"Zep? Oh, it's that kid, I really heard a familiar name.

When Aisha heard this, she seemed to be immersed in her memories, but soon she came back to her senses and said to Qiyana: "Why do you want to learn

"Just to get stronger."

"Become stronger? Hehe, what is the purpose of becoming stronger? Competing for those false names? Those are just floating clouds, meaningless at all. Listen to the old man's words, cherishing the things in front of you is more important than anything else. An ordinary life is also quite good yes, cough...

Looking at the dense dandelions on the hillside, Aisha spoke slowly, but then coughed again.

I didn’t become stronger to fight for some fame, don’t put on a preaching tone, cherish the things in front of me? I just want to become stronger because the things I want to cherish are gone, okay?

Qiyana complained secretly in her mind, but of course she wouldn't say it out, it's hard to say something like a sexual transformation into a girl.

"I won't teach you domineering, you go, please Gao Ming, I'm just a retired old man.

Seeing that Aisha is unwilling to teach herself domineering, Kiyana can only sigh helplessly, Zhepu, you said that as long as you say your name, she will teach me? It turned out to be useless. I don't care about you.

"I see, sorry to bother you."

Kiyana bent down and said, then turned around and was about to leave here. Aisha is the one who has mastered domineering aura, and her understanding of domineering is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. She is unwilling to teach herself, and Kiyana is also very Unfortunately, but also very helpless.

After all, she will never agree to the request made by Aisha, and it is impossible for her to marry a man.

"Eh? Wait, Kiyana."o) CC put Xiaozhi

Seeing that Kiyana was leaving, Cook also wanted to keep her. He had promised Kiyana that he would definitely persuade Aisha, but Kiyana was leaving now? How could this work?

But Kiyana didn't even look back. What Aisha said was so hurtful that she actually thought she was Cook who approached on purpose.

"Grandma, can't you teach her? She's my friend.

Cook was helpless, so he had to persuade Aisha again for Kiana.

"You seem to care about her a lot, are you really just a simple friend?"

"I don't want to meddle in other people's affairs anymore, I'm getting old, and I just want to guard this garden.

Seeing Cook's faltering, Aisha stopped asking, but just told Cook what she thinks now.

3" tits-.-.ah.

Cook looked at Kiyana who was getting further and further away, and turned around to chase after him. Now he will persuade Kiyana to stay. As for grandma, he will definitely persuade her.

Cook-Lu trotted towards Kiyana, looked at the backs of the two leaving, Aisha was silent, and after a long time, she sighed: "Really, sooner or later you will die in a woman like your father." hand."

At this time, the residents of the fainted town also woke up, one by one got up from the ground in a daze, and soon they noticed the dead pirates around them.

Some of the women screamed in terror, while the men did better.

"Grandma Aisha, you saved us again this time, thank you."

-A middle-aged uncle quickly thanked Aisha. Aisha waved her hand and said, "Next time you come, come earlier. My legs and feet are not convenient. I don't know how long it will take to get to town."

"We are already very fast, this time the pirate's action is too fast, we have no time to react.

The middle-aged man sighed. As Aisha said, many people died in the village this time, and a feeling of sadness spread in everyone's hearts.

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Some residents even walked over to beat the corpses of the pirates with hoes and other tools to vent their anger.

But no matter how they fight, the dead will never be resurrected, and the pain in their hearts can never be erased.

On the other side, Cook quickly caught up with Kiana.

"Qiana, wait-down, don't leave yet, you just gave up?"

Kiyana also stopped when she heard the words, and turned to face Cook.

"What else? She doesn't want to teach me at all, and staying is just a waste of time.

"She also asked me to marry you, she just knew that I would not do this, so she made this request to let me retreat.


Cook also knew what Kiyana said was right, but he didn't want Kiyana to leave just like that, he really wanted to help her.

Cook is well aware of Qiyana's current situation. The world government has offered a reward + [-] million Baileys. It can be said that everyone is looking for Qiyana. Her situation is very dangerous, and she may encounter a strong enemy at any time.

The last time I met Kuzan, Kiyana also said that she was just a fluke, and her ability happened to be able to restrain the opponent. What if the attribute is not restrained? What will happen to Kiyana? The result is self-evident.

Therefore, it is necessary for Qiyana to master domineering, and when the fire is imminent, she must learn it as soon as possible.

"Anyway, you stay here first, I will have a good talk with grandma.

Cook decided to persuade Qiyana to stay first.

"We've been sailing for so long, shouldn't we take a break? What do you think?"

Qiyana didn't speak, just nodded silently, as a promise, and came here on a special trip, if she just went back home like this, Kiyana would be a little bit unwilling.Others still pay attention to the thatched cottage, so I should be a little patient, right? Besides, Aisha still has a deep understanding of domineering, and she is really unwilling to leave like this. Right now, Qiyana can't find anyone else for the time being.

