After all, Kiyana started to pick up the fragments of the A32 armor on the ground. These are Hailou Stones. How valuable are the Hailou Stones? Of course, Qiyana will not let go of these good things, but Qiyana does not It is not planned to sell all Hailou Stones.

She wants to keep a little bit, after all, Hailoushi can still restrain ability users, and maybe it will be useful in the future.

Kiyana casually picked up the pieces of Hailoushi armor on the ground, took them into her hands and observed them carefully, with the isolation of the gloves, the pieces of Hailoushi did not have much impact on Qiyana, but Qiyana seriously went to If you feel it, you can still feel a weak energy fluctuation.

Qiyana tried to touch her exposed skin with the sea tower stone fragments. As soon as she touched it, Qiyana felt a sense of powerlessness, her body seemed to become weaker, and Qiyana quickly took it away.

Sure enough, this is Hailou Stone. Although the ingredients are mixed with some other impurities, it still has a strong restraint ability for devil fruit ability users.

I really didn't expect that there are sea tower stones on other planets. I didn't find it at the first time during the battle just now. Fortunately, I found it in time, otherwise I'm afraid I will suffer a big loss.

But I really didn't expect that I actually defeated the enemy wearing Hailoushi's armor. This is not only because the enemy is too weak, but also the fact that the gloves can isolate Hailoushi's influence on him is also extremely critical.

Hai Loushi is indeed very restrained, but as long as Bo doesn't grab him directly, there is no room for resistance. For example, everyone knows that putting your finger on the flame of a lighter is a very dangerous move, right? It can be done because the fingers will be burned5.

Guangshu Xiaowan

But it's very easy to swipe your fingers over the flame quickly, and even the skin won't feel much, because the contact time is too short.

Hailoushi is indeed powerful, but it is like the flame of a lighter. It takes a certain amount of time to play its role. As long as Qiyana doesn't contact it for a long time, it's just a simple blow. Stop, Kiyana won't even feel anything.

Not to mention that Kiyana is not in direct contact, and there is a layer of gloves in between, so the impact is even lower.

As long as Qiyana is not caught, Hailoushi armor is not a terrible thing for Qiyana, but it is very annoying that it can attack herself in the invincible frame state.

The time when Baiye Armor activates the big move is the invincibility frame. Unless the armed color domineering and Hailou stone are used, Qiyana is invincible. This is almost the same as the natural fruit, even the natural fruit can't do it Up to this point, because the natural system also pays attention to the mutual restraint between elements, as well as the attack and victim relationship between the upper and lower fruits.

For example, Sakasky's magma fruit and Ace's burning fruit belong to the upper and lower fruits. Although the attributes are not restrained, Sakasky can easily penetrate Ace's body.

All in all, the Hailoushi armor has a great restraint effect on Kiyana, but it is far from the level that Kiyana has nothing to do. All in all, it is enough not to be caught.

"what are you doing?"

Bonnie watched Qiyana collect the Hailoushi armor fragments on the ground, and couldn't help asking in doubt. She didn't know that Qiyana collected these

Kiyana casually found an excuse to blurt it out, Bonnie didn't seem to realize that these were sea stones, Kiyana wouldn't be so stupid as to say it, otherwise the pirates around would probably come up and snatch it.

After all, the processing method of Hailou Stone is only available in the navy, and it is extremely difficult for pirates to get it. Of course, as long as they have money, they can still get it from certain channels, but most pirates can't even afford food and clothing. The problem is that there are only a few rich people.

Soon, Qiyana collected all the fragments of Hailoushi armor scattered on the ground, even the armors on the dead Sandy and Cecil, Qiyana did not let go, and collected all of them into the material space inside.

At this time, people finally discovered that Qiyana was a devil fruit capable user, and seemed to be able to store things into an invisible space, and they also realized that those armor fragments seemed to be good things.

They couldn't help secretly regretting that they were just standing there in a daze, and no one went forward to collect that thing with Qiyana. It really regretted it.

But they can only regret it on the sidelines. If time goes back and they go back to just now, they might not have the courage to go forward and grab something from Kiyana. I see, it’s really much better than them, it’s not in the same realm at all =

Snatching something from Qiyana's hand, isn't that courting death?

After collecting all the things, Qiyana also looked at Mi En, who was sitting on the ground resting very weakly, and walked towards her.

"Are you all right?

Kiyana asked, Mi En's face looked a little pale, Mi En slowly shook his head and said: "It's okay, thank you for saving me.

"Well, it's nothing, after all, the cause of the matter was caused by me, so I should say sorry to you.

Mi En stared blankly at the ground, with his hands on his knees.

Knowing the truth of the matter was a huge blow to her. The blood of the descendants of the royal family may have been cut off long ago. It was only a passerby who sent the signal for help, and everything was lost.

