Chapter 42 Bombing

In the small town, the residents of Meisha Town who had just returned from the mine were sitting together, each with a look of exhaustion on their faces. As soon as they returned, they returned to their respective homes and took out the used Change of clothes, and then gather here, ready to escape at any time

"Laila, is it true that you said there are boats by the sea?

- The middle-aged uncle grabbed Laila's shoulder and asked excitedly, Laila nodded, but then sighed: "It's just a pity, I have already seen that ship, it is too small, and it is too small. can't get us all to leave.'

"That's it, then let the women and children go up first.

The middle-aged uncle heard the words, thought for a while and said, but Laila shook his head.

"That's Miss Kiyana's ship, besides, others are still fighting for us, why did you drive her ship away without her consent?"

Leila's words made everyone fall into a state of silence. They had been oppressed for too long, and they couldn't even muster up the courage to face Lauren.

The shadow brought to them by the saboteurs who killed the Quartet on the island at the beginning has not disappeared.

"That girl is probably dead, and those who fought with Lauren will not survive. If we don't run now, it will really be too late.

A woman next to her said worriedly, after all, Lauren's saboteurs were too powerful, and just now, Lila said that the only one who came to save them seemed to be Kiyana, how could she beat Lauren?

You must know that when Lauren came to this island that day, more than 2000 people failed to drive Lauren out, but all of them were killed, and only these hundred people remained in the end.

It's not just her, in fact, most of the people present didn't have too high expectations for Qiyana, it's impossible to win, the opponent is too strong.

-At that time, everyone's faces were full of despair, and there was no hope at all. No matter what, it seemed that the only thing waiting for them was death.

Mia did not gather with the crowd, but came to the side alone, staring at a corpse in the middle of the road in a daze.

The corpse has long since rotted, exuding an unpleasant stench." Mia remained silent without saying a word. He

After a long time, Mia opened her mouth slightly and said, "Dad, rest in peace, I will live strong.

In the distance, Laila also noticed Mia's actions, and her expression became a little sad.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the Twin Mountains, and everyone looked up, only to see two laser beams colliding with each other, and a gust of wind swept in, causing everyone to take a step back and couldn't open their eyes.

"That is?

Everyone was shocked, but in the distance in the sky, they could only vaguely see a figure, but the distance was too far for everyone to see clearly.

"Miss Kiana.

Laila looked at the figure in mid-air, although she couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, but it was definitely Kiana who could do no wrong, as expected, she was very powerful.

In just an instant, Kiyana had the upper hand, and the terrifying laser cannon directly bombarded the ground, causing a big explosion. Even after a long distance, they could still feel the shaking of the ground.

...Win? That girl named Kiyana won?"

Seeing this, everyone's original despairing expression also changed at this time, and the performance of Qiyana's powerful strength also gave everyone a light of hope.

Seeing the excited expressions of the people around her, Mia also turned her head to look at Kiyana's figure in mid-air.

Was it successful? Looking at Kiyana's dazzling figure, Mia couldn't help feeling a kind of longing in her heart, if I could be like you, how great would it be?

Qiyana was a little surprised that the opponent didn't fall down after the Nebula Helix was used, but it also looked quite embarrassed, and it seemed to have caused a lot of damage.

Switching back to the Saintess armor, Qiyana is afraid to use the crimson armor now, mainly because she is afraid that the giant destroyer will explode again.

or pull small

If this body type self-destructs, it feels extremely powerful, definitely much more powerful than other saboteurs self-destructing.

If the crimson armor is seconded, then Qiyana will have to spend [-] crystals, which is very depressing.

At the same time, switching back to the Saintess Armor can also accumulate SP to release the nirvana recovery - the blood volume of the moonlight.

The giant destroyer struggled to stand up, but I don't know if the line was damaged because of the attack just now, so the giant destroyer's right leg seemed to be in a scrapped state, unable to stand up at all, and his whole body was crooked .

Seeing this, of course Qiyana would not let go of this good opportunity, she ran over with her gun in hand and kicked the giant saboteur's other leg.