Rayleigh is far away in the Chambord Islands, and he doesn't know how long it will take, and it's hard to say whether there will be accidents on the way, and it's not sure whether he is willing to teach this stranger himself.

If Rayleigh was so enthusiastic, and he would teach as long as he went to him to learn from him, then his disciples would have been all over the world, and he would not only accept Luffy as an apprentice.

Seeing that Kiyana agreed to stay, Cook was also happy. As long as Kiyana is willing to stay, there is still a chance, as long as he convinces grandma.

But Cook also felt a little headache, how to persuade Aisha? It's just to teach domineering, but it's so complicated

"Let's go back, I'll talk to grandma again."

Kiyana nodded and said, hoping Aisha can teach herself, she can't wait to learn domineering.

So the two returned along the original road, intending to return to the hut where Aisha lived. On the way, the two of them also saw the residents of the small town who had awakened, and they were planning to return to the town.

Qiyana quickly put on the mask, then stretched out her hand to cover the lower half of her face, and hid behind Cook. She didn't want to reveal her identity. After all, she was the 1.5 billion Bailey's bounty criminal, so she must pay attention to it.

And Cook also blocked his body in front of Qiyana, blocking everyone's sight.

"Cook? Are you back?"

Residents of the small town approaching him quickly recognized Cook and began to greet him.

(PS: Including this chapter, a total of 29 chapters were repaid in June, and the reward last month, plus one monthly ticket, owed a total of 41 chapters, and still owed [-] chapters. In addition, I applied for = Zhang Kasa’s character illustration , you will be able to see it in a short time, so besides the original characters of pirates, which character do you want next time? )


Chapter 6 Persuasion

. "...

Cook looked at the sad expressions on the faces of the town residents, and couldn't help sighing, obviously they had already arrived, and the two parties arrived almost at the same time, but because the Polly Pirates' ship was equipped with cannons.

So he and Qiyana had to take a detour and disembark at a safer place. They had already rushed back as fast as they could, but it turned out that they were still one step too late.

The town has been destroyed, and his hometown partner was attacked by pirates, but he failed to catch up. I have to say that Cook blamed himself very much. If Qiyana didn't want to come back, he would never have Meet the Polly Pirates.

"Cook, who is behind you?

During the conversation, other people also noticed Qiyana hiding behind Cook, and asked curiously.

"Um, she's my friend, she has an ugly face, so she's shy.

Cook quickly explained that the others were relieved of Qiyana's strange behavior wearing a mask after hearing the words. It turned out that the face was flawed? No wonder the face was covered.

"What's her name?

"...Nana, her name is Nana.

"That's it.

Afterwards, the crowd didn't continue to ask any further questions, after all, Kiyana didn't seem to want to talk to them, and she sent out a signal that refused people thousands of miles away.


Seeing that it seemed to be hidden, Kiyana couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. What she is afraid of now is that her identity will be exposed. Although these people are all from Cook's hometown, she must be cautious. 1.5 billion Bailey is enough to make people fall in love with her. Crazy.

After all, not everyone regards money as dung.

"Damn it, Polly Pirates, if it weren't for the help of Granny Aisha, we wouldn't be able to survive this time."

Everyone gathered together, and a touch of sadness surrounded everyone's hearts.

Cook didn't say anything, just patted the shoulders of a few acquaintances, comforted them, and said something to heal the pain in their hearts

"If the town needs to be rebuilt, I'm here to help.


Cook said to the crowd.

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"That's a real help, Cook, it's going to be a lot faster with you.

Afterwards, everyone said goodbye to Cook and Kiyana, turned around and headed towards the town, while Cook returned along the same road

"Qiana, your identity must not be exposed to them, you'd better not switch to another appearance during this time

"Don't worry, I know."

Kiyana nodded, she knew it without Cook reminding her.

Soon, the two returned to the bottom of the hillside just now, and the blood of the pirates killed by Cook earlier left along the hillside and seeped into the mud.

The two big men stayed behind and piled up the corpses of the pirates. When Cook saw this, he hurried away and went up to help.

"Cook? When did you come back?"

"Just now, I saw pirates attacking you, but unfortunately I came too late.

"It's nothing, the most important thing is that you are fine, it's been a long time since I said it.

"Ah, I haven't been back for a few months, so what are you doing to pile up the corpses?

"Cremation, you can't ignore it, can you?"

The three chatted with each other for a while, but Kiyana ignored them, but looked at the cabin on the top of the hill. Aisha was moving a chair and sitting on it, overlooking the dandelion at the bottom of the hill.

Showing a sad look, it seems to be immersed in memories.

Kiyana sighed, how can I let her teach me domineering? - It's not easy to talk at all, and I don't know why she doesn't want to, just teach me domineering.

Suddenly, the eyes of Aisha and Kiyana met, but then Aisha looked away, as if she was not interested in Kiyana.

Kiyana hesitated - yes, then walked towards her and stood beside her.

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