"It's good that you can understand.

It was the first time for Nino to feel so embarrassed. Although it was necessary, he still saw Aisha's body. Aisha's appearance is not ordinary beautiful, except for those ugly wounds, she is also a beauty. ,

"Well, take a good rest, they probably don't dare to come again, I'll help you look after them.

Nino couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere anymore, so he found an excuse and left the room, leaving Aisha alone in the room.

Looking at Nino's back as if he was running away, Aisha raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a smile. He is such a cute big boy.

Then Aisha lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, feeling at ease, even more at ease than when she was on the pirate ship, letting go of all guards.

In the following days, Aisha lay on the hospital bed every day, and because Aisha was here, people in the town did not dare to come to see a doctor, so Nino had no choice but to go there by himself.

Every time he went out, he was very worried, and would tell Aisha not to attack people in the town, but Aisha smiled badly and liked to tease him.

"If you leave, I'll kill everyone in the town.

At first Nino was terrified, but after a few times, he knew that Aisha was teasing him on purpose, so he ignored it.

Of course, Aisha couldn't really kill all the people in the town. She just liked to see Nino's panicked expression, which was very interesting.

Because one arm was injured and it was inconvenient to eat, Aisha always asked Nino to feed herself. Although she could not eat with one hand, she wanted to see Nino's blushing expression when feeding herself.

After Nino's careful care, Aisha's injury also healed quickly.

One day when eating, Nino couldn't bear it any longer, and asked in a low voice: "Is your right hand healed?

"It's not good, continue to feed."

Nino didn't dare to say anything, he didn't dare to resist Aisha, for fear that she would do something to the people in the town when she got angry.

Later, after a long time, the people in the town saw that Aisha hadn’t tried to do anything for a long time, and they were no longer afraid, and began to come to the hospital to see a doctor

After going back and forth, people saw that Aisha didn't seem to have the idea of ​​attacking them, and gradually became more courageous, and even talked with Aisha, maybe because Aisha was beautiful, and she didn't fit the image of a vicious pirate at all. .

People gradually forgot Aisha's identity as a pirate and began to accept her.

Many boys in the town expressed their love for Aisha, but Aisha refused of course, so she didn't like those people.

A month has passed. One day, Nino was keeping accounts, while Aisha was sitting behind him, holding a piece of bristlegrass and flicking it back and forth on Nino's neck, as if she thought it was very interesting.

"Aisha, your injury is almost healed, right? When are you leaving?"

Nino asked without looking back,

Aisha's face turned cold immediately.

...to drive me away?"

Hearing Aisha's tone seemed a bit wrong, Nino quickly turned around, waved his hands and said, "No, no, it's just that you can't stay with me all the time, can you? I'm a medical center,...

"Okay, I'm leaving, a month's rest is enough, it's time to go back to the old way.

Aisha said indifferently, while Nino was a little afraid to face her eyes.

"Let's be a pirate again today, um, first go and sack this town first, it's impossible if you don't have money, then take a few crew members and continue to take risks.

Aisha stood up from the chair, and took her weapon in the corner.

Nino panicked when he heard the words, and quickly grabbed Aisha's arm and begged: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, you stay here, as long as you want, as long as you don't attack the town."

"That's what you said, don't go back on your word.

Aisha threw the weapon back with a smirk, and then sat back in her seat again.

"I'm hungry, let's cook!"

Aisha touched her belly and said, and Aisha's quick face change also let Nino know that he seemed to be cheated again.

"Okay, I'm going to cook, you wait first.

Nino sighed helplessly. Did he pick up an ancestor? He had to take good care of him.

As a result, Aisha stayed smoothly, and Nino never dared to mention the matter of letting her leave, fearing that one day Aisha would really return to her old job as a pirate if she got angry.

The next morning, Nino got up early, began to wash, and then carried a bamboo basket on his back and planned to go out. Seeing this, Aisha couldn't help asking: "Where are you going?

"Picking herbs, do you want to - - get up?

"Picking herbs? Wait for me, I'll go too.

F SF light novel

Aisha got up from the bed, and she was sleeping with only underwear on, showing her fair skin, and the scars where she had originally faded away so much that she couldn't see the injury even if she didn't look closely.

Aisha didn't care about her appearance, and let Nino watch, but how could Nino watch? Just one glance made him turn away with a red face.

Seeing Nino's reaction, Aisha also smiled, teasing Nino every day has become her favorite thing to do.

Soon, Aisha also finished washing, changed into clothes, and then, like Nino, carried a bamboo basket on her back and went out.

Since there is only one doctor, Nino, in the town, everyone has seen a doctor in Nino, such as minor illnesses such as fever, or injuries from bruises, and he is also polite and handsome. , very popular in the town.

Everyone I met along the way greeted Nino, especially the girls, whose voices were so sweet.

