"How much do you know about domineering?"

"Well, domineering is divided into three categories, domineering with knowledge, domineering with weapons, and domineering with kingly color.

"It seems that you understand it very well. Yes, domineering can be roughly divided into these three categories. Among them, you may not be able to learn domineering and domineering, and it is not easy for me to teach you.

"I know, what I want to learn is armed domineering."

(PS: Jiageng on the [-]th, by the way, that photo in women's clothing really blinded my reincarnation eyes.)


Chapter 20 Sensation Domineering

"Well, if you are armed with domineering color, you can still learn it, I believe you have that ability.

Aisha knows Kiyana's strength. It's better to say that Kiyana didn't master the armed domineering, which surprised her. She was able to head-to-head with the pirate who offered a reward of [-] million, and won, but she didn't master the domineering? No one said it letter please

"Since you know about domineering, you must also be very clear about the ability of the armed color domineering, right?"

Aisha went to the bed that Kiyana had just made and sat down, then patted the seat next to her, motioning for Kiyana to sit down too.

Kiyana walked to Aisha and sat down, just like the scene when the elders were talking to the younger ones.

"As far as I know, the ability of armed domineering can strengthen the body, attack and defend, and can cover the domineering on the weapon, which greatly improves the strength of the weapon. The most important point is that it can capture the entity of the natural ability person, yes They deal a blow.

"That's right, you are very clear about the characteristics of domineering in the armed color, take a good look at it, I'm using domineering now, can you feel it?

Aisha covered her left hand with the armed domineering color, and then stretched out her hand in front of Kiyana, but in Kiyana's eyes, it was a very ordinary pair of hands.

There is nothing unusual, but it feels a little different from usual.

Qiyana couldn't help but secretly sighed, if it can express the domineering armed color in black like in the later period of the anime, it would be easy to distinguish.

In the early stage of the animation, the domineering setting is invisible. After all, in the top war event, the captains and white beards of the Whitebeard Pirates who offered a reward of over [-] million, plus the major lieutenant generals, generals and marshals of the Navy Department displayed domineering Sometimes there is no color.

In this kind of battle, both sides are the top powerhouses in the world. Do you want to say that they will not be domineering? It is obviously impossible, absolutely they will, but when they fight in the last battle, there is no trace of domineering. It's just a normal fight.

Therefore, the setting that domineering is invisible is absolute. In the later stage, it was just to take care of the audience who watched the anime, and added color. After all, if there is no distinction, it is still difficult for the audience to see whether domineering is used.

"How? Can you feel it?

.I can't feel it, but it's a little different from the usual feeling. "J" are

Kiyana shook her head and said, she was also a little frustrated, Aisha also smiled slightly when she saw this and said: "It's normal, if you sense it, then you won't be far from your armed domineering.

Kiyana stared closely at Aisha's left hand, trying to concentrate on seeing what was going on, her eyes were a bit bitter, and she didn't even blink.

"Don't worry, take your time, until you master the essentials of domineering, I will teach you directly.

Seeing that Qiyana is so serious, Aisha also advised her not to worry, after all, it is useless to be anxious about this kind of thing. Sometimes when she suddenly realizes it, she will find that it is such a simple thing.

Qiyana's conditions in all aspects have been met, it is not difficult to master domineering, just calm down and feel it.

While Kiyana was observing her arrogance, Aisha also started to explain.

"I don't know other people's understanding of domineering, but my understanding of domineering is this, it will be consumed and recovered just like our physical strength, and maintaining high-intensity domineering for a long time is like running with all your strength. Will soon run out of energy, fall into

Kiyana nodded silently, she could understand what Aisha said.

"During the battle, if E maintains a high-intensity domineering, it won't last long. This depends on the strength of the opponent. If the enemy is weak and can solve the battle in a short time, then it is not impossible to go all out."

Aisha began to tell her experience of using Haki over the years, and Kiana - while observing Haki - listened attentively.

