"How about I let you run 39 meters first?".Guangmu" Pit A

I don't understand what Kiyana said, Polly - - his face is confused, he only thinks that Kiyana is teasing himself, how could Kiyana let him go

So Polly didn't turn around and run away, but directly attacked Kiyana, even though his body was almost unable to hold on at this time, the continuous terrorist explosions had almost shattered most of his bones up.

At this moment, he was just supporting himself not to fall, because he knew that if he gave up, he would really die.

But in front of him is still the reality of deep despair. He has already seen Qiyana's recovery ability, and he can't kill her at all.

She only needs to switch to another body, and all the injuries she had suffered so hard have recovered. How can Polly not despair?

A burst of sword light and sword shadow, and the substantial sword intent transformed into shape, Qiyana clenched Leiqie with one hand and quickly slashed, and the number + meters in front of her were within her attack range.

- Dao after Dao's sword shadow appeared, slashing at Polly's body, the strengthened attack was simply not something Polly could bear, and he had already reached his limit at this time.

If it was in his heyday, he might still be able to bear it, but now he can only watch that--several sword shadows slashing his body, and several wounds appeared, and they are still increasing.

Soon, under Qiyana's continuous and rapid chops, Polly finally couldn't hold on anymore, his legs were so soft that he fell to the ground, breathless.

There were countless wounds on his body, and in the last wave of impact, he fell halfway before he even had time to get close to Kiyana's side, which is really embarrassing.

After the Assault Armor's nirvana was over, Qiyana panted slightly. After the battle, she was also a little tired, and her physical strength was still not good enough, but there was nothing Qiyana could do.

The level attribute is here, and it is useless to exercise by yourself, and the physical strength will not increase at all. i last name

Kiana slowly retracted Rachel into the scabbard, then looked at Cook and Aisha who were watching her from a distance, and then walked over.

"That's all there is to pirates, right?"

Qiyana asked, and Cook nodded. If there is no accident, there should be no pirates. Maybe there will be some pirates staying on the seaside to watch the ship, but there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, even the captain Polly all dead.

The remaining few little pirates couldn't afford to make any big waves.

"Qiana, didn't you leave? Why are you back?"

Cook only had time to ask at this time.

"I heard shelling, so I hurried back, and I managed to catch up in time, or I'm afraid I'll never see you again.


Aisha looked around at the garden that had returned to its original state and even became more lush, and looked at Qiyana with a complicated look.

"But it's great that you are all right, and now I can leave with peace of mind."

Kiyana said with a smile that she still has to look for the next Dragon Ball, she has been here for a long time, and she shouldn't waste any more time.

"All the pirates of the Polly Pirates will be handed over to you, and remember to leave it to me after the bounty is exchanged.

"No problem, I will help you keep it well. You can come to Hill Island to get it from me later."

Cook nodded again and again, now that Qiyana is also his savior, this little favor is naturally to be done.

"Goodbye then.

Kiyana waved her hand, and immediately planned to turn around and leave here. She didn't expect that something would happen to Seth Island. She obviously walked far away, but she turned back. Fortunately, she gained some experience and materials, and even saved Ku. two people.

"and many more...".

Just when Kiyana turned around to leave; Aisha also called out to Kiyana with a complicated look on her face.

(PS: The addition of No. [-].


Chapter 18 Apprenticeship

"Is something wrong? Granny Elsa.

Kiyana turned around and looked at Aisha suspiciously. She didn't know what else Aisha could do to stop her. Could it be that she changed her mind and wanted to teach herself domineering?

Kiyana secretly guessed, but she felt that it was still impossible. Aisha's attitude was so firm before, there must be other things.

...You're welcome, Cook is my friend after all, isn't it natural to save a friend?"

"No, I mean the garden, thank you.

Aisha reached out and touched the flowers around her, with a gentle look in her eyes, it was great that the garden could be restored.

"Well, I don't know what happened.

Restoring the garden was just accidental, and Qiyana didn't know how she did it, but it was probably because of Mu Muguo's ability, after all, it is impossible for a saintess to do this.

Qiyana doesn't know if she has mastered Mumuguo's ability now, she still has to experiment - if she can, then she has mastered a fighting method.

The ability of Mumuguo is terrible, which can be seen from the fact that Damus can beat Ace just after eating the fruit.

Although Ace lost unjustly, judging from the result, he did lose.

If he can really control Mumuguo's ability, then there will definitely be an improvement in strength, and Qiyana doesn't know how Mumuguo's ability transitioned to her.

But there is no doubt that she did use Mu Muguo's ability just now.

That power is still hidden in her body. Although Qiyana can feel its existence, she can't use it like before, and she doesn't know how she used it just now.

...you want to learn domineering, right?"

Aisha asked very calmly, Kiyana was a little excited when she heard the words, is there any drama?

"Yes, I want to master domineering, will you teach me?"

"...Forget it, even if it's for Nino's garden, I'll teach you domineering."

"Hey, thank you Master!"

Kiyana was very polite, so she changed her words immediately, and started calling Master Aisha, and Aisha couldn't help chuckling when she heard the words, she changed her words so quickly.

