Therefore, even if a Psychicist obtains a Psychic weapon such as Duntiansuo, it will be difficult to control Duntiansuo without learning the basics of "Psychological Master".

The spiritual chapter mainly explains the use of spiritual power to attack the enemy, including 18 types of spiritual attack methods.

The beast taming chapter uses the mind to communicate with monsters.

Among these three chapters, it is obvious that the object control chapter and the spiritual chapter have greatly improved the strength of the spiritual teacher, and the beast taming chapter is a bit weak.

Therefore, Zhou Hao naturally chose to focus on the chapter on controlling objects, supplemented by the chapter on spirit.


Military supply base.

The Rose team has just finished resting, and as November approaches, the weather is getting cooler, so most of the warrior teams usually set off for the wilderness in the afternoon.

"This time, let's not go to the urban area, but to the county seat No. 0194. This county seat is relatively close to the urban area, and there are many beast-level monsters scurrying from the urban area. Rat horde or beast horde, we have time to escape!"

Shen Hong, who was carrying a thick long knife, walked in the front of the team, and her voice fell into the ears of other members of the team.

Zhang Yi, who was carrying a sniper rifle, curled her lips: "Captain, your idea is very good, but I'm afraid the other teams also think about it in the same way. There are only a few counties with oil and water around the base city. There are quite a few warrior teams here this time." , County 0194 will definitely be the first choice, and we will have to compete with other teams when we go.”

Zheng Ru, Li Min and other members could not help but nod.

What Zhang Yi said was indeed reasonable. Everyone was not stupid. In this dangerous month, no one would take risks in urban areas.

Shen Hong slapped her head, "I'm not good at this kind of thing, you can discuss it, where should we go?"

"If you want me to say, we might as well go to downtown No. 085. We are familiar with the environment there. As long as you hunt on the edge, you won't have any problems." The flat-chested Li Min's voice is full of Jiangnan's softness, which is not low His good looks are the scenery of Team Rose.

Zheng Ru and Cao Yingchun have dull personalities and rarely speak.

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Yinger and asked, "Sister Yinger, what's your opinion?"

Zhou Yinger thought about it carefully before replying: "According to statistics, in the past, the specific period of rat tides was from the end of November to mid-December. We can go hunting in the urban area of ​​No. 11 first, wait for ten and a half months, and then return to the counties around the military supply base."

"In this way, we can maintain our hunting harvest without taking too much risk, which is safer!"

Hear Zhou Yinger's words.

Zhang Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Yinger is still considerate, I agree."

Li Min, Zheng Ru, and Cao Yingchun all nodded in agreement.

In fact, if you really want to consider safety, hunting in the counties around the supply base of the military region is the most stable, but no matter which warrior team it is, it will not choose this way. After all, everyone is risking their lives when they come out to the wilderness. If there is no harvest, it is better to stay at home honestly.

"Okay, then follow Yinger's suggestion and continue to downtown No. 085!" Shen Hong made a final decision.

Chapter 016 Youth Training Camp

at dusk.

On the edge of the gloomy clouds, occasionally a sliver of sunset light appeared, sprinkled on No. 085 wilderness urban area.

The roof of the abandoned mall building.

The Qiangwei team who rushed all the way rested separately, and only Zhang Yi was holding a sniper rifle to observe the surrounding environment.

Shen Hong leaned on the wide and long knife, drank a big sip of water, looked at Zhou Yinger who was eating high-compression sugar pills, and asked, "How is Xiaohao's exercise this month?"

Zhou Yinger stopped and said with a smile, "It's not bad. I've fully mastered the most basic Zhuanggong movements, and I can last for more than two hours."

When Shen Hong heard this, she couldn't help being surprised. The basic exercises are the beginning of physical exercise. The longer you persist, the more hungry your body's cell genes will be, and the efficiency of passively absorbing cosmic energy will be higher.

Why did the number of Chinese and Indian warriors increase the most during the Nirvana period?

The reason is that China has a tradition of martial arts since ancient times, and there are many post exercises for physical exercise, which can absorb cosmic energy faster, while India has yoga movements.

It's just that whether it's pile exercises or yoga, you need to work hard.

Generally, beginners can barely stand for nearly half an hour after half a year of stance practice.

And Zhou Hao is too young, he can master the standard movements within a month of learning, and persist for 10 minutes, which is very good in Shen Hong's opinion, but he actually persisted for more than two hours.

"Yinger, are you really sure that Xiaohao has been able to persist for more than two hours now by doing standard pile exercises?" Shen Hong couldn't help asking, she didn't suspect that Zhou Yinger lied on purpose, but that this matter was too exaggerated and outrageous.

Her voice raised, and Zheng Ru, Li Min, and others all looked over.

They all knew about Zhou Yinger's training of her younger brother.

"Sister Shen, I can't believe it myself, but Xiaohao can indeed stand for more than two hours, and his movements are very standard." Zhou Yinger nodded, and said: "The twenty catties of genetic meat you got for me, It was almost used up, and I bought another ten catties of ordinary ones in the HR mall."

Cao Yingchun, who had a dull personality, suddenly said, "Sister Yinger, your younger brother has been standing for so long in a month, and his physical fitness may have reached the level of a junior student or even an intermediate student. Haven't you tested his boxing strength?"

Zhou Yinger was startled, then shook her head: "No."

Shen Hong immediately said: "When you go back this time, give him a test. If your physical fitness and other data have reached the level of a junior student, then your brother is talented and worth spending a lot of money on training. If he has reached the level of an intermediate student, then you My younger brother is a genius! I will apply to Master Zhu to let your younger brother enter the youth training camp of Xtreme Martial Arts Gym!"

"Ah, youth training camp... can this work? My brother is only three years old!" Zhou Yinger was a little confused.

Before Shen Hong could speak, Zhang Yi turned sideways and said, "Why not? The younger you are, the greater your potential. In all the high schools in our Jiangnan Base City, less than a hundred students under the age of 15 have reached the intermediate level, and even fewer are under the age of 10. Few, if your younger brother is determined to be an intermediate student at the age of three, Zhu Guan will probably be so excited that he won’t be able to sleep because he knows about it.”

Li Min smiled and said: "I think it's [-]% possible. Xiaohao is very slippery. Every time I go to catch him with sister Ru, he runs very fast. This is not something that ordinary children can do."

Zheng Ru nodded again and again, "You have to pay attention to Yinger, if your brother is really a genius, we warriors can't cultivate him."

Zhou Yinger's face turned serious, "Well, I'll let my brother test it immediately when I get back."

"Okay, it's useless to talk about it now... Everyone, hurry up and start hunting tomorrow. Our time is very tight!" Shen Hong clapped her palms and changed the subject.

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