The other leg of the giant destroyer was also kicked off on the spot, and the huge body was crooked and fell backwards.

During this period, Qiyana has been worried that the giant destroyer will launch a sonic attack. After all, this thing is too annoying, and Qiyana has suffered a lot.

But the thing that worried Qiyana still didn't happen, which made Qiyana a little incomprehensible. Could it be that this giant destroyer is not equipped with a sound wave device yet?

Otherwise, why not use it just now? Kiyana was a little puzzled, but no matter what, Kiyana decided to kick the mouth of the giant destroyer first, just in case

Qiyana's legs were slightly bent, and then she jumped hard, onto the giant destroyer's chest, and then ran forward, launching a branch attack.

A huge yellow cat's claw appeared out of thin air, aiming at the giant destroyer's head and attacking.

Seeing this, Lauren quickly controlled the giant destroyer to reach out to intercept the attack, but the powerful force directly bounced the arm of the giant destroyer, and bombarded the giant destroyer's head fiercely.

The mouth of the giant destroyer deformed directly, and the metal parts were scattered on the ground. At the same time, a small explosion occurred, and a large amount of flame burst out.

Faced with the high-temperature flames that were rushing towards her from the explosion, Qiyana could only back away to avoid it. Anyway, she had achieved her goal and successfully destroyed the mouth of the giant destroyer. or Mu Xiaowan

While dodging backwards, Qiyana also successfully triggered the effect of the passive time-space shackle skill of dodging.

A mass of black unknown matter completely enveloped the giant destroyer and floated it into the air. The huge body of the giant destroyer was forcefully lifted from the ground. Just one-meter height.

But this is also very remarkable, the weight of the giant destroyer is dozens of tons at least, and all of them are made of heavy metals.

Seeing that the giant destroyer was controlled by the skill, Qiyana also quickly used a normal attack to greet it.

The SP slot of the Holy Maiden's Armor is rapidly stacking up. Unlike in the game, Qiyana boosts SP very fast.

After all, as long as you don't use a branch attack, a random punch is counted as a normal attack, but that kind of power is not enough, it is difficult to cause damage, but Qiyana is just to quickly accumulate SP, and damage is secondary.

So Qiyana quickly punched and kicked, not looking for damage, just hoping to quickly accumulate SP slots.

Soon, SP had reached the conditions to release the special move Valkyrie Guardian, and Qiyana did not hesitate to release the special move directly.

The surrounding space gradually dimmed, and the space-time fracture reappeared. Qiyana, who had been strengthened in attack, waved her hand, and a cat's claw slapped heavily on the giant destroyer.

The blood volume of the moonlight armor in the background also began to rise rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon reached the safe blood line.

In the end, Qiyana directly attacked with a branch, and two cat claws emerged from the ground, blasting the giant destroyer towards the sky and successfully hitting it

At the upper right of Qiyana's line of sight, several armor icons began to flash and glow, and Qiyana chose the most dazzling moonlight armor icon among them.Switch, QET appearance skills, light wings unfold!

Qiyana's whole body~ flew into the air, the light wings behind her appeared out of thin air, then separated, twisted and turned in the air, and finally locked on to the giant destroyer and blasted towards its huge body.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of explosions continued for a while, and nearly fifty beam attacks all hit the giant destroyer, and the dazzling explosion flames shone on Qiyana's delicate and lovely face.

Different from the game, the light wings of the Moonlight Armor spread out to deal with a single enemy. Note that it is a single enemy. If you can hit [-] rounds, you should be laughing, and it is almost impossible to hit all [-] rounds.

But in reality, the Moonlight Armor's light wings spread out to a solid [-] rounds, and a single beam attack will not be less. As long as they hit all of them, the damage will not be lower than the special skill Nebula Spiral.


The Giant Destroyer obviously couldn't bear Kiana's fierce attack. The body of the giant Destroyer, which was constantly exploding, was severely damaged, and its right arm was directly blasted and broken by the beam attack, flying several times. Ten meters away.

