Obviously, the injury can be recovered in an instant, but she endured it forcefully in order not to reveal the secret. Even Qiyana had to admire her perseverance.

After Lila gave some instructions, she left the cave, and Qiyana was no longer hiding, and directly switched to the saint's armor, and then activated the nirvana to restore her blood volume.

After activating the ultimate move, Qiyana switched back to the Shadow Dance Armor again. Anyway, after the saint's ultimate move is used, the effect of the skill will not be interrupted until the SP is exhausted.

You only need to use the holy maiden to activate the nirvana and switch back immediately, so that the exposure time will be less.

And after switching back to Shadow Dance, Qiyana also breathed a sigh of relief, it really hurts to have a broken arm, and I really don't want to bear it anymore.

Then, take back Rachel first, and then go up the mountain to chop off that guy named Lauren. After Qiyana decided on the next course of action, she left the cave directly.

The noon sun shone through the gaps between the leaves, and Kiyana followed her induction and walked in the direction of Rachel.

The path in the forest was overgrown with weeds, and unknown bugs made unique calls. Kiyana soon came to a place 100 meters away from Leiqie. Although she didn't know the exact location of Leiqie, she only needed to switch the armor. up.

Kiyana switched armor again, switched back to Assault, and then switched back to Shadow Dance, and Rachel with a gorgeous blade appeared in Kiyana's hands as if teleporting.

Feeling Leiqie's weight, Kiyana put Leiqie back into the scabbard, and then looked at the Twin Mountains. I heard that Lauren is on the mountain, right?

Kiyana took out her phone from her chest and looked at the mini-map. After listening to Laila, there seemed to be more than one evolutionary pacifist. Why couldn't she see the red dot when she looked at the mini-map?This is very strange.

Regarding this Qiyana guesses whether it is related to the state of the evolved version of the pacifist at that time, if it was in a special state at that time, such as a state without energy, or a disassembled state.

A pacifist who is unable to act naturally poses no threat to Qiyana, so they will not appear on the small map as a small red dot. After thinking about it for a long time, Qiyana thinks that this is very likely.


But this time when Qiyana opened the small map, she found a small red dot one kilometer away.

It's pretty close, let's go and have a look first. After Kiyana followed the map to find the approximate direction, she put the phone back to her chest and clamped it, and then quickly moved in the direction of the red dot.


Chapter 29 Meet Again

In the dense forest seven 800 meters away from the cave, Mia slashed with a Taidao, cutting off the surrounding weeds and clearing them up.

Mia kept waving, as if venting her anger, and slashed vigorously, as if she wanted to squander all her energy.

"Poke your pain? Coward?"

Qiyana's words sounded in her mind, Mia gritted her teeth and slashed the Taidao on a boulder fiercely, then sat on the ground covering her face and weeping.

If time goes back to the day when her father died, Mia asks herself, will she really have the courage to go out?The answer couldn't be more clear.

Mia knew better than anyone that she couldn't do it, regardless of her strength, she had already lost all her courage.

Obviously her father was enduring the pain right in front of her eyes, but she could only watch helplessly, unable to think of resistance, the threat of death made her body unable to take any action, she huddled in a corner, waiting for him to leave.

No matter how many reasons she made for herself, how many excuses she made, such as not being strong enough, the opponent was too strong, and she could only die if she went out, or Lila, who was unconscious at the time, was with her, and she would be hurt if she went out by herself.

There were a lot of excuses for not being able to go out. Perhaps it was a wise choice and rational for her not to go out at that time. It is better to die one person than three.

But Mia couldn't forgive herself, couldn't forgive the scared self trembling in place, why was she so cowardly?Why have no courage?

"Tch, one mouthful of a coward, I don't believe that you are not afraid of death, I don't believe that if it were you, you dare to go out."

Mia sat on the spot and muttered softly. When she thought of how Qiyana mocked her when she was timid, Mia was a little angry. She always felt that Qiyana didn't fit her character.

However, Mia understands that she is only angry because she was poked into a weakness by Kiyana. Compared with Kiyana, Mia is more angry at her cowardice.

As Kiyana said, it's none of her business that she doesn't have the courage to resist, and she has no reason to stop Lauren if she wants to resist.

But I couldn't hold back my temper with Qiyana just now, and even put a knife on her neck, threatening her not to fight Lauren, which was a bit too much.

But this is also because I saw my own shadow in her. At that time, she, like Qiyana, wanted to kill Lauren and liberate everyone.

But when she really started to act, she began to regret it, became afraid, and even hurt her father.

When Mia saw Kiyana just now, she felt as if she saw herself half a month ago. She was seriously injured but still tried to show off. She said she wanted to defeat Lauren. She was like an idiot. For these reasons, Mia I hate Kiyana so much.

No, it is not correct to say that she hates Qiyana, Mia is right to hate herself, because she regards Qiyana as herself half a month ago.

He obviously had no strength, but he always wanted to kill Lauren and liberate the people in the town. In the end, he just killed his father for nothing, and did nothing at all.

