wind and rain covered Luo Feng, Thunder God, Hong and the others.

Dangdang Dangdang!

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