No, now I have to make money, a lot of money. Qiyana, who originally planned to leave Bharati after finishing the main mission, suddenly changed her mind. She wants to stay here. One day Creek will come to Bharati to beg. As the leader of the Creek Pirates, the former overlord of the East China Sea, it must be very valuable, right?Don't ask you to be higher than Siegel's bounty, just give me 20 million, right?I want to pay Viagra to buy a villa and a luxury car!

No, it seems that it is not for Viagra, but for Besta, but will that goddess be short of money?Kiana frowned and thought about it, but no matter what, the money is not given to Viagra, Kiana has an inexplicable excitement, haha, you can't cheat me anymore, the money is not in your pocket , Slightly Slightly (spit out tongue)!

Although this doesn't change the fact that Kiana still wants kryptonite, she is just happy.

"Kiana-chan, you seem to be very happy, that's great."

Seeing the scene where Kiana laughed inexplicably, remember that Kiana just said that that thing can be photographed, right? , how much Sanji wanted to grab the phone in Kiana's hand to record this beautiful moment.

Suddenly realizing that she was giggling, Kiana hurriedly cleaned up her expression and nodded embarrassedly.

"By the way, Luffy, is there any space on your boat? I'm going to stay for a few days."

"Yes, it is impossible for my ship to have no place for my companions!"


Do you consider yourself a companion now?Obviously only met twice, should we say that he is single-celled or simple?

Kiana was a little ashamed, she hadn't regarded Luffy as a companion, and she might not necessarily get on the ship in the future. She knew how much Luffy valued her companions, and she felt a little bad.

Luffy, as the protagonist, must have to go through a lot of adventures, and battles are inevitable, but Kiana just wants to find Qi Longzhu and then go incognito and find a small island to live on, if there is one more crew member of One Piece Identity, how will you live in the future?Shouldn't the Navy be annoying itself to death?

And Tina also sent an invitation to herself. If she became a pirate, how would she face the benefactor who brought her from the deserted island?

I feel that it is better not to get involved in the future. After Crick is resolved, take his head to Smog to collect the bounty, and then go to the next mission location.

Far from the main storyline of One Piece, it's good to be a bounty hunter wandering around the world.

Thinking of the troubles after becoming Luffy's companion, Kiana felt her scalp tingle.

"You know our ship, right? You saw it just now, um, forget it, I'll take you there."

Luffy stood up, greeted Akin and Sanji, and took Kiana to the place where the Merry was parked.

"Hey, errands, don't take the opportunity to run away, you're going to stay and be a waiter for a year!"

Sanji was afraid that Luffy would take the opportunity to sail away, so he couldn't help but say!

"Uh, I won't run away, but I will definitely get out of here."

Luffy said embarrassingly, it's not that he doesn't want to compensate for the damage caused by the cannonball, but that he really can't afford it, but he can't stay here for a year. In a year, it is estimated that neither Usopp nor Zoro will be able to pay. Will be with him in Bharati.

"Don't worry, Sanji, if he dares to escape, I will throw him into the sea to feed the fish."

Kiana smiled slightly.

"Then I can rest assured, Kiana-chan!"

Sanji's eyes instantly turned into heart shapes.

"What, I said I won't run away!"

Luffy was very helpless, and running away was really not his style, and then Luffy walked in front to lead the way for Kiana, and soon came to the side of the Golden Merry, which was moored beside Barati.

Luffy took the lead and climbed onto the Merry, while Kiana followed.

"Well, Luffy, are you back? Are they willing to let you go?"

Usopp, who was bored with the slingshot to draw water, saw Luffy coming up and asked, putting down the slingshot in his hand.

"Not yet, but we need another companion!"

"Companion? Did you find the chef?"

Zoro, who was lying on the side sleeping in the sun, opened his eyes, and Nami and Johnny Joseph also looked at Luffy curiously.

Their original purpose here was to find a cook at sea as a companion, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

"It's her."

Luffy waved his hand back, and at this moment Kiana finally climbed up, supporting the handrail with one hand and falling onto the wooden board.

"Hello everyone!"

Kiana waved in greeting.


Everyone, including Zoro, was stunned.

After being silent for a few seconds, Johnny and Joseph instantly became excited, ran to Luffy's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"As expected of Big Brother Luffy, it's amazing to bring back such a beautiful woman as a companion!"

"Hey, Luffy, is she the woman next to the navy? Is it really okay?"

Zoro couldn't help but ask his forehead, he felt a little headache.


Chapter 37 Sauron the Greedy

"No problem, she has already agreed to be our companion."

