"Well, I see.

Ke--While walking,-While talking to Kiyana about the things to pay attention to when meeting Aisha, Kiyana also remembered all these words in her mind

Although she really wants to redeem the bounty offered by the Baker Pirates, let's put this matter aside for now. After learning domineering, Kiyana really has the qualifications to negotiate terms with Sengoku.

At that time, Qiyana's strength will be even higher, and the weight of her words will be even greater. If she comes to talk about cooperation at that time, presumably Warring States will not refuse.

The most important thing is Casa, absolutely not let him know about the cooperation, otherwise the way of bounty hunters will be completely cut off.

But now the horoscope has not yet been released, it is hard to say whether the Marshal of the Warring States is willing to cooperate, will Kasa know that he can only worry about it after negotiating with the Warring States

(PS: add more! )


Chapter 2 Polly Pirates

The two left Hill Island and continued to head north by boat. According to Cook, his grandma Aisha lives on an island not very far from Hill Island.

An island named Seth, the specific Qiyana is not clear, but I heard from Kuzan that Aisha has a bad temper, so I will try my best not to talk at that time, and just leave it to him.

Of course, Qiyana was happy and relaxed. Grandma would usually listen to her grandson's request.

It's just that Aisha, the name has never appeared in the original book, and I don't know if she is powerful or not, but of course, it should be that the old man is not as powerful as Lei Li, but it doesn't matter, now Qiyana just wants to master domineering, for Master The requirements are not high.

Anyone is fine, now Qiyana just wants to learn domineering as soon as possible, and then set off to find Dragon Balls, Kiyana can't wait

After returning to the port, the two boarded their own boats, and then started sailing in the direction of the record pointer.

"How long will it take to get there?"

"After arriving at the next - - island, the record pointer will point to Seth Island once more, and it will take a week at the earliest.

Cook said helplessly that although he knew the exact location of Seth Island, it was very inconvenient to move without a record pointer in the vast sea.

"You don't need to rely on the record pointer, my thing is much better than the record pointer.

Kiyana took the phone out of her chest, which made Cook very embarrassed, but soon he focused on what Kiyana was holding.

"What is this?,

"It's a cell phone, a product of my hometown.'

"Mobile phone? What's the use? It looks pretty delicate."

"This thing can be used to help us navigate, look, here is the map, this is where we are now, can you see where you can find Seth Island?"

Kiyana opened the mini-map and put it in front of Cook. The mini-map covered the surrounding sea area of ​​[-] kilometers, and Seth Island could definitely be seen

"Oh, I found it, your map is amazing.

Cook was a little surprised and said that this map is not only big, but also can mark his location, which is many times easier to use than ordinary maps.

Of course, a product produced by the Goddess must be a high-quality product.

"With this, we can increase our speed a lot.

Cook said happily that it was the first time for him to see such a powerful thing. When sailing on the sea, he does not need to deliberately stay on a certain island to wait for the record pointer to be full, and he can leave anytime and anywhere as long as he wants.

The map recorded in this thing called a mobile phone is really too big, so there is no need to worry about getting lost at sea.

"That's really nice, do you have any more?"

Cook has sailed on the sea all year round, of course he knows the benefits of this thing, so he asked.

"No, I only brought one."

"That's it...

Cook showed some pity. If possible, he would buy one even if he spent money. From then on, he would not have to worry about navigation.

"With this, we should be able to arrive in three days.

Cook looked at the distance on the small map, and said confidently that he didn't need to go around an island, but went directly to Seth Island, and the route was directly reduced by half.

"Three days? Not bad."

Is three days fast? Sometimes I don’t see an island for ten days and half a month. Three days is nothing to Qiyana.

After splitting out a Shadow Dancer clone, Kiyana let the clone sail along the island that Cook pointed out earlier. Originally, Kiyana didn't know the location of Seth Island, but it would be easier if Cook pointed it out.

I have to say that after half a month of sailing together, when Cook faced himself again, he was able to deal with it naturally, and the embarrassment was almost gone.

This is also due to the fact that Qiyana cut the mess with a sharp knife and directly erased the impossible feelings. From the beginning, she had announced to Cook that there was no way out.

Otherwise, Cook hasn't recovered so quickly.

Then came the boring sailing time. During the three days, Qiyana had nothing to do except eat, watch the news and sleep.

or Mu Xiaowan

And Cook is also very boring, he can only exercise his body with constant push-ups on his boat.

And seeing that Qiyana wasn't exercising, he was also a little puzzled, so he asked Qiyana this question during the meal.

"You don't exercise, how can you be in such good health?

"Well, it's useless for me to exercise, the fruit's ability is limited.

Qiyana didn't go into details, but only said that exercising her body would not bring any benefits, and it was useless at all.