"On the contrary, if the opponent's strength is very strong, it is not advisable to do so. Maybe sometimes the opponent will fall into a disadvantage because of your strength, but after you exhaust your domineering and recover, you will be in a state of helplessness. It is very dangerous to use domineering situations.

Listening to Aisha talking about her experience, Qiyana also combined the performance of some domineering masters in the original book.

Luffy's fourth gear can be said to fit the situation that Aisha said just now, super high-intensity domineering, in the fourth gear state, Luffy's attack power and defense power have been greatly improved.

But the short board is also obvious, that is the problem of stamina, he has exhausted his domineering in battle more than once, fell into a depressed state, and even made people run behind his back to escape from Doflamingo Chasing and killing, waiting for the recovery of domineering.

Dover's strength is very strong. There is no doubt that when Luffy used the fourth gear for the first time, he failed to defeat him, but waited until the domineering recovery and used it for the second time before completely defeating him.

If there is no help, it will undoubtedly be Dover's victory, but it is not easy for ordinary people to maintain super high-intensity domineering all the time. To be honest, Luffy can do it in a short period of time. It is powerful enough to exhaust the domineering.

But correspondingly, even Doflamingo is no match for the power of the fourth gear, rubbing against the ground.

After talking for a while, Aisha took her hand back again, and then took a slight breath. She had tried her best just now. In order for Kiyana to feel the existence of domineering more clearly, she did not hold back at all. force.

Now it is necessary to rest for a while. When Kiyana saw Aisha withdraw her hand, she also felt that her aura had become a little different.

Just now there was a faintly shocking aura, but now she is just a very ordinary old lady. It seems that she has lost her arrogance, and Qiyana can understand it, after all, it is very tiring to maintain arrogance for a long time.

"Sigh, when one is old, it is very difficult to maintain a little bit of domineering.

Aisha sighed and said, Kiyana remained silent, but carefully recalled the details of Aisha's domineering just now, and wanted to try to see if she could use it.

Qiyana closed her eyes, the feeling just now was very mysterious, she could feel something strange, but when she wanted to find it, she couldn't find it.

In the end, Qiyana still couldn't use the domineering, so she could only give up temporarily. After waiting for a while, Aisha had almost rested, and then stretched out her hand again, covering it with domineering, so that Kiyana could feel the domineering The presence.

In this way, Aisha took a break from time to time, and Kiyana felt it silently, and the morning passed quickly.

At noon, a little sweat flowed from Aisha's forehead, and Kiyana felt a little embarrassed when she saw this.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm so stupid.

"No, domineering can't be learned in a day. Now you can clearly sense whether I have used domineering or not, which is considered a great improvement.

Qiyana lowered her head in frustration, she thought it would be easy for her to learn domineering, after all, she is very strong now

But now it seems that this has nothing to do with whether you are strong or not, what you need to pay attention to is one by one comprehension, talent, maybe I don't have the talent to learn domineering.

"Let's rest first, after lunch, the afternoon will continue.

Aisha wiped her sweat, and then said, Kiyana also nodded, Aisha is old, not as young as her, and insisting on a domineering display all morning is already quite a burden for her.

"Then I'll go see how Cook is preparing, I'm a little hungry too.

Kiana stood up and walked out of the room, while Aisha nodded and still sat on the edge of the bed.

When she came outside, Qiyana saw the shadow dance avatar at the rudder in front of the ship sailing at the helm. Not far from the ship they were on, the ship that Cook was carrying was also sailing.


Kiyana came to the side of the boat, stretched out her hands to her mouth, and yelled in the shape of a trumpet, and soon there was a response from there.

"What's wrong?"

"Is lunch ready?"

"Alright, you can come here now.

Cook said, and returned to the kitchen with a spoon. In the next few days, he basically took care of the meals, although Kiana's Shadow Dancer avatar can also cook (but it's still his culinary skills. better one

Afterwards, Kiyana brought Aisha to Cook's boat and began to eat. At the dining table, Aisha began to explain to Kiyana about the skills of using domineering.

