After the Emperor of the Yinlan Empire and the representative of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire left, Luo Feng, Hong Leishen and the others couldn't wait to watch the video files of other masters.

The top 10 in each world region is something that many geniuses need to know, so that they can avoid it in advance when they encounter melee in the early stage of the group arena.

Lei Shen saw Zhou Hao's information, which showed a video of Zhou Hao guarding the five buildings, he exaggeratedly smiled and said: "Haha, it is even more unlucky for this group of people to meet Sanzi than I met a savage. Son, watch out!"

Luo Feng and Hong turned their heads, seeing this video, they couldn't help laughing, and joked: "Third brother, these people probably cursed you to death!"

"Many of them have domains. If you don't have three sons and you guard them, you may be able to enter the top [-], and some of them can even hit the top [-]!" Hong laughed.

Zhou Hao shrugged, "They can only blame themselves for being unlucky."

"This savage is really strong... This guy with two swords is much stronger than me in the field of light, and this guy actually controls the Yan Shenbing..."

Luo Fenghong and the two kept browsing.

And the time soon came to July 7th, and the group arena competition officially started.


PS: Thank you A Long A for the reward of 100 coins, thank you Tianyuan ㏄ Van Gogh for the reward of 181203111634994 coins, thank you Lingpingan for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you book friend [-] for the reward of [-] coins.

Chapter 095 Completely erupted, shocked (for subscription)

Virtual universe, super large conference hall.

The 100 people who passed the qualifying round sat on the seats densely.

Noisy voices came and went.

A moment later, a silver-robed man appeared at the front of the conference hall. After the conference hall became quiet, he began to announce the rules and arrangements of the group arena.

Among them, the first place in the world zone of the qualifiers will advance directly, and the remaining 1 people will compete for 900 places. The specific arrangement is to be divided into 100 groups, each group has 10 people, and then only [-] people can survive in each group in the melee. , the entire [-] groups finally produced [-] winners.

Afterwards, these 625 winners will fight one-on-one in the arena for four consecutive rounds. In the end, 9375 winners will be decided, and the remaining 275 losers will enter the loser group, starting a three-year reincarnation battle. Finally, [-] winners were determined.

It can be said.

The group arena is far more cruel than the qualifiers.

The qualifiers can also rely on luck, the team.

But in the group arena, you can only rely on your personal strength. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to advance to the final stage no matter what.

Leave the conference hall.

Zhou Hao, Luo Feng, and Hong all understood their groups. Zhou Hao was in the 274th group, Luo Feng was in the 382nd group, and Hong was in the 161st group.

The arena melee is 200 groups per day.

In other words, Hong did it on the first day, while Zhou Hao and Luo Feng did it on the second day.

The next day.

A huge plane space specially opened up by the virtual universe, a vast river rushes, and there are islands in the river.

In the fighting arena on island 01932.

The massive audience cheered and shouted.

Zhou Hao, Luo Feng, Lei Shenhong and their family members were also sitting with each other, watching the battle on the island.

The fighting arena is tens of kilometers wide and can accommodate a maximum of one billion spectators.

Today, the four of them accompanied their families to watch Nabini, who passed the qualifiers of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. The opponent's ranking was relatively low like Hong's. In the melee in the ring, even if he persisted for a long time, he was finally eliminated.

Next up is Hong's game.

Hong's Ray Domain has reached the sixth level, and a long spear can be used in conjunction with the domain.

Rao Shihong survived to the end by relying on his marksmanship, but the arena was constantly shrinking. Facing the increasingly narrow space, he could only fight against Yae and Nine layers of powerhouses in other fields. In the end, when there were 15 people left, he was defeated Killed by a strong man.

"Brother has performed exceptionally well, but it's a pity that he can only be eliminated due to the gap in hard power!" Zhou Hao shook his head.

Luo Feng also felt sorry for Hong.

However, Thor sighed: "During the Great Nirvana period, my elder brother and I fought with monsters step by step. There would be no guidance from experience and secret methods. We could only rely on our own secret methods. Later, we discovered the remains of ancient civilizations. It's much better, also took a lot of time!"

Zhou Hao and Luo Feng were silent.


Hong and Leishen's comprehension skills are actually not low, and their state of mind is even higher. If they can get in touch with knowledge in the field of secret arts at the beginning, their achievements will definitely not be as good as they are now.

Of course, Zhou Hao knew that even if the two of them hadn't entered the core of the virtual universe company, they would still have taken their own road to become strong in the end.

The second day of the melee in the arena.

Zhou Hao competed. His group had only two geniuses who comprehended the law, and these two geniuses had just reached the threshold level of comprehension. He only used the flame peacock to completely suppress this group, shocking everyone with an invincible posture. The rest of the contestants stayed away.

Such a situation caused the millions of citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire who were watching to be overwhelmed with excitement, screaming wildly like a tsunami.

Seeing Zhou Hao's invincible awe, the other imperial audience also shouted excitedly.

Thor heard the deafening voice, and said in shock: "These audiences are really crazy."

Hong smiled and said: "It seems that many citizens of the empire like this kind of domineering and invincible crushing battle."

"Third brother's strength is really abnormal. He can crush many geniuses just by using the law of fire. If he uses the imperial weapon, I'm afraid the entire martial arts arena has hundreds of millions of viewers going crazy!" Luo Feng said with emotion.

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