No wonder the system is silent.

The system is also scared to pee in such a desperate situation!

"Hurry up, hurry up, the system will wake me up soon, I won't be dreaming anymore!" Zhou Hao yelled wanting to cry without tears, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

The system is still not responding.

"System, don't, don't give up on me, I can still be saved, I can still be saved!" Zhou Hao was running around anxiously, relying on the sky is useless, relying on the earth is not effective, he can only rely on the system!

However, the surroundings and mind were deadly silent.

Zhou Hao was so frightened that he felt that he saw the blood-colored one-eyed one billion world beasts staring at him.

Alone, he was like a plate of meat that couldn't even fit between his teeth.

"It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!" After shouting for a long time, the system fell silent, and Zhou Hao was in despair.

Time ticks past.

In despair, Zhou Hao's inner fear gradually spread.

He is just an ordinary person, how can he have the courage to face the inevitable death.

If it was swallowed by a world beast just after crossing, then it doesn't feel much.

But the problem is.

He was not swallowed and was still alive and kicking.

"The size of the beast is not small. I will be gone in one bite. There should be no pain." Zhou Hao kept comforting himself, and kept saying that he should think calmly.

At the beginning, he couldn't calm down at all, and he had no time to think.

available over time.

Zhou Hao's flustered mind slowly calmed down.

It's like hanging on the edge of a cliff and looking at the abyss, you will definitely feel panic and panic at first, but after hanging for a long time without falling, you will become clear-headed.

Zhou Hao, who gradually calmed down, soon noticed something was wrong.

To know.

This is the dark place of the universe sea.

The environment is extremely complex and harsh, filled with chaotic airflow everywhere.

The chaotic airflow produces a monstrous terrifying oppressive force, which can easily tear apart the immortal gods, making it difficult for the Venerable Universe to survive.

As an ordinary person, normally speaking, he should be torn to pieces by the oppressive force as soon as he came in.

But now.

He's fine.

"Could it be..." Zhou Hao's eyes lit up, and the depths of his pupils shone with crazy wisdom, "The reason why I'm fine after transmigrating in is definitely the protection of the system, so I'm still fine now, there is only one answer!"

Think of this.

He got up suddenly.

"System, don't hide, sign me in quickly!!" With this shout, he exhausted all his strength, his heart beat faster, and he was extremely nervous.


The voice in my mind is like the sound of nature at this moment.

"Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully in the dark place of the universe sea, and obtaining the Zhoutian star concealment technique."

"Congratulations to the host... for obtaining the Chaos God Armor."

"Congratulations to the host... for obtaining the original power of the universe."

"Congratulations to the host... for obtaining a Chaos Source Crystal."

"Congratulations to the host... for obtaining the talent of the Law of Destruction."


Zhou Hao was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the sign-in system popped up again, giving out sign-in rewards crazily.

It didn't stop for a full 1 minutes! !

"Ding, warning, warning!"

"The sign-in reward is empty, and the energy is insufficient to maintain it. Please change the location to sign-in as soon as possible!"

"Countdown 1 minutes."

An urgent piercing warning sound came from my mind, and the countdown began.

Zhou Hao felt the rush of anxiety.

He understood that the system was not joking.

Too late to think.

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