Credits: none

Rank: none

The trial space where it is located: number 0279376.

Go into the trial tower.

A text flashed, the first floor of the trial tower, 1 blood-colored mammoths.


On the prairie, [-] blood-colored mammoths galloped towards Zhou Hao after sensing the breath of the intruder, and the whole prairie shook.

"let's start!"

Zhou Hao didn't intend to hide his strength. Under the control of his mental power, the imperial soldiers behind him leapt out, exploded in mid-air and turned into blue and purple light spots, covering 1 blood-colored mammoths.

The strength of the bloody mammoth on the first floor is only at the ninth rank of the ordinary star rank. Let alone a peerless genius like Zhou Hao, this time millions of geniuses can be easily killed.

Zhou Hao passed the first floor in less than 1 minute.

Then on the second floor is the monster Hydra, extremely intelligent. Although this floor still has the strength of the ordinary ninth-level Astral Rank, the Hydra has already begun to besiege rhythmically.

However, under the power of the Imperial Soldier, it is still extremely fast to pass through this layer.

The third layer is the metal life 'Traditional Warriors', the number is only a thousand, but their overall strength has improved a lot, but facing Zhou Hao, they were all wiped out in less than a minute.

The fourth floor is the cosmic strange creature 'Feiji', the number is also 1, but they are all wiped out in less than [-] minute.

On the fifth floor, there are 100 burly machines. Zhou Hao spent a shorter time this time, and a wave of light spots fell and disappeared.

On the sixth floor, there is also a wave of 10 starry sky behemoths.

The seventh floor is the Zerg brood, one, but the Zerg brood breeds Zerg fighters very quickly, but the strength of the first floor is very low, and it will be wiped out in one wave.

Zhou Hao was the fastest to break into the trial tower. The first one only took 5 minutes. After all, the first stage of Yushenbing was originally a group killing style.

Compared with the spiritual masters, like Bolan, the god of death, the demon lord Serie is relatively slow, and they still have to kill them head by head. head only.

The second trial tower, the overall strength has improved, Zhou Hao is still 5 minutes.

The trial tower is the third, and the overall strength has been improved in a straight line. Zhou Hao killed the Zerg brood, and the opponent bred Zerg fighters very quickly, which cost him ten more seconds, five minutes and 10 seconds.

Then there is the fourth tower. The difficulty of this trial tower has soared. The 1 mammoths on the first floor alone are some geniuses who can comprehend a trace of law, especially the Zerg brood on the seventh floor. There are tens of thousands of Zerg fighters.

This one took Zhou Hao 7 minutes and 30 seconds.

The fifth trial tower is extremely difficult. Most of the millions of geniuses fell on the first floor this time, and no more than ten people can pass the entire trial tower.

This time, Zhou Hao only relied on the first layer of Yushenbing, so he couldn't crush it as easily as he did at the beginning. He had to skillfully control the first layer of silk rain, so that the raindrops could concentrate and attack.

The final time was 15 minutes and 43 seconds.

On the first floor of the sixth trial tower, the difficulty has increased by 10 times again!

Zhou Hao broke out completely.

Under his control, those raindrops seemed to come alive, sometimes dense like a gust of rain, and sometimes converging into a huge oval-shaped bluish-purple light group, spinning crazily and strangling everything in front of them.

Under such an explosion, 1 mammoths fell on the grassland like harvested wheat.

For this layer alone, he took 18 minutes and 27 seconds.

The difficulty of the six floors after the sixth floor was not much higher than that of the first floor. Zhou Hao also spent ten times as long in the Zerg brood on the seventh floor, which took 3 hours, 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

no way.

The Zerg brood on this floor is simply abnormal, and the speed of the Zerg fighters bred is almost as fast as Zhou Hao's killing speed.

It took Zhou Hao nearly 6 hours to break through the six trial towers in front of him.

He set foot on the first floor of the seventh trial tower. None of the millions of geniuses who participated in the trial this time has been eliminated, and most of the geniuses are still in the first trial tower.

Even Bran and Serre, who broke through the level equally fast, only broke through to the fourth trial tower.

When most of them passed the first level of trials and watched the score ranking on the arm screen, they couldn't help rubbing their eyes hard, staring at the number one score.

Zhou Hao (Ganwu Universe), points 77-7777-0000


PS: Thank you Lingpingan for the reward of 100 coins, thank you Mu Youqing for the reward of 100 coins, and thank Mulan for the reward of 500 coins, the update time is changed to 10:[-] p.m. and [-]:[-] p.m. It is easy to delay the update.

In addition, the monthly ticket is a bit low, and there is no reason to add more~

Chapter 099 Zhou Hao Who Completely Explodes (Subscribe)

The second trial tower.

fifth floor.

On the barren planet environment.

His Royal Highness Uka, the tall Manka Star Prince, swung the heavy giant ax in his hands in stride, and chopped off the 100 mechanical puppets that came up one by one.

But soon, a large number of mechanical puppets rushed around again.

Bang bang.

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