On the surface, the person she was angry with seemed to be Qiyana, but in fact she knew better than anyone that she couldn't be angry with her own cowardice.

Swipe! Swipe!

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, the sound of footsteps stepping on the fallen leaves was very obvious in this quiet deep forest, Mia reacted immediately, she pulled out the sword embedded in the stone, turned her head to aim at The direction from which the footsteps came.

"Don't be nervous, sister Mia, it's me."

Lila looked at the nervous Mia and smiled slightly. Mia also breathed a sigh of relief, then put the Taidao back into the sheath at her waist, and sat back on the ground.

"As soon as I guessed, I guessed that sister Mia, you are indeed here."

Laila said with a little pride, as if she guessed that there was some reward.

"Laila, what are you doing here?"

"Because you haven't come back, I'm a little worried about you. What if you are caught by Lauren? I can't stay in the cave with peace of mind."

Lila came over and sat beside Mia and said, Mia glanced at her, then lowered her head and said, "If I get caught, leave me alone."

"How can I do that? Sister Mia, you saved my life. Besides, you are like my own sister. If you are caught, I will save your life even if I sacrifice my life."


Mia was silent. She didn't know how to respond to Laila's words. If Laila was caught instead, would she go to rescue her?

Mia didn't know, just thinking of such a scene made Mia afraid to think about it, could she really go out?

"Just now I chatted with Sister Qiyana for a long time. She is really a good person. In fact, she has a good personality, so Sister Mia, do you want to be friends with her? Don't quarrel like just now, okay?" it is good?"

Lila didn't know how to persuade her. The scene where Mia and Kiyana confronted each other just now really scared her a little. At that time, she was really afraid that the two would fight.

"She has a good personality? I didn't see it. Who wants to be friends with that bad personality? Hmph."

Mia turned her head away, swearing at a coward without showing any face, anyway, Mia felt that she couldn't get along with her.

"Sister Mia, are you actually still concerned about what happened that day?"


"Sister Mia, do you really regret saving me that day? If it wasn't for me, Uncle Broad wouldn't have died...I'm sorry."

Laila lowered her head and said, shedding tears silently.

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"...No, how come?"

Mia reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Laila's eyes, and comforted her. Did Laila think this way all the time for the past half month?

Did she see how unhappy she was over her father's death and think it was her fault that things turned out the way they were?

After a long time, Laila finally stopped crying, then wiped her tears with the sleeve of her left hand, and showed a bright smile again.

"Sister Mia, anyway, you saved me at that time, so I am very grateful to you, but I don't want to see you in such pain again, if the time goes back to that day, I hope you don't save me , anyway, I have no relatives in this world."


Mia didn't know what to say, if she rescued Laila, Brod would die, but if she didn't take action, Laila would die, no matter what, someone would be injured.

"It's going to rain, let's go back."

Laila looked up at the dark sky, dark clouds and occasional thunderclaps.


The two stood up, then patted the dust on their buttocks, and walked towards the direction of the cave. The two of them did not speak along the way, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

Knowing Lila's inner thoughts, Mia couldn't help but feel a little guilty. This is a problem of choosing one or the other, and no matter which one is chosen, someone will be hurt.

Although it was embarrassing, Mia had to admit that what Kiyana said was right, she just gave up resistance, flinched, and couldn't protect anything.

Halfway through, Laila's expression changed, and she frantically touched the pockets all over her body, as if she was looking for something.

Seeing this, Mia couldn't help asking in doubt: "What's wrong?"

"It's gone, the picture of Dad is gone."

"Eh? Did you put it in a cave?"

"No, what I've been carrying with me must have fallen somewhere."

Laila groped all over but couldn't find a photo of her father Bill, which was her last treasure.

"It might have landed there just now, I'll go back."

Laila thought for a while about where the photo might have fallen, and decided to turn around and have a look.

"Shall I go with you?"

Mia said with some concern, but Lila shook her head and refused.

"Sister Mia, go back alone, I will be back soon, don't worry."

"Oh, okay."

Mia didn't insist on it anymore, but she didn't plan to take the first step, but chose to stay where she was and wait for Lila. She had a conflict with Kiyana just now. If she went back alone, Mia didn't know how to face her , that scene must have been embarrassing.

On the other side, Laila quickly walked through the jungle, and soon returned to the place where she had just talked with Mia. Laila lowered her head and searched carefully, and soon found a photo of her father at the place where she sat just now. .

"...It really is here."

Leila happily ran over, picked up the photo and put it in her pocket. She almost thought she had lost it just now. It was great that she didn't lose it. After packing the photo, Lila was ready to turn around and leave here.

But Laila didn't expect that after she turned around, a Destroyer would appear in front of her so abruptly, with those empty eyes staring straight at her.

"You are smiling very happily, what good things did you find?"

Lauren's voice came from the saboteur's mouth, and a playful tone made Laila take a step back.



In the distance, Mia looked up at the direction where the scream came from, her expression was astonished, that direction, could it be?Leila!

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