"New members of the training camp, take them to the test." Xia Jing said casually.

After listening to these people sitting there, they all showed surprise on their faces, "Mr. Xia, did you bring it yourself?"

"Yes, they will be my students in the future."

As soon as the words came out.

These people were even more surprised.

"I see, these two should be Zhou Hao and Zhou Yinger from Huaxia Jiangnan Base City!" Someone well-informed shouted.

Only then did the others come to their senses, and their gazes moved to Zhou Hao in unison.

"Tsk tsk, the four-year-old junior warrior is really amazing."

"It's just that the physical quality is strong, and it's not that the amplitude of combat power and the level of sword skills are high. Let's talk about it after he can complete the conditions proposed by the chairman of the HR Alliance!"

"Little baby who hasn't grown hair yet, I bet he can't finish it."

"Look, it won't be long before they go back in despair."

Listening to these people's undisguised comments, Zhou Hao's face remained calm.

And Zhou Yinger covered Zhou Hao's ears.

Walking into the innermost part of the hall, there is a passage, and there are rooms on both sides of the passage.

Xia Jing led the two of them into the passage and walked towards the innermost room, "Don't take it to heart, as I said before, the competition in the training camp is fierce, and the chairperson of the HR Alliance agreed to give you two the same resource treatment, and there is bound to be a price to pay Compressing the time for other members to use the practice of the gravity room and the trial tower, no one will wait to see you."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia, we understand." Zhou Yinger didn't care about this before.

PS: Thanks to Huajiu 1 for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to Luoye z Suifeng for the reward of 100 coins.

Chapter 031 Trial

There are two sofas in the room, and a blue helmet is placed on each sofa.

Of course Zhou Hao knew what this helmet was for.

Zhou Yinger was full of curiosity.

Xia Jing sat on the sofa on the left, and then stretched out his hand to signal Zhou Hao to sit on the sofa on the right. At the same time, he explained with a smile: "The trial tower is in an extremely realistic virtual space, and this Youlan helmet is After wearing the virtual helmet that links the virtual space, you can enter the virtual space of the trial tower, but only one person can enter the trial tower at a time, so the competition among training camp members is extremely fierce."

"Virtual helmet?" Zhou Yinger's eyes widened like scissors.

"Yes, virtual helmets, don't be surprised. This kind of high-tech is not yet invented by humans on earth, and what is used is only the excavated ancient civilization technology. Things like gravity chambers and challenge rooms are actually ancient civilization relic technologies. We humans still have a long way to go... It's far away, which one of you will come first?" Xia Jing looked at Zhou Hao and Zhou Yinger.

Zhou Hao immediately said: "My sister will come first."

"It's the same whoever comes first, then Yinger, you put on the helmet first." Saying that, Xia Jing put on the blue helmet.

Zhou Yinger was a little nervous, and hurriedly learned to put on the helmet as usual.


She was dizzy for a while, and then appeared in a boundless land. The surface of the land was silver as smooth as a mirror, and the sky was a beautiful cosmic starry sky.

"What a magical virtual space." Zhou Yinger couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Jing laughed, "It's the first time I came here. Like you, the technology of ancient civilization relics is really too powerful to create such a sci-fi space... Did you see that towering tower in the distance? That is the trial tower, later you have to go to the first floor of the trial tower by yourself, starting from the lowest A-level test."

Zhou Yinger nodded, but soon she let out a sigh, "Teacher, my strength..."

"The Trial Tower is a mentally simulated character. They are all elementary fighters in physical fitness. It detects a person's true combat power, and combat power is also the main sign that distinguishes geniuses." While speaking, Xia Jing led Zhou Yinger to the entrance of the trial tower.

At the tall entrance, there are two stone pillars on the left and right sides.

The information of Zhou Yinger and Xia Jing were displayed on the stone pillars.

Among them, Zhou Yinger's trial level is naturally 0, while Xia Jing's trial level is 3.4.

Xia Jing didn't explain too much to Zhou Yinger, and said directly: "Go in, don't feel too much pressure in your heart."

"Okay, teacher." Zhou Yinger quickly walked into the first floor of the trial tower.

Xia Jing looked at it and shook his head slightly. He had read Zhou Yinger's file. Although her talent was better than that of her peers, she was far worse than a genius. She was only a senior fighter at the age of 21. If it wasn't for Zhou Hao's potential Extraordinary, with Zhou Yinger's strength, it is impossible to enter the elite training camp.

Less than 5 minutes.

Zhou Yinger failed and was eliminated from the trial tower.

"It's okay, all the members of the training camp who just came in are like this." Seeing Zhou Yinger's sad face, Xia Jing comforted her.

Zhou Yinger nodded. Although she was mentally prepared, being eliminated so quickly still made her feel depressed.

"Zhou Hao, it's your turn."


The two came to the trial space.

But this time Xia Jing explained more, "Zhou Hao, points in the training camp are extremely important. Before you come, you should see the ranking displayed on the dragon scale of the black dragon sculpture. The higher the ranking, the more resources you will get." More, although you are valued by Speaker Isadona, you are no different from other members, so you must work hard to get ahead!"

"Chairman Isadona gave you one year, but I only gave you three months. Generally, when a newcomer enters the camp, his ranking impact in the first month can actually tell his future potential. You are young, and I haven't practiced any secret techniques, so I can give you two more months!"

Zhou Hao nodded casually, "Mr. Xia, I know, is there anything else I need to tell you?"

"It's gone." Xia Jing shook his head, but sighed in his heart, he was still too young, and the attitude problem was secondary, the key was that he didn't realize the pressure he was facing.

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