The severe pain made Sami couldn't help letting go and retreating into the sea, while Qiyana also took the opportunity to use the moon step to stay away from the sea.

But at the same time, Kiyana also understood that Sami didn't dodge all the attacks just now, he was seriously injured. After all, if it was really a clone, the powerful attack just now would have been beaten by the shadow clone. scattered, it is impossible to survive to the end.

Sammy must have used the shadow avatar after receiving the attack just now. He is already at the end of his strength and can no longer be arrogant. He just wants to bet that he will be dragged into the sea, and now Sammy has missed the best chance to fight back .

Under the sea, Sami, who was seriously injured, only felt that his consciousness was going to be blurred, and a feeling of dizziness spread to his mind, but he knew that if he fell into a coma like this, he would never survive.

This woman is much stronger than those who came out to stop him in the past. He was too careless. He did not expect this woman's soul to be so strong, able to withstand so much power from Besta, even if he didn't feel divine power, just ordinary His anger had suppressed him to such an extent.

No, you must escape.

Sami forced himself to calm down, and then forced his injured body to dive towards the bottom of the sea. The other party is a person with abilities and cannot go into the sea. As long as he stays in the sea, he is safe.

Fortunately, he learned the turtle's breathing technique in the previous world, and he can stay underwater for a long time, as long as he dives to the depth where Qiyana can't see himself, and then leaves here.

After making up her mind, Sami also dived towards the deep sea. On the surface of the sea, Qiyana stepped on the moon and held a mobile phone in her hand. She didn't see any movement from Sami for a long time, and she also knew what Sami might be thinking.

So she took out her mobile phone to check the small map, and followed closely above the little red dot representing Sami. She didn't believe that Sami could stay in the sea for more than ten or twenty minutes without breathing. ) mouth T SE10 II rule

But Kiyana was also secretly anxious, Besta only gave herself an hour, what if Sammy didn't come up for a long time? Hours passed, how could she suppress Sammy?

After thinking about it, Qiyana felt that her worries were completely unnecessary. When the time came, if Sami hadn't solved it, the elder sister would definitely extend the time for the trial card.

I just need to concentrate on waiting for Sammy to surface for a chance to take a breath and attack him.

But it's really annoying that devil fruit users can't go into the water. If they can go into the water, Kiyana will be able to deal with Sami immediately.

In this way, half an hour passed, the sky became darker and darker, and Qiyana also felt that the surrounding air seemed to have changed a little, a feeling that the rain was about to come, as if something terrible was coming.

And Sammy has been staying in the depths of the sea, as Kiyana guessed, he plans to move his location, but he must not know that he has a small map in his hand to locate his high-tech, right?

"I'll see how long you can stay in the sea.

Kiyana muttered softly. At this time, she had switched to the Forget-Forget Armor. As long as Sammy surfaced, Kiyana would immediately use her nirvana to freeze the surrounding sea area, preventing him from escaping. .

"It should be fine here, right?

Sami, who finally came up from the sea, took a quick breath, but he didn't see Kiyana's figure. Just when he was relieved, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and he was far away. A burst of frost spread out.

In an instant, the sea area around Sami was frozen, and the tumbling waves condensed into ice. A chill wrapped Sami's heart, and Sami turned into an ice sculpture, maintaining his original movements.

"I won't let you escape into the sea this time!"

Not far behind Sami, Qiyana clenched the imitation spirit knife. Bing Tantian said slowly.

Nirvana, Dance of Cold Harvest

(PS: NO.18 guarantee.)


Chapter 7 task completed


Sami struggled desperately, trying to pull his body out of the frozen ice first, but countless ice sword qi passed through his body and took away a lot of heat, his body gradually froze and turned into an ice sculpture.

But this is only a thick layer of ice on the surface, and the inside is not frozen. Qiyana slowly put the imitation spirit knife Bingtantian out into the scabbard.

- Dao sword energy cut off everything around -, the frozen sea shattered into countless huge ice cubes, scattered towards the surroundings, and Sammy's body was also torn apart, and the entire upper body flew out and hit A thick wall of ice on one side.

