Yoshikawa Ryoko said, "Just after the performance of Taketori Monogatari that day, I found that Hayasaka-san broke the iron sword by swinging it abruptly. Of course, I was surprised to ask you. Your explanation is that the quality of the props is not good. I believe it However, I still collected this accidental by-product out of interest, as a souvenir of this successful performance... I like it very much, and I take it out to read from time to time."

"But one day, I suddenly discovered that the iron sword had been swapped. It was obviously a finely painted wooden sword. I didn't know when it was lost. I asked around but there was no news."

"I asked people from the Supernatural Research Department for divination, and they said that the loss of the iron sword was related to a supernatural event, that is, the incredible event hidden in the old campus of Xiuzhiyuan... Everyone knows that it is tricky, so far it is so precious. Souvenirs may not be found."

The girl sighed with deep regret in her tone, but she was still unwilling.

"When I was desperate, I only thought of one person: only His Excellency Hayasaka, who can give me justice."

The student council president put down his right hand that was holding his face, and waved, "Why didn't you come to me in the first place?"

Yoshikawa Ryoko avoided talking about it, and said sincerely, "I hope you can help me."

"I can't do it."

"I promise anything you want."

However, the student council president didn't agree and shook his head.

She stood up and walked to Ryoko Yoshikawa, and said softly, "You didn't come to me immediately, you thought you didn't need to deal with people like me, and you didn't regard me as a friend. Even now, you don't Ken call me president..."


The curtains were pulled open, and bright eyes shone into the student council room, causing the white cat to run away in fright.Shirogin Yuyuki, who was busy processing the documents, was disturbed, Fujiwara Chika sighed regretfully, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help shouting, "Is it interesting for you two to play with each other? Hurry up and settle the matter."

"Yoshikawa, Hayasaka, stop messing around!"

The two girls looked at each other, smiled at each other knowingly, and finally returned to the normal mode.

Ai Hayasaka shrugged her shoulders and said bluntly, "Yoshikawa-san, you couldn't have added a request from the Supernatural Department to this commission, did you? Let me investigate mysterious incidents while looking for things."

The so-called incredible event is very interesting, it is a legend that has existed since the establishment of Xiuzhiyuan:

In any case, there will always be someone on campus who doesn't exist.For example, there are currently 3221 students in school, and the files and materials are counted in a pile, which indeed corresponds to this number, but once they are separated and counted one by one, it will become 3220.The total number of materials includes 3221 people, but there are actually 3220 people on the record, no matter how you check, you can't find the last person.

After becoming the president of the student council, Hayasaka Ai verified it on a whim based on the red belief of materialist dialectics, and found that it was true.

It's really weird.

It is said that the non-existing person is a girl who was bullied and committed suicide in the old campus. She turned into an earthbound spirit and stays in Xiuzhiyuan forever, and her student file will always have a place for her.One day, she will find her own substitute, stripping the victim of any trace of existence.Maybe, she has changed several times...

Can't we order some things in Yangjian!

The girl frankly admitted, "That's right, but according to divination, the Iron Sword is indeed in the old campus, it's all by chance."

"Well, I can't refuse."

Travelers have their own considerations. How can young people in the new era who grew up under the red flag be afraid of mere feudal superstition?What's more, it is very necessary for me to accept this entrustment. After all, behind this are the two major associations that have helped me to be the top president. The advantages of continuing to maintain the relationship of benefit exchange outweigh the disadvantages.

In fact, Hayasaka Aizai still has concerns that she did not express: Why did Ryoko Yoshikawa find out that Broken Sword had been dropped at this time?Why did they just target the supernatural events in the old campus?Why did you choose after you became the student council president and could test the authenticity of supernatural events?

Everything is too coincidental!

It's not that there is something wrong with Yoshikawa Ryoko, but that behind the series of events there is a faint pusher, giving himself an arrow pointing to the old school building.

Interesting, just let me meet you for a while.

"The work of the student union will end today. Everyone go back early and be careful on the road."

Shinomiya Kaguya's heart moved, "Hayasaka, are you going to investigate this matter?"

