Luffy clasped his nostril with the little finger of his right hand and continued: "I said, Robin, we are all here, and we will definitely rescue you.

While Luffy was speaking, a slash of sword energy rose from the ground behind him, blasting the roof from under the floor, and Nami and Chopper flew to the top floor screaming.

"So, if you still want to die like this, just die after we save you.

Robin's pupils dilated slightly, unable to speak, big... really came.

On the top floor of the referee office, Sauron also climbed up from the huge hole that was blown out by the slashing sword energy just now.

"Huh, if I knew it earlier, I would come up like this, so I would save myself from running around."

The complicated roads inside the referee building were fatal to Sauron, a road idiot, so he simply blasted an upward sword aura, smashing the ceiling above his head, and then came to the top floor.

But his blow almost implicated him. Chopper and Nami on the upper floor.


Nami immediately walked over and punched Sauron on the head.

Zoro immediately pressed the back of the head hit by Nami, and then asked suspiciously: "Why did you hit me!

"Chopper and I were almost implicated by you."

SF Light Novel

Sauron immediately stopped talking. How did he know that Nami and Chopper would be on his upper floor? Sauron, who knew he was wrong, stopped talking and could only keep silent.


At that moment, the floor shook slightly again, and another black figure kicked the ceiling and rushed to the top floor. It was Sanji.

"Robin sauce, I've kept you waiting, I'm here to teach you!"

Seeing the people from the Straw Hat Pirates arriving one by one, CP9's Kaku couldn't help saying: "Oh, people are arriving one after another.

With Usopp, the last sniper king who was thrown up by the giant, the Straw Hat Pirates finally arrived.

"Please, Robin, whether you want to die or live, you can say whatever you want, but let's talk about these words when you come back to us

"That's right, Robin.

"Come back, Robin!"

Looking at the companions who arrived one after another, Robin choked up and was speechless.

Seeing this, Qiyana, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help feeling slightly excited. One of the famous scenes in Pirates is coming, and being able to witness this scene on the spot really made her a little excited.

Afterwards, Sauron, Usopp and others made it easier for Luffy to stand together, looking up at Robin on the Tower of Justice.

"That's up to us."

Kasa, who was standing beside Spandam, watched the scene in front of him silently, constantly searching for Kiyana's figure, but she didn't see it.

"Hey, pirates, is Kiyana your companion? Where is she?

Kasa threw the cigarette under his feet, then stomped it out, looked at Luffy and asked everyone. h

"Qiana? By the way, didn't Kiyana come to support you? Why didn't you see her?

Nami turned to Luffy and asked.

"I don't know either. I saw Kiyana outside the building just now, but she ignored me when I greeted her. Now I don't know where she is."

Luffy pointed to the periphery of the Judicial Tower and said, everyone couldn't help being speechless, where did Kiyana appear, but no battle broke out, there is only one possibility, she sneaked in secretly.

And Lu~Fei said that he greeted Kiyana just now? No matter what they think, they all think that Kiyana might be cheated by Lu Fei, and the members of the Straw Hats who have been cheated by Luffy so many times can basically imagine Qiyana Yana's mood at the time.

"Luffy, don't say that Kiyana doesn't want to talk to you anymore, if it were me, I wouldn't want to talk to you either.

"Eh? Why do you say that?"

Luffy looked at Sauron in surprise, did he do something wrong?

"By the way, who are you kid? What do you want to do by asking about Kiyana-chan?"

Sanji looked at Kasa and asked with an unhappy face.

"Huh? Pay attention to your attitude. Do you know the identity of this lord? He is a distinguished world nobleman, Lord Tianlongren. He is just a pirate. If you touch him, the navy will The general at the headquarters will arrive in no time, and none of you will survive.

Seeing Sanji's disrespectful attitude towards Kasa, Spandam also stood up directly.

Lu Fei couldn't help but look serious when he heard the words. Although he didn't know what a Celestial Dragon was, he understood what the admiral said.

The face of a tall man couldn't help flashing in Luffy's mind.Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters, the Straw Hat Pirates met with Aokiji not long ago, and a battle broke out. The ending was a disastrous defeat for the Straw Hat Pirates. He let them go and left alone.

If you move the man in front of you, will a monster like the pheasant come?

(PS: The addition on the 27th is a big hit today, and the specific chapters are not clear.)


Chapter 26

"Admiral of the Admiralty? That is really a difficult enemy."

Sanji silently lit a cigarette and said, "At the beginning of time, Aokiji's terrifying strength left a deep impression on them. In just a moment, he and Luffy Zoro were at a disadvantage.

In the end, I don’t know why, let Aokiji let Luffy go, and all the members survived. If Aokiji was real at that time, then they were all wiped out at that time, and it is impossible to come here alive.

