Huang Jian and the others nodded in agreement, isn't it? How long has it been since Zhou Hao entered the cosmic sea? Not only did he get a large-scale detailed map of the cosmic ship, but he even got the most powerful treasures that the human race has never had. This can only be done by luck. can explain.

Zhou Hao smiled and didn't respond, but changed the subject, "The founder of the giant axe, you came just in time. I'm discussing with Huang Jian and the others which route is the safest and easy to get rid of the pursuit of the God-eye tribe."

Juxue stepped forward and looked at the virtual three-dimensional projection displayed. He memorized the map of the spaceship. At this moment, he knew where he was now. After thinking about it, "There are hundreds of people around the cold current corridor. Dangerous areas are not close to each other, and most areas cannot teleport, no matter which route we choose, we may be overtaken."

Speaking of this, he paused and continued: "So we can only choose a route that is beneficial to us, such as the cold current corridor on the way... Well, this magma cave is suitable."

Zhou Hao and Huang Jian looked at each other and laughed.

"It seems that the founder of the giant axe has the same idea as us!"

"In this case, then take the route of the magma cave. Although the farthest will be close to the core of the inner domain, it is indeed the easiest way to get rid of the God-eye race!"

Once the route is determined, everyone relaxes.


Suddenly, the Liushan Palace shook violently.

Huang Jian and their faces changed slightly.

But Zhou Hao hurriedly looked through the palace to check the situation outside, "No, it's the fourth and fifth gods of the God-eye tribe. I'm afraid they came to us from other routes!"

When Juxue heard this, his brows frowned immediately, "I didn't expect the other Allahs of the God-Eye Clan to come so soon!"

He was able to rendezvous with Zhou Hao in the inner space of the spaceship so quickly, mainly relying on safe routes to avoid many dangerous areas that cannot be teleported. However, the God-eye tribe is also so fast, obviously there are some detailed maps, but he is not too anxious After all, now that Zhou Hao has the Xeon and Supreme Treasure Palace, even if they are trapped, as long as they stay in the palace, they will be safe and sound, and if the God-eye tribe wants to suppress them, they can only use the suppression-type Xeon and Supreme Treasure, but even It is also difficult for this kind of treasure to really suppress the palace-like Xeon and Supreme Treasure.

"The founder of the giant axe, what should we do now?" Huang Jian and others asked hurriedly.

The giant ax waved his hand, "It's okay, now I have recovered [-]% of my injuries, and I have the most powerful treasure, which is enough to withstand the five gods of the God-eye tribe... Zhou Hao, you temporarily give me the control of Liushan Palace, I will Come to motivate."

At this time, Zhou Hao smiled and said: "The founder of the giant axe, I am somewhat sure that I will get rid of the two Allahs of the God-eye clan."

"Zhou Hao, what can you do?"

Huang Jian Qingdong and the three asked anxiously.

Zhou Hao said casually: "Of course, we will repel these two Allahs head-on, and then leave quickly."

When Huang Jian and the three heard it, they were all speechless.

The giant axe also said dumbfoundedly: "Zhou Hao, now is not the time to be joking. Although the two Allahs of the God-Eye Clan are not as strong as the third and sixth teaming up, once they work together, I am not sure!"

Without the peak giant ax weapon, his strength is greatly reduced. If he encounters the combined attack secret technique like the Eternal True God again, he will have no strength to fight back.

Zhou Hao continued: "I'm not joking, the creator of the giant axe. As I said before, in addition to the palace-type Xeon and Supreme Treasure, I also have the domain-type Xeon and Supreme Treasure Thunder Light Realm. Relying on the Thunder Light Realm, I can perform some special secrets. I can temporarily get rid of these two Allahs, but of course I am not sure!"

"What? Do you really still have domain Xeons?"

Juxue and the others stared wide-eyed.

Zhou Hao nodded, and directly took out the Lightning Light Realm. With a little urging, the endless thunder light spread, and the vast coercion immediately shocked Juxue and others.

"It's really a domain-like Xeon!"

Huang Jian and the others said excitedly.

Zhou Hao went on to say: "The founder of the giant axe, once I use my secret technique to affect the two Allahs of the God-eye clan, I will trouble you to control the Liushan Temple and take us out of the cold current corridor immediately."

Juxue nodded, "Okay."


Zhou Hao handed over the control of Liushan Palace to the giant axe, and then opened the abyss at the bottom, divine power poured into the Lightning Realm, and the boundless Lightning immediately rushed towards the fourth and fifth Lords of the God-Eye Clan.

The giant ax urged the Liushan Palace to quickly approach the two Allahs, and when they reached the range where Zhou Hao could cast the secret technique, a wave of empty soul fluctuations suddenly appeared in the thunder light.


Under the blessing of thunder, the void soul swept towards the two Allahs in an instant.

"It's a soul illusion attack!"

The fourth and fifth gods were still in shock, but they sensed the fluctuation of the void soul and immediately became vigilant.

At the same time, the mind urged the peak soul treasure in the sea of ​​consciousness to suppress it.

But the next moment.

The void wave formed a mountain in the blink of an eye in their sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly its power increased dramatically.

It was Zhou Hao who performed the magical art of will "Mountain Transformation".


A will comparable to the peak of the true god of the void, like a nuclear weapon explosion, releasing a terrifying impact.

Although the two Allahs of the God-Eye Clan are the strongest in the universe, and because they have gone through two eras of reincarnation, their wills are firm and powerful, and they have reached the peak level of the strongest in the universe, but they have not broken through to the true god of the void after all, facing the peak of the true god of the void The shock of will, they couldn't resist for a while.


The two Allahs fell into a daze.

"Founder of the giant axe, hurry up!" Zhou Hao's voice sounded.

In fact, without Zhou Hao's reminder, the Juxue saw the reaction of the two Allahs. Before he could be shocked, he immediately urged the Liushan Palace, quickly left the Cold Current Corridor, and galloped towards the opposite direction of the two Allahs.

After recovering from the impact of will, the two Allahs of the God-Eye Clan showed horror in their eyes.

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