Seeing Mi En's depressed look, Qiyana didn't know how to comfort her. To be honest, she really wanted to turn around and leave now. The enemy's conversation just now also revealed a very important message, that is, their companions We'll be here soon.

It's best to leave here right now, no matter how strong the enemies coming later are, Qiyana doesn't want to face those enemies wearing Hailoushi armor.

But seeing that Mi En seemed to have given up, and her heart was ashamed, Qiyana couldn't let her go. After all, what she said, Mi En's current situation has a lot to do with her.

Kiyana sighed, glanced at the spaceship that was smoking in the distance, and then asked: "Mien, is your spaceship unusable? If it can be used, get out of here quickly and go back to your spaceship." Planet."

.....The energy system is damaged, and a lot of energy is lost. Even if it can be repaired, the remaining energy is not enough to go back and consume

Mien replied very calmly, with a relaxed tone as if she looked down on everything. She had given up and could not find a royal descendant, so what if she returned to the Yar Empire? There is still only death waiting for them. Her parents might be spared the aristocratic forces like Duke Ron, and her brothers and sisters would be implicated.

"Are you going to give up like this? Will you die?

"Otherwise? Tell me, what else can I do? If you can't find the descendants of the royal family, no matter what you do, it's meaningless. Hey, tell me, what should I do so that no one will die?"

When Mi En heard this, he stood up emotionally, grabbed Kiyana by the collar, and asked loudly, his eyes were slightly red, and tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. He thought he had grasped hope, but found that Hope root doesn't exist.

The death of her companion, the truth of the matter, - a series of blows caused this young woman to collapse emotionally.

Kiyana and Mi En looked at each other. From her eyes, Kiyana felt deep despair. After hesitating for a long time, Kiyana slowly opened her mouth to say:

"As long as someone inherits the throne, it will be fine, right?


Chapter 24 Alliance formed

Mi En's eyes widened slightly, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"As long as someone inherits the throne, that's fine, that Jean can't be the legitimate king, and you won't be persecuted, right?

Kiyana asked very seriously, and Mi En was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. It is true to say so, but the descendants of the royal family do not exist at all. Could it be that the woman in front of me is planning to pretend to be a descendant of the royal family? I found out, but it's a capital offense.

"Hey, Fu Hua, you don't intend to inherit the throne, do you? I advise you not to do this, it's very troublesome.

Bonnie, who was standing on the side, heard the words, and began to advise Qiyana, telling her not to do this, and to get involved in the political power struggle of an alien country. If she doesn't pay attention, she will die soon. Miserable.

However, Kiyana ignored Bonnie, just looked at Mi En seriously and said: "As long as someone inherits the throne, it's fine, right?


Mi En hesitated for a long time, but finally nodded, she didn't care, for the sake of her family, in order to adopt her own Duke Ron, she decided to take a risk - once, even if Kiyana is not a real descendant of the royal family, so what? As long as they don't speak out, no one will know the truth of the matter.

"Hey, isn't it? Fu Hua, have you really thought about it? If you are found out, the consequences will be dire.

Bonnie said in surprise that she really didn't want Kiyana to do such a risky thing, but she wanted Kiyana to be her companion. It can be seen from the fact that Kiyana helped Mien because of guilt, Kiyana is a very affectionate person, and Bonnie appreciates this very much, so she doesn't want to see Kiyana involve herself in such a dangerous incident.

Let them solve the affairs of other countries by themselves, and it will be no good to get involved in it. It is better to venture into the new world with her and become a fearsome big pirate.

"Why do you care so much about my affairs? Do I know you well?"

Kiyana looked at Bonnie in surprise, why is this guy standing beside her admonishing herself? Is it just the first time I've met her?

Bonnie was speechless, as Kiyana said, she and Kiyana met for the first time today, but I don't know why Bonnie has a good impression of Kiyana and appreciates this woman.Dingyou

"In short, thank you for your concern, I really can't let this guy go, she has fallen into the current situation, it can be said that I can't get rid of it.

"You are really stupid, why don't you just pretend you didn't see it? After all, she doesn't know you very well, does she?"

"How could I pretend that I didn't see it? Don't worry about me.

Bonnie sighed helplessly. She probably understood why she wanted to invite Kiyana to join the Bonnie Pirates. Maybe it was because of Kiyana's personality that she liked very much, but this kind of personality would kill her my own.

In this way, Kiyana decided to help Mien and inherit the throne. To be honest, Kiyana herself does not really want to inherit the throne, because she still has tasks to do, but if she does not inherit the throne, God knows that guy named Jean What will happen.

It would be great if someone could replace him to inherit the throne. Unfortunately, how can such a good thing happen? This kind of power struggle-seems to be troublesome to death, and maybe life-threatening. Who would want to go to the fire pit? Jump? Kiyana also wanted to help Mi En because of the guilt in her heart, otherwise, Kiyana wouldn't want to be a queen.

