With the heart silently.

A lot of mystical insights about "Nine Fate Yantian Technique" flooded into my mind.

Zhou Hao, who had long been used to instilling secret methods, did not change his expression at all.

"Huh? This god-level soul secret technique can actually increase the strength of the soul, and can also sense the crisis of the soul in advance, and then automatically separate a trace of the soul imprint to save life, without any restrictions, it seems to be higher than the priority of the soul stripping technique! "

After reading the information of "Nine Fate Yan Tianshu", Zhou Hao's eyes showed excitement. Although this secret method can only be divided nine times, it is equivalent to nine times of life-saving, and its effect is really powerful, which means that even if it is located in the universe The deity of the dark land of the sea, when encountering a beast, he can also perceive the crisis of the soul in advance, so as to save his life.

the most important is.

This soul secret method, like the soul stripping technique and the reincarnation technique, has no threshold for him.

It's as if the system is tailor-made.

After Zhou Hao understood it, his whole body felt indescribably relaxed. After being reincarnated on Earth, he never really relaxed for a moment. He worked hard every day to practice desperately, in order to improve his strength as soon as possible and go to the Universe Sea to rescue the deity.

And now the biggest crisis in his heart has finally been resolved. Even if the deity dies, he can still retain a trace of his soul imprint, and rely on the "Nine Fate Yantian Technique" to cultivate and strengthen his soul.

Between emotions and joy.

His consciousness suddenly caught a trace of clear fluctuations in the original law of the universe.

No hesitation.

Zhou Hao immediately kept his heart, and his consciousness was quickly immersed in it.

Half an hour passed.

Zhou Hao opened his eyes again. He looked a little tired, but with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect that after my whole body was relaxed, I could completely sense a trace of the original law of space. Now I can be said to be a super genius of the universe!"

Astral level senses one kind of original law is a genius, but senses two kinds, it is definitely a super genius.

However, Zhou Hao didn't feel too excited. After all, with a golden finger like the sign-in system, it's nothing to be a super genius.

"I have basically visited all the major ancient civilization relics on the earth and some remote places, and the places that should be checked in have also been picked up one after another... Now I have obtained the "Nine Fate Yantian Art", which can strengthen the soul and sign up. God-level soul secret art, it's time to go elsewhere!"

The muttering sounded in the rainstorm.


Another three years passed in a blink of an eye.

bang ka ka ~

Frontline Fortress Base in the Southeastern Armament Zone.

The rain became heavier and heavier, even covering up the sound of a large number of guns spewing out from the base.


Countless sea monsters frantically attacked the military fort along the Huangpu River.

Boom boom boom!

The steel base of the fortress trembled.

But every soldier in the military region calmly held the gun in his hand.

Inside the base lighthouse.

Commander Li Dawei looked at the dark monsters in the sea through the rain, and frowned: "How long has this third-level beast tide lasted?"

A non-commissioned officer in military uniform replied: "Return to the commander, it has been going on for seven hours!"

"Seven hours... Raise the alert level to Level [-] beast tide!" Commander Li Dawei said in a deep voice. Attacking human bases, so beast tides are formed almost every month.

However, it is often a third-level beast tide.

Occasionally, a second-level beast horde would erupt. As for the first-level animal horde, it would only happen once or twice a year.

Soon piercing sirens pierced through the rain curtain.


Some war gods wearing black god suits rushed over in smart fighter planes.

The third-level beast tide can be resisted by relying on the firepower of the fortress base. The second-level beast tide needs the assistance of God of War-level powerhouses.

Chapter 062 I Am the Speaker of Jianguang

"Old Li."

"Commander Lee."

These gods of war who arrived first were trained by the Chinese military, and some of them are good friends with Commander Li Dawei, and they are very familiar with each other.

Li Dawei responded one by one, with a serious expression on his face.

"The beast tide lasted for too long. I feel something is wrong. Although the number of lord-level monsters seems small, they continue to be fearless and fearless. They seem to be driven by stronger monsters, so I will raise the level of the beast tide to let you Come here early."

The lord-level monsters after the Nirvana are not low in intelligence, and they will naturally fear death instinctively. Generally, the lord-level monsters of the third-level beast swarm rarely hit the fortress base so frantically.

These gods of war have very good eyesight, and through the rain curtain, they can clearly see the lord-level monsters that are rushing ashore in the tumbling river.

"There is indeed something wrong. When we rush over to fight the lord-level monsters later, we should pay attention and don't be careless." The experienced God of War strongman reminded.

The rest of the gods of war nodded.

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