"It's just a casual stroll." The blond girl didn't take it seriously, showing a hearty smile, "Kaguya, you and Qianhua go back together, it just happens to be on the way, and I'll go back after finishing the work here."

"If you don't come back, remember to tell me."

Since Hayasaka Ai's attitude is so firm, Shinomiya Kaguya can't refute anything.She found that she was becoming less and less able to keep pace with Hayasaka Ai, and she couldn't help but panic.

Everything started from that Xingyue online game, maybe there is some answer in it... Having said that, I was quite lucky to be matched with a Heroic character according to the discussions on the Internet, since I have a good card at the beginning, let's continue playing.

Hayasaka Ai didn't expect that a small conversation would touch the girl's sensitive heartstrings, so that Kaguya devoted herself even more fully to Xingyue online games, and in the future, when Hayasaka Ai didn't notice it, she reached an unexpected height.

"Then, I declare, get off work!"

The student council president ran faster than anyone else, closed the door and left.

The blond girl fastened the headband of her side ponytail, took out a simple tactical strap from her schoolbag and hid it under her school uniform, and installed the dagger, pistol and muffler respectively.Then, he picked an opportunity when no one was around and directly turned down the aisle window from the monitoring point of view, and sneaked into the old campus that was only separated from Xiuzhiyuan by a wall like a ghost.


Pushing open the door of the main teaching building, a burst of dust was stirred up, showing a strange reflection under the reflection of the setting sun.

It was only when I came here that I realized that the original scale was not smaller than the new campus.

"I won't really let me search here again." Ai Hayasaka murmured.

Whoosh!A shadow passed by.

Almost at the same time, Ai Hayasaka drew her gun like lightning, loaded, aimed, and pulled the trigger in one go—then she stopped suddenly.

Because he just passed a bat, and with Hayasaka Ai's current dynamic vision, he easily captured the target's trajectory. The bat was disturbed by something just now, and the position was on the third floor directly above him.

It's a very good location. If someone stands there, he can have a clear view of the entrance of the old school building.

Ai Hayasaka frowned, she felt that there was a stranger here.

Chapter 127 King Arthur vs Hundred-faced Hassan

There is still someone staying in the old school building that has been idle for more than 50 years, he must be as disturbed and kind as himself.

The blond girl jumped up, and after a few jumps, she stood firmly on the beam on the third floor. From here, she could have a panoramic view of the entire third floor.The problem is, she only sensed someone, but couldn't find any trace.

It's a wonderful feeling, like someone is putting a veil over your eyes.

Ai Hayasaka leaned slightly, turned her head to the reflection of the glass in the corridor, and found something different:

With the light of the setting sun reflected on the glass, you can see a trace of shadows. It seems to be a brand new world there, reflecting the reality and everything is blurred.It is constantly changing with the movement of the sunset light, and it is fleeting. If you don't observe carefully, you will not find any abnormalities at all.

In fact, Hayasaka Ai would not look at the glass without an intuitive reminder.

Is this a supernatural body?How can humans and animals be harmless...

If you look carefully, the real faces of the shadows are female high school students wearing school uniforms. Those styles seem to include the school uniforms of Shuzhiyuan!

Could it be that the legend of the "non-existent person" is true!

"Who is pretending to be a ghost!"

Hayasaka Ai took the initiative to attack and shouted loudly, the force field of the burst of leadership temperament rolled away like a storm, dispelling the evil spirit in one breath.Immediately afterwards, the glass windows on the third floor shattered together, and the shadow world showed signs of collapse.

At this time, the shadow of a female high school student faltered for a while.

"It's you!"

The blond girl held the gun with one hand and pulled the trigger like lightning. The powerful dynamic vision instantly caught the figure trying to escape, and the tongue of flame spewed out through the muffler.


There was a muffled sound, the bullet holes and the shadow overlapped each other, and Ai Hayasaka's marksmanship could be said to be piercing.