And this blow also shattered the ice on Sami's body, exposing the dying Sami inside.

Blood came out of Sami's mouth, and his whole body turned into a blood man, looking horrible and unbearable to look at.

Kiyana strolled over, her long fox ears trembling slightly, the cold air around her made her exhale white.

"I won't give you a chance to escape this time, so make up your mind."

Kiyana took the soul props and white balls given by Besta out of the material space, and she didn't kill them directly, because then Sami would die directly, and then reincarnated into the next world again.

It is necessary to keep him alive, barely hanging, and then lock his soul into this soul tool in his hand.

Sami squinted his eyes slightly, his eyelids were heavy, and he was speechless at this time. He did not expect that the people sent by Besta would have such strength this time, and the strength of their souls could withstand such a powerful force. Adding a lot of power in a short period of time is a heavy burden on the soul.

In the past, those who were sent by Besta to stop him often collapsed because they couldn't bear the huge power before they even made a move.

And Qiyana not only withstood this powerful force, but also seemed to be able to handle it with ease. She is really a monster. If her soul can withstand the divine power, it will be even more terrible. Seeing from 2, it is not wrong to lose this time Ah, her power at this time has far exceeded the power system of this world.

Looking at Sami who was already so angry, Qiyana was worried that he would die just like that, so she quickly thought about how to use the soul item in her hand. When Sami died, the soul would leave the body and it would be difficult to do to use this thing?"

Qiyana looked at the white ball in her hand, it was not too big or too small, and there didn't seem to be any buttons on it.

Forget it, try it first, master ball, catch!

Kiyana imitated the movement of catching Pokémon in Pokémon and threw the ball. The white ball flew out at high speed and hit Sami's head directly.


Sammy's head immediately fell back, a large lump swelled on his forehead, and then the white ball fell back to the ice.

Kiyana waited - yes, but still didn't see any movement. Isn't it used like this? The posture is wrong? Kiyana picked up the white ball again, then changed the posture and threw it out again.


The white ball hit Sammy's side face again, and one of the teeth on the left side was shattered and fell out.


Sami spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the white ball fell on the ice again, but there was still no movement. Kiyana picked up the ball again, put it in her hand and looked at it carefully.

Well, this pose should work, right? (

Kiyana changed her posture again, and was about to throw it. At this moment, Sami shouted: "I can't be humiliated, I beg you to kill me with one shot!"

"Huh? You think beautifully. If you kill you, you will be reincarnated directly. My mission is to lock up your soul.

Without even thinking about it, Qiyana refused, saying that Qiyana didn't want to talk to him anymore, and threw a white ball. This time, the ball hit Sami's face head-on, and the bridge of his nose instantly collapsed.

Sami's front teeth finally fell out, and he lay on the ground doubting his life.

...this pose doesn't work either.SE2 Xiaozhi

Qiyana frowned, and picked up the white ball. She was also a little lost. The elder sister gave her the props, but forgot to explain how to use them. Really, this fool, Qiyana couldn't help complaining.

"Forget it, change your position and do it again!"

Kiyana held the ball tightly and was about to throw it. Seeing this, Sami shouted with the last half of his life: "You are enough, didn't Master Besta tell you how to use it?"

Sami couldn't help being speechless, and then, as if resigned to his fate, he sighed and said: "The way to use that prop is to say a spell, not to throw a ball.


Kiyana couldn't help feeling embarrassed when she heard the words, so this thing is not used like this? Then Kiyana asked again: "Then you know the curse?"

"You think I'll tell


The white ball hit Sammy's face again, almost killing him.

"Spell.. come to the ball.

"Oh, thank you."

Kiyana picked up the ball, thanked her, and at the same time couldn't help complaining in her heart, is my sister also playing tricks? But Kiyana finally knows how to use this prop.

"Come on the ball.

Kiana took the ball and chanted the spell, and Sami also showed a relaxed face as if relieved, and saw a light blue soul phantom detached from Sami's body, and then gradually shrank, It turned into a wisp of smoke and was sucked into the ball by the white ball.

