
Siegel's head is full of black lines. These mermaids seem to be a little bold. When they met him, Siegel didn't run away. Instead, he said he was ugly with a look of disgust?

"I poke!"

Ilya jumped to Siegel's side, poking at Siegel's thigh full of strong muscles with her index finger.

"Uh, it's so tough, it's totally different from Kiana."

Ilya said very curiously, and Ilya's bold action also made Siegel speechless. It was the first time Siegel saw a murloc who was not afraid of humans, and he instantly thought that he could make a child cry. The face of terror has turned white.

"Hey, captain, there seems to be something wrong with the brains of these mermaids? They don't even run away when they meet our pirate group!"

The pirate holding a gun on the side said with a smile, and at the same time, he glanced at Ilya's plump cock, imagining the feeling of playing with the pair of dicks after catching Ilya later.

"Hmph, it's better this way, let's go after it, let's do it!"

Following Siegel's order, the pirate with the gun pointed the gun at Ilya beside Siegel. No matter how nervous Ilya was, he realized that the situation seemed a little different. Wonderful, these people in front of them seem to be different from Qiyana, and they come with malice towards them mermaids.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Ilya stepped back a little in fear and asked in a weak tone.

"What are you doing? Hahaha, can't you see that? It's obvious that you were caught and bought, idiot mermaid!"


The pirate laughed wildly and pressed the trigger. A huge fishing net shot out from the gun, then spread out, and caught Ilya at once. At the same time, the huge force also brought Ilya down. on the ground.

"Yah! Let me go!"

Ilya shouted in a panic, and at the same time struggled hard, but the more she struggled, the closer she got.

Elis also reacted on the side, and quickly pushed Eliza away and shouted: "Go find Kiana, hurry up!"

"Eh? What about you, sister?"

"I'll hold them back, hurry up!"



Elis shouted anxiously, and at the same time stared at Siegel and his group of pirates with a serious face. At this time, Elis recalled what his grandmother said to them. Humans are terrifying, and they have to hide after encountering them. It's just that the first human I met was Kiana, so Iris left this sentence behind. Now it seems that what my grandmother said still makes sense.

"...Okay, sister, take care."

After saying that, Eliza burst into tears and chased in the direction where Kiana left earlier.

"Want to run? Humph, innocent mermaid."

Siegel sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a sword energy quickly flew in the direction of Eliza.


A deep sword mark was engraved on the beach, dividing the ground into two halves. The crack was actually three meters deep and tens of meters long. The bounty of 3 [-] million Bailey's powerful strength showed Undoubtedly, Eliza looked at the cracks at her feet and was so frightened that she became limp and unable to move. If she had just taken a step forward, she would probably be dead by now.

"If you run again, your body will be cut next time."

Siegel said coldly, and the huge machete in his hand was buzzing, as if he was affirming Siegel's words. If he didn't have to sell it for money, Siegel could chop up Eliza with the knife just now. into two sections.


Now, Elis is desperate when he sees this terrifying blow. This guy is so powerful, even if Kiana rushes over, I am afraid that he will not be this guy's opponent. Elis has never seen Kiana's battle. It's not clear what Kiana's strength is, but the powerful strength shown by Siegel has made Elis feel hopeless.

Bang! !

The pirates who had reloaded their fishing nets fired again, and two huge fishing nets captured both Elis and Eliza.

"elder sister!"

Ilya, who was lying on the ground, shouted, but then a pirate came to Ilya's side and kicked Ilya's abdomen heavily.


"What's it called? Are you still free to care about others? Shut up for Lao Tzu."

Ilya felt the pain from the lower abdomen, and her eyes were filled with tears, human beings, so scary!

Siegel looked at the three beautiful mermaids he caught, and nodded with satisfaction. This time it was a bumper harvest. The three mermaids also looked very sweet, and they were sold for at least [-] million baileys.

"Take them back and celebrate with a banquet tonight, little ones."

"Oh oh oh!"

The pirates all roared excitedly, and hurriedly lifted the three of Elis and carried them back towards the ship.

"Yeah, where are you touching?"

Ilya shouted in a panic, and a one-eyed pirate who was carrying her said: "Oh, I'm still shy, hahaha."

At the same time, that dishonest left hand was constantly stroking on Ilya's plump cock.

