Yet now.

Master Zhu never thought that such a child would be born in Mingyue Community.

"What's your name?" Instructor Fei squatted down, his tone extremely gentle.

"Zhou Hao." A childlike voice sounded.

Instructor Fei smiled and said, "I'll call you Xiaohao. You can hit this target again, okay?"

Zhou Hao blinked and looked at Zhou Yinger, "Sister, did I use too much force just now, do I need to restrain myself?"

Zhou Yinger endured the surprise in her heart, and hastily stepped forward, also half-squatting, and touched Zhou Hao's little head: "Xiao Hao, you don't need to restrain yourself, just give it your all."

"Is there really no need to restrain yourself?" Zhou Hao asked.

"No, smash it hard, and you will pay for it if you smash it." Instructor Fei said quickly.

Zhou Hao's gradually faded cute little face showed seriousness, he pretended to be blushing, and slammed down on the punch target with all his strength.

His actions this time were also not standard.

But the punch target shook violently, and there was a dull sound like a drum beating.

Master Zhu, Instructor Fei, members of Team Rose, and Zhou Yinger and others all held their breaths and looked at the screen display on the tester.

The numbers climbed like crazy.

Finally stopped at 10121kg.

this moment.

The entire sixth floor of the Extreme Clubhouse was silent, only the sound of heavy breathing remained.

According to the comparison of physical fitness data, 8000kg-16000kg is the punching range of junior fighters, and the 10121kg displayed on the screen obviously exceeds the bottom line of junior fighters.

In other words.

Zhou Hao is a four-year-old boy whose fist strength has reached the level of a junior warrior.

Seeing that everyone around him was sluggish and silent, Zhou Hao said rather maliciously: "Sister, you made me not restrain myself?!"

His voice completely broke the silence of the hall.

Master Zhu, instructor Fei, and others recovered from the shock one by one.

"Ying'er, take Xiao Hao aside." Suddenly, Pavilion Master Zhu said in a deep voice.

Zhou Yinger was so excited that it was hard to add, she didn't understand the meaning of Zhu's words for a while.

But Shen Hong understood, stepped forward and hugged Zhou Hao away.

Master Zhu looked at Zhang Yi, "Zhang Yi, go and try the boxing strength tester."

Hear this.

Only then did the others understand that the owner Zhu was worried that the strength tester was broken.

Zhang Yi stepped forward in a hurry, arched her body, and slammed it heavily on the punch target with a deep drink.

The screen quickly displays the number: 13160kg.

"The tester is not broken." Zhang Yi said solemnly seeing the owner Zhu looking over.

The voice fell.

The eyes of Master Zhu and Instructor Fei intertwined immediately.

"Four-year-old junior warrior!!!" Both of them saw the excitement, excitement, and ecstasy that could no longer be suppressed from the other's pupils.

They know exactly what that means.

At only four years old, he has reached the physical fitness of a junior warrior.

This is even more genius than the descendants of Hong, the world's strongest man!

And such an excellent genetic root, as long as a little training, there is no pressure to be promoted to the God of War, and there is a great possibility of even surpassing the God of War.

Instructor Fei didn't hesitate any longer, and directly turned on the communication watch to send a message.

Seeing this, Master Zhu's eyes protruded, "Old Fei, what are you doing?!"

"Of course it is to inform Councilor Jia of the Huaxia Military that such an outstanding genius can be called a monstrosity, so he should naturally be sent to the Huaxia Military for training!" Instructor Fei kept his hands on as he spoke.

"Fart! He belongs to my Xtreme Martial Arts Gym!" Master Zhu yelled, and at the same time, his hands were not slow. He simply dialed the phone number of the inspector of the Xtreme Martial Arts Gym in Jiangnan Base City.


A deep voice sounded: "Hello..."

Master Zhu roared anxiously: "Inspector Wang, I am Zhu Shi, the head of the Yangzhou City Limit Club. Just now, a four-year-old junior warrior was born in Mingyue Community!! Please notify the main martial arts hall immediately. Master Hong!"

Inspector Wang on the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, "What? Zhu Shi, are you saying that Yue Community has tested a four-year-old junior warrior???"

"Yes, the time is urgent. I'm afraid that Councilor Jia from the military will arrive soon, and the military must not let the military take the lead!" Mr. Zhu was as anxious as an ant on a hot oil pan.

"Zhu Shi, this is not a joke. After the head of the museum broke through to the rank of councilor, the daughter who gave birth only reached the physical fitness of a warrior when she was four years old!" Inspector Wang couldn't help reminding.

Seeing that Instructor Fei had finished sending the message, Hall Master Zhu became even more anxious: "I would like to guarantee my honor as the owner of the guild hall, this matter is absolutely true!"

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