Ai Hayasaka, as a personal maid with the role of a bodyguard, has already undergone rigorous military training, coupled with the strengthening of two-star character cards, her force value can be said to be more domineering than the urban soldier king, and her physical superpower is of course not a problem.

The shadow fell down without any movement, and the next moment the black air dissipated and turned into a man in black with a skull mask.

brush brush --

Immediately afterwards, people in black clothes wearing white skull masks appeared in all directions of Ai Hayasaka. They also stood lightly on the beams, even more like walking on the ground than the blond girl.

These guys surrounded themselves in the first place!

The enemies around Ai Hayasaka stared at her like a tiger, there were about thirty of them, and she was only aware of it until now because of the cover of the superb aura.Even now, they are the ones who take the initiative to show up, otherwise they may have to use their intuition to see through the moment they are attacked.

Heroic Spirit - Hassan the Hundred Faces!

This is the first time I have encountered a character card player in reality, and it is still a heroic character. Is it a PVP contest?That can't fall into the title of No.1.

"Guy hiding in the dark, next you'd better hide your real body."

The blond girl pulled out a soft sword from her waist with a click, and with a shake of her hand, it immediately turned into a three-foot green blade, shining coldly under the infusion of magic power.

"We don't need to fight."

One of the female clones said "You were not invited to fight."

"Obviously you set a trap to lure me here."

Not speculative, Ai Hayasaka turned on the burst mode of the Glock pistol with a wave of his hand, and emptied a magazine in five seconds. The short-term firepower suppression made the surrounding clones stop and some were even hit.

The blond girl resolutely retracted her gun, and without taking the time to change the magazine, she swung the soft sword directly, cutting off a clone in one sweep.

At the same time, two clones surrounded him, and the two short knives fell suddenly.

Hayasaka Aiweibushi's sideways dodged, the soft sword trembled and turned into an afterimage, instantly causing wounds on the two avatars.


At this time, darts were thrown from all directions without dead ends, just when Hayasaka's love for the old power had faded and the new power had not yet been released, and it was already approaching the skin!


The light of the knife flowed, blocking all the darts with substantive majestic magic power, and knocked down all the darts without falling.The blond girl stood proudly on the spot. Facing the joint attack of thirty Hassans, she has not even changed her footsteps, as motionless as a mountain.

"We didn't have a reason to fight at first... But, I suddenly became interested in competing with character card players." One of them, Hassan, tilted his head, "How should I put it, it's not bad to get to know each other."

"Just to my liking."

If they don't have self-motivation and a strong fighting spirit, how can they stand at the top of Xingyue Online Games, a game with a billion players. If both sides have character cards, they must be in the top ten ranks, and they both know this.

In the face of a strong enemy, it's normal to feel itchy. Players have always had the desire to compare themselves, and the leaderboard can stimulate this psychology even more.

The psychology of the two coincided with each other, and finally put into action!

In the next moment, a full [-] clones rushed forward.Hayasaka Ai did not show weakness, and the shadow of the sword was instantly covered, and the figures of the two sides intertwined, playing the momentum of thousands of troops!The bloody storm, the gold and the iron horse, the whole building trembled under this force.

The main reason is that Hayasaka Ai is so powerful, and the power of the red dragon bursts out in her body. Every move is no less than a tank. One kick can break the load-bearing column and cause it to collapse, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

What she wields with her sharp sword is not the blade, but the magic power gushes out, turning into a gorgeous arc of light and colliding with the clone.The level of these avatars is not a follower mixed with water. Hassan's power has really exploded, and the assassin who has a long history is also not simple.

The two sides fought in a group, which can be described as hearty. Ai Hayasaka felt that the energy in the heart of the red dragon was getting stronger and stronger.

On the other side, the number of Hassan has also exceeded [-]. They dare not neglect the invincible King Arthur and go all out!

If you look at the character cards of the two players now, you can find that a new star that is still dim is constantly twinkling.After the degree of fit is satisfied, the character becomes the player himself, and the subsequent stars imply the degree of resonance of the ability.

Resonance is generated in strong collisions, there is no difference between reality and games.

Above the beam, within a short distance, swallowing thousands of miles.

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