Feeling the power back, Qiyana is also used to this feeling, isn't it the Ice Age? Since you used the strongest move, let me give you a gift too!

Special Move, Yae Hakigaki!

Qiyana's aura instantly changed, as if the god of fire had descended into the world, while Kuzan could feel something was wrong, as if he had been killed by Kiyana. The illusion of being locked in.

Kiyana's eyes were fixed on Kuzan, her face was expressionless. For some reason, Kuzan's back was soaked in cold sweat at this time.

old man!

Qiyana's figure flashed quickly,

- Kuzan came to him at a speed that Kuzan could hardly see clearly, and he skipped it. It was not until Kiyana came three meters behind him that Kuzan realized the fact that he had been cut.

The breeze caused by the ultra-high-speed movement was late at this time, blowing the hem of Kuzan's clothes. Even with the domineering power of knowledge, Kuzan still had no time to react to resist Kiyana's attack.

Fortunately, Kuzan had already covered his body with armed domineering in advance to protect his body. Although the place where he was hit was painful, there was no wound.

But this is not yet, Kuzan understands this very well, the feeling of being locked by Qiyana has not subsided, as if he is bound to be hit.

Before Kuzan had time to turn around, Kiyana passed by again, and gave Kuzan a knife from behind Kuzan, blood splattered immediately.

Because the moving speed was too fast, there was a wave of air around it, and a sonic boom sounded, which was a symbol of the speed exceeding the speed of sound. All the surrounding ice walls were shattered by this impact, and sputtered towards the surroundings go out.


Kuzan felt the pain in his back, and he spurted uncontrollably old blood from his mouth. However, the feeling of being locked in has not subsided. The strong sense of crisis is stimulating Kuzan's brain, making his body tense with. ,

Once again, Qiyana shuttled to Kuzan's side. When swinging the knife, this time Kuzan finally sensed the danger in advance by relying on his knowledge and domineering predictive ability, and grasped the ice knife to fight back.


In just a moment, the ice blade in Kuzan's hand shattered and turned into countless ice slags. Chi Ranying slashed fiercely on Kuzan's chest, sending him flying.

Kuzan's expression changed dramatically, and he flew upside down, hitting the ice wall he transformed, and a huge pothole appeared impressively.

But everything is not over yet. It seems that it has been a long time, but in fact everything happened in an instant. In less than a second, Qiyana has shuttled three times in a row, and each blow brought Inflicted great damage to Kuzan.

And the ultimate move of the True Flame Xinghun Armor, Yae Hokaki is far more than just these few hits. In the first stage, Honglian locks on random enemies and performs eight consecutive assaults, each time with a powerful fire attribute slash. Fire elemental damage equal to [-]% attack power.

After unlocking the branch of the ultimate move, the passive Phantom Sun Flame, each damage will increase an additional [-]% of the attack power of the fire element damage, adding up to a full [-]% bonus for each assault, and it is still a flame Elemental damage.

Now, Kiyana has beaten Kuzan so badly with only three assaults, and if she hits all eight assaults, Kuzan may not know what will happen.

Not to mention that the nirvana Yae Hakigaki is far more than just the stage of Guren, and has other follow-ups.

After Kuzan fell to the ground, he quickly got up from the ground and slapped the ground with both hands, and then summoned a huge ice wall, which was placed between himself and Qiyana.

However, it was still useless. Kiyana held the demon knife high and directly penetrated the ice wall. The super-high temperature flame even pierced a three-meter big hole in the middle of the ice wall.

In an instant, Kiyana came to Kuzan, but due to the obstruction of the ice wall, Kiyana's speed was much slower, and Kuzan finally had time to react.

book. SFA




Kuzan's fist was covered with armed qi and the demon knife directly faced it.light novel


Kuzan tried his best, and under the burst of potential, he finally succeeded in resisting Qiyana's slash, and then punched Qiyana.

The terrifying burst of freezing energy almost wanted to freeze Qiyana into an ice sculpture, but that freezing force was offset by the super high temperature on Kiyana's body.

Hiyumaru's lower stigmata, when there are enemies around, the enemy will take 60.00% of the attack power of the fire element damage per second.

It is very similar to the Nong Ji set that was equipped in the last Do Not Forget armor trial card, but one is for freezing elemental damage, and the other is for fire elemental damage.

This is terrible, if it weren't for Kuzan's extremely powerful body protection with freezing ability, others would have been unable to withstand this scorching power long ago.Talent will be hurt by the lower stigmata of Hiyumaru.

But that's enough. After all, this injury is not a joke. I saw Kuzan approaching a little bit, and water droplets began to appear on his body, soaking his clothes. This is because Kuzan is a person with the ability to freeze fruits reason.

Qiyana was not surprised to see that the slash was blocked, she hadn't hit all of Yaehaki's assault yet.

old man!

Qiyana's figure flashed again, and afterimages appeared behind her at such a high speed, Kuzan couldn't help but wonder if his eyes were blurred.

There was a sharp pain in his chest, Kuzan couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, a deep gash appeared, but no blood spattered out, because the wound had already been scorched by the terrifying high temperature on the demon knife.

Bang bang!

Soon, the eight-stage assault was finally launched, and Qiyana clenched the demon knife, appeared five meters behind Kuzan, and turned to face Kuzan.

On the other hand, Kuzan pressed his left hand on his chest, knelt down on one knee, panting heavily, leaving a lot of sweat behind.

Kiyana held Akaran Sakura with one hand, stood quietly on the spot, eyes slightly closed, the second stage of the nirvana Yae Fire Garden, Karma!