The white ball gradually changed color and turned into a blue ball.


"This way the mission will be done, right?" p SE Zhizhi

Qiyana took out her phone, clicked on the mission interface, and submitted the mission. The light blue ball in Qiyana's hand disappeared without a trace, as if it didn't exist.

At the same time, the main task of Dragon Ball has also been completed, and the progress is [-]/[-]. This is the second Dragon Ball collected by Qi Yana.

Although Kiyana collected a total of three dragon balls, one of the dragon balls was used by Kiyana to change the skill settings, that is, to change the two shields of the Yamabuki armor and the silver wolf armor to be visible only to herself.

So although Qiyana has collected three, in fact, there are only two dragon balls at present, and five more dragon balls need to be collected.

After completing the task, the task will reward you with a ten-time draw of crystals, a total of [-] crystals. Kiyana looked at the number of crystals in the upper right corner of the phone screen and nodded with satisfaction. Connected.

Is it better to continue to draw characters 2 or to draw weapons? This is a question, Qiyana thought for a while, and decided not to worry about it, first think about it - I will talk about it later, let's look at the goal of the next main task first.

The main mission has been updated again, and with Qiyana's current level, she can receive it immediately, so Qiyana continued to read, hoping that it won't be so difficult.

Dragon Ball main task three, collect the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluto.

The design drawings of the ancient weapon Pluto? Are you kidding me? Kiyana's eyes widened. In the world of pirates, there are three ancient weapons, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune.

The world government really wanted the blueprints of Hades, and even arranged for the intelligence and espionage organization CP9 to lurk in the water capital for five years, just to find the blueprints of Hades.

Is this main mission looking for trouble? It is definitely looking for trouble, right? The last thing Qiyana wants to do is to get involved with the world government.

"Fuck you, Besta."

Qiyana gritted her teeth, the dissatisfaction in her heart had nowhere to spread, she obviously didn't want to get involved with such a troublesome force like the World Government, she just wanted to find the Dragon Balls to turn back into a man, it's best to be safe and sound, but this task No matter how Qiyana looked at the target, she could only feel full of malice.

But this is the end of the matter, Qiyana can't say anything, don't let me find a chance in the future, or I will definitely take off your pants and spank your ass a hundred times, hateful ****.

Now Kiyana started to think about the mission, the design blueprint of Pluto. After reading the original book, Kiyana naturally knew whose hands it was in, the shipbuilder Franky of the Straw Hat Pirates.

In the Judiciary Island chapter, Frankie spits out flames and burns it down. Counting the time, the Straw Hats should have reached the capital of water, right? It seems that I must leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will wait until Franky will design the ancient weapon Pluto If the drawings are burned, then my mission will never be completed, and I will be a woman forever.

Kiyana felt horrible just thinking about it, so she didn't want to, absolutely don't become like that.

Kiyana decided to go to the Water City now. She doesn't know the current timeline. It is possible that Luffy and the others haven't arrived in the Water City. Kiyana hopes to get the design drawings before the plot is triggered.

Frankie may not give it to himself, but Kiyana doesn't care so much, and she will grab it. After the mission is completed, no matter how much Kiyana is asked to apologize.

At this time, Qiyana's appearance suddenly changed, her long pink hair turned into a silver braid, and she was forced to switch from the Don't Forget Armor to the Moonlight Armor. It seems that the one-hour trial card has expired .

The power receded like a tide, making Qiyana feel unspeakably uncomfortable, and her heart felt empty.

Afterwards, Kiyana took out her mobile phone and checked the small map. Kiyana didn't know exactly which direction the City of Water was, because the name of the island would not be displayed on the small map where Kiyana had never been. .

Qiyana can only go to the nearest island first, and then inquire about the direction of the capital of the water.

Kiyana looked at the small map and flew towards the nearest island with the moon steps. The boat was destroyed by Sami. Kiyana had no choice but to use the moon steps. Physical strength, but there is no other way right now.

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