Just becoming a queen means that she is likely to leave the world of Pirates, which makes Qiyana a little helpless. She doesn't know the scope of the main mission of Dragon Ball. Does it include things on other planets? If Dragon Ball If the task items of the main mission are all things in the world of pirates.

Qiyana is very difficult to deal with. After all, as the queen of a country, she can't stay in Pirate World for a long time, right? This will have a great impact on her mission success.

So Kiyana is very troubled, she doesn't plan to leave Pirate World at the moment, because she hasn't changed back yet, and still needs to continue to become the main task of Dragon Ball, if someone is willing to inherit the throne for herself, it's just this kind of thing It is almost impossible to happen, and people will be willing to drown in muddy water.

Forget it, let's think about the main task later, and now Qiyana has to solve another troublesome matter first, that is the killer sent by Jin. I heard from Mi En that the number of the other party seems to be only ten. Individuals, there may be more, but before we have exact information, let's assume that the number of the other party is only ten.

Just now, two enemies have been eliminated since 2, so there are still eight enemies left, eight enemies wearing Hailoushi armor, Qiyana feels a headache just thinking about it, if - swarm, Qia Na is really not easy to handle.

It would be great if they could be defeated one by one, but would the enemy give me this chance? Thinking about it, I feel that it is not worthwhile. Once Qiyana is caught by the Hailoushi armor, even if she uses the trial card, she will be powerless. up.

After all, Hailoushi's restraint on capable people is too great. Even a powerful person like White Beard, once handcuffed by Hailoushi, can only be slaughtered by others and cannot display his original strength.

Therefore, if she could avoid the battle, Qiyana would still choose to avoid the battle, instead of having a head-on conflict with the enemy, she would return directly to the Yar Empire with Mi En.

It’s just that the spaceship is damaged now, it’s impossible to drive the spaceship away, and the enemy will arrive at the island soon, so there’s no time for Kiyana and the others to repair the spaceship, even if it’s done, it’s useless, because the spaceship’s Insufficient energy.

It can be said that avoiding those killers and returning to the Yar Empire is not feasible. After all, without this spaceship, Qiyana conservatively estimates that it will take at least several hundred years to reach other planets with the technology of Pirate World .

Kiyana stood there and thought about the current situation, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Mien, is the spaceship really unusable?

Kiyana asked again, and Mi En shook his head and said: "If you want to use it, you have to replenish energy, and you have to repair a lot of things. You may not be able to see it from the outside. In fact, the interior of the seriously damaged.

Mien turned her head and looked at the spaceship that was constantly smoking in the distance. To be honest, even if the spaceship suddenly exploded at any time, she would not be surprised.

Atmosphere - Time fell into silence, and Qiyana had a headache. It seems that the spaceship of the rescue force is really unusable. Now it will be difficult. How can I get to the Yar Empire?

After much deliberation, Kiyana really can't think of any other way. Judging from the current situation, if Qiyana and Mien want to go to the Yar Empire, they must have a spaceship. The spaceship of the rescue force is no longer able to If you don't use it again, then the only thing left "... is the spaceships used by those killers.

Is it possible to grab the ship? Only in this way can they leave the Pirate World and go to the Yar Empire.

But snatching the ship is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do it. After all, it is impossible for the enemy to just give up the spaceship to herself, and a battle is bound to happen, but now Qiyana has nothing else to do. There is a way.

"Mion, we may have to grab the boat, otherwise we won't be able to leave here.

Kiyana turned her head to look at Mi En and said, Mi En nodded, she also knows the current situation, there is no other way but to snatch the boat

...are you trying to steal the enemy's ship?"

Bonnie couldn't help asking suspiciously when she heard the words.


"Then let me help too."

Kiyana couldn't help looking at Bonnie in surprise when she heard the words. She didn't expect that Bonnie planned to help. Didn't she just advise herself not to get involved in this matter?

Kiyana opened her mouth and was about to say something when she was interrupted by Bonnie.

"Even if it's a fake queen, it's still a queen, right? Colonel Milne, don't forget the generous reward you promised me in advance?"

Bonnie turned her head to look at Mi En. Although many things happened in the middle, her goal remained the same, to protect the royal descendants and send her to the spaceship to the Yar Empire, even if the queen was a fake.

Mi En hesitated for a while, then nodded. Now that they need help, she will naturally not refuse.

"Then we are a cooperative relationship, Fu Hua

Bonnie said to Kiyana with a smile, and winked at Kiyana at the same time.

OP SE2 Xiaozhi

Qiyana's face gradually became stiff, um, what is this guy trying to do? Why is she blinking at her? Qiyana was a little confused.

"Captain Bonnie, are we really going to do it? Those guys are great."

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