Deal [-]% attack power of fire elemental damage to all enemies in a large range, and slow them down by time and space for [-] seconds

-A terrifying sword intent erupted from Kiyana's body, spreading towards the surroundings, the frozen trees, plants, animals, and the ice that spread outside were all shattered and cut apart.

Kuzan desperately drove his armed domineering energy to protect his body, and the continuous sword energy slashed and bombarded his body, making a sound like steel colliding.

The clean white suit had also become dilapidated at this time, with holes everywhere, and the bruised body inside could be seen through the tattered clothes.

Seeing Kuzan's embarrassed look, Kiyana also thought that Kuzan had reached his limit, and it seemed that this battle would end with his own victory, and then Kiyana stepped on the ground with broken feet , Leaping towards Kuzan.

Kuzan shouted loudly. As soon as the words fell, a huge ice cone appeared on the ground and stabbed at Qiyana, hitting her right side. Kiyana lost her balance in the air, her body was in the air Turned several somersaults.

And Kuzan also quickly got up and punched Qiyana who was flying towards him heavily. The powerful fist directly hit Kiyana's waist. Kuzan took another step forward and pressed his right fist on Kiyana Her face pressed her head hard to the ground.


The ground shattered, and the cracks even spread a hundred meters away, and Qiyana's blood volume also instantly decreased by about ten percent.

"Frozen time!

Kuzan pinched Kiyana's neck tightly with his right hand and said coldly, the freezing force was directly transmitted from Kuzan's arm to Kiyana's body, and the biting chill almost froze Kiyana's brain directly.

(PS: Guaranteed, there is another update! )


Chapter 35 See Through

Kiyana, who was strangled by Kuzan, was very confused. This is wrong, what about the super body that was agreed upon? Doesn’t the Zhenyan Xinghun armor have the effect of super body for nine seconds after releasing the special move?

Didn't she not be interrupted in these nine seconds? Qiyana couldn't figure it out, but when she felt the powerful armed domineering around her neck, she understood.

Cut, is it domineering again? This thing is really annoying!

Qiyana cursed secretly in her heart. At this time, the blood volume of the Zhenyan Xinghun armor has dropped to 70.00%, and it is still in the process of continuous reduction. The speed + points are fast, because of the freezing ability exerted by Kuzan, there is a steady stream of chill attacking his body.

Qiyana is in a hurry, this will not work.

So Kiyana directly raised her right foot and kicked towards Kuzan's body, but as a result, Kiyana's foot went directly into Kuzan's body and penetrated through.

Kiyana's feet were directly stuck firmly by Kuzan's body, unable to move.

"Sure enough, you won't be domineering!"

At this time, Kuzan finally spoke, showing a clear expression.

After being discovered, Kiyana's eyes widened slightly. Seeing Kiyana's expression, Kuzan was even more sure of Zi 2's thoughts.

"I've felt a little strange since just now, except for the flames attached to your slash, it can't cause any damage to my body at all.

Kuzan - - said, - - increased the strength in his hand, and pressed Qiyana to the ground.


Qiyana yelled in pain, her neck was pinched, and she could hardly breathe.

"It's really unexpected to me that a strong person like you can't master domineering."

Kuzan said with a very calm expression, after all, who would have thought that a strong man with such strength would not be domineering? Thanks to the fact that he was so careful to cover the armed domineering just now to resist Qiyana's slash .

In the end, you don't need to care that much at all, you just need to be careful of Qiyana's flame slash.

It's not good, the current situation is very bad, Kuzan has found that he has not mastered the secret of armed domineering.

At the same time, I have been firmly controlled by him now, and Kuzan is still trying to freeze himself, how can I get out?

After much deliberation, Qiyana decided to use the active skill of the Bloody Cherry Blossom weapon.again

- Slashing horizontally with the knife, the slash with damage from the flame element directly forced Kuzan back. He could feel the scorching heat from the knife, which was extremely dangerous to him.

Kuzan didn't dare to resist, so he could only let go of Qiyana's hand, and at the same time let go of Kiyana's feet.

After losing control, Qiyana turned over and stood up, touched her neck, and coughed violently.

Being pinched by Kuzan just now made Qiyana very uncomfortable, and she almost lost consciousness. The most important thing was the freezing force, which covered half of Qiyana's body with a thick layer of frost.

This is still a burning buff with the lower stigmata of Fei Yuwan, otherwise it will definitely be even worse.

Qiyana looked at the blood tank. She was about to fall down--half of the blood volume, and couldn't help but get nervous. It would be bad if it passed 50.00%.

At that time, my body will suffer substantial damage, which will greatly restrict my fighting. It seems that it is necessary to revive the saint's armor.

Kiyana said silently in her heart: "Ai-chan, help me exchange Bailey into crystals, I want to revive the saint's armor.

"Understood, Captain!"

Ai-chan's words sounded directly in Kiyana's mind, but Ai-chan then asked again: "Captain, are you planning to exchange - - 20 million Baileys into crystals?"

"Of course not, as long as the Saintess armor can be revived!

Qiyana quickly said in her heart, that more than 100 million Baileys are the property of people on Kirstein and other small islands, and she has to pay them back, and now she is just borrowing them.

Qiyana will not recharge all of them into crystals.

"Understood the captain, now the saint's armor has been resurrected!"

Listening to Ai-chan's words, Qiyana also breathed a sigh of relief, so - now, she has a guarantee.

In case of an accident and being restrained by Kuzan, he can also rely on the saint's ultimate move to recover his blood.

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan stretched out his hands and launched his strongest move again. Countless ice blocks stretched out from the ground and surrounded Qiyana.

Facing the endless freezing attacks, Qiyana also took several steps back. She had already used up all her SP when she released the Bloody Cherry Blossom skill just now.

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