The chest was directly blown through by successive explosions, all the wiring, parts, etc. inside were exposed, and electric sparks kept flashing.

In the end, the Giant Destroyer was directly destructed by the beam attack from Qiyana's light wings,

An extremely terrifying explosion burst out from the holding saboteur, and Qiyana in mid-air was naturally also affected

Kiyana was directly sent flying backwards by the leveling wave, and slammed into the mountain wall on the side, knocking the mountain wall out of a pothole the size of a person

"Cough cough!

Although Qiyana didn't suffer any substantial damage, the thick smoke from the explosion and the surrounding dust made Qiyana cough uncomfortably.

...well, it's finally done.

Looking at the burning wreckage of the giant destroyer, Qiyana also heaved a sigh of relief, this thing should be the opponent's last hole card, presumably he should have nothing more to sell.

Next, just kill Lauren, the person who witnessed his transformation, Qiyana switched back to the crimson armor and secretly thought.

She didn't pause at all: she walked straight towards the opening of the cave.two

(PS: guarantee)


Chapter 43 Lauren escapes (plus more)

In the dark passage, Qiyana switched back to the crimson armor, then took out her phone to check the situation on the mini-map.

While it's unlikely that Lauren's guy has something behind him, be careful--you're right.

Fortunately, on the mini-map, Kiyana didn't find any red dots anymore. Presumably, there should be no more danger, so Kiyana was also very relieved to use the only crimson armor of the Mei series to enter this base.

If there are other saboteurs in this base, Qiyana would not dare to switch to the crimson armor anyway, because she is afraid of being seconded, and if she encounters Kasa again later, she will have to spend Three + crystals are revived.

If he doesn't do that, Kasa will know what his other Kiyana looks like, even though Kasa doesn't know that Kiyana and Mei are actually himself.

But Kiyana's identity as a bounty hunter appears here - it must be very strange.

In addition, Kasa already knew that Mihawk of Boom Island had offered a bounty on Mei's appearance before, plus the fact that Kiyana's identity was making a fuss in Boom Island, anyone with a little brain would probably be able to see it. something.

Although Kasa didn't know that Mei and Kiyana looked the same as him, he would definitely speculate that the two were related, and things would become a little troublesome then.

Kiyana just wants to find the Dragon Balls, kill a few evil pirates by the way, and at the same time get some rewards to strengthen her strength

If Kiyana's identity as a bounty hunter can no longer be used, she must use a new identity if she wants to get the bounty.

This is not only troublesome, but also means that I have to expose more of my identity to the world, and once someone discovers the relationship between several appearances, I am afraid that I will not even be a bounty hunter in the future. After all It's not uncommon for a beautiful, powerful woman to claim a bounty alone.

Even the armor that has not been revealed yet may be associated with that aspect.

After all, in the original book, Qiyana didn't see many powerful bounty hunters, and Qiyana suspected that the author of the original book had forgotten the setting of bounty hunters.

In short, it would be good if Kasa could not notice Kiyana's appearance as a bounty hunter.

Putting the mobile phone back into the chest and clamping it, in fact, into the material space, Kiyana raised Raiqie and looked at the surrounding environment. After entering through the hole cut just now, Kiyana found herself in a Right in the middle of the long passage.

Randomly choosing a side, Kiyana ran towards the inside. Although she didn't know where Lauren was hiding, she definitely wanted to find him and kill him today.

My secret must not be revealed, especially since Casa is still on this island, only he can never know about it

If Casa knows, Qiyana does not rule out the possibility of completely obliterating him.

Over the past month, Casa's eyes on her have become hotter and hotter day by day, and Qiyana's body is a little uncomfortable with the possessive look in her eyes, and she feels uncomfortable all over.

If Kiyana is really a woman, in the face of a handsome guy like Kasa who has both temperament and status, a character like a royal prince in the One Piece version, maybe she will follow him, but the experience of being a man in her previous life It is impossible for Kiana to do this.

The resistance to the relationship between men and men cannot be easily eliminated in her heart. Even if her body is a [-]% pure female body now, Qiyana will not do that kind of thing.

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