"Wow, one-eyed dragon, you dare to run away, the brothers haven't touched it yet."

The one-eyed pirate immediately complained, and the one-eyed pirate smiled and said, "Hey, I haven't touched a woman for a long time, please understand."

"Don't play bad, this is for sale!"

Siegel's majestic words sounded, and the group of pirates below laughed lewdly.

"Don't worry, Captain, promise not to play bad."

Ilya looked at the naked eyes of the people around her, and couldn't help shedding tears of humiliation, Kiana, come and save me!Elijah silently asked for help in her heart.



With the sound of a gunshot, an elk's head exploded, and its brain splattered everywhere.

Kiana walked over slowly, grabbed the corpse with one hand, and dragged it back to the lake.

Suddenly, a violent sound came from there, accompanied by a large amount of dust rising high, Qiana's face changed, which direction?suffered.

Kiana hurriedly dropped the elk's body and converted it into a shadow armor.

I saw that Qiana's figure changed slightly, her long silver hair gradually turned black, and the clothes on her body also changed.


With the activation of the evasion skills, Kiana's figure swept through the jungle quickly.

Soon, Kiana came to the edge of the lake, and there were no silhouettes of Elis and others around the chessboard. Kiana felt a chill, and turned to the deep sword marks on the side.

"This..., who is it?"

Kiana knew very well that this sword mark could not be made by Elis and others, they did not have the strength.

But soon, Kiana discovered the ship docked on the coast not far away. The flag flying on it made Kiana quickly understand what happened.

"Pirates? How dare you attack my friend?"

Kiana said angrily, in a year, Kiana had developed a deep friendship with Elis and others, and now someone dares to attack Elis and others, how can Kiana not be angry?


Kiana activated her skills again, and quickly rushed towards the pirate ship.

Soon, Kiana came to the bottom of the ship, and the voice above fell into Kiana's ears.

"Hahaha, this mermaid's chest is so big!"

"No, no, please."

At the time, Kiana was so angry that she jumped abruptly and jumped onto the boat.

"Huh? Who?"

Siegel noticed the uninvited guest right away.

Kiana switched back to the moonlight armor again, and the light wings behind her slowly opened, fluttering with the wind, which was really beautiful.

"Destroy your people."

Kiana clenched the pistols in her hands and said coldly, and Siegel was a little surprised by Kiana's change in appearance. She was a black-haired girl just now, but now she has silver hair, and her appearance is completely different. .

"Your appearance..."

Siegel looked puzzled, and Kiana noticed this too. She couldn't help but scold herself for being an idiot. She forgot that switching the armor of different character models would change her appearance. It seems that she will pay attention to this in the future. .

"A person with the ability to change appearance?"

Siegel explained himself, and Kiana nodded quickly and replied, "Yes, yes, that's it."

"Hmph, whoever you are, do you know who our captain is? That's the big pirate with a bounty of 3 and [-] million Bailey, Siegel, destroy it? Hahaha"

The one-eyed pirate beside him sneered.


With a gunshot, the heads of the one-eyed pirate and the people around it burst open, and the stench of blood drifted away.

Kiana didn't talk so much nonsense, she just fired a shot, and several people were killed with just one shot.

"Five thousand and three million Baileys? It's enough to draw a supply."

Kiana's indifferent words like frost fell into Siegel's ears with the wind.


Chapter 18 First Battle with Pirates

"...It's a rose with thorns, and you dare to kill my subordinates, are you ready?"

Kiana's performance instead stimulated Siegel's desire to conquer. She shot and killed her own men without a word, which surprised Siegel. This woman's courage is commendable, facing them All the members of the Black Horn Pirates were not afraid at all.

"It always feels like you're thinking about something bad, and suddenly you feel sick."

Kiana squinted her eyes slightly, Siegel's full of sex eyes made Kiana very uncomfortable. As a man in the past, has she ever been glanced at with such eyes?


Siegel took out his big knife, pointed at Kiana and said, "Woman, don't think that you can walk sideways with a powerful weapon, in this world, guns are only auxiliary, let you future Let your husband teach you what is truly powerful, and only your own strength is the most important."

"...Husband? I think of you as a crystal, and you actually want to fuck?"

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