"Today is really a good day, why don't we hold a banquet to celebrate for Luffy and the others.

Shanks put away the arrest warrant, turned his head and said to everyone, and the rest of the crew also raised their hands and shouted.

"Oh, it's a party!"

Soon, the ship was immersed in a happy atmosphere.two

At the same time, all over the world, the arrest warrants about the Straw Hat Pirates are spreading at an incredible speed.

On Cake Island, in the room of the Four Emperors, a tall and overweight old woman was holding a huge piece of cake and stuffing it into her mouth, chewing, and her eyes were fixed on the wanted warrant in her hand.

"Is this Thousand Changes originally a member of the Straw Hat Pirates? I've never heard of it.

The aunt whispered, but she quickly lost interest in the wanted warrant, and casually threw the wanted warrant on the table beside the bed.

There is another threatening character, Qianchang Qiyana, the aunt is very interested in this strong man who suddenly appeared, if there is a chance, she would really like to fight against him.

"Come to the new world if you have something to do, a group of juniors.

The aunt swallowed the cake in her mouth, then smiled slightly, lay down on the bed and began to sleep.

On the other side, in a castle shrouded in darkness and mist, Hawkeye Mihawk is holding a glass of red wine and sipping it. On the table in front of him is the arrest warrant for all members of the Straw Hat Pirates. , among which Qiyana's arrest warrant was placed in the most prominent position.


Mihawk smiled slightly, drank the red wine in the glass, and then he put the glass on the table and started his daily exercise. It seems that someone will come to the position of the world's number one swordsman soon Maybe it's a challenge.

On an island called Banaro Island on the Great Route, Ace looked at the wanted warrant in his hand and was very happy. Luffy, you have grown a lot now.

Soon, he found Qiyana's reward, and his expression couldn't help - - stunned.

"Qiana... + [-] million Baileys, this is really incredible, it's really an exaggerated bounty, haha.

Ace was also very happy to see the bounty offered by his acquaintance, but now is not the time to care about it, he will talk about it after he has dealt with the matter in front of him.

At this time, he was on the roof of a building. The surrounding streets were destroyed, and the people in the town had already fled. On the streets, a group of pirates were walking recklessly on the streets.

The leader among them was Blackbeard Titch, followed by his crew.

"Hey, wait a minute, Tiki, I've been looking for you for a long time.


Chapter 68 Chance?

Hearing the familiar voice, Tiqi couldn't help being stunned, then turned his head to look at the side of the street, and went to the page of the building.

After seeing the acquaintance, Tiqi's face was a little stiff, but then he burst out laughing.

"Oh, Ace, Captain, it's been a long time."

"Shut up, I'm not your captain until now, you bastard who betrayed your father and violated the prohibition on the ship.

...Don't put it so harshly, in my heart you have always been my captain. "

Blackbeard still had a smile on his face, and he wasn’t angry even when Ace said that. At this time, the crew behind Tikki also realized that they knew that Tikki used to be a crew member on the ship of the Four Emperors Whitebeard. , and he is in the first = team, and the captain of the second team is Fire Fist Ace.

"So you are that Fire Fist Ace?

A pale and feminine-looking crew member asked.

"Ah, yes, please take care of me.'

Ace responds, then looks back at Teach.

"Hey, Teach, you are also an excellent captain now, Blackbeard Pirates, Captain Marshall D. Teach."

"Jhahaha, what, Ace, what's the matter? How do you know I'm here?"

"Tichi, let's stop talking nonsense, you who have lived so many years longer than others, it is impossible not to understand what is going on now, right?

SF Mu Novel

...Ah, I see, then let me say- in a word, Ace, do you want to be my companion? Come and conquer the world with me, I have already planned the road to hegemony, Whitebeard The era of the era is over, and I will be the One Piece King. First of all, I will kill the straw hat boy Luffy in the water city ahead, as a gift to the government. "

After all, Tiki seems to feel that something is wrong. He has also read the arrest warrants about the Straw Hat Pirates. Among them, Chiana, who is a thousand changes, seems to be very powerful, but Blackbeard is confident that she is not his opponent. After all, he has mastered it. Among the devil fruits, the dark fruit is called the strongest devil fruit.

With the dark fruit, Tiqi is very confident in his own strength. After all, when he didn’t get the dark fruit, he left a scar on the face of the Four Emperor Shanks with his real strength, and now he has the dark fruit , The strength is even more powerful, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

"Although there is a woman named Kiyana in their pirate group who is very difficult to deal with, but as long as I am here, she will definitely not be able to win. They captured Judiciary Island. As long as they dedicate their heads to the government, they will succeed." My plan is absolutely fine.

"Luffy? What did you say?"

"Oh, do you know him?"

Tiki was a little confused, did Ace and Luffy know each other?


Guangxu novels

"After listening to your words, I feel that I can't let you go more and more; he is my younger brother."

° Ugh!"

Blackbeard looked a little embarrassed. Is the straw hat kid Luffy Ace's younger brother? He had never heard of it before.

"And of course, it's impossible for me to be.

Before Ace could say anything, one of Tiqi's subordinates immediately raised their guns and aimed at Ace. The bullet flew out from the muzzle and pierced Ace's head in an instant. in the whole town.

The two girls hiding in the dark of the street were startled by the gunshots and almost didn't cry out. If Qiyana was here at this time, she would definitely be able to recognize their identities.

