Zhou Hao, Serie in the disguise of the iceberg giant beast's soul, sat quietly cross-legged.

Decades of hard work, coupled with the incomparable innate talent of the law of water, and the understanding of the law of water obtained through continuous sign-in, have made his research on the original law of water reach an extremely deep level, even surpassing Many world masters.

However, the giant iceberg is good at fighting at close quarters.

He simply focused his energy on the martial artist's secret method "Xinghe" all these years.

This "Xinghe" secret method is completely the secret method of the original law of water, which is not only suitable for giant icebergs, but also suitable for human bodies.

There are nine floors in total, and he has now reached the fifth floor.

You must know that many world lord level powerhouses are only at the fourth level.

"Brother Serie." Suddenly several figures came from a distance and landed in the manor.

Zhou Hao opened his eyes, with a smile on his face, "Ban Xiao, Bai Yu... why do you come to me when you have time?"

Manors like this in Shuiquan need a lot of money, and the general universe can't afford it.

After he bought the manor, he naturally got acquainted with a few stars with a good background in Shuiquanxing, mainly looking for them to drink with when relaxing occasionally.

With a height of nearly three meters, Ban Xiao is handsome and handsome, and possesses a domain. His strength ranks in the top three among Shuiquan stars in the same rank. He has been wooed by many forces. Zhou Hao is the eldest brother.

"Brother Serie, the universe pinnacle genius battle is about to start. The official website has announced the specific time, and it will only be three days later... We will know the specific distribution of the world area by then. My teacher said, if I can rush this time Entering the top 1 of the Ancient Lun Kingdom, he will reward me with hundreds of medium-life planets among them, and he will also recommend me to go to the Imperial Family of the Ancient Lun Kingdom to hone his skills!"

Beside Bai Yu and several other men and women looked at Ban Xiao enviously, the other teacher was a strong world master!

While talking, Ban Xiao clenched his fists: "The top 1 is still very stressful for me. I might be able to get in if I work hard. How about you, Brother Serie, what is the goal your teacher set for you? "

"Me?" Zhou Hao said with a smile, "Of course it's the top 1000 in the Gulun Kingdom's overall ranking."

Bai Yu and the others couldn't help laughing.

They naturally thought that Serie was joking, the entire Ice Star Empire has had dozens of talent competitions without a genius breaking into the top [-].

But Ban Xiao said seriously: "Come on, brother Serie, I believe you can do it."

Zhou Hao said casually, "I hope."

Of course they didn't know that Zhou Hao's goal was not just in the top [-].


As the day of the domestic selection competition in the major universes approaches.

Many unseen universe lords began to appear.

The tall figure of the Lord Ganwu looked down at a group of immortal world masters and even star-level royal geniuses lying on the ground in darkness.

A trembling voice sounded: "You are the best talents under my command this year, and I ask you to occupy at least half of the [-] places in this selection competition!"

After speaking, the tall figure slowly disappeared.

"Yes, my lord!"

A group of star-level geniuses in the dark showed expressions of admiration and excitement.

And the various forces and families in Ganwu also began to encourage their star-level talents, promising various generous rewards.

On May 2066, 5, the Ganwu universe country selection contest officially started.

More than [-] billion stellar-level geniuses entered the virtual universe one after another, and went to the meeting point of the planes specially opened by the virtual universe company for this genius battle.

Zhou Hao, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God are also among them.

And at the first moment of entering the plane.

Each of them received their own message.

Look down.

Thunder God's voice sounded: "Haha, I am District 88, this number is very auspicious, big brother, third son, fourth younger brother, how about you?"

"My 72 world area!" Hong whispered.

"I am District 1!" Luo Feng laughed.

The three looked at Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao looked at Thor, "Second brother, coincidentally, I am also in District 88!"

PS: Thanks for the reward of 20200720213829063 coins from Ma Fan, thanks for the reward of 100 coins for destroying Tokyo, thanks to the book friend [-] for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to the reward of [-] coins for Xiangyue Kongxiang, thanks for the support, last week’s tip Thank you for opening another chapter.

Chapter 092 I'm King of This Site (Please Subscribe)

The smile on Thor's face became wider, "Tsk tsk, let me just say, District 88 is definitely a good sign, even the third son, you are also divided into this world district, which means that we will advance together!"

Hong couldn't help but joked: "Lei Zi, if it's a good omen, the fourth brother's number in District 1 is better, and the third son has no pressure to advance. As for you, you should work hard and try not to be eliminated!"

"Brother, I'm still very good, besides, I'm not covered by three sons..." Thunder God laughed.

Of course everyone knows that what he said was purely joking. The ranking in the world area is related to points. Even if he meets Zhou Hao in the world area, it can only guarantee that he will not be eliminated in advance. If he wants to advance, he still has to fully On their own.

The four chatted with each other.

A majestic voice resounded from the entire plane continent: "Attention everyone, this qualifier will start soon, and you will be teleported to your respective world areas at that time, please check the equipment you are carrying, once it starts, you will not be able to choose."

Zhou Hao and the others hurriedly lowered their heads to check.

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