...what are you going to do?"

Enilu suddenly felt something was wrong, this woman who sneaked in secretly seemed to want to kill herself to silence her?

"Sorry, I'm forced to, too."

Kiyana sighed, then walked towards Enil Road.

"Wait, I won't say it, I'm not on this ship,...don't come here.'

Enilu panicked, and hurriedly struggled to get up from the ground, but the armor on his body was too heavy. He wouldn't pay attention to this weight at ordinary times, but right now he was seriously injured and was completely weak .

Speaking of which, this person looks a little familiar. This short-sighted look and those long earlobes are really exaggerated.

Qiyana suddenly felt that the person in front of her was very familiar. She didn't look carefully just now, but now she realized this characteristic when she was about to make a move. Kiyana didn't remember who it was for a while, but she was sure of the person in front of her. This person is definitely an acquaintance.

Qiyana froze for a while and thought for a while, and finally remembered who the long-standing man in front of her was. Isn't this Enilu? Pfft, she was beaten so badly.

"You are really miserable.

After figuring out the identity of the person in front of her, Qiyana also heaved a sigh of relief, at least she didn't have to worry about her whereabouts being exposed, but Qiyana didn't expect that Enilo would be arrested. Well, they fought with the killer sent by Jean on the moon.

Although Kiyana knew that Enilo was also on the moon, she didn't expect that Enilo would also get involved, and fell to this point, and was brought back to the earth.

Qiyana turned around and planned to leave, so let's just leave this guy alone and finish his mission first.

..Hey, don't go, woman, quickly take off this clothes for me.

Seeing that Qiyana was about to leave, Enilu, who was a little flustered just now, hurriedly said, but his tone of voice was a bit strong, as if fate

like tone.

Qiyana felt extremely uncomfortable when she heard that, she turned her head and gave Enilu a white look.

"Is this the way you ask people to do things?

...Please, help me take off my clothes, please?"

Enilu squeezed out a very stiff smile from the corner of his mouth, pleading with Qiyana, but his smile could almost scare a child to tears, so it wasn't really pretty.

There is no way, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Now only Qiyana can save him. This is the only way for him to escape. He must not let it go. In order to escape from here, the dignity of a god or something It doesn't matter anymore.

Just let him escape from here, he will make those who dare to humiliate him pay a heavy price.

"You figured it out?

"I can't help it 5

After all, Qiyana turned around and left, Anilu almost vomited blood angrily, after a long time, are you kidding me, woman?

"Do you know I'm accurate? I'm a god. Are you going to die for God?"

"I've never seen a god who was beaten up with a black nose and a swollen face.

Enilu was speechless when Qiyana choked suddenly, not knowing what to say to refute her.

"Please, save me, what are you going to do to save me? I'm really a god, you won't regret it after saving me."

Seeing that Qiyana walked to the door and was about to close the door, Anilu finally couldn't help but bowed his head, and put on a low profile posture

....You know what? My take on the gods. "

Qiyana leaned against the gate, folded her hands on her chest and said lightly, Enilu couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when she heard this, what do you think of the gods? How do I know?

Before Qiyana could say a word, she was like a kitten with frizzy hair, her hair stood up all over her body, and her long, smooth gray hair was like a hedgehog. It was like an afro.

...cough cough. "

Qiyana lay powerless on the ground, a trace of electric arc flashed across her body from time to time, and the smell of barbecue came from Qiyana's body.

Anilu looked at Qiyana who was lying on the ground like him in a daze, he still didn't understand what was going on, why was this woman electrocuted?

Could it be that his ability suddenly worked again? Thinking of this, Anilu hurriedly tried to activate his ability, but he still couldn't elementalize his body and escape from the clothes.

After a while, Qiyana got up from the ground, staring at the ceiling with a resentful expression, saying that she can't do it? She's really narrow-minded.

"Hey, woman, help me take off this dress quickly, I believe you have also seen my supernatural power, how about it? I didn't lie to you, right? Help me quickly if you are sensible.

Anilu ordered with a cold face, although he didn't know what happened just now, but his ability should have played a role suddenly, otherwise, how could this woman be electrocuted out of thin air?

"Yo? You guys are pretty good at playing by ear? If I didn't know who called me just now, I would have been taken aback by you.

Qiyana didn't expect that Anilu was quite shameless. She was obviously a certain old virgin who was shaking to the extreme, but Enilu actually said that it was his divine power. If you weren't wearing Hailoushi armor, I almost believed it.

Qiyana angrily got up from the ground, ready to leave here.Jiu Xiao

"Hey, woman, do you dare to try one by one? Aren't you afraid that I will use my divine power again?! Play

Seeing that Qiyana was about to leave again, Enilu quickly threatened.

Kiyana turned her head to look at Enilu--glance, and kicked straight up.

"Electricity, right? Gods, right? You know what I hate most is the so-called gods, the hateful creatures?"

琪亚娜骑在艾尼路的身上,永暮双狼拳套对着艾尼路的脸就是啪啪啪一顿招呼,疯狂暴揍-顿之后,琪亚娜终于是解气了,坐在了- On the sofa next to him, there was a satisfied smile on his face.

Anilu was lying on the ground, wanting to cry, but what was this woman doing here? He could clearly feel that the woman didn't use any force but just gave her a few symbolic slaps.

"Really, I didn't expect to meet you here.

"..you know me?"

