"Kuzan is Aokiji, that's his name, Aokiji is just his code name, Luffy."

Robin on the side explained, now Luffy finally understands, that's it, no wonder everyone is so surprised, it turns out that Kiana defeated the Admiral of the Admiralty? And let Aokiji lie on the bed for a week?

Luffy Zoro Sanji and the others looked at the calm Kiyana in surprise. Is Kiyana stronger than the general? Kiyana didn't mention this to them before. If Karp hadn't said it, they wouldn't know it yet.

"Ah, it seems that this matter cannot be said, it will damage the image of the Navy."

Karp's expression changed. At this moment, he finally remembered that this matter cannot be said. The guy from the Warring States Period told him many times, but he was afraid that he would slip up.

"Well, pretend you didn't hear that.

Garp turned his head and said to the people around him.

How can you pretend that we didn’t hear it? This news is too explosive, okay? Everyone can’t help but want to vomit


Chapter 57

Of course, in addition to being very surprised by the surrounding navy, the Kiana people were also a little surprised. After the guy Kuzan fought against him last time, did he suffer such a serious injury? He was still recuperating in bed for a week? At that time But I can't see it at all.

Qiyana remembers that Kuzan seemed to be very energetic at that time, and he could continue to fight. Was Kuzan already holding on for a long time? Could he fall down at any time?

I was really deceived by him. If I knew it at that time, I would continue to fight. After defeating him, I stepped on him with one foot, took a selfie with a 45-degree angle with my mobile phone, and took a picture of him by the way.

Kiyana couldn't help laughing just thinking about that scene, but at that time Kuzan didn't dare to show even the slightest sign in front of Kiyana.

If Karp hadn't slipped the tongue this time, Kiyana would not have known about Kuzan's recovery, so she would not have wasted the True Flame Lucky Soul Trial Card, played its value, and demonstrated her strength to the navy.

Although that strength is false, showing it occasionally can be a great deterrent to the navy, especially that guy Kasa, presumably after this time, he will never dare to think about himself again, right?

If he could just stop there and stop thinking about himself, Kiyana would be thankful.

As a psychologically male person, Kiyana still finds it difficult to accept someone like Kasa. It is true that Kasa’s appearance can fascinate women in a certain way, but that does not include Kiana’s Inside.

"Sanji, this is for you."

Kiana took out a few bags of deep sea salt she had collected from the material space, and threw it to Sanji, who quickly reached out to catch it, and then asked suspiciously with the bag: "Qiana-chan, what is this? what?"

"The seawater brought by the Gods of Water tsunami is left on the roof to dry and the deep sea salt is more delicious than ordinary table salt, but remember to purify and remove impurities."

Kiyana reminded that coarse salt cannot be used directly, as there are impurities such as silt in it, although Sanji should know this without Kiyana reminding Sanji, but Kiyana is still worried about reminding, after all, she does not want to Eat food with impurities.

"Deep sea salt? So you went to collect this in the morning?"

Zoro looked at the bag in Sanji's hand and said, he wanted Kiana to teach him arrogance, she said there was something to do, Zoro thought it was something important, but it turned out to be just collecting this?

"Does the food taste better with this addition?"

When Lu Fei heard the words, he immediately became very interested. Although he usually devours his meals and doesn't care about the taste, he also hopes that the food he eats will be more delicious.

"I see, Kiyana-chan, you've been collecting this this morning, right? Thanks for your hard work, please call me if there is such a thing next time.

"Order or something

Kiyana was a little embarrassed, and she was not used to Sanji's tone of treating herself as a servant, but Sanji was definitely happy to be the servant of a beautiful woman, and Kiyana also understood this.

Afterwards, Qiyana bypassed everyone and planned to go back to the dormitory to rest. After a busy morning, she was also a little tired.

The navy soldiers looked at Qiyana's leaving back with awe. Although Qiyana is now just a silver-haired loli, she looks harmless to humans and animals, and can even arouse people's desire for protection.

But after the short fight between her and Lieutenant General Garp just now, these naval soldiers who saw the Thousand Changes for the first time will never dare to underestimate

They don't know if Lieutenant General Garp used all his strength just now, but it was the first time they saw Lieutenant General Garp being repelled by someone. From this point of view alone, Qianbian's strength is enough to deserve her bounty up.

Moreover, the news that Admiral Aokiji was injured also shocked them. At this time, many naval soldiers remembered that Admiral Aokiji had indeed disappeared for a while a while ago, and even the mission was performed by Admiral Akainu.

Now everything is connected in series, and they suddenly realized.

"Well, Luffy, this old man is here to bring the two of them to see you, you two should have a good chat.

Garp said to Luffy and Kirby.


Luffy nodded very calmly and replied, Garp immediately punched Luffy on the head, and shouted angrily: "What's the reaction? You have nothing else to say to your grandfather whom you haven't seen for a long time. words?"

"Ah, it hurts!"

Luffy squatted on the ground with his head in his arms. Garp sighed in his heart when he saw Luffy shouting pain, he was too weak, he didn't even know how to be domineering, and he didn't use much domineering to beat Luffy like this , what if it's real?

Garp-Thinking, he moved his eyes to Kiyana who had already entered the dormitory. Through the wall he broke just now, he could clearly see Kiyana sitting on a chair, holding a teapot and pouring it into a cup. pour tea,

Through the fight just now, Garp has a general understanding of Kiana's strength, very strong, at least he is not an opponent, Garp has been in the navy for so many years, and he has dealt with pirates a lot.