Aisha's expression became a little unfriendly, and later - when she met a woman who wanted to say hello to Nino, she would just - stare at her directly, so frightened that the other party didn't even dare to speak, and turned around and ran away.

The dull Nino didn't notice the abnormality at all, but felt that today was a bit strange. Why would those girls who are usually close to him not speak when they see him today? Turn around and run away?

But Nino didn't care, and soon he and Aisha left the town and came to the forest trail.

"Where are we going to collect medicine?

"Over there, it will be there soon."

Nino pointed to the front, and Aisha looked in the direction he pointed, and saw dandelions planted on the hillside in the distance, and a large piece of silver-white fluff was blown up by the sea breeze and flew into the distance.

"I planted a lot of herbs over there. I usually come to pick some when there is no medicine. With your help today, it should be enough for a long time.

Nino smiled and said, looking at Nino's sunny smile, Aisha couldn't help being a little crazy, but soon she came back to her senses, her face turned rosy. =

(PS: Today's guarantee, there is another update.)


Chapter 9 When will you be back? (plus more)

Soon, the two came to the edge of the garden that Nino said. Although Nino said that these are medicinal herbs, it is more appropriate to describe them as a garden - dandelions, honeysuckle, gardenias and so on.

There are also many flowers that Aisha can't name, but they must be used to make medicine.

"It's all beautiful.

Aisha stood in the very center of the garden, stretched out her hands and twirled in circles, the scent of flowers came to her nostrils, she liked it very much.

With the tranquility that has never been seen in the sea, she is also tired of fighting for many years. It doesn't matter if she is a pirate or not, especially after all her companions are dead, Aisha has no idea of ​​continuing to be a pirate. .

Watching Nino bend down to pick up the medicine, Aisha also smiled, recalling his careful movements when he sewed up his wound the first day she met, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Nino, then...why did you block them? Obviously I'm just a pirate.

...Pirates are not necessarily bad guys, are they?

"Then you are not afraid that I will kill you after waking up?"

"I didn't think about it. I became a doctor to save people. No matter who it is, I will save people.

Nino said while collecting herbs, he didn't notice Aisha's expression at all.

"Will everyone save? Even if it is other people, will you stand in front of everyone for him?


Really... a fool.

Aisha smiled helplessly.

Suddenly, a cannon shot came from the beach, which rang in the ears of the two like thunder. Aisha quickly turned her head to look. She, who has been a pirate all year round, was very familiar with the sound of the cannon fire.


Thick smoke billowed from the small town faintly visible in the distance, and the sea breeze was mixed with a faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

Nino put the medicinal herbs into the bamboo basket and looked in the direction of the small town.

"It's Haiwei, the pirates are attacking," 2

Aisha noticed the sea at a glance - a pirate ship was heading towards Seth Island, and Nino also saw the ship along her line of sight, immediately put down the bamboo basket, and ran towards the town .

"Nino... what are you doing? The pirates are coming, don't go back!'

Aisha yelled, but Nino said without looking back, "I want to protect the people in this town."

Nino didn't even stop in his footsteps, which made Aisha feel very helpless. It seemed that he had succeeded this time.

Fortunately, the flag of that pirate group has never been seen, it may be just a small pirate group, and it should be easy to handle.

So Aisha followed Nino and ran towards the town. When they returned to the town, the pirates were about to land. The people in the town panicked and didn't know what to do.

Aisha went straight back to the medical hall, took her weapon, and then prepared to go to the coast to meet the opponent.

"Aisha, you want to fight?

Nino couldn't help being shocked when he saw Aisha's actions. Aisha has nothing to do with this town, so she can ignore it.

"It can be regarded as repaying your life-saving grace.

Aisha said with a smile, and then left the hospital without hesitation and headed towards the coast. The residents of the surrounding towns were also surprised to see Aisha rushing out. They didn't expect Aisha to want to protect them.

Is this still a pirate? It doesn't feel like it at all.

Soon, Aisha came to the edge of the beach, and dozens of pirates also came to the beach in small boats.

"Assault on this town? I won't allow it.

Aisha muttered in a low voice, clenched Taili in her hand, retreated the scabbard and threw it to the side, and started fighting with the pirates.

It has to be said that even after a month of cultivation, Aisha's skills have not regressed, and she is still the strength of a [-] million bounty pirate. After killing Keton, her bounty is at least [-] million.

Aisha is like a wolf in a flock of sheep, she can take away a human life with a swing of a knife, and the smelly blood splashed out and stained her face

Like Shura, wantonly harvesting the lives of the pirates, no-no, the dozens of pirates who landed died under her hands.

As previously expected, this pirate group does not seem to be a master, and the pirate ships in the distance have already started to turn around when they saw this, but how could Aisha let them go?

So Aisha followed up in the small wooden boat brought by the pirates, and it didn't take long to catch up with the pirate ship, and then jumped onto the deck.

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