Enilu couldn't help asking in doubt when he heard the words. In his impression, he had no memory of Qiyana. Enilu was sure that he didn't know this woman, but why did the other party put on a face that seemed to know him a long time ago? manner?

'Um, my captain mentioned you to me, you should know him too, that is the rubber man. "

"So you're that bastard's companion?"

Enilu suddenly became excited, he will never forget Luffy's face, he will remember it until he dies, Enilu's heart suddenly turned cold, fuck, finally had a chance to escape, but never expected This woman turned out to be the rubber man's companion.

"Hey, be respectful, what is that bastard? That's my captain!"

Kiyana raised her foot and kicked Anilu's ass. After being kicked, Enilu dared not speak out, but kept silent. He was already concerned about the escape. Don't hold out any hope.


Looking at Enilu who was lying on the ground without blinking, Qiyana also sighed, then got up from the sofa, came to Enilu's side, and began to try to help Enilu get down the sea tower stone armor.


Enilu's eyes widened slightly, he didn't expect that Qiyana finally chose to help him out of trouble, and he had given up any hope so far, which was really beyond his expectation.

"This thing is really hard to get rid of, they may come back at any time.

"It's okay, take your time, don't worry, as long as you liberate me, there will be no problem, I have already thought of a way to deal with them

Anilu+arranged his body together so that Kiyana's hand could reach his back. Kiyana bent down, and the black-rimmed glasses slipped from her face and fell to the ground. Anilu also noticed Qiyana's hand. Yana's face.

For some reason, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a feeling he had never felt before quietly rose in his heart. A very pleasant fragrance came from Qiyana's body, which penetrated into his nostrils. Unknowingly, he was Some were dumbfounded, as if there was a unique charm in Kiyana that was attracting him.

It's not that Anel has never seen a beautiful woman, but this is the first time a woman can give him such a strange feeling, a woman who looks very powerful, strange, what is going on with this strange feeling in his heart? Enilo was secretly puzzled.

"Don't move, I'm about to untie it.

Qiyana turned Anilu over and touched him for a long time. Finally, Qiyana found a way to take off the Hailoushi armor.

Soon, Qiyana opened the Hailoushi armor, pulled Enilu out of it, and backhanded the Hailoushi armor into the material space. Fortunately, Qiyana had gloves to block Hailoushi, otherwise, the It's really difficult to help Anilu get out.

After Anilu was finally liberated, he also sat down against the wall. There were many wounds on his body, and it could be seen what kind of inhumane abuse he had suffered before.

Kiyana picked up the glasses hanging on the ground, and put them back on the bridge of her nose. During the process, Enilu- -keeps peeking at Kiyana's movements. Kiyana is very sensitive to other people's sights, so she naturally noticed it , so he turned his head and asked, "Why--look at me?

"Why do I want to see you

Enilu turned his head and snorted coldly, the strange feeling just now must be an illusion.


Chapter 27 Gods are the most annoying!


At this time, Enilo realized that the Hailoushi armor that was still here just now disappeared, and it disappeared the moment he turned his head? It is impossible not to see such a big thing in this room, after all, there is no shelter .

Enilu only saw Kiyana put her hands on the strange clothes and disappeared. She presumably did it, but she did it in a way that she couldn't understand.

Could it be that she also has special abilities? Just like that rubber man? Enel thought secretly.

"Can't you even say thank you?"

Kiyana looked at Anilu who was resting on the ground leaning against the wall, and gave him an annoyed look. The expression seemed to be coquettish and angry. Anilu only felt his heart beating a little faster, and then he moved away in embarrassment. He looked away, pretended to be very cold and said: "Hmph God doesn't need to thank you, God can do whatever he wants."

"...What a hit.

Kiyana touched the back of her head, restraining herself from wanting to step forward and beat Enilu again. For some reason, Kiyana always had the tendency to substitute Enilu into Besta, the S-shaking god I feel like I can't help but want revenge.

Besides, Enilo always claims to be a god, and Qiyana hates the gods to the bone, wishing that all existences like gods will die.

"God or something, it's the most annoying.

Kiyana muttered in a low voice, showing a disgusted expression. Although Kiyana spoke in a very low voice, she still fell into Enilo's eyes.

Does she hate gods?

Anilu sat there without saying a word, the wound on his body was still bleeding, and a faint pain was transmitted to the brain, that bastard named Chek was tormenting himself all the time, and Enilu had forever put that hateful face remember.

In the last defeat, Ai Nilu admitted that he was a little careless. After all, except for the rubber man, he hardly encountered other people who could pose a threat to him. His mentality was unstable and he did not show his true strength.

During the period of being locked up, Anilu reflected a lot, and also thought of a very correct way to deal with it. If there was another time, Anilu promised that he would not lose to the opponent.

It was just that I was too careless last time and was seized the opportunity.


Now this woman liberated herself and gave herself a chance to take revenge. He must firmly grasp this opportunity and let those bastards die painfully in endless torture.

After liberating Enilo, Qiyana is also preparing to leave here. Her mission has not yet been completed, so she sneaks into the spaceship secretly and takes control of the spaceship in her own hands.

Because of Anilu, Kiyana has delayed some time, now it must be done as soon as possible, Bonnie and the others may not be able to hold on

"Where are you going?'

Seeing that Qiyana wanted to leave, Enilo also asked - sound.

"Control room, I want to seize control of this spaceship, do you want to-get up?

"Of course, I will make them pay a heavy price."

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