They are Mia and Laila, who set off from Kakuma Island and plan to become bounty hunters. When they came to this island, they were planning to take a rest. Unexpectedly, they met the Blackbeard Pirates. Partner.

Mia originally planned to get rid of this pirate who was destroying the town and looting property in exchange for a bounty, but she was stopped by Laila, and Laila also took out a wanted report about the Blackbeard Pirates. Show it to Mia-down.

For the super high bounty, Mia was also shocked when she saw it. She immediately dismissed the idea, even though she has successfully solved a pirate with a bounty of 70 million Bailey, but for the Blackbeard Pirates, Mia knew that her strength was still too weak, and it was absolutely impossible to be the opponent's opponent.

[o SF2 novel

For the safety of the two of them, even if Mia saw those pirates killing the remaining residents of the town, she did not act, and could only silently say sorry to them in her heart.

"Don't scream, we'll be fucked if we're found, Laila.

Mia hastily covered Laila's mouth with her hands. Although her strength has grown rapidly since she left Kakuma Island, she can barely deal with seven million Bailey's pirates, but Laila still follows Nothing has changed when leaving the island.

She was just following her, and Lyra had no intention of being a bounty hunter.

Although Lila was trembling with fear, she still nodded and suppressed the fear in her heart.

At this time, even though his body was pierced by bullets, and Ace's body appeared hollow, he was still unscathed, and bullets without domineering energy were ineffective against his body.

After all, he is a natural fruit ability user. It seems that the shooter is not very clear about his ability.

Then Ace continued to say what he hadn't said just now.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to be your companion.

Tiqi looked back at the crew member who shot just now with an ugly face, who the hell told you to shoot?

"Hey, it looks like there's an impolite guy here.

Ace smiled slightly, then raised his hands in the shape of pistols, and aimed at the guy who just shot at him.


Countless flaming bullets erupted from Ace's fingers and shot towards the enemy, and Blackbeard's subordinates naturally had no weaklings. Seeing that the situation was not good, they also ran to the side to avoid those flaming bullets.

The red flaming bullet emptied out, and then fell to the ground. The ground exploded immediately, and the soil and slag became pitch black, exuding white heat.

"Sister Mia, let's run away now.

Seeing this, Laila felt that this was a good opportunity to escape. The two parties were fighting, and now it would be too late if they did not escape.

"Wait, that guy named Ace seems to be very strong, he can't leave now, anyway, they haven't found us yet, they may lose both, this might be a chance to catch them all.

However, after seeing Ace's ability, Mia had a different idea and was unwilling to leave here.

(PS: There is something that was not updated yesterday. I said it in the comment area, but it seems that many people have not seen it. I will make up for it tomorrow.)


Chapter 69

Mia is not going to leave here. Seeing the two sides fighting, Mia thinks this is a very good opportunity. Anyway, they are hiding in the dark, and no one will find the existence of the two of them. As long as they don't take the initiative to show up, it is very important safe.

There is no problem for them to stay and wait for the opportunity. If the two sides fight and lose both sides, then Mia must take advantage of it. Anyway, she has not been found out. If she can't get a bargain by then, she can still slip away. Nothing to lose.

And the pirates are black and black, how can Mia, as a bounty hunter, let go of such a good opportunity?

And it seems that both sides seem to have backgrounds. If she can cut off their heads and send them to the naval station, she can be regarded as a very good bounty hunter.

When she swore on Kakuma Island to surpass Kiana and become a bounty hunter stronger than her, Mia has never forgotten it until now. Even though Kiana has become a pirate now, she has not changed her mind.

"Sister Mia, let's hurry up and leave now, their strength is too terrifying, we will only be affected if we stay here.

Lila watched the battle between Ace and the Blackbeard Pirates, casually - a move can destroy the surrounding houses, the ground shakes violently, even though Mia's current strength is not as weak as when she just left the island, but with this It is still very dangerous to fight against the enemy. She has a bad feeling that if she stays here, she will be affected by the aftermath of the battle of those pirates.

....You go first, leave me alone. "

Mia looked back at Laila who seemed to be very scared. Laila's strength was very weak, and Mia also felt that it was dangerous for her to stay here, but she would never leave, so she planned to let Laila- -I leave here first and wait for myself on their boat by the sea, while she stays and sits on the mountain to watch the tigers fight.


Seeing that Mia had no intention of leaving here, Lila was also very helpless. She was worried that Mia would stay here alone. Although she wanted to leave here very much, she had no choice but to choose to stay. down.

"What's the matter? Aren't you leaving?"

Mia looked at Lila who hadn't left with some doubts, and Lila slowly shook her head and said, "If you don't leave, I won't either."

..Then hide it well, and you must not scream out loud.

Mia told her with a little worry that she was afraid that Lila would cry out because of fear, and fear is sometimes uncontrollable.

"Well, I see." SF Mu Xiaowan

Lila nodded, and assured Mia that she would not scream out of fear, as long as they were not discovered by those pirates, their situation was still very safe.

While the two were talking in the dark alley, the battle outside became more and more intense. A tall man with long purple hair wearing a wrestler's mask directly threw a two-story building on the side of the street with both hands. Tall buildings are dug out of the ground and raised above their heads.

His astonishing strength made Ace look at him differently. He is very powerful. It seems that the companions Tiqi found are not weak.

"Hmph, so what if you dare to trouble us by yourself, even if you are the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates? Don't underestimate us."

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