White Beard, Roger, Golden Lion, these big names who were famous in the sea at that time, Garp never had the idea that he would lose even in the face of them, but the fight with Kiana just now, Garp's life- - For the first time I thought I was going to lose, I couldn't win at all

It seems that he is still old after all, and his strength is not as good as before. Garp lowered his head and looked at his hands. There are many calluses on them.

Are you really old? Garp couldn't help but sighed.

"By the way, you guys—go and fix that wall for me.

Suddenly, Garp seemed to remember something, and turned his head and said to the navy soldiers behind him.

"Eh? Let's fix it? Then don't break the wall in the first place.

"But it's more handsome to appear that way.

Garp stretched out his little finger and pinched his nostrils and said, everyone was speechless when they heard the words, handsome appearance? Just because of this boring reason?

"We get it, but you have to - help too.

"Huh? It's so troublesome.

"Don't you think whose fault it is?

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The navy said in unison, Garp had no choice but to follow them to repair the wall he broke. After all, he broke it capriciously. It will seem that there is no shelf.

He gets along very casually with his subordinates, but at critical times, he will still show his courage as a vice admiral.

Soon, the navy men began to repair the broken walls, some of them withdrew the wood, and Garp started to mend the walls with a hammer and nails. Fortunately, this is a shipyard, and there is a lot of wood, and it can be used anywhere See wood.

Kiyana just crossed her legs like this, put her left hand on the table to support her chin, and looked at Kapuxiu's wall boredly.

"By the way, speaking of it, Lu Fei, you seem to have seen your father, right?"

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"Dad? What dad? Do I have a dad?"

Luffy said with a puzzled face, while Qiyana was a little speechless, everyone must have parents, how can there be people without the genes of parents?

"What, didn't he say to see you off in Rogue Town?"

Logue town? Luffy and others also remembered the scene at that time when they heard the words. It was really dangerous to say that time, and Luffy almost died.

Qiyana drank her tea silently. Knowing the plot, she had no expectations for the next thing. She just took out her mobile phone and opened the game interface. After a few hours, the skill points had already been recovered.

Qiyana immediately started to learn skills, but after using up the skill points again, Qiyana did not use the skill points of Bai Ye Armor. Now her level is higher, - one-time point is no skill, unless you spend crystals In exchange for skill points.

But that would be too wasteful. Of course, Qiyana would not do such a loss-making business. Kiyana would not exchange crystals for skill points that can only be recovered with time.

In fact, the White Night Armor is pretty good, as long as you have gold coins and skill points, you can learn it. If you switch to Awakening Armor, in addition to skill points and coins, you also need two skill materials, one is elementary, and the other is Advanced.

Awakening Armor is really difficult to learn skills. Gold coins and skill points are not enough, you must have skill materials, otherwise you can’t learn

After Qiyana learned the skill, she also heard the surprised voices of the people around her.

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"What? Luffy's father is actually the leader of the Revolutionary Army?"

"Who is this family?"

Garp's face changed slightly after hearing the surprised voices from the crowd. Worse, he slipped his mouth again. This matter is also a secret that cannot be revealed.

"Uh, um, it seems that this matter can't be said, can you pretend that you didn't hear it?"

Whether it is the navy, Luffy or the others, they are already speechless to Garp's big mouth. Once Garp knows important things, it seems that he can't keep it anymore.

Aokiji's injury, Luffy's father's true identity, two things were told by Garp, this shocking news wants them to pretend they didn't hear? How is it possible.

"Uh, let's not talk about that, Qianbian, the Warring States Period wants me to ask you, are you from the Revolutionary Army? You stole the design blueprint of the ancient weapon Pluto for the Revolutionary Army, right?"

Garp's words instantly shifted everyone's attention to Kiyana. Kiyana was drinking tea when -0 tea suddenly sprayed out. What? Suspected that the old lady belonged to the Revolutionary Army?

Is there any mistake? My mother, bah, how can I act like a revolutionary army?

Kiyana stared at Garp with wide eyes, and just about to speak, Garp started talking to himself.

"Looking at your reaction, it should be, I didn't expect that brat still cares about his son very much, and even sent a master like you to protect Luffy.

"Qiana, so you were sent by my father to protect me?

Luffy said in shock.


Chapter 58

How should I explain this? There is a big misunderstanding, Qiyana secretly thought that she went to grab the design blueprint of Hades by herself, purely for the main task, but no one else knew about it.

In their eyes, there must be other uses for snatching Pluto's design drawings by themselves, and they will definitely use Pluto's design drawings to do things, otherwise why would they want to rob?

From the perspective of the navy, he belongs to the revolutionary army. Only in this way can it be explained. Otherwise, who would normal people want to rob things from the world government?

So it's normal for the navy to misunderstand, and Kiyana understands this too.

After all, the only force in this world that wants to oppose the World Government is the Revolutionary Army. Generally speaking, pirates will not take the initiative to attack the World Government. Only the Revolutionary Army wants to directly overthrow the World Government.

Therefore, it is normal for the revolutionary army to snatch the ancient weapon Pluto for their own use. After all, it is a powerful ancient weapon that can dominate the battlefield.

However, the forces that want to overthrow the world government are not necessarily just the revolutionary army, there may be other forces, but they have no strength, and the world government does not take it seriously.

And Kiyana's strength is obviously not from those small forces, only a strong enough revolutionary army can have a strong person like Kiyana.

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