It's just why this man in front of me is looking for Kiana-chan? What's the purpose? Forget it, let's put this matter aside--the most important thing now is to save Robin-chan, Sanji secretly thought.

"Hey, Luffy, the Franky family is now trying to open the drawbridge mechanism at both ends of the referee, lower the drawbridge, and we will pass when the drawbridge is lowered.

"suspension bridge?"


"I understand.

Luffy nodded and said, he could vaguely hear the sound of people fighting on the towers on both sides of the referee, presumably it should be the people of the Franky family fighting the navy soldiers.

Seeing Luffy and the others talking to themselves and ignoring their own meaning, Spandam couldn't help being a little annoyed, and ignored me?

"Hey, did you hear what I said? You bunch of stinky pirates, surrender quickly if you are sensible, do you know what you are doing? Just for a mere woman, you want to fight with the world government and the whole world Is it an enemy?'

Spandam roared angrily, and at the same time raised his hand at the flag of the World Government on the top of the Tower of Justice. The flag was connected by five spheres connected by two interlaced lines.

"Look at that flag, pirates, that mark is the symbol of the joint organization formed by more than 170 countries in the four seas and great routes of the world. This is the world. You know how small you are against it Bar?"

After a pause, Spandam continued: "Now you know what kind of huge organization this woman has been hunting for more than 20 years now?

Luffy looked in the direction Spandam was pointing at, saw the flag, and said slowly, "I finally figured out who Robin's enemy is^.... Sniper King, shoot through that flag." banner.

Usopp, whose face was covered by the mask, responded very seriously at this time: "Understood."

I saw Usopp tightly holding the giant slingshot in his hand, then stretched it, aiming at the flag of the World Government on the top of the Tower of Justice.

What does shooting through this flag mean? It's not that they don't know, it's a provocative move, it means fighting against the world government and declaring war on the world government.

But Usopp didn't hesitate at this time, he might be afraid normally, but at this moment, after knowing that Robin was voluntarily arrested in order to save them, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were extremely angry of.

"The new weapon, a giant slingshot, is called a pocket, let's have a good taste of its power."

Usopp tightened the slingshot forcefully and loaded the ammunition he made himself.

"Must kill. Firebird Star!

Seeing the other party's actions, Spandam was a little dazed. What are they going to do? Could it be... no, no, how could a group of little pirates have such courage.

old man!

Finally, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the moment the ammunition flew out of the slingshot, it turned into a raging flame, turning into a flying bird, lifelike.

I saw the flying bird transformed from flames directly in front of everyone, penetrating the flag of the World Government on the top of the Tower of Justice.

Spandam's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. He actually did this. Robin next to him couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

"Get it done!

Kasa silently looked at the penetrating world government flag, and couldn't help but smile a little, very courageous, Kiyana's companion? Really kind.

"Are you mentally ill? This way - it's tantamount to making enemies of the whole world. You don't want to live anymore?"

"Just what I want!

Seeing this, Robin seemed to be touched in the depths of his heart, with tears in his eyes. Luffy and the others were willing to do this for themselves, and even declared war on the World Government. Apart from being moved, he couldn't find any other words in his heart To describe her mood at the moment.

"Robin, I want to hear from you, that you want to live.

To live? I thought I had no right to do so, and no one allowed me to live, if I could really make a wish

".-I want to live, take me to the sea too.


The corners of Lu Fei's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile, as long as this one sentence is enough.

"Oh oh oh, you guys.

On the side, Franky was also moved by the deep feelings between Luffy and his companions. He couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands, and was so moved.

At this moment, the suspension bridge was finally lowered, and the huge suspension bridge fell slowly. It seemed that the members of the Franky family had finally successfully defeated the enemies in the tower.

"Robin, we're sure to get you out.'

Seeing the suspension bridge slowly lowering, Spandam also panicked. On the contrary, Kasa, who had been ridiculed by him in his heart, was very calm, waiting for Kiyana to appear.

"It's coming."

"Hmph, to be so stupid as to declare war on the world government, I really don't know whether to say they are kind or idiots.

Gabra snorted coldly, with a bloodthirsty sneer on his face, and his body was faintly excited because of the desire to fight.

"So what if you put down the drawbridge, don't try to beat us.

- Punkaku said with a blank face.

Everyone in CP9 seemed very calm, but Spandam, the chief of CP9, was very flustered. I have to say that it is really unfortunate for CP9 to have such a chief.


At this time, a cannon sounded, and several shells fell on the edge of the suspension bridge, destroying the device of the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge, which had fallen halfway down, immediately held up at an angle of 45 degrees. If Luffy and the others wanted to pass through this The suspension bridge with the seat down - half is still very difficult.

Seeing this, Lu Fei and others on the top floor of the referee office couldn't help getting impatient.

"Standing in our way, damn it, who is it?"

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