Cook was also secretly happy. Unexpectedly, Qiyana stayed in the end and became a teacher successfully.

Next, Cook went directly to the hiding place of the town residents and called them out. After the crisis was resolved, they were safe.

Soon, everyone came to the vicinity of the garden. They looked at the destroyed environment around them, and they couldn't help covering their mouths in surprise

This time, due to the quick discovery, the damage was much less than last time, but the death of the dozen or so villagers who followed Cook to resist the pirates also made them distraught.

Looking at the villagers kneeling next to the dead bodies of their loved ones and crying, Qiyana couldn't help sighing, if she had left a little later, maybe the tragedy would not have happened.

I was able to wipe out all the members of the Polly Pirates on the beach, but the world is unpredictable, how could Kiana guess that the Polly Pirates would attack today?

And after I left, I was thankful that I discovered it in time. If Qiyana had walked far away at that time, I'm afraid she would not have discovered the abnormality. =

At this time, Kiyana and Aisha were sitting at the door of the wooden house, looking at the bottom of the hillside. Kiyana put on a mask to cover the upper half of her face.

Kiyana couldn't reveal her secrets in front of them, so she put on a mask, and Aisha also knew that Kiyana was a bounty criminal, so she didn't say much.

The cleaning of the battlefield after the war was all handed over to Cook and the men in the village. Apart from Cook, there were basically not many middle-aged men left, except for the elderly, women and children.

There are only seven or eight middle-aged men left in the village, which is really embarrassing.

Cook and others gathered the corpses of the pirates together. This process was very disgusting. The methods used by Kiyana in the battle were too bloody and violent. , the gravitational singularity squeezes.

Afterwards, the moonlight armored QET appeared with the light wing to launch a bombing. There were pieces of meat and broken limbs everywhere. When the sea breeze blew, there was a strong smell of blood. Many villagers saw this scene , I can't help covering my mouth, and I have the desire to vomit.

"Cook, did you do all of this?"

A thinner man beside Cook asked, and after saying this, the eyes of several men around Cook changed a lot.

"No, it wasn't me. It was Nana who saved us. I can't beat the Polly Pirates."

Cook told the truth, in fact, even he can't stand this hellish scene, even though these people are their enemies, but at a glance, the broken corpses all over the ground still give them a creepy feeling.


When several villagers heard this, they couldn't help casting their eyes on Qiyana in front of the wooden house on the hillside. Was she the one who wiped out all the enemies?

They really couldn't believe that a woman could do such a thing, with a blank expression on her face, as if she was used to it. Didn't she feel anything after killing so many people?

In any case, after this incident, they were also afraid of Qiyana and had a sense of distance. Although they were very grateful to Qiyana for saving them, the broken corpses on the ground still made them feel a little nervous. Fear.

It's human nature, there's no way around it.

Qiyana naturally also noticed the gazes of those villagers. There was a trace of fear in their eyes looking at her, and she couldn't help sighing helplessly.

Seeing this, Elsa next to her also smiled slightly.

"When I came to Seth Island, they looked at me the same way, but they are still very nice.

Aisha recalled the scene back then. As a pirate, she was naturally feared by the villagers of Seth Island, but after getting along for a while, everyone got to know each other, and the slight barrier disappeared.

"Just get used to it, and they'll accept you soon.

...It's easy to say, in their eyes, my current image is a demon who kills without batting an eye?"

Kiyana said very helplessly, but there was no other way, she could only do this at the time, otherwise Aisha would be in danger, it was considered helpless

Although Qiyana has set constraints on herself and will not cause more killings, sometimes there is really no way.

The sea breeze blew gently, bringing up a piece of dandelion fluff and floating into the distance. The beauty of the scene is fascinating.

Looking at the beautiful scenery down the hillside, Aisha was slightly dazed and in a daze. Just now, she seemed to be in a piece of fluff, and saw Nino's figure, waving and smiling at her.

"Do you really think... still alive? Will I be able to see him again?

Aisha asked softly 5 =

..I don't know, but you can't give up hope, can you? Grandpa Nino must still be alive.

Kiyana hesitated for a moment, and finally comforted Aisha. In fact, everyone knew that Nino could not be alive. After all these years, if he hadn't died, he would have returned long ago.

"In the past, Nino often brought me here, and every time I watched him collect herbs, I felt very happy, which I never experienced when I was a pirate.

Aisha seemed to be caught in the memory, feeling a little emotional.

"He said he would come back, but this walk is 50 years. I have been guarding this garden, protecting it, and maintaining it as it is.

As she spoke, Aisha's tears rolled down her eyes again.

"I-I'm sticking to the agreement, I... really want to talk to him again, but I'm afraid I can't do it, I can't live much longer

Aisha said with some despair, her body can't hold on for a few years, and now she only has this one wish, but it can never be realized, life and death, everyone will experience this kind of helplessness and sadness Things, loved ones, lovers first - - leave my side first.


Kiyana didn't speak at the side, just being a quiet listener. Aisha just wanted to express her feelings over the years, but Nino Yagu was not by his side. CE does small work

At this time, Qiyana couldn't help thinking of her father in her previous life, and she didn't know how he was doing now? Would he also feel sad for his own death?

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