Although Qiyana has not yet mastered domineering, but she has also recorded the experience of these seniors in her mind, and she will definitely use it in the future. In short, write it down first.

- After the meal, Kiyana benefited a lot. She didn't know many details about domineering before, but when Aisha talked about it, Kiyana suddenly became enlightened.Bang

In a tavern, a strong man flew out with him, smashed the tables and chairs next to him, and vomited blood, obviously he was seriously injured.

There were quite a few people in the tavern, and they all stared at the bar in astonishment - a blue-haired girl dressed conservatively, beside the blue-haired girl, a girl with long flaxen hair was + He sighed helplessly.

"Sister Mia, wouldn't it be safer to put medicine in the wine he drank? Why did you take it directly?

"How can I improve my strength like that? Did Kiyana use drugs to defeat the pirates? I must become a bounty hunter stronger than her.

...Big sister Nana is now offered a bounty by that guy from Casa, so she can't be a bounty hunter anymore, why do you compare her sister Mia?

Lila was very helpless, she didn't expect Mia to really want to do what Kiyana said when she left that day, to become a bounty hunter even stronger than Kiyana, and even pulled her up.

It has been more than ten days since the two of them left Kakuma Island, and this is their first time hunting pirates.

(PS: Make up for yesterday's update on the [-]th, sleep first, and make up for it after getting up.)


Chapter 21 Arrival at Cher Island

Mia didn't speak, and she also knew that Kiyana was wanted because of Casa. They didn't understand Kiyana's behavior before, why she said such excessive words, and even asked them for a reward.

Knowing that their village was in trouble due to Lauren's rule, they still said that. It was only later that they realized Kiana's good intentions.

Kasa was there that night, if Kiyana didn't do that maybe Kasa would use them to get Kiyana also said

Doing so is good for them as well as for Qiyana herself.

And after Kasa left Kakuma Island that day, a strange blue phantom resembling Qia also came out, and returned them the rewards that the villagers raised money for Kiana.

Mia already knew at that time that Kiyana didn't treat them like that for money, but because of Casa's threat.

Otherwise, Kiyana wouldn't have said that. She was still very friendly to Laila, and she wouldn't say any hurtful things like unfamiliarity.

"I don't know how Miss Nana is doing now, it must be dangerous to be wanted, right?

Lila sighed and said that what Kiyana said when she left that day made her cry for a long time, but later she knew that Kiyana had to say that at that time, and her mood immediately improved.

It's just that she immediately heard the news that Qiyana was offered a reward by the world government, and now she is very worried about Qiyana's safety.

"Who cares about her? Just get caught by Kasa.

Mia snorted softly, and then even walked to the pirate who was knocked unconscious by her just now, and dragged him out of the tavern, Lila couldn't help chuckling.

"That's it, you really care about her too, right? I don't know who tore up all the bounty orders for Kiyana in the town yesterday.

Lila muttered in a low voice, and then left the tavern with Mia.

SF Light Novel

Qiyana lay quietly on the bed and practiced for one day, she was a little tired at this time.

Qiyana sighed softly, at the end of the day, she didn't feel her progress at all, and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Although domineering can't be practiced in just one day, Qiyana doesn't plan to spend so long, She just wants to master the essentials of domineering, as long as she can use armed domineering.

He didn't intend to cultivate his domineering energy to such a high level, as long as he could hit natural ability users in actual combat.

If she had to devote two years of practice like Lu Fei to master all the armed domineering, and even develop the fourth gear, Kiyana couldn't do it, she didn't want to spend so much time on it, after all She also wants to find the Dragon Balls.

As long as you find the Dragon Ball, after transforming back, Kasa will naturally not be able to find herself. At that time, Kiyana plans to return to Luffy's team. Maybe Feidu has become the One Piece.

Forget it, forget about domineering.

Kiyana took out her mobile phone, and then opened the game interface. After receiving the gold coins and daily login rewards, Kiyana checked the gains after killing all the Polly Pirates.

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