A standard smirk appeared on Hong's face, "Okay, Lei Zi, I laughed, let's stop this matter, let's discuss how to get rid of that beast emperor in Kirishima."

As he said that, his face became serious, "It will take a month for me to fully recover from my current injury. During this time, Moyun Vine can also grow with me. It is estimated that in half a year at most, Moyun Vine can increase my growth rate by more than [-]%. With your help..."

Seeing this, Raytheon simply turned on the recording function of the watch and projected it in the quiet room. This watch was obtained from the ruins of his ancient civilization. It is very precious. In addition to the recording function, it also has a virtual reality version of the projection playback function.


In the quiet room, there was a picture of Zhou Hao controlling the advanced version of Tianshuo to compete with Thor.

Hong, who was talking, cut off his voice directly, and his eyes were fixed on the virtual screen.

Less than 1 minutes.

The slideshow is complete.

Thor repeated, "I'm not kidding."

Hong was silent for a long time before he said: "The four-year-old peak God of War, and your suppressed strength was around the fourth level of the planetary level, and you still lost!"

"It seems that my previous guess was correct. This week, Zhou Hao has indeed received the inheritance of ancient civilization relics!"

As a killer, Hong seldom shows his emotions, but this time he was really shocked, "The civilization of the universe is really powerful, and it can train four-year-old Zhou Hao to this level..."

Thunder God sighed: "Yes, strictly speaking, big brother, you have received part of the inheritance of ancient civilization relics like me, so during the Great Nirvana period, the two of us grew up the fastest."

Hong suddenly said in a solemn tone: "The stronger the civilization of the universe, the more crises our earth will be filled with. When Zhou Hao grows older this week, there are some things that need to be told to him."

"I see."


Three or four months passed in a blink of an eye.

Global elite training camp.

Jiangnan Pavilion full of ancient charm.

Zhou Hao, whose height was comparable to that of a six-year-old child, was leaning on the wooden chair with his legs crossed, eating fruit. In front of him, bursts of sharp metallic sounds sounded.

"Sister, it's not bad. It's been more than four months since you entered the training camp. Your sword skills have improved rapidly. Teacher Xia is indeed a god of war who specializes in sword skills, and he really has a way of teaching students." Zhou Hao praised.


Zhou Yinger, who is dressed in black and her curves are unmistakably prominent, stands with her sword in her hands.

There were layers of fine sweat on her smooth forehead skin. Hearing Zhou Hao's words, she habitually rolled her eyes, sat on the wooden chair beside Zhou Hao, took a sip of cold water, "Your words should be spoken in front of Xia Hao. According to the teacher, he will definitely be very happy."

Zhou Hao curled his lips, "You can't make Teacher Xia too proud. By the way, the training camp will have a life-and-death adventure in a few days. Have you worn the black protective suit I gave you last time?"

"No." Zhou Yinger looked at Zhou Hao seriously, "That's the Black God suit, not even a middle God of War like Mr. It’s a reward, and I’ll have to go to Ancient Civilization Ruins No. 9 to get it.”

"Xiaohao, you have already given enough to my sister. This black god suit is a precious life-saving protective clothing, and my sister can't take it."

Zhou Hao couldn't help showing helplessness on his face, he guessed that Zhou Yinger didn't wear it.

"Sister, I have the Black God suit on me. The Black God suit rewarded by the martial arts gym is superfluous. It's a waste if you don't wear it!"


A precise brain crash sounded.

Zhou Yinger snorted: "Don't fool your sister, the HR Alliance can give you such precious resources as the Spirit of Plants, but it is also impossible for it to give you the Black God suit at will. This thing is only available in Extreme Martial Arts. If the HR Alliance gives you If you apply, then Xtreme Martial Arts will not reward you with another set."

Zhou Hao knew that it was more difficult to fool Zhou Yinger now, and the latter was not the little white warrior who used to wander around in the base city of Jiangnan.

"Cough cough..." With a dry cough, his thoughts moved slightly, and his body was immediately covered with a layer of black, "Sister, you believe it now."

Zhou Yinger opened her lips slightly, "Xiaohao, you, how could you..."

Zhou Hao interrupted: "Don't worry about how I got here. In short, you can wear that black god suit with peace of mind. I will be relieved when you go to the wilderness area for a life-and-death adventure in a few days."

Zhou Yinger fell silent.

During the four months in the training camp, she has come into contact with a lot of information and understood a lot of things, including the medicinal wine that her younger brother gave her mother, [-]% of which may be soaked in the spirit of plants and trees, and her physical fitness has improved rapidly during this period. Ascension, soaring all the way from a senior fighter who entered the training camp to a senior warrior, such a huge change is definitely related to his younger brother.

And now.

Just like what she said, it is impossible for the HR Alliance and Xtreme Martial Arts School to have two sets of Black God suits for Zhou Hao, that is to say, he got the set on his younger brother himself.

All kinds of things undoubtedly show that the younger brother has a secret.

Seeing that Zhou Yinger was silent, Zhou Hao hesitated, and decided to be a little more frank, "Sister, actually, I..."

"Okay, Xiaohao, my sister promises you, I'll put on the Black God suit later, you don't need to tell me about you." Zhou Yinger interrupted with a smile, and then slapped Zhou Hao again. , "Anyway, you are my younger brother."

After speaking, she quickly left the living room.

Zhou Hao yelled angrily, "Sister, why are you running so fast? I actually want to tell you that I am a strong member of the council. Don't you admire the councilor so much?"

Zhou Yinger's voice quickly came back from a distance, "Smelly brother, you know how to fool me, want me to worship you, and you are a member of parliament. I will be thankful to God when you graduate from the training camp and become a high-level god of war."

"If you don't believe it, I'll say it this time." Zhou Hao said loudly.

"Go, pack today's quilt yourself."

PS: Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the Eye of the Emperor. There are still about ten coins left to fully invest. In addition, it will be very strong next week. I hope everyone will not raise it, otherwise it will be really cold.

Chapter 045 Zhou Hao and the Kirishima Beast King

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