It was the first time for Cook to hear that fruit abilities would restrict ability users from exercising their bodies, but all kinds of abilities in the world are strange, and Cook had never seen Qiyana's ability, so he didn't ask much.

In this way, after three days of boring sailing, Kiyana and the two finally came to the waters around Seth Island. Looking at Seth Island in the distance, Kiyana couldn't help feeling excited, and immediately You can learn to be aggressive.

As long as he masters domineering, natural ability users will no longer be able to pose a threat to himself, why doesn't Qiyana get excited?

But will Aisha really be willing to teach herself domineering? With Cook around, it should be fine, right? Kiyana is a little worried

The sun is shining brightly, and the overall area of ​​Seth Island is not very large in Kiana's opinion, with a diameter of about five kilometers. There are quite a lot of vegetation on it, and most of them are wooden houses.

The dandelions all over the mountains are very conspicuous, and the sea breeze blows, which is a gorgeous and charming scene.

"How is it? Pretty, isn't it?

Seeing Qiyana's intoxicated expression, Cook also said very proudly.

"Well, it's pretty, and it's kind of romantic.

Qiyana leaned on the armrest, looking at the dandelion seeds flying in the air, the fluffy fluff whirled in the air and flew towards the sky

Although Seth Island does not look very prosperous, it is just a small island with few people inhabited, but the scenery here is unexpectedly fascinating. In terms of previous lives, it can be described as a resort.

"Kiana... something is wrong.

Suddenly, Cook's expression changed a little, he reached out and patted Kiana's shoulder, and said while looking into the distance.

"What's wrong?" C )- Mu Xiao I

Qiyana also followed Cook's line of sight, but soon she understood what Cook meant.

I saw a pirate ship heading towards Seth Island from another direction. Although the distance was a bit far, Kiyana could clearly see the flag of the Pirate Flag.

There were two huge cigars dangling from a huge skull. Looking at the pirate flag, Cook's face changed slightly.

"It's actually a member of the Polly Pirates!"

"Polly Pirates? Are they powerful?"

"Ah, it is a very powerful pirate group. They have a large number of people, and their overall strength is not weaker than that of the Baker pirate group that you eradicated. However, their captain is not as strong as Baker, and the bounty is only 60 million [-] million shells. profit."

Cook, as the leader of the bounty hunter organization, has much more information about the major pirate groups than Kiyana, and he just recognized the other party's background at a glance.

"Is that so...

Kiyana probably understands the situation, that is to say, the Polly Pirates have more people, but the high-end combat power is not as good as the Baker Pirates? In this case, she should be able to solve it.

Baker's formidable strength left a deep impression on Qiyana, she could not resist the terrifying strength that almost scrapped one of her armor with two or three punches.

Qiyana didn't want to use the trial card either. She wanted to grow, but there was no other way. She had persisted until the last armor, but she still couldn't escape from Baker's hands. The physical strength of animal-type ability users was too terrifying.

As for the Polly Pirates, the captain is much weaker than Baker, so he should be fine. Although the Zhenyan Xinghun armor has already expired by this time, Qiyana is still very confident. .

"I hope they are just passing by and don't shoot at my hometown.

Cook looked at the ships of the Polly Pirates and whispered.

"How is it possible? They have all set up their cannons, there is no way to hide, let's hurry up and get to the shore from the other side, and then rush to support the people from your hometown.


Kiyana pointed to the pirates on the Poli Pirates and said that the people of the Poli Pirates had already aimed their cannons at Seth Island, and it was obvious that they were going to attack Seth Island.

The only option for Kiana and the others now is to park the boat at a safer place, and then immediately go to support the residents on the island.

Without long-range weapons such as cannons installed, it is naturally impossible for Qiyana and the others to just drive there, as it will only become a living target.

"Che, is it the Polly Pirates? If you hurt people in my hometown, I will definitely make you look good.

Cook was very angry, and at the same time secretly glad that he just rushed back at this time, and there was a powerful helper, Kiyana, beside him.

Kiyana's strength is very strong, even the admiral was seriously injured, with her, it shouldn't be a problem to repel the Poli Pirates

Before the two landed, the Polly Pirates had already launched an attack. A shell was blasted from the ship's giant cannon and directly hit the island.

Suddenly there was an explosion, and billowing smoke rose, accompanied by the exclamation of the people on the island.

"Ah, it's a pirate.

"Pirates are attacking, get your weapons!

Listening to the movement from the island, Qiyana was also very anxious, but their boat still had a short distance to reach the shore.

Bang bang!

The bombardments fell one after another, and after a while, the original beautiful beach was full of gun craters, and some pirates came ashore in small boats with their weapons held high, all of them with cravings on their faces. The evil smile of blood.

"Come on, brothers, kill the man and keep the woman."

"Hey, kill E

(PS: Well, it's a bit late, there is a guarantee on the 29th, and there is one more. )


Chapter 3 scum

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