Faced with Zoro's question, Luffy patted his chest to ensure that there is no problem.

"Wait, what I said is that I won't..."

"Just wait for you to solve it, and we can also help."

Luffy seems to have already recognized his status as a companion, and Kiana feels a little bad. If she knew earlier, she should not have promised him so quickly.

"Uh, you can't help me with that, so I'll do it myself."

Kiana turned her head, in fact, Luffy and the others could help, but Kiana was too embarrassed to tell her about her sex change, now everyone thinks she is a girl, what if they find out that she was a man ?

No, you mustn't let them know, it's too embarrassing.

Kiana secretly made up her mind that this matter must not be told to anyone.

Usopp sneaked up to Luffy's side, pulled him to the bow of the boat, and whispered.

"Luffy, I know this woman is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Nami's tigress, but she is someone from the navy? What if she is an undercover agent sent by the navy?"

"Relax, she said she was a bounty hunter, not from the Navy, and I don't think she's the type to deceive people."

"Can this kind of thing depend on feeling? If we don't get it right, we will be caught by the navy, Baga!"

Usopp slapped Luffy on Luffy's head with one hand. It was too much of a child's play. How could he rely on his feelings?

"Huh? Is this woman also a bounty hunter?"

I don't know when Nami, who came behind the two, suddenly interjected, Usopp and Luffy were startled and looked back.

"Nami... When did you come here?"

Usopp asked with some guilty conscience.

"It's been here since you said that woman is prettier than a tigress like me."

Nami smiled slightly, and there didn't seem to be anything unusual from the expression on her face.


She heard it, she secretly said that her tigress's words were heard, yao!

Although Nami was smiling happily now, Usopp felt that her life was about to end, but Nami didn't seem to want to settle accounts with him, so she turned around and left here.


Usopp let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Nami was not so careful, and was unexpectedly magnanimous, but since Nami let him go, it seemed that she had to apologize for talking about her tigress in private. Otherwise, some of them are not men.

"It's so dangerous, I almost thought you were going to be beaten by Nami!"

Luffy was terrified of Usopp for a while.

"Ah, I didn't expect that she didn't care that I spoke ill of her behind her back."

How to apologize?Treat her to a good meal, right?Well, that's the decision, Usopp thought to himself, it's a pity that my wallet is going to be deflated again.

Usopp touched the money in his pocket distressedly... I wipe it, where is my wallet?

Usopp touched his pockets over and over again, but he couldn't find his wallet anywhere, but he quickly reacted.

"Nami, you little thief cat, return my wallet!"

Immediately Usopp ran to find Nami, and the reversal of this series of plots made Luffy a little confused.


how to say?As expected of the Straw Hat Pirates, there is a lot of joy in daily life, and Kiana couldn't help but sighed, and untied the knife from her waist and put it in the corner of the wall. She had been carrying three knives, and she was also a little tired.

"Why does one of your knives seem to have changed?"

Zoro noticed the three knives that Kiana had put down. One of them had never been seen before, and it looked very unique and gave him a very unusual feeling.

Kiana naturally knew that Zoro was referring to the Impulse Sword, and now that she had replaced it with Rachel, it was no wonder Zoro was a little puzzled.

"I put away that knife. I am a devil fruit power user. This knife was created by me just now."

Kiana explained a little.

"A capable one?"

Johnny and Joseph were shocked, but they didn't expect to encounter another capable person. Nami and Usopp, who were playing hide and seek, were also stunned.

"Yes, I am an ability person, is it strange?"

Kiana glanced contemptuously at the reaction of Usopp and others, with little knowledge.

"Are you capable of mass-producing this kind of knife?"

Sauron picked up Leiqie and asked curiously, this knife didn't feel very good in the hand, it was very comfortable, Sauron waved it casually, and felt that even the air cut a small crack.

"Yes, and it's not just knives, other types of weapons can also be used."

"Really? This ability is really good."

For the first time, Zoro had the desire to become a capable person. Kiana's knife is really useful. If he has this kind of ability, he will not worry about running out of knives in the future, and the quality is also very good. .

Seeing that Zoro seemed to be in love with Rachel, Kiana felt a little amused.

"Are you Zoro, a bounty hunter of the Three Swords Style? I have heard of your name, and I gave you these two swords."

At this time, Kiana picked up Xuezao and Guiche and threw them into Zoro's hands. Originally, she wanted to send Xuezao and Guiche after the two ordinary swords were broken after the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye. It was given to Sauron, but now the identity is different. It belongs to